Chapter 26: Fight your counterpart self
Explosions are seen in the distance in the woods as both Metal Y/n and Y/n continue their battle as we cut into the battle as we see Y/n being thrown and slammed onto a tree and fell onto wthe ground. Metal Y/n walks over to him and was about to stomp on his head but Y/n rolled out of the way just as Metal Y/n stomps his feet to where Y/n was.
Y/n stood back up and pulls out his burst wispon and fire flames at Metal Y/n trying to damage him but he walks through the flames like they were nothing to him and grabs his Wispon and throws it out of his hand and throws it away. He grabs Y/n by the neck and lift him up in the air as he stare Y/n as he tells him.
Metal Y/n: You may have all thw Wispon but try your best because I'll always get pass them all. You and your friends will stand no chance against me.
Sonic: We'll see about that!
Metal Y/n drops Y/n and turn and catch Sonic's spin attack as Metal Y/n grabs him like it doesn't hurt him as he throws Sonic that sent him flying and crash through a wall and land on a table where the girls are sitting in the living talking when Sonic burst through the wall and land on a table and crush it.
Tangle: (smile) Oh hey Sonic. How is your fight with shadow going?
Sonic: Um yeah we already stop that. We're now fighting someone else.
They were confused but when they got outside they see Y/n fighting Metal Y/n as Metal Y/n throws Y/n to the ground and fire lighting at him which he dodge while the girls watch this go on.
Amy: (shocked) Is that a Metal version is Y/n?!
Silver: Yeah and I think that's the same robot that I saw in the future.
Shadow, Silver, Tails, Knuckles and Omega came up to with them with the still uncomfortable Whisper.
Tangle: (shocked) What happened to her?!
Tails: We believe Metal Y/n attacked her and now he's now attacking Y/n.
Tangle: (smirk) Well can't let Y/n have all the fun. I know, I'll tie Metal Y/n up so Y/n will get the upper hand!
Jewel: just be careful Tangle.
Tangle nods as she race over while both Metal Y/n and Y/n were fighting as she leaps up and use her tail to tie up the Metal Y/n and once that Tangle calls out.
Tangle: Now, this is the chance for a counter attack Y/n!
Y/n: Um Tangle.
She turn to see she accidentally tie up Y/n instead which she nervous chuckle while saying.
Tangle: Whoops, sorry.
Metal Y/n sees this as stupidly but this was his chance to end their lives once and for al-
Eggman: (radio) Metal Y/n, can you hear me! Do you copy!?
Metal Y/n: I'm here sir.
Eggman: (radio) Where the heck did you go! I told you to return back to base after you Scout the area for a choas Emerald!
Metal Y/n: Sir I am just-
Eggman: (radio) Oh never mind! Return to base immediately!
Metal Y/n: As you wish.
Once he hears up Tangle was just done letting Y/n go as Metal Y/n active his boosters and takes off mid air but before he leaves he warns Y/n and the rest.
Metal Y/n: This ain't the last time you see me! The next time we battle, we will see who will fall and who will rise.
Then he flies off as they watch him leave as Silver knows it have to be him he saw in the future, no doubt about it.
They return back to knothole as we see Sonic, Shadow and Silver at King Maximilian and Lady Alicia throne room. After they told Maximilian what happened Maximilian asked Silver.
Maximilian: Silver, is this robot in your timeline the same robot that you and the rest saw?
Silver: There's no doubt about it. I believe this will be the start of his rule of power.
Sonic: (smirk) Well it ain't the first time one of hid copy versions of us ever try to overthrow Eggman and take over the world. This will be easy.
Shadow: Have you noticed Metal Y/n acts completely different to the other Metal models?
Sonic: Like what?
Shadow: He sees himself as the fake and accepted it, he fights more aggressively to any other Metal models and more importantly he shown less respectful towards Eggman when he contacts him.
Sonic: Huh I see your point. You think this might be a new kind of Metal model?
Shadow: It's possible, Y/n did say Eggman took his DNA and not just collect data and put them on into his Metal models and the sent them out into battle.
Silver: Still if that is the case which means this might be the start of his rise into power.
Maximilian: I see. What else did you saw in thr future?
Silver: Now you think about it, there was thid large planet over the sky. At first I thought it was just a bigger moon but I was wrong, it looked like a battle station.
Maximilian: A battle station!? Hmmm.
Alicia: What should we do?
Maximilian: For now we must make sure none of these things will never happen. I'll sent out spies to get information about Eggmans plans and what he is will do with Metal Y/n. In the mean time, you three get some rest, you all deserve it.
Sonic: (smirk) Thanks king, take care.
They exit out of the throne room while Maximilian feels worried about the future and if they can stop it from ever gonna come true.
We see Y/n at the hospital here to visit Whisper and see she is feeling alright. While he making his way down, Doctor Quack came up to him which Y/n ask him.
Y/n: How is she?
