Chapter 19: The Chaotix quest (Arc 3)
Within the city near a wall that separated both the forest and the desert we see many citizens walking through the street minding their own buses while within the crowd we wee the Chaotix and Y/n walking to see someone so they can have a vehicle to get to the Sand Blaster territory and find Mighty and Ray.
Y/n: So why can't we used the Wrap Ring to travel to the sand blast city, would that be a lot quicker?
Espio: The Wrap Ring is low on power and if we teleport into a desert, it might not have enough power to get use back.
Y/n: And you sure this guy will help us get a ride for us?
Vector: Sure we're sure, besides he's a nice person and told us that he is working on some vehicles for this city so they can use.
Y/n: On his own? Must be hard.
Charmy: (smile) Yeah but smart, if there is someone you need to fix or repair, then that's your guy.
Espio: Here we are.
They arrived at the work shop as Espio open the garage doors and they walk inside as Y/n looks around in amazement to see many vehicles being made but not ready yet except for one.
They walk over to the Vehicle that someone is working on as Espio taps on the front of the car to give the persons attention which did as he looks up to see them and guve them a smile.
???: (smile) Oh hey guys, never knew you all show up to my work shop. How are things?
Espio: (smile) Good Porker glad to see you here and still working on more vehicles.
Porker: (smile) Yep. I have many customers come here to ask me for help repairing their vehicles which I agree and it may take a few hours or days but I managed to fix it and they were pleased and after they thanked and played they left and then I-
Vector: Look we're glad to see you but save your stories for another time will you?
Porker: Oh okay.
Y/n: (whisper) He's seems of a talker?
Charmy: (smile) Yep, ask him anything or ask how he is doing, he gose off to tell his day and his work.
Y/n: I see.
Porker: So who is your new friend?
Y/n: (smile) I'm Y/n, a new member to the Freedom fighters.
Porker: (smile) Nice to meet you. So what brings you here?
Espio: We were hoping if you can lend us a vehicles so we can head to Sand blast city?
Porker: (surprised) Sand blast city?! What for, that place is dangerous!?
Vector: We lost contact with Mighty and Ray and we can't effort to use the Wrap Ring in low power, it's maybe best we get there by vehicle.
Porker: Well I have a vehicle you can borrow, but try not to damage it or anything like that.
Espio: (smile) Don't worry we won't. Thanks Porker.
Porker: (smile) No problem. Take care and hope you find Mighty and Ray.
Vector: (smile) We will, see ya Porker.
Chamry: (smile) Enjoy your retirement!
Porker nods while the four hop into a vehicle and once that Espio drives the vehicle and head to the border. Soon they head here and soon get across the border and now they were alone as they drive through the desert to head to Sand blast city.
Charmy annoy Vector which made Vector chase Charmy while he laughs while Y/n and Espio hears this as Espio sighs while shaking his head.
Y/n: So Espio I wanna know something.
Espio: Sure what is it?
Y/n: Why did you join Vector, Charmy, Mighty and Ray. Where were you before you join them?
Espio: Ah your interesting about my past. Sure you can tell you a bit about my past. I was a student of a Ninja clan who were trained in the art of stealth. After I while I completed my training and set out to put my skills into the real test. After a while I join up with Vector, Charmy, Knuckles, Mighty and Ray to ruin Eggman's plan and after that we decided to form a team and that's how we form the Chaotix.
Y/n: (smile) That's a great story. What adventures did you guys go on?
Espio: A lot but during one Ray was trapped in this dimension for 2 years until Mighty managed to free him with some allies. We were glad to have Ray back. Mighty dose see Ray ad like a little brother to him.
Y/n: Yeah but now Mighty's sister might be alive and we're heading there to see if Mighty and Ray needed help.
Espio: Let's hope we're not too late.
After a long while of travelling they finally arrived at Sand blast city as Espio parked the vehicle and they hop out and walk towards the city.
Vector: It's quiet. Too quiet.
Charmy: You think they left?
Espio: No they never left their base. They either inside the city or-
Y/n: Look out!
He pushes Espio out of the way as a bullet hits where Espio was standing and soon they were surrounded by the Sand Blaster gang as Y/n turn and have his face pointed at their leader as he looks at Y/n.
???: Well Well Well look what we got here. Looks like we have some fools walking into our territory.
The Chaotix's were ready for a fight while try to not use violence but instead take Sally's skills and explain to them.
Y/n: Look we're here for no trouble, we're just here to retrieve two friend of ours and we can leave as soon as possible.
???: (smirk) Oh really? To me your entering our territory. Do you even know who we are.
Y/n: Your the Sand blasters and you are it's leader I'm I right?
Jack: Indeed. They call me Jack now you four will come with us or things might get dirty.
