Chapter 2: Joining the Freedom fighters
We see a beautiful open field as the wind blew the grass to the side and the trees moved as the sun shine up in the sky. We see our blue hedgehog named Sonic laying on his back facing towards the sky as he was relaxing as he fills the air of freedom and calmness.
???: (radio) Sonic do you read me over?
Sonic opens his eyes and sat up and took out his radio and calls through it.
Sonic: (smile) Yo shad, what's up?
Shadow: (radio) Don't call me that! Anyways, we need you back here right now.
Sonic: Why what's going on?
Shadow: (radio) Team chaotix came back with a Chaos emerald.
Sonic: (smile) That's great.
Shadow: (radio) And someone else. Apperley they say this guy use the Chaos powers to take out a large army of Eggman's bots.
Sonic: Sounds almost similar to someone who dose that.
Shadow: (radio) Just shut up and get over here as fast as you can. He has waking up and at a holding cell.
Sonic: Is it really necessary to put him in a hold cell?
Shadow: (radio) We don't know who he is and what powers he may have, so it's necessary that we put him in there in case he tries anything.
Sonic: (smirk) Well I like new friends so I'll be there as fast as possible.
Shadow: (radio) Right shadow out.
Shadow cuts off as Sonic stands up and stretch himself as he thinks to himself.
Sonic: (thought) Like usual shadow, always serious and emo. Still I wonder who this new guy is? Well better head and meet him, maybe he's like me and probably have someone else to talk to. In any case gonna go fast.
He then dashes off in quick speed as he head back to see who this new guy is and what he knows about.
We see Y/n in a holding cell as he grab the cell bars trying to call out to anyone as he wants to know where he is.
Y/n: Hey! Is anyone here! What is this place?! What did you do to the Emerald I have! Let me put!
???: You better be quiet if you don't want to get into my bad side.
Then a black hedgehog with red stripes as he walks up to Y/n's cell and turns to face him.
Shadow: You gonna tell me where you've found that Chaos Emerald and your gonna tell me now.
Y/n: I don't know how I got that Emerald, I just woke up on a beach with it and that's it.
Shadow: Oh yeah, then why did you ran when Team Chaotix tells you to and over that Chaso Emerald?
Y/n: I don't know them and how was I supposed to know they were trying to help, I thought they are bounty hunters or something else. Look tell me where I'm I and why I'm I here?
Shadow: Your in our freedom fighters base.
Y/n: Freedom fighters base?
Shadow: We are freedom fighters and our duty is to protect the world by Eggman.
Y/n: Egg....Man?
Shadow: A mad scientist who made robots and captured many people and turn them into robots like them.
Y/n: (thought) So that's what they are?
Shadow: Now back to the subject in hand, how did you use chaos powers like me?
Y/n: Chaos powers?
Shadow: Do I have to repeat myself?
Y/n: (thought) Jeez this guy is kinda a jerk.
???: Yo shad!
Then the door burst open and a blue hedgehog walks up to Shadow as they turn to him.
Sonic: So this is the new guy?
Shadow: I don't say new guy, more like stupid.
Y/n: Hey!
Sonic: (smile) Anyways names Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog and you are?
Y/n: Y/n, it's nice to meet you.
Sonic: Sorry abouts my friend here, he's kinda serious and never gets along with friends.
Shadow: (anger) If you won't shut up I'll make sure your be toast.
Sonic: (smile) See what I mean?
Y/n: OK enough! I don't know anything ok. I woke up by the beach with no memories and trying to find out why I'm I here. Look I'm no bounty, I'm no thief or I'm NO any knowledge about this "Eggman guy" I just wanna know my past and trying to find out who I am!
The two stare at Y/n with surprise when Y/n said he doesn't remind anything as Y/n turns and sighs trying to calm down.
Sonic: So you don't remember anything about your past?
Y/n: No I don't nothing, I just don't know....where I came from or.....why I'm here.
