Chapter 18: The Chaotix quest (Arc 2)
It was the middle of the night as we look over at the castle where Hood is ruling as we see of his dark Legion troops patrolling on top of the walls and on the ground, outside of the wall to make sure no intruders to even get near the castle.
One dark Legion guard yawns before he gets knocked out by Bow's arrows and which we see him on a tree branch as he fire another arrow that is tied up rop as it hits on the wall and he, the Mercain Freedom fighters, Team Chaotix's, Y/n and Whisper slide to one rope to the other and once at the other side Vector use his strength to pull apart the metal bars and once that they enter the castle.
They walk through the sewer and once they stop at a sewer lid Bow gose up and open the lid a bit and peek around.
Bow: (whisper) All clear.
He place the lid next to him and he and the rest exit out of the sewer and make their way to the church with Friar closing up the lid and Espio taking out more guards that were in their way along with Whisper.
Once that they arrive to the church and they enter inside and once inside Y/n sighs in relief and says.
Y/n: Looks like this Hood guy ain't gonna notice we are in his castle.
Munch: Probably not jinx that kid, remember he found a few of these entrances so he might know we are here. (Smirk) But that's what we want him to know.
Whisper: (whisper) And are you sure this entrance isn't blocked or a trap?
Bow: Do not fear, this entrance is completely safe and even if he knows, now way he can't tell which one.
Vector: So you guys go and find your friends whike we find the computer room.
Bow: Agree, let us continue.
Bow opens the secret trap down and they head down to the tunnel and they make their walk through the tunnel.
Y/n: So Whisper I was wondering where you get that weapon?
Whsiper: (whisper) You mean this rifle?
Y/n: Yeah looks cool, what dose it do?
Whisper: (whisper) I can change it into anything I want judging by the Wisp I'm using.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow that's cool, who made that for you?
Y/n: Whisper?
Whisper: (whisper) B-Best I'll tell you for another time.
Y/n: Oh um okay?
Y/n: (thought) She looks upset for some reason. It feels like she saw something awful but it's next not to ask her.
They stop to see three tunnels and they need to pick which one.
Thorn: So which way we go now?
Bow: I believe we bave to split up.
Vector: Right. Y/n, you and Whisped will take the middle, we go to the left while Bow and the rest will go right.
Y/n: Right. Let's go Whisper.
She nods qnd each teams go through and once at the other side the cage behind them closes on them which they turn and see it's closed up tight.
Y/n: Damn it, he must have installed this here just to separate us.
Vector: Great, so much for returning back to the church.
Espio: There will be no point to go through, Hood knows we are here, it's best we take a Warp ring and-
Bow: I'm sorry my friends but we must continue. I know the road might be hard but the journey must go on.
Y/n: Bow is right. We be fine, you guys find where Mighty and Ray went, Bow will free his people while
Whisper: (whisper) Take on Hood. That was my job and I can't do this alone. Will you help?
Y/n: Sure.
Espio: Alright, good luck and be safe.
Y/n: We will.
And so each teams head off to do their objectives while there is a secret camera watching them going through the tunnels and splitting off.
A trap door inside the royal bad room opens and Whisper and Y/n claim out of the tunnel and they look around to see they were in the Royal bed room or judging by the pictures of Hood, the bed room of Hood.
Y/n: So this is Hood?
Whisper: (whisper) Yes and we need to capture him so I can get my reward.
Y/n: So who hired you to go after this Hood guy?
Whisper: (whisper) Someone by the name of Elias. I don't know why but I believe he wants Hood in prison for his crimes and hired me to go after him.
Y/n: Is he royal?
Whisper: (whisper) Don't know. He rather not tell me all the information about himself but he did say he is making his sister a lot more easier.
Y/n: (thought) So he has a sister. Wonder who is his sister?
Suddenly the door open and two dark Legion charge at them but the two took them out with no problems and once that they exit out of the room and run through the halls of the castle.
Y/n: So where do you think Hood is at right now?
Whisper: (whisper) I believe his throne room, let's check there first.
Y/n: So any udea who used to live this castle before Hood took over.
Whisper: (whisper) I believe it belonged to a king and queen until Hood throw them and took over their kingdom.
Y/n: Well he's gonna pay for this, let's find him quick and stop his rule.
Whisper: Agree.
Soon they found the entrance of the throne room and they kick the door down and walk inside. The throne room was empty including the chair as they walk over ans search around.
Y/n: He's not here.
Whisper: (whisper) Must be in the Dungeon getting more information from the Prisoners. Come on we gonna head head there before-
???: Not so fast.
Then they were ambushed and surrounded by a large team of mercenary with a blade pointed behind Y/n neck as we see their leader putting his sword at Y/n's neck as the two turn to face him.
???: Looks like we have our prey trapped boys.
Y/n: Who are you people?