Quack: She'll be fine but she must take it easy and not push herself too far. I must say, the technology she has is impressive, it's nothing we ever seen.
Y/n: That's interesting. Has Tails have a look at them?
Quack: Yes and he said that they were impressive. Who ever made them must be very clever and smart when it come sto technology.
Y/n: (smirk) Looks like Tails or ain't the only smart person in Mubuis.
Doctor Quack nods and they arrive to a room where Whisper is in. Y/n opens the door and enter inside and see Whisper staring out of the window facing away from him as Y/n walks aver to him while he ask her.
Y/n: You okay Whis-
When Whisper turn to him he see her true face and this was the first time he ever seen her without a mask before.
Y/n: (thought) Wow I never see Whisper without a mask before. She's actually......pretty cute.
Y/n: (little blush) Um hey Whsiper. How are you feeling?
Whisper: (whisper) Good.
Y/n: That's good to here. Do you remember what happened?
Whisper: (whisper) Ambush. Can't hold that thing off. Lost the fight.
Y/n: I see. Well, I'm just glad your alright and not hurt.
Whisper: (whisper) Thank you.
She blushes feeling a bit embarrassed to have Y/n look at her real face but he give her a smile which she felt kinda comfortable and then Tangle came in and walks over to the two.
Tangle: (smile) Hey there! Names Tangle, you must be that silent wolf that Y/n told me about. Nice to meet you!
Whisper: (whisper) Thanks. Whisper.
Tangle: (whisper) Oh sorry, didn't mean to-
Y/n: (chuckle) No that is her name. Whisper.
Tangle: Ooooohhhhhhh, that's a cool name.
Then to their surprise Wisps came into the room and surround Whisper which she smile and pets them all which surprised both Y/n and Tangle.
Y/n: (smile) So I'm gonna take a guess say they are your friends.
Whisper: (whisper) Yes. Good friends.
Tangle: (surprised) That is so cool! So how can you keep them self in battle?
Whisper: (whisper) Containers. Where they be safe.
Tangle: (smile) Cool! Hey, you never been to Knothole haven't you? How about we show you around. There is some clothes store that you must try.
Whsiper: (whisper) You sure?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah We don't mind. As soon you leave the hospital, we can go.
Whisper: (whisper) Okay. Thank you.
The two leave while Whisper and her Wisp were alone qs Whisper smile and blush a bit to get to hang out with Y/n and get to know him more.
(A while later)
We see the trio at the market place where we see them in the clothes store and assisted Whisper to try some clothes which she did and now they wait outside of the changing room waiting for her to come out.
Elina: (smile) Hello you two.
Then Elina walks over to them with bags of clothes on her hand as she walks over to them.
Tangle: (smile) Hey Elina, out for some clothes shopping?
Elina: (smile) Yep. Actually Rouge wants me to get some clothes for her and the other girls as well.
Tangle: What for? Is there gonna be a dress up party?
Elina: Don't know but she said not to worry about it.
Tangle: Huh weird.
Elina: Hey Y/n, how did you know....during the trail?
Y/n: To be honest with you, I was kinda nervous but I gone through with it in the end and now we know Eggman is responsible for the Chaos Emeralds and we're gonna try to get it back.
Tangle: (smirk) Yeah!
Elina: (smile) Well I'm just glad your back safe and sound.
Whisper: (whisper) What do you think?
They turn to see Whisper in her new clothes which looked way cute with some new clothes.
Tangle: (surprised) Wow! Whisper you look very beautiful!
Elina: (surprised) Whoa!
Whisper: (whisper) I-It ain't something I never try before.
Y/n: (smile) Well I think it looks great on you Whisper.
Whisper: (whisper) Thanks.
She blushes while her heart skip a beat as she thinks about it and thinks that this clothes might suit well for her. Once that they continue on walking through the market when they come across a crowd gathering around with paper on their hand as they cheer around someone.
Tangle: Wounder what is going on here?
Whisper: (whisper) Trouble?
Y/n: I don't think so. They seem to be happy.
Then the crowd breaks apart and they see Honey as they wave goodbye to her fans as she slide her pen into her pocket.
Tangle: (surprised) Hey look, it's Honey!
Honey looks over to see them especially Y/n as she race up to him and hugs him which surprised Y/n a bit.
Honey: (smile) Hello my super fan~!
Y/n: (surprised) Hey there Honey. What brings you here to Knothole all of sudden?
Honey: I heard about your arrest and I was worried so I head there to defend you but when I got there it was already too late. So I hang around Knothole giving our autographs and hanging out with Mina.
Tangle: (smile) That's good. What did you two talk about?
Honey: Just the usual. Talking about our fame, share some notes and she agree to sponsor me in the next concert.
Y/n: (smile) That's pretty cool to hear.
Honey: (smile) Yeah I know! So, since you are back how about you and I get you know each other more shall we?
