Chapter 23: The Special zone (Arc 2)

We see Manic and Sonia at the garden planting some plants while pulling out some and load tnem into the basket while we see Y/n, Bernadette and Jules as Y/n explains them everything that has been happening on the Prime zone and after he was done telling them they were shocked.

Jules: So you were framed of a crime and they sent you here to find us so you can proof that your innocent?

Y/n: That right. I was hoping this mission will be easy but i think you know it didn't turn out well.

Bernadette: I feel terrible that everyone thinks your a thief. It must be hurtful they where against you.

Y/n: Not all of them. Some were on my side and even Sonic as well.

Jules: Well that's our boy alright. Have a kind heart.

Bernadette: (smile) Indeed. He mist be all alone without us being with him.

Y/n: Wait you know sonic?

Jules: Of course. We're Sonic's parents.

Y/n: (surprised) Really?! That means Manic and Sonia are his-?

Jules: Brother and sister, yep. I don't think he doesn't even know they yet.

Y/n: Yeah I can't wait the shock he'll have when he sees he has siblings. So let's talk about this Acorn empire and what happened to them? Sally said they were nice people, what happened to them whioe being here?

Jules: It's a long story but we will tell you. After Eggman put us here we wonder for a bit trying to find anything in order to survive. We chop down some trees to build homes and live I there for a while. That is until "he" arrived and changed everything up.

Y/n: What do you mean changed everything up?

Bernadette: At first he came for a truths and want to help us to survive by using his powers to upgrade out place as a castle and soon a town. It wasn't much but it will do for now. At first we thought he really changed until Jules and I realised that we were wrong. He use his powers to control the royal family and military leaders so he can rule with an iron fist. I too was mind control but broke free thanks to Jules.

Jules: Due to my body being roboticized I was resistant to his powers but when he realised this he try to captured us but we escape. At first we live in the woods but one of his servants founnd us so we moved to here where we be safe.

Y/n: So abandoned wooden house I found used to be your home right? And the map I found belonged to you two!

Bernadette: Indeed.

Y/n: Alright that make sense now but one thing you didn't told me. This person who has this powers, who is he?

The two look at each other and back to Y/n as they tell him.

Jules: His name is Walter Naugus and he's one of the most dangerous people Mubuis has ever have.

Bernadette: Many years ago he was a feared magic user who spread his choas to many lands until the ancestor of the Acorn family banished him to the Special Zone so he won't rain his terror again. Now he has return but this time he has the Acorn family under his spell.

Y/n: Then we have to snap them out of it! Is there anyway we can snap them out of him?

Jules: The only way to do that is by defeating him. It is the only way to break his spell but I must warn you, he is very powerful.

Y/n: Then that means I have to train hard to defeat him and get the Acorn family and you all out of here.

Bernadette: (smile) That's the spirit. Jules might help you, he servant the Acorn army before he was roboticized will you hun.

Jules: (chuckle) Oh please, I maybe trapped in a robot body but I know my fighting styles and tricks for Y/n.

Then Jules stand up and tells Y/n.

Jules: Alright Y/n, let's head outside to start training and let's see what you got.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing sir.

And so the the two start to train outside as Jules show him his moves and skills to him and then outs it to the test by facing him in hand to hand combat. Y/n dose the skills and it was surprisingly very easy and not as hard as Shadow's training.

The two do hand to hand combat and Y/n must admit Jules is pretty hard to blow a punch. Not because of his metal nody but he dodges and quickly catches his blows as well. They done this for a while until they take a break.

Jules: That was good Y/n. You must been training with someone else before you came here.

Y/n: Yeah and your a better teacher then the one who teach me.

Jules chuckle while Manic walks over to them and ask.

Manic: Yo Dad, what are you two doing?

Jules: Just training son. How are the plants?

Manic: Eh their growing but I think Sonia need some help.

Jules: Well that's Sonia alright. Guess I'll go check up on her.

Y/n: How about I'll see what's wrong while you take a break.

Jules: Really?

Y/n: (smile) Sure.

Jules nods as Y/n walks off and find Sonia by the garden and see she was getting frustrated so Y/n walks up to her and ask.

Y/n: Need some help?

Sonia: Oh hey Y/n yeah. It's just this garden isn't growing properly. This has been happening every time and I have no idea what's wrong.

Y/n bend down and feels the dirt and see it's cold and looks up to see no sun in the sky.

Y/n: The dirt is cold. This dirt needs to be warm in order for the plants to grow.