With no choice they complay as the gang cuff them and drag them inside their city. Once inside they look around for Mighty and Ray but no sign of them.
Vector: We haveno time for this. Let's just break these cuffs, beat these guys, find Mighty and Ray and let's get out of here.
Y/n: It's best we see what they have planned. I believe if Mighty and Ray are here, we can get them at night and sneak out without sounding the alarms.
Espio: He's right. It's best we stay quiet and see what are they gonna do for us.
Vector: Let's hope so.
Jack: Unlike many Freedom fighters that are fighting against Eggman and his empire, our way is simply. If you are weak but shown to be skilled, then you are dragged here to be uses to repair our equipment and armor. Those who are strong in combat will be welcome in open arms, just like Flex and Jitters, speaking of them there they are now.
Flex and Jitter appear in front of them and Y/n and the Chaotix were shocked to see it's Mighty and Ray as Mighty walks towards Y/n while Y/n said.
Y/n: (smile) Thank goodness we find you as last mig-
Then Mighty hits Y/n on the head as he fell to his knees and feel a lot of pain on his head.
Y/n: Ow.
Mighty: It's best you shut it or else.
Jack: You know these people Flex?
Mighty: Just some people that I run away but it seems they find us. Sir, allow me to keep an eye on them.
Jack: Sure thing Flex, make sure they won't cost any trouble and if they do, you know what to do.
He nods while Jack and the rest of his gang left as Mighty and Ray takes them to their place.
It was the afternoon and we see them inside Mighty's place as Mightb break the last cuffs off of Y/n while he tells him.
Mighty: Sorry about for hitting on the head earlier. Hope ut wasn't that hard.
Y/n: (smile) Well as long I don't have brain damage, I'll be fine.
Mighty: Still what are you all doing here?
Vector: Looking for you of course. You two were gone for a long while the your Wrap Ring just appear to us.
Ray: W-W-We have n-n-no choice. W-w don't want them t-t-to use it for evil.
Y/n: Okay so what have you two been while we were searching for you two?
Mighty: A lot. We met up with Bow and his Freedom fighter group as we storm into the castle and hack into their computer. It was very easy because their computer was password.
Y/n: Guess they haven't changed it. (Chuckle)
Mighty: (chuckle) Yeah but anyway, we find out that my sister joined another group called the Great desert dark egg Legion lead by Baron. In order to save her I join the Sand Blaster and me and Ray put up fake names to blend in and slowly gang their trust.
Y/n: So that's why you two went dark for a long while.
Mighty: That's right. Now tonight I'm gonna go over to the Great dearest base and see if my sister is in there.
Vector: (smirk) Let us come with you! We can help.
Mighty: It be risky. I go alone, keep Ray safe while I'm gone.
Ray: N-No! I-I want to g-go with you a-as Well!
Mighty: (smile) It be alright. I'll be back before you know it. See ya guys.
He left as Ray start to tear up so Y/n walks up to him and place a hand on his shoulder.
Y/n: You okay Ray? I'm sure Mighty will be fine.
Ray: (tears) I-It's n-not that. I-if he dose f-find his sister. I-I worry if h-he can s-still see me a b-brother.
Y/n: Don't say that. You and Mighty have been through a lot and I won't believe that Mighty will never turn away from you as your brother.
Vector: (smile) Yeah relax Ray, I'm sure everything will be alright.
Ray: R-R-Right.
Y/n looks out of the window and see what looks like a a large hanger which he asked Ray.
Y/n: What is that?
Ray: I-I don't know. J-Jack said only him and some of h-his higher ranked crow c-can get inside. B-but I h-hear s-some scary noise in there.
Y/n gang suspicious about that hanger so as soon everyone is asleep he sneak his way through the camp and make his way to the hanger and enter inside. At first it was dark with no lights so he pats on the wall for a light switch and soon he finds it and turns it on.
The lights turns on and Y/n turn and looked up in shock to see a large mech with chains attached to it like Jack and the rest has been working on it for a very long time.
Y/n looks at this machine while he looks over to see cages which he rushes over and looks inside of the cages and was shocked to see Wisp inside as they turn to him while they shake in fear.
Y/n: (shocked) By mubuis what has Jack done to you.
He then hears talking outside so house rush back to shut off the lights and duck behind some empty cages and peak out the see Jack along with Jolt snd Murphy enter the hanger and Jack switch on the lights and asked Jolt.
Jack: Is it ready?
Jolt: Almost sir. Once we deploy this into the battlefield, Baron and his gang will run like cowards.
Jack: Good, I think it's time we put this thing to the test. Power it up.
Jolt nods and walks over to the controls and type something in while Y/n watch ad Wisp inside containers at the back of the mech glow and a shock of electricity hits the Wisp as they scream in pain while the mech powers up while Jqck smirks.
