Chapter 20: The Chaotix quest (Arc 4 Final)

We see over see a large transport like vehicle as we see the Baron, Matilda and Mighty standing on it as Mighty is getting strapped into a cage so he won't escape while the Baron tells him while his men dose this.

Baron: I'm sorry about this boy but we don't want your cover to blown if Jack find out.

Mighty: It's alright Baron, I understand.

Mighty turn to his sister which she looks at him for a second and then look away which sadden Mighty while Matilda sees Jack's man coming towards them along with his gang.

Matilda: Their approaching us Baron.

Baron: Alright, let's get this over and done with.

Soon Jack and his men arrived and they stop their vehicles while at the other side we see Y/n, Ray and the Chaotix as they watch this and Ray spotted Mighty and pointed out to the rest.

Vector: Oh man this can't be good.

Charmy: We need to go over there and save him!

Espio: First we watch, if Jack do something, we strike.

Y/n: (thought) Just holf on there Mighty, we're on our way.

Jack came out of his vehicle and walks over as he and the Baron look at each other as Jack tells him.

Jack: Alright you know the drill. We release our prisoners and you release yours.

Baron: You have less men since the last time we met.

Jack: Some are "hanging" back at base in case something happens.

Baron looks at Jack in suspension but he wave his arm and his prisoners walk out from the platform while Jack dose the same to his prisoners. The two prisoners walk pass each other. Before thus tread would end, Jack smirked and called out.

Jack: Now!

Suddenly misses fly over him and blows up two of Baron's tanks which caught him off guard but he and his men looks over in shock to see Jack's mech as it flies towards their location and once there land on the ground and made a load noise before fire it's weapons at them.

Then Jack's prisoners removed their cloaks and fire qt the chains to free the prisoners and fire at Baron's men.

Baron: (thought) I knew this was a trap but that large machine. You've gone too far Jack.

Baron: All cannons! Open fire and watch out for our men out there!

The cannons fire and it was a large firefight while Y/n and the rest see this as they leap out of the vehicle seeing now it's their time to save Mighty and Matilda.

Y/n: Looks out this is our time to go now.

Vector: Yeah let's go and save Mighty Team Chaotix.

Then Jack over heard them say Team Chaotix and Mighty which he turn to them and they were confused until he realised that he was been tricked.

Jack: (anger) Murphy! Open fire at them!

Murphy: Um Sir?

Jack: (anger) Third apart of those famous Freedom fighters, they lie to our faces this whole time! KILL THEM!

The mech turns to them and fire at them which they dodge and get cover as bullets fly by them as the large mech fires at them.

Vector: This job just getting harder and harder every time.

Espio: We need to get to Mighty before it's to late.

Charmy: (smile) Don't worry about that! Ray and Y/n are on their way to save him!

We then cut to Y/n and Ray rushing towards Mighty and once there they leap into the tank with Mighty being surprised to see Ray and Y/n.

Mighty: (surprised) What are you two doing here?

Ray: H-Here to save you.

Y/n: Alright Baron, let Mighty go right now before things will get u-

Then he gets punched in the face by Matilda as he was sent flying and crash onto the floor as he slowly sat up and look over to see Matilda grabbing Ray by the arm.

Matilda: You two be wise to not threatening the Baron.

Y/n: Oh yeah and you are?

Mighty: Wait don't, that's Matilda my sister!

Ray and Y/n: (surprised) What?!

Matilda: Then that is true then. I am Mighty's brother.

Y/n: Yes now let's get out of here before things will get worse. You haveno idea what Jack will do to his new toy once he'll deal with Baron's men.

Matilda: I will not. I have no home to go to or anywhere to go to. Just leave me alone.

Y/n: But it's not safe here, if we don't leave, we all will die!

Mighty: (tears) There is no point. She doesn't remember anything about me. She has been alone all these years without me and-

Ray: NO!

He then points at Ray and then tells her.

Ray: D-Do you know H-how l-long h-he looked for you?! H-How much I-it hurt him to Th-Think you were d-dead or gone forever?! Y-you may n-not remember him, but he remembers you! He loves you!! I-I was lost too! D-Didn't age right, a-and with no one l-left to call family! Mighty took m-me in. Th-thanks to him, I've g-got a life now! He w-wants the s-same for you!

Y/n walls over to Ray and place a hand on his shoulder and give him a smile before he turns to Matilda and tell her.

Y/n: (smile) Ray is right. You may not remember your own brother but just because you don't remember him, that doesn't mean you don't want to be alone. I too don't remember about my past, I just woke up one day in a beach without a past to remember but I'm slowly putting the pieces together so I can remember it. But my lost of memories ain't gonna stop me of making new once. When I join the Freedom fighters and met with amazing people, I start to gain a lot of new memories of my own. You can do the same with Mighty, gain new memories so you can see how caring that your brother is.

Matilda lower her arms and start to get flashes her life since the day she was in a orphanage, when she was roboticized and the day she join Baron. It was all quickly flashing in her head and then she remembers him. His own brother when she was just a baby.