Sonic looks at Y/n for a while before he slam a button and Y/n's cell opens up and Y/n turn to see the cell open.
Shadow: What the hell are you doing?!
Sonic: We can't keep him lock up here without a past to remember. We also can't let him go wonder around in case Eggman would find him, we gonna let him stay with us.
Shadow: But what if he try to steal the chaos Emeralds again.
Sonic: (smirk) Oh relax shad, I keep an eye on him. I'm sure he'll be fine if I go with him.
Shadow looks back at Y/n and to Sonic as he faces defeat and turns to walk off before saying.
Shadow: Fine but don't blame me when we find our chaos Emeralds stolen and Y/n gone.
Then Shadow slams the door behind him as Y/n turns to Sonic and Sonic looks at him and he said.
Sonic: (smile) Come on, you must be hungry. I know on eplace we can get some dig in.
(Short while later)
We see Sonic and Y/n at Chuck's Chili dogs as Y/n was handing a chili dog by the waitress as Y/n never see food like this as he pick it up and looks at it. He looks over to Sonic and Sonic has a mountain of Chili dogs as he stars eating them one by one.
This surprises Y/n as he watches him go as he turn back to his food and took the first bite and after he eats it he felt his face hot as he grabs his throat and looks around for any water he cold drink.
???: Here, I can tell this is your first time eating that is that right?
Then Uncle chuck please down a cup of water to Y/n and he takes a drink of it and it felt much better.
Y/n: (sigh) Thanks. It felt like my mouth was on fire.
Uncle Chuck: (smile) No problem young man, so I heard that you have no past is that right?
Y/n: Yeah I can't remember anything or why.
Uncle Chuck: Well I'm sorry for that, must be sad to lose all your memories and not knowing about your life years ago.
Y/n: Yeah that's why I'm gonna find my past and maybe I can figure out who I was.
Uncle Chuck: Well I know my grandson would help you finding out your past.
Y/n: Yeah speaking of your grandson, Why is he important here. Not by jealous reasons but I've heard a few people it's sonic and they wave at him while we walk by.
Uncle Chuck: That's because my grandson is a hero who defeated Eggman time after time again.
Y/n: (surprised) Seriously?
Sonic Yep. I'm the fastest hedgehog around and beaten Eggface lots of times. I even save the whole world against other threats and nearly died a few times.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah that must be.....hard.
Uncle Chuck: Yep but my gradson always stands up even in the face of danger.
Sonic: (smile) Yep.
He then throws a chili dog to the air and came down and Sonic eats it and he was all done. He then gets off the chair and said to chuck.
Sonic: Thanks for the meal Uncle Chuck. Now time to continue on the tour.
Uncle Chuck: (smile) No problem Sonic my boy.
Sonic: Come on, I'm gonna show you my best friend.
Y/n: Ok let's go.
Then Sonic dashes off and Y/n exit out of the restaurant and see Sonic going too fast as Y/n lost sight of him.
Y/n: Sonic wait!
He try to chase after him but then he bumped to someone and the two fell as papers was also dropped onto the ground.
Y/n: Ow that hurts.
???: Yeah sorry about that, I shouldn't look away.
Y/n looks over and see a pink female hedgehog stratching the back of her head as Y/n stands up and lend out a hand to her. She looks up at Y/n as Y/n ask.
Y/n: No it's my fault, I shouldn't have ran without looking. Are you ready?
The pink female hedgehog and Y/n lock eyes and she blushes all of a sudden and her heard skip as she looks at him and slowly takes Y/n's hand and Y/n helps her up.
???: (blush) Y-Y-Yeah I'm fine, Th-Thank you Mr.
Y/n: It's Y/n and sorry again for bump into you like that.
???: Oh no you don't have to apologise, it's my fault.
Then papers slowly floating down on them and the punk female hedgehog picks them up and Y/n helps her as well and after a while Y/n handed some yo her and she takes it.