Y/n: Um I'm currently hanging out with Tangle and Whsiper. Maybe another time?
Honey: (smile) Sure thing! Take care my super fan~!
She winks him in a cute way and heads off.
Tangle: (smile) Well this is gonna be interesting.
Whisper: (whisper) So where to?
Y/n: I'll take you to my place, we can hang out there for the rest of the night.
Tangle: (smile) Awesome! This will be like a sleep over!
Whisper agrees as they head there and once there Y/n show Whisper around his home which looks pretty peaceful and nice. Soon they enter the garden which looks amazing as Whsiper walks into the Garden and looks around.
Whisper: (whisper) Amazing!
Tangle: (smile) I know right! Y/n really likes gardening and making some upgrades to his back yard.
Y/n: (smile) You could say it's an addiction.
Tangle: (smile) But in a beautiful way!
Whsiper was amazed by all of this as she bend down to look at the flowers while Y/n walks up to her and bend cown next to her.
Whisper: (whisper) They are beautiful. You did great work.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. For some reason this helps me to remember something about my past. It almost like everything was gone except for the beauty of nature.
Whisper turns to Y/n which Y/n sees that she was confused about his past so she tells her.
Whisper: (whisper) So lost of memory of your past?
Y/n: Yeah. I just work up on a beach and that was it.
Whisper: (whisper) I'm sorry.
Y/n: (smile) That's okay. One day I will find oit my past, someday.
Whisper smiles at him which is cute for Y/n to see her smile like that. Then they hear a knock at the door which Y/n walks over and opens the door.
Y/n: Hey how can I help yo-
He froze in place when he sees Amy, Rouge and Blaze standing at the door all wearing maid outfits as they stare at him and said.
Amy, Rouge and Blaze: Hello Master Y/n~!
Y/n froze there in place not knowing what to day say when Tangle and Whisper appear behind Y/n see what they were wearing.
Tangle: (surprised) Whoa cool outfits!
Whisper: (whisper) I thinm your missing the point.
Rouge: (smirk) Hmm didn't suspect for more guest to arrive master Y/n.
Y/n: (blush) Um can you tell me why you three are wearing that?
Amy: (smile) Figure we dress up as maids, just to see what you will react. What do you think Master Y/n~?
Blaze: (blushing) I-Is there anything you like us to do? M-master Y/n?
Rouge: (smirk) Anything that you can think of? Maybe we cook you dinner, wash your back? Or maybe "something" else?
Y/n was blushed and doesn't know what to say when Tangle calls out.
Tangle: (smile) Hey is there any spare maid outfits for me! It looks fun!
Whisper: (whisper) S-S-Same?
Rouge: (smirk) Yep. Dig in.
After a while Tangle and Whsiper are now wearing maid outfits as well as they stood in front of Y/n in the living room awaiting for Y/n's orders while Y/n looks at them all still blushing as he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Well here gose our normal sleep over. (Nervous chuckle)
We see Eggman, Orbot and Cubot at the control room when Metal Y/n enter thr room and walks over to Eggman as he turn to him.
Eggman: Ah Metal Y/n, you return alive and well. Any luck before you go start a fight with Sonic and his friends?
His chest opens up and pulls out a purple chaos Emerald and hands it to Eggman which he takes and smirks.
Eggman: (smirk) Good. Only one more and my plan will be done. You did a good work Metal Y/n, now leave.
Metal Y/n: Of course sir.
He turns and make his leave while Orbot and Cubot watch him leave the room.
Orbot: He's very different to the rest of the Metal models.
Cubot: Yeah. It's like having a different topping on your pizza rather then having the same one over and over again.
Orbot: Still I must ask Doctor Eggman. What makes Metal Y/n so different to the rest.
Eggman: (smirk) I'm glad you ask.
He pushes a button and a screen of Metal Y/n is seen as Eggman gose on to explain.
Eggman: Not only his powers are from the Y/n's DNA thqt I have gotten a while back, but I have giving him a special chip that allows him to be far more clever, far more stronger and most important far more deadly to his enemies. He is my ultimate Metal model!
Orbot: I see but what if know?
Cubot: Betrays you like many other robots that you've made.
Orbot thinks they will be scrap but Eggman simply tells them.
Eggman: (smirk) That is true, so I have learn from my mistakes and install a mini bomb that blows up Metal Y/n if he betrays me. This bomb will destroy him but saves the special data chip from ever getting damage. Once that I can just install his memories and thoughts into another robot so it be easy for me to control.
Cubot: Wow that us very smart sir.
Orbot: Yes. Very smart indeed.
Eggman: (smirk) Yes I know I am.
Little did they know we see Metla Y/n at the other side of the door and hearing everything as he slowly makes a fist and then walks off to act his plan of overthrow Eggman.....and free his brothers and sisters from his chains so they can rule Mubuis rather then Eggman.
To be continued.................
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