Jackal leader: We are Jackal squad and I'm it's leader. We're hired by Hood to capture intruders like you two and bring you two to him.
Y/n: So you all are mercenaries just like Whisper. Guess Hood is spending too much to hire a group of mercenary just to trap us.
Jackal leader: (smirk) Joke all you want boy but your not getting out of this alive. In fact, none of you aren't gonna leave this place alive. We know you two aren't the only once so Hood is down there and gonna capture one of your friends.
Y/n: That won't happen.
Jackal Leader: We'll see about that. Now come with me and we can-
Whisper slams her cub hammer to the ground creating a shock wave that shake the room and stumble Jackal squad as Whisper swaps her Wisp to burst and fires flames at Jackal Squad.
Their leader try to slash at her but Y/n tackles him and they roll on the ground before Jackal's leader kicks Y/n which sent him flying and crashed into a wall and drop down and land on his feet.
He looks up and dodge Jackal leader's blade as he rolled to the side and get to fighting stand as Jackal leader walks towards him and Whsiper sees this and takes out a sword mounted on a wall and tossed it to him.
Whisper: (whisper) Y/n!
Y/n catches it and blocks his strike and the two clash their blade at each other while Whisper handle the rest.
Jackal leader: (smirk) Interesting, seems like you've been trained. Tell me, was it those Freedom fighters that Hood has been dealing with or a different kind of Freedom fighters.
Y/n kicks him back which he stumble back but he stand up straight and the two look at each other and go around while Y/n says.
Y/n: I can't believe someone like you would work with someone who mind controls people's minds while also working for a mad man. Why are you doing this?
Jackal leader: (smirk) For the money of course. Just as long we have money, no way no one can't stop us. Even without it we are stronger to defeat anyone who comes to us.
Y/n: Your one selfish person. I won't let you harm anyone else!
The two continue to clash blades this time harder as spark fly out and land onto the floor. Soon Jackal leader strike on Y/n's blade and cut it in half. Y/n step back qhile Jackal leader point his blade at his neck ready to strike at him when Whisper rushes over and hits Jackal leader and sent him flying.
He crash into a wall and land hard on the ground and he was out including of his squad. Whisper lend out a hand to Y/n which he takes it and Whisper help him up.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Gonna say that was a awesome battle we ever have.
Whisper: (whisper) Guess this is your first time facing off with Mercenaries?
Y/n: Kinda, there were two that are brothers but I never seem to remember their names for some reason.
Whsiper: (whisper) Still we have no time, Hood might already down there with two other teams and we need to help them.
Y/n: Right let's go.
We see them running through the Dungeon and soon they turn and corner to see Vector and Espio fighting the rest of the Dark Legion troops.
Vector: Anyone find the computer room yet?
Espio: Vector! If you ask that one more time, I'll-
Vector: You said be loud.
Y/n: See you all are alright.
Vector: Of course we are, why what's going on? Have you two find Hood and kick his butt?
Whisper: (whisper) No but I think he might be here as well.
Vector: Well we haven't seen him. Hope Bow and the rrst are alright.
Y/n: Same.
Charmy: I find the computer room!
They rush over to Chamry and they enter the computer room and Espio gets on and turns it on.
Espio: Needs a password.
Whsiper: (whisper) Any idea what the password might be?
Espio: Don't know. Wish Tails were here, he would hack in like it was a middle school test paper.
Y/n: Try Password.
Team Chaotix:............
Y/n: What? Just guve it a try.
They were hesitation but Espio types it in and it actually worked.
Espio: (surprised) Huh that was unsuspected.
Vector: (smile) Nice thinking Y/n. Guess Tails might be jealous if he was here.
Y/n: Y-Yeah he would.
Y/n: (thought) I didn't know that would work.
Whisper: (whisper) We need to check on Bow and the rest and hope Hood isn't there with them.
Y/n: Agree. You guys alright doing this on your own?
Espio: Sure go and help on Bow and the rest while we search things from here.
The two nod and they rush out of thr room and make their way to Bow and the rest. Soon they arrived at their location and they enter the Dungeon and look around. Soon they found Bow and the rest including his people as Y/n rushes over to them and shakes Bow.
Y/n: Hey Bow, you okay?
He wasn't responding and Y/n looks at his eyes and his eyes are like he was in a trance including the rest.
Whisper: (whisper) I don't think we're alone.
???: Correct you are.
They turn and they were hit with Hood's mind powers as thw two drop to their knees while Hood step out from the darkness and looks at the two.
Hood: It seems I have two interesting guest at my castle. Must say you two will be great for my collection.
He walks over to Whisper and grab her chin and looks at her as he smirks to her.
Hood: (smirk) So someone hired you to capture me? Well goof luck for that mercenary. You may have defeated my mercenary but in the end I have you.
He then turn to Y/n as he walks over to him and looks at him and said.