Sonia: Huh guess that would make sense. And that would explain why Manic's plants isn't growing as well. So what do you think we should do?

Y/n: We either need to find a warm spot for the plant to grow or try making the dirt warm enough so the plants can draw.

Sonia: We have a heater light we can us to heat up the dirt.

Y/n: (smile) That can do. Let's set it up.

They pull out the heater light and place it up over the garden. Once that was done Sonia turns to Y/n and ask.

Sonia: You must have known about plants then me.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I kinda god that hobby when I join the Freedom fighters. You should have seen my garden, it's great.

Sonia: (smile) Can't wait for that. Say Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Sonia: What type of music do you like?

Y/n: I like soft and calm songs, sometimes rock music when ever the feel like it.

Sonia: (smile) Sweet I like those type of music as well.

Y/n: (smile) That's cool.

Sonia: (smile) Say what is the prime zone like? Is it pretty?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's very pretty. Disbite a bit of conflict that has been going on, it's very pretty.

Sonia: (smile) Sounds nice. Can't wait to go there.

Y/n: (smile) Trust me you like it.

Sonia continues to smile while she blushes a bit while her heart skip a beat a bit. She never fall in love of anyone before so this was her first time falling in love with someone after so long.

Manic: Your in love!

The two jump to see Manic behind them as Sonia hits him on the head and the two argue while Y/n chuckle a bit as he look at his watch and he onky have 14 house and 15 minutes left.

Y/n: (thought) Crap. I'm waisting time. I better get them out of here before the portal opens. I have the Hedgehog family I just need to defeat Walter and get the Acorn family out of here as well. Well as long nothing bad happens, i think I should be fine.

Suddenly the farm got hit with explosions around the farm as this shake them. After that Jules and Bernadette exit out of the farm while Y/n, Sonia and Manic came around and they were shocked to see the Acorn empire army found them.

Manic: (shocked) Aw man! They found us!

Jules: Get behind me eveyone!

???: Looks like we finally found you at long last.

Then two of the Acorn empire best soldiers approaches them with weapons I hand.

Y/n: How did you found us?!

???: We track the last know location and soon we put the pieces together and now we found you.

Manic: Should have rub away the footprints of the dirt.

Sonia: Yeah same here.

Lynx: (smirk) Since your new here allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lighting Lynx one of the most deadly servant within the Avorn empire.

Flying: Hehehe and I am Flying and you all are in trouble. Heheheheh.

Y/n: Okay he is creeping me out.

Sonia: Same here.

Jules: You'll be wise to leave here well you still can.

Lynx: (smirk) Oh really and what are you going to do old man? You gonna fight us?

Jules: I maybe old but I servant and fought the great mubian war.

Lynx: (smirk) That maybe so but there is one single problem.

Then he kicks Jules sending him flying as he crashed into their home while Bernadette rushes over to Jules to see he is alright.

Lynx: (smirk) I was trained to be the best ninja ever by the best clan ever!

Manic: (anger) Hey not cool bro!

Sonia: (anger) Your gonna pay for that!

Y/n: (anger) Yeah big time.

Lynx: (smirk) In that case show me what you got.

Manic and Sonia rushes up to try to face him but he dodges their attacks and he takes them down in ease. Soon Y/n rush up and try to land a blow to him but he grabs his fist and slams him to the ground.

Lynx: Just guve up. No point of facing me!

Y/n: We'll see about that!

He spone us leg to trip him but he leaps up while Y/n stand up and looks around for him until he quickly turn around and quickly blocks a fist from Lynx.

Sonia and Manic see Y/n needs help so they rush over to him only for Flying to block them and attack them.

Flying: Hehehe you two are gonna be teach a little lesson to not miss with us. Hehehehe.

Sonia: Man he's is creepy.

Manic: Don't worry sis, we can take him on!

Sonia: But what about Y/n?

Y/n pushes Lynx away while he tells the two.

Y/n: I'll be fine. You two deal with Flying and get your parents out of here!

Sonia: Alright. Be careful.

Y/n nods while he dodges a strike from Lynx qnd the two battle while Manic sees a water hose and has an idea.

Manic: I got an idea. Sis hold him off, I'll be back!

Sonia: Okay.

Flying launch towards her but she dodge his attack but Flying land onto hid legs and feet like a a animal as he chuckle in a creepy way once more and laucnh towards Sonia but Manic appears and stick a water hoe into Flyings mouth as he pours water into him as Flying's body gets bigger, bigger and bigger until Manic pulls it out and Flying  flies off with trails of water coming out of his mouth as he flies out of the farm.