Amy: (smile) Thanks, your soo kind. My name is Amy by away. It's nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Same here Amy.
Amy: I never know we have a new person here in knothole, what brings you here.
Y/n: Um Well let's just say......I got a lot of trouble by Team chaotix.
Amy: What happens?
Y/n: It's a long story but the short one is I woke up in a beach with a chaos Emerald in hand and that's why I'm here.
Amy: (surprised) Seriously, you have a Chaos Emerald, how?
Y/n: I don't know, I can't remember anything from my past or why.
Amy: So you have ammesia?
Y/n: Yeah.
Amy: (shock) By mobuis, I'm so sorry.
Y/n: It's alright but now I'm with Sonic and he dashes off to show me Tails
Amy: But he forgot you can't go fast like him?
Y/n: Yeah.
Amy: (thought) Sonic you are a idiot most of the time.
Amy: (smile) Well I take you to them, follow me.
Y/n: (smile) Really, thank you so much.
Amy smiles but blush a little when Y/n smiles and they head off to catch up with Sonic at Tails place.
They arrived at Tails place as they wlak up and see Sonic outside waiting for Y/n and turn to see both of them and runs over and said.
Sonic: (smirk) Finally you came, you were late.
Amy: Sonic you left Y/ behind, how can you leave someone behinde with no memory!
Sonic: Well I kinda didn't know he can go fast like me and I thought he was passing his time.
Amy: Your sometimes subbing most of the time!
Y/n: So is this Talis place, it looks like a some kind a garage.
Amy: That's because he works on mechanical engineering and was theoretical who has been making a lot of weapons of us to fight against Eggman.
Sonic: (smile) Yep and my best brother in the world.
They walk over to the gates and Sonic slide it open and calls out to Tails.
Sonic: Tails your here buddy!?
Then there was some noise and Talis head peeks out and see them and walks over to him while cleaing his hands and once that he said.
Talis: (smile) Hey Sonic, Amy, nice to see yous. Who's your friend?
Sonic: (smile) Talis this is Y/n and Y/n this is Tails.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you Tails. This place is pretty huge for someone like you.
Tails: (smile) Thanks. I've been working hard and haven't have time to clean up the mess due to the fact there is some wisp guns that soldiers came by and saying they are broken.
Sonic: Really? I thought they work perfectly?
Talis: That's what I thought.......
Then Talis places a fire like wisp gun on a table and continues on saying.
Talis: For some reason these weapons have been experiencing some issues like the wisps inside find it hard to breath in and how it overheats too much that cost the wisp inside to get hurt.
Y/n: Wait? Lisps?
Talis: No Wisps, with a W.
Sonic: Don't worry, I gotten that mistake a while back.
Y/n: Right and what are they?
Tails: Oh I'll show you.
Tails clap his hands together and then a small group of wisps came out from the second floor and flys around them. This surprise Y/n as the wisps circle around sonic, Amy and Tails as Tails explains.
Tails: These wisps were from another planet and they were slaved by Eggman. After we free them some returns to their planet while some stay and help us in this fight against Eggman. I made these wisp guns so they can use their powers to help us in this war. We don't abuse them like Eggman did, we treat them respect and take care of them.
Y/n: (surprise) Wait they are from another planet?
Amy: (smile) Yep and they are very cute.
Then a red wisp flys around Y/n and Y/n pets on his head and the red wisps likes it.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, they are pretty cute.
Y/n looks over at the flame wisps gun and walks over and looks at it and ask Tails.
Y/n: So this things have some issues.
Tails: Yeah I've been trying to fix it all day but nothing is working, guess I have to throw that in the scrap and build a new-
Then Y/n touches it a spark of electricity zap into the wisps gun and it turns on. Tails and the rest turn as Y/n slowly backs up in shock as Tails runs over and looks at it and this shocked Tails as he said while picks it up.
Tails: (shocked) It's all fixed!? The fan inside along with the many issues is all fixed. How did you do that?