Hood: You reminded me of a blue hedgehog that Eggman told me about. How you are shown to shut down most of his robot army and now I have you...he'll be pleased. (Smirk) Once I take you to Eggman, you will be roboticized and your power's will be very useful to his empire qnd the Dark Legion.
He laughs while Y/n's hand slowly forms a fist while Hood laughs and before he could say anything he gets punched by Y/n which shocked him as he stumble back and looks to see Y/n slowly standing up and looking at him with normal eyes.
Hood: (shocked) What?! How is that possible?! No one has never break free of my mind power's.
Then Y/n walks towards him which he try it again but its now not working as Hood walks back while doing it over and over again but he isn't kneeling down. Soon he bumped into a wall while Y/n walks close to him as Hood panics a bit and said.
Hood: P-Pleass spar me! I beg of yo-
Then he gets punched in the stomach by Y/n and he falls unconscious and fell on the ground. Whisper, Bow and the rest break out of Hood's mind powers while Y/n fell to his knees and grab his head as he feels a massive headache he ever have.
Whisper rushes up to him qnd help him up.
Whisper: (whisper) You okay?
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine. Man my head hurts.
Whisper: (whisper) Same.
Whisper walks over and cuffed Hood while Bow walks up to Y/n.
Bow: That is incredible. No one hasn't blocked out Hood's mind power's. How did you do it?
Y/n: Well I think about what happened to all the innocents that were controlled, roboticized and turned into a dark Legion trooper by Hood and Eggman and I can't allow this happen so I fight it and...won.
Bow: (smile) Well you have our thanks. Did you get what you needed?
Y/n: Hope so, let's go before more will come.
Bow agrees and they all rush out of the Dungeon with Whisper having Hood as they search for the Chaotix so they can escape.
They rush through the halls and just see the Chaotix exiting out of thr computer room and they run with them as Y/n asked Espio.
Y/n: Find out where Mighty and Ray are at?
Espio: Yes, we can tell you once we get out of here.
Y/n: But how?
Espio: Follow me.
They rush upstairs to the castle and soon they arrived at the open feild with walls around them as Espio close to the gate behind them while the Dark Legion try to get to them but the gate shuts on them.
Y/n: Um I think we might be trapped.
Vector: Yeah! I mean how are we gonna get out now?!
Espio: With this.
He pulls out a Wrap Ring and opens it and they leap into the ring.
Vector: (smile) I totally forgot we have that. Guess Wem be lucky.
Y/n: (smile) Agree.
Espio: (smile) Don't blame you. Knuckles forget to use it on one mission and you should seen his face, he was so mad that he nearly break it.
The dark Legion troops where the middle of opening the gate and once open they see them gone and they have escape.
We then see everyone back at Mercia Freedon fighters base as they cheered for a successful mission.
Bow shakes Vector's hand to thank him while Y/n turns to see Whisper walking away with Hood and he rush Iver to her.
Y/n: Hey Whsiper!
Whisper turns to him and once he catch up he tells her.
Y/n: (smile) Just wanna thank you for helping us and Bow's friend.
Whisper: (whisper) No problem. It's part of my job.
Y/n: (smile) Hope we meet each other someday, I like to work with you again.
She blushes a bit while her heart skip a beat as she nod to him and walks off, disappearing with Hood as she takes him to justice while Y/n watch her go. He walks back to see everyone celebrating as he walk up to Bow and Espio as he asked Espio.
Y/n: So got the information where Mighty and Ray are?
Espio: Indeed. They join another group if Freedom fighters called the Sand blasters at Sand blast city.
Y/n: Cool so we go over there, ask where Mighty and Ray are, they show us to them and we leave right?
Espio: Well not exactly.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Bow: I heard about them, their a different type of Freedom fighters you shouldn't get along with. They rather do their own thing and if any other Freedom fighters go to their territory, they will see this as a problem.
Y/n: So why did Mighty and Ray join them?
Espio: One way to find out. But first, we need a faster way to get there and I think I know one person who can help.
Y/n: Who?
Espio: Well he used to be a Freedom fighter until he retired and now lives at a village who has a job as a mechanic, he can help us make a vehicle to get there.
Y/n: Let's hope so.
Bow: Besides that I want to thank you for helping us my friends. We couldn't have done this without you.
Espio: (smile) No problem Bow. Glad your people are safe. So what are you and your people gonna do now Hood is out of the castle?
Bow: In luck, maybe the king of Queen qill return and rule the kingdom and we can all go back to our normal lives knowing now the threat is over.
Y/n: (smile) That's good to hear.
Bow: (smile) Agree and you all can come anytime you want my friends.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Bow, we will.
Bow smiles while they enjoy the rest of the celebration and stay here for the night before Y/n and Team Chaotix head out to find this friend to get a vehicle and head to the Sand blaster city to find Mighty and Ray.
To be continued...............
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