Sonia  (smirk) Nice work.

Manic: (smirk) Who knew plant tools are useful besides plant work.

The guards see this and they march towards them as Sonia and Manic see this just as Jules and Bernadette exit out of the farm as Jules tells them.

Jules: We gonna go now!

Sonia: Right! Come on Y/n, let's go!

We see Y/n still fighting Lynx as he pinned Y/n to the ground as he struggled to get him off while he tells Sonia

Y/n: No! They just gonna chase us! You guys get to the portals location and wait for me their! If I won't arrive by the time the portal opens, then leave me!

He kicks Lynx out as he stand up while the guards march towards him but he rushes towards them and he battle them as he try his best to get them away from the Hedgehog family as they stand there and watch this.

Jules: We must go.

Sonia: But we can't leave Y/n behind!

Jules: He's doing what ever he can to help us. I'm sorry but we have no choice.

Sonia knows she can't abandoned him but with no choice they make a run for it while Y/n try his best to hold them off but soon he gets overwhelmed by the guards and he gets slammed to the ground by them. Lynx appears in front of Y/n as he look down at him with a smirk ad he took out his blade and tells Y/n.

Lynx: (smirk) It looks like you deserve more then prsion time Y/n. You deserve to die!

He raised his blade to the air read to cut his head clean off but he suddenly cannot pull his blade down. In fact, he can't move including the rest of the guards as a green glow appear around them as they were suddenly thrown away and land hard on the ground hard.

They fall unconscious while Y/n slowly stand up and lok around in surprised that he is saved but by who.

???: You! I finally found you!

He turn around to see floating Hedgehog as he slowly lands on his feet and rushes towards him.

Y/n: Thanks for the save. So....who are you?

Silver: Oh sorry my name is Silver, Silver the Hedgehog and I finally found you Y/n.

Y/n: How do you know my name?

Silver: I'm from the future and we have been searching for you for a long while.

Y/n: We?

Behind Y/n Lynx slowly stands up as he grind his teeth and charge at them when a fire ball hits Lynx as he lands back on the ground again as a female mubian cat approached the two.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow nice one. You are....?

Blaze: You may call me Blaze and it's a good thing we found you just in time.

Y/n: Why? What is going on?

Silver: Listen in the future the prime zone will be ruled by machines and eveyrone in slavery because of them.

Y/n: You mean Eggman won in thr future?

Silver: It's not Eggman.

Y/n: What?

Silver: A machine far more powerful who kills Eggman, Sonic and the rest of the Freedom fighters. So powerful in fact I don't think I can face him. So I want back in time to try to see what happened, after a while it turns out this robot has your powers and DNA. We head to the Freedom fighters to try and find you weren't there.

Blaze: We managed to talk to Amy and Cream and they tell us that you were in the special zone so I use the sol Emeralds to teleport me and Silver there so we can find you.

Silver: And now we have found you, we can take you back home and you can help us!

Y/n: No. Not yet, I need to do my job and that is helping the Acorn family and free them from their spell.

Silver: But your not guilty. After we told Amy and Crram about the future, they believed that who ever this robot is who has your powers and DNA might be the one that took the choas Emeralds.

Y/n: Still I won't come back until I complete my mission. I don't care if I want to proof myself innocent or guilty, I can't just abandoned them. Besides, Sally, Sonic and Tails really do miss their parents especially those leaders who have families back in the prime zone. I won't leave here until I complete my mission.

There was a moment of silence with Silver and Blaze a bit surprised by Y/n's determination which Silver thinks about it and then made his decision.

Silver: Alright I see your point but Y were gonna help you.

Y/n: That's good. I needed some back up right about now.

Blaze: What about the Hedgehog family?

Y/n: They be fine. We can meet them up at the portals location but first we got the Acorn family to save.

The two nod and they head off to the Acorn empire castle to face off with Walter and free the Acorn family from Walters spell and leave the Special Zone with them for good.


Simian enter the throne room as he walks up to the figure as the figure looks at him as Simian salute him snd inform him.

Simian: Sir the Hedgehog family managed to escape butbwe believe that Y/n is on his way here.

???: I see. Get ready the troops Sargent, it's time to see how strong this Hedgehog might be.

Simian: Yes sir. What about the Acorn family?

Then the candles light up around the room as we can see the figure clearly as Walter himself as he leaves his throne chair and tells Simian.

Walter: (smirk) They have surpassed their usefulness. I think it's time for me to....."set them free." (Evil laughter)

To be continued.................

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