Y/n: I-I have no clue. I just touch it and it turned on.
Sonic: (smile) Woah that's a pretty useful Chaos power you have.
Amy: (surprise) Woah he has Chaos powers.
Sonic: (smile) Yep.
Tails: (smile) Well what ever you did, thanks I thought this is gonna drive me nuts.
Y/n: (smile) Um sure, no problem.
Then the red wisps gets into the gun and the gun jumps off of Tails hand and Y/n caught it as he looks at it.
Sonic: (smile) Well looks like you've made a new friend.
Y/n: Are you sure I could take this? I don't even know how to use this thing?
Amy: If you need help I could help you, it's actually not that hardif you get use to it.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Amy.
Amy: (blush) No problem I-
Then suddenly the alarms go off around knothole meaning Eggman's forces is heading to their base.
Sonic: (smile) Looks like Eggman is gonna try to strike us onec again, come in guys, let's go!
Tails: Right behind you!
Amy: Let's go Y/n.
Y/n: Right!
Then they headed off to the front gates and once there they see Sally at the front gates and see Eggman ships heading towards them in the distance and setting down their troops. Sonic runs up to Sally including Y/n as Sonic ask.
Sonic: So Sal what's the situation?
Sally: It seems that Eggman's forces are touching down. Nicole is putting knothole on lockdown until we defeat them.
Sonic: (smirk) That would be easy. I show those bots who's the fastest Hedgehog around.
Sally: Don't be reckless Sonic. This is far more larger then we thought.
Y/n: Sally's right. Even if you go fast, they can surround you.
Sonic: Then what's your idea Y/n?
Y/n: These forest are well hidden and it seem these bots are going in a straight line. There air force may not detect us if we're not close to it. I think we sent two squads both forest while the rest distract them. When the time is right the two squads will ambush the bots and take them out.
Sally: (surprise) Woah that......that would work. Who are you?
Y/n: Oh my apologies, my name is Y/n. It's very nice meeting you Sally.
Sally: (surprise) Um same here. W-well let's do that. Squads A and B, dug into the forest and wait for our singal.
The two squads nod and they enter the forest while Sally and the rest stand their ground and get ready. Once the bots gotten close they open fire and take some out. The bots also fire as Sonci dashes over and kicks the punches ten bots and even spine dashes through them.
This surprise Y/n as he pulls out his burst wispon and trys to fire but doesn't know how.
Y/n: Come on, how can I work this? There's gonna be a trigger or a-
Then a large fire ball fires out and hits the bots with a huge explosion which surprised Y/n as he looks at the explosion.
Y/n: (surprise) Woah!
Sally: Nice shot Y/n!
Amy: (smile) Yeah great job.
Tails: (smile) Yeah.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.
Y/n: (thought) Woah Amy was right. This is easy to use if you get use to it.
Y/n continues to fire at the bots and soon the first wave ends and then the second heavy wave was coming.
Sonic: Second wave in coming!
Sally: Squad A and B, Now!
Then both squad fire and taking out a small bots while weaken the big once. Sonic finish the big once off with a spin dash and the second heavy wave was taking out.
Tails: (surprise) Woah it worked!
Sally: (smile) Yeah nice planning Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Sally, I-
Then Y/n see that the air craft behind Sonic opens up and fire lock on missiles and it comes towards Sonic.
Sally: Sonic behind you!
Sonic turns but the rockets were fast as it almost about to blast at Sonic but then electricity stops the missiles as they stop in there place.
Sonic and the rest looks over to see Y/n reaching out his hand firming electricity and then throw his arm back and the missiles reflected back to the air craft and hits it. Y/n looks at his hand and see sparks of electricity flowing in his hand and body just like before.
Amy: Y/n?
Y/n looks at Amy and then the rest and the back to air craft and makes a fist and fires a massive electricity and hits the air craft and it exploded as Y/n continues but feel him getting weaker and weaker until he stops firing and fell backwards onto the ground and passes out once more.