Mighty: (smile) Whoa, thanks guys.

Y/n turns to him and guve him a smile before Suddenly misses blow up around them as they looks over to see the mech with now Jack driving in there with Murphy and Jolt as he glare at them and tells them.

Jack: (anger) This is the last time to fool me boy! Fire all missiles! I want them to blow away off the face of this planet!

The missile pods open and they fire tons of missiles as it flies towards them which they see there will be too many to dodge but Matilda gets in front of everyone and see one rocket coming towards them.

Mighty: Matilda no!

She pulls back her arm and then thrust it forward as the mission gets close and seconds later there was a large explosion that Vector and the rest turn in shock and hope they are alright.

The smoke clears up as Mighty, Ray and Baron open there eyes as Mighty eyes widen to believe that his sister is injured but to his surprise she is fine as she open her eyes ans see a large fire ball that is surrounded by electricity.

Then Y/n walks up next to her while holding out his hand while his eyes and quills glow as around them missiles are being stop by Y/n which shocks everyone as Y/n throws his arm up and the missiles fly up to the air and blow up.

Baron: (shocked) Well I'll be.

Ray: (shocked) Wow. Th-that was amazing.

Matilda looks at Y/n as he turns to her and nod to her which she nods back and rushes over to free her brother while Y/n leaps down and walks towards Jack. Jack sees this and tells his men.

Jack: Kill that hedgehog!

They did so as they fire it's cannons qt him but he suddenly teleported and appear while he walks towards them.

Espio: Was that Chaos control?

Vector: Guess he learned that from Shadow.

Charmy: (smile) You can do it Y/n!

Y/n charge up his hands and then sprint towards Jack's man and the leaps up and slams both of his hands down as Jack's men were sent flying from the blast while their tanks and vehicles shut off due to the electricity frying their power.

Y/n stand up straight as the large mech stomps towards him and the two look at each other.

Y/n: Jack stand down now. You've gone too far and this has to stop.

Jack: Ha! Like I'm gonna listen to you! Your no sonic!

Y/n: Your right I'm not like him. But it doesn't matter, I won't let you harm anyone else, including the Baron and his men.

Jack: (smirk) So be it!

The mech lift his feet to stomp qt him but Y/n moves out of the way just in time and took out his lightning Wispon and wipe at the mech while Jack try his best to stomp on him like a spider but Y/n keeps dodging it every time while he wipes his mech and swap it with a burst wispon and fire flames at it.

Jack: (anger) Why. Don't. You. Hold. STILL!!

Y/n dodged once more as he leaps back and land kn one knee as he looks up to face the mech as he looks at the Wisp's and then tells them.

Y/n: Listen up! Are really gonna allow Jsck to use you as power. Even if he saved you, you all have the right to refuse and fight back! Don't you all remember how Eggman used you? How he used you to power up his machines as well? Jack is nothing like Eggman and you should all fight back, fight for your own Freedom!

Jack: (smirk) Ha! You really think they will listen to you? They belong to us and they will listento us and-

Jolt: Boss something is happening!

Jack: What?!

Suddenly the container on the mech's back start to shake as the Wisp can hear him and stare to fight back. Soon they burst out of thr container and flies out of it.


The Wips fly around being free after so long before fly over to Y/n qnd fly around him to thank him which he smiles before he turn to Jack.

Jack: Damn! You my have taking our Wisp but we still have the power to kill you!

Y/n: Let's see about that. Baron you do the honours?

Baron: (smirk) Of course. Open fire!

The cannons fire and hits Jack's mech but this time without the Wisp, their shields are off and they get hit everywnd suffering many damages while Y/n turns to the Wisp and nods to them as they carry Y/n up as he dose a spine dash that he learned by sonic as he aim his target and then spine dash Jack's mech and gone through his mech and came out of the other side.

He lands on his feet while Jack's mech blows up before it fell and lands face first onto the ground with a load crash. Y/n feels dizzy after that spine dash and wonder how Sonic manage to do all of those spine dashes without getting sick.

Jack, Murphy and Jolt burst out of the mech as they sigh of relief that they were alive but looks Iver to now see angry Wisps which Jack gulped before and his men makes a run for it.

Jack: (scared) Retreat! For the love of everything, run for your lives!!!

The Wisp chase after them while Y/n watch them as Vector, Charmy and Espio walks over and pats him on the back.

Vector: (smile) Nice work kid. That was very interesting.

Espio: (smile) Indeed and you've powers are growing by the minute.

Charmy: (smile) All cheers for Y/n!

Y/n: (smile) Thanks guys, just glad this is all over.

(Sometime later)

We see them at Baron's base as Baron and his man see Y/n's actions of saving their lives and how he protected them made them realise that Eggman is not their boss and we see Baron's men taking down Eggmans flags or posters to fully cut all contacts with Eggman while we cut to Baron, Y/n, the Chaotix, Mighty, Ray and Matilda as Baron takes Y/n's hand and they shake on it.