Murphy: You think it's a good idea to use Wisp as power?
Jack: (smirk) Do not worry aboit these pathetic aliens, they can help us win our battle and with thsi baby, we can sure show Baron and his gang who is boss.
Murphy: Can't wait for that sir.
Jolt: There is enough fire power to stand against anything that holds against us.
Jack: Good. Let's get some rest boys, tomorrow we're gonna show our new toy to Baron and his army and take them down once and for all.
Jack laughs while the three left and once that Y/n exit out of cover and can't believe what he just heard and can't believe someone will use Wisp as a fual to power up their machine.
Y/n: (thought) I need to tell the rest about this. I just hope Mighty find his sister soon because tomorrow it might be a large and difficult battle.
We over see the Great desert Dark Eggman Legion base as we see Mighty got caught and captured and we see him tied up on a chair as the door in front of him opens and Baron step into the room and looks at Mighty.
Baron: So your must be the one that ruin plan after plan for Jack and the Sand Blaster.
Mighty: Yes and I believe you must their leader right?
Baron: Indeed. Why in the word would you surrender yourself even know your strong enough to face my army.
Mighty: I came because I'm looking for someone. Do you know of someone by the name of Matilda?
Baron: What is it to you?
Mighty: I'm her brother, I've been searching for her for many years and it lend me to this location. Believe me or not I don't care, i won't leave here until I see her qnd bri g her back.
Baron looks at Mighty until his facture into complete shock and surprised to see Mighty is serious and telling the truth.
Baron: (surprised) Holy cow! Quick get Matilda right away!
One of guards nods while Baron released Mighty and tells him.
Baron: I never knew your her brother.
Mighty: So she is here?!
Baron: Indeed son but-
???: What is it sir?
Mighty turn to see Matilda stepping into the cell and she turn to look at Mighty.
Mighty can't believe this as he stumble towards her with a smile on his face and gently grab her robotic arms while he tells her.
Mighty: (smile) Matilda....its his been so long but I finally find you.
She stare at him with no emotions until she turns to Baron and ask.
Matilda: Baron, who is this person?
Baron: He is your brother Matilda. He has been looking for you for a long time.
Matilda: Brother? I never have a brother. I was taking into a orphanage until I was roboticized and sent out on missions until I was damaged and taking by Baron and soon as join him and his gang.
Mighty can't believe that she doesn't know him but he keeps on trying by telling her.
Mighty: I'm so sorry for what has happened to you. It's a long story but I'm here now. We can get out of here and go home, we be together again.
Matilda: I'm sorry but I don't know you, your nothing to me. Can I leave now Baron?
Baron: Of course Matilda.
Mighty let's go of Matilda as she turns and walks off while Mighty burst into tears as he fell to his knees and can't believe he came all this way to give her only to have her not know him. Baron pats him on the shoulder and tells him.
Baron: I'm sorry about this boy. Unfortunately you can't leave in fear that Jack will find out this. It's best you stay here for a while.
(Next day)
The sun was rising up and Y/n tells Ray and the Chaotix about what he found which they shocked them.
Vector: (shocked) A large mech?!
Espio: Powered by Wisp.
Ray: A-And they are g-gonna use it on Baron and his gang?
Y/n: That's what I heard. If we don't act now and get Mighty and his sister, things might get ugly.
Suddenly the door burst open as Jaxk enter to see them but not Mighty.
Jack: (anger) Where's Flex!?
Ray: W-W-Well h-h-he's-
Espio: We believe he mighty sneak to Baron's base and he said he would return but it seems that something went wrong.
Jack: Blast. We can't allow Baron to have Flex, time to go with the plan and since you all let him to wonder off amd get captured, your all coming to help us.
Y/n: So what is this plan your going to do?
Jack: Simply. We usually hand over prisoners to each side so our plan is to surprised them with pur new toy. Ooh boy he won't know what is coming. Now let's move it!
They did so with no choice ad they see Jack's gang loading up the prisoners into their trucks while Y/n and the rest watched.
Vector: This can't be good.
Charmy: What can we do? If they gonna use that mech on Baron and his gang then Mighty and his sister.
Ray: T-They wil l get h-hurt o-or worse.
Y/n: We won't let that happen. Come on guys, once we're there we break off the attack and rescue Mighty and his sister before it's too late. Let's do this this guys.
They agree and they follow Jack for now while back at the hanger we see the mech with Jolt and Murphy inside it as they power it up as the Wisp in the containers scream out of the electricity as the mech stands up with chains releasing it and once that the mech's head looks up and it glows bright red and it's ready for it's battle Baron and his gang once and for all.
To be continued....................
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