Amy: Y/n!
Sonic turn to see the air craft crash lands as he was surprised. He then dashes over to them and see Y/n was passed out.
Tails: He must of use too much Chaos energy.
Sonic: Vector told me that he was found passed out after that attack in a village.
Sally: Let's take him inside to get all healed up.
They all nod and they carry the unconscious Y/n back to Knothole to get him healed up.
At Eggman's base we see Eggman look at through the cameras from his air craft trying to figure out what happened. He pause the video and see Y/n firming electricity pitbof his hand which interests him as he stroke his moustache.
Eggman: Such power, such strength. There is no way that Hedgehog would ever token down one air craft like that.
Then Orbot and CuBot hovers over to Eggman as Cubot said.
Cubot: Well thats sonic for you boss, he's always good trashing your army.
Orbot: I agree, sonic is pretty powerful.
Eggman: Not him! I'm talking about this Hedgehog, the new one.
Cubot: Huh he's a new hedgehog.
Orbot: I agree, who is he?
Eggman: That's what I'm trying to figure out you fools! Who ever this Hedgehog is nothing like Sonic, Shadow or Silver.
Orbot: So are you saying he's a new hedgehog with unknown Chaso powers?
Eggman: Either way I will figure it out and I will show those Freedom Fighters that Eggman will rain surpreme! (Evil laughter)
Orbot: Oh there he goes again.
Cubot: Yeah same as usual.
We see Y/n waking up and looks around and see is in the medical room as he sat up from the medical bed and looks around. Then the doors open and Amy steps in and sees Y/n awake and runs up to him and ask in worry.
Amy: Are you OK, how are you feeling?
Y/n: A....A bit better but what happened?
Amy: You took out a large air craft with your Chaos powers and after that you passed out. Not to mention you saved Sonic life, he maybe fast but those missiles were too quick and it wasn't do you, Sonic would be hard.
Y/n: Is he ok?
Sonic: (smile) Yep all thanks to you.
Then Sonic, Tails and Sally enter the room and walk up to Y/n as Sonic control on saying.
Sonic: (smile) I thought I was done for when those missiles were at my face but you save my skins when you use your chaos powers of yours. I guess I own you one, thanks.
Y/n: It's no problem Sonic, I was just looking after for other people.
Sally: And what you did impress me. In the past we have a few injured soldiers but thanksnto your plans, there was no one injured.
Y/n: No problem Sally and I see that your really are the good guys huh. Guess I must apologise to Vector and the rest for amusing they were evil.
Vector: Apologise expected kid.
Then Team Chaotix walk in as Espio said.
Espio: We forgive you for what happened when we first met. We shouldn't explain to you more instead of assuming you were trying to steal the chaos Emerald.
Charmy: Yeah and you were awesome when you token out all those mean bots.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks, I don't think I wasn't that awesome.
Sonic: (smile) Nope you were way pass cool.
Sally: Now we don't have to worry about Eggmans next attack for a while. By away Y/n, do you wish to continue fighting for others?
Y/n: Yes I see the horrors on what Eggman has done and I wanna stop him before he harm anyone else.
Sally: Then hows about you join us in our fight against Eggman. Your skills and powers would be very useful in our battles.
Y/n: (smile) Sure you guys seem nice people so yeah, I'll join yous.
Sally reach out her hand to Y/n and Y/n takes her hand and shakes it as the rest cheered as now Y/n is a new member of the freedom fighters. In the background we see Shadow and his team as they over heard Y/n is joining the freedom fighters.
Rouge: (smirk) Hmm he seem a handsome one.
Rouge: (smirk) Hey shad, do you think he'll be a good fit for our team?
She then turn to see Shadow walks away, Ignoring Rouge questions but Rouge smirks and looks back to Y/n and lick her lips.
Rouge: (thought) Your one handsome little hedgehog are you Y/n, your one day be mine.
To be continued..........
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