Baron: (smile) I must say boy you have some power and courage you have when you faced Jack and his weapon. I thought we could have lost and be done for if weren't for you.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem Baron, glad you and your people are safe.

Baron: Yes and with that courage we see now that Eggman is nothing but cruel and evil, till this day instead of fighting with Eggman, we're fighting against him for the Freedom of our people.

Y/n: (smile) I'm glad for that Baron.

Matilda: So now what?

Mighty: (smile) Now we can go home. We can be like a family again. Speaking of family, Matilda meet Ray, our new brother.

Ray: (smile) H-Hey Matilda.

Matilda: (smile) Hello Ray. It's nice to meet you and I'm looking forward to be apart of this family again.

Y/n: Would it be fine if Matilda comes with us?

Baron: (smile) Well I think it's Matilda's decision. So Matilda, what do you say?

Matilda: (smile) I love being here Baron but I wish to spend some time with my brothers.

Baron: (smile) If that's what you want, I won't stop you.

Vector: (smile) Let's not forget about us. We're apart of this family as well.

Espio: (smile) Agree, we are all family.

Charmy: (smile) Forever and ever!

They all smiled while Y/n watch this while the Baron asked him.

Baron: Not want to be suspicious but your name is Y/n right?

Y/n: Yeah that's right. Why?

Baron: Well a month ago we found this that belonged to someone and it mentioned you.

Baron pulls out a old book and hands it to Y/n. This surprise Y/n as he takes it and open it and read through the pages and see some were torn but some are readable.

Y/n: This ain't just a book. It's a diary.

Vector: A Dairy? From who?

Y/n: There is no name but who ever this person is know me. It said here I was born on....Angel Island?

Espio: That's impossible. Knuckles was born on Angel Island as well but how is that possible?

Y/n: No clue but thanks Baron, this might be the key of finding out my past and put all the pieces together.

Baron: (smile) Your welcome. Have a safe trip and your welcome to come back anytime.

They agree and they left with Baron waving goodbye to them as he watch them leave before he turn to return back to base.

(A long while later)

They return back to the forest where they are close to Knothole ad Matilda was amazed by the trees and the beauty around them.

Matilda: (surprised) This is amazing. I have no idea there is more to this world as I can imagine to be.

Mighty: (smile) Yeah and the people you gonna meet are really nice.

Ray: Y-Yeah, I-I bet they will accept y-yoy in.

Matilda: (smile) Same here Ray.

Y/n was reading through the diary as Charmy asked him.

Charmy: So any luck with that Diary?

Y/n: Well I said here I was born on Angel Island to be this planets Guardian and I was suppose to protect it from any darkness that comes.

Vector: What kind of Darkness?

Y/n: My guess is everything. I mean it also gose on to say what I've been doing, the people I've talked to and-

Then he stop dead in his tracks which everyone stop and turn to see the shock in Y/n's eyes.

Espio: What is it?

He then lool up at them and then tell them.

Y/n: (shocked) I....I have a brother.

They were shocked by this and before they could ask anything, they were jumped by Freedom fighter soldiers as they surround them and aik their Wispons at them.

Freedom fighter soldier: Don't move!

They were shocked and confused by this sudden jump which Y/n tells them.

Y/n: Stand down! It's just us, we just came back fro-

Freedom fighter soldier: Don't say anything traitor.

Y/n: Traitor?

Vector: Hey what's the big idea calling us traitors!?

Charmy: Yeah we didn't do anything!

Shadow: We're not on about you five.

Then Shadow and Omega appear out of the bushes as Omega aims his machine at at Y/n as Shadow said.

Shadow: We're on about Y/n. He betrayed us.

They were shocked and confused while soldier cuff Y/n and take him away while the Chaotix walks over to Shadow.

Vector: What is heck is wrong with you! Y/n hasn't done anything wrong! He was with us this whole time!

Espio: What do you mean he betrayed us? What happened while we were away?

Shadow: After you all left, there was a sudden attack at the Vault where the Chaos Emeralds were being stored. The Emerald that we got was stolen.

Mighty: (shocked) What?! How is that possible?

Ray: A-And what is this have t-to fo with Y/n?

Shadow: We looked through the footage and it turns out Y/n was the one that stole the Emeralds and now he will be trailed for his crimes.

Vector: But you got it all wrong! He didn't stole the Emeralds because he was with us!

Shadow: It's not my problem. It's the court to judge if he is guilty or innocent. Tomorrow we're having a court there, if you want to defend Y/n, then be there.

Then he and Omega left as they watch him leave while they can't believe this just happen.

Espio: Who is ut possible for someone who looked like Y/n enter the Vault and stole the Emerald.

Mighty: More importantly why is this person looked like Y/n in the footage?

Charmy: He must be framed!

Vector: Well it's up to us to investigate and proof that Y/n is innocent! Come on Chaotix, let's do what we are born to do! Solve a mystery!

They cheered and they head off by the Knothole to find the clues they needed to proof Y/n's innocents and maybe find the real criminal who stolen the Chaos Emeralds and bring them to justice.

To be continued......................

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