Chapter 17: The Chaotix quest (Arc 1)
With I the team Chaotix's agency we see Vector, Espio, Chamry and Y/n sat down as Chanry hand Y/n a cup of teat which he takes a sip and he can teast the honey within the tea.
Y/n: (smile) Hhmm this tea is great and I like the honey you put in.
Chamry: (smile) Thanks I made it myself.
Y/n: (smile) Guess Espio not the only one who makes tea now. (Chuckle)
Chamry: I didn't do the tea. I did the honey instead.
Y/n was silent a bit and looks at his tea and he doesn't know what Charmy ment by that but either way he place his tea down for now.
Y/n: So can you guys tell me how this all happen?
Vector: Well usually Mighty and Ray will go out on their own to search for Mighty's sister and they came back with nothing. They always bring a wrap ring with them in case it's too far away to return.
Y/n: Warp ring?
Espio pulls out a large gold ring and shows it to Y/n.
Espio: This is a Wrap Ring, it allows people to travel to one place to another by just thinking about it. It's very expensive to get now in these days.
Vector: (mutter) So much for our rent from last year.
Y/n: That's pretty cool but what's the problem with it?
Espio: Well for some reason this wrap ring is actually what Mighty and Ray took and for some reason it return to us.
Chamry: Then they cut all contacts with us and disappeared.
Y/n: Is it possible that Eggman might have captured them?
Vector: We thought so as well so we're heading to their last known coordinations and rescue them. We were thinking of bring Sonic along or Knuckles but they were busy with other stuff. We figured we ask you for our help if you want.
Y/n: (smile) Of course I wanna help. I won't allow Mighty and Ray to be taking and changed into robots. Even they did, I can free them with my powers.
Vector: (surprised) You can do that?! How?
Y/n: It's a long story. So where are we heading first?
Espio: Their last known coordinations was at the Kingdom of Mercia.
Y/n: Kingdom of Mercia? I think I heard that place before. Sally mentioned it a while but not much.
Chamry: It's just like Knothole except it's in the middle of a large forest but it's controlled by Lord Hood.
Vector: We're gonna try speak to one of the Freedom fighters there to see if Mighty and Ray might went pass here.
Y/n: (smirk) Alright then guys. Let's go and find Mighty and Ray.
Chamry: (smile) Yay! Let's go!
Vector: H-Hey I'm the one who says we can go!
Espio just chuckles as the four head off to find Migyty and Ray and find out what happened to them and bring them home.
(A while later)
We see the four made it to the Kingdom of Mercia and we see them walking through the woods and they weren't joking when they told Y/n it was a large forest.
Y/n: (thought) How long can these trees go? This forest might be as bugger then Knotholes.
Y/n: So if you don't mind me asking, how did you guys meet Mighty and Ray?
Vector: Oh boy where to begin? It was a long story but a good one.
Chamry: (smile) We met long ago when we try to ruin Eggmans plans with some help with Sonic and Tails.
Y/n: That's cool. But where was Mighty and Ray before you guys met?
Espio: They were apart of Eggman's slaves years back. Luckily Sonic was there at the same time and free them but during this attack Ray was trapped in this dimension for years until they found him and pull him out.
Y/n: That must be a long time.
Vector: Yeah and now their next job is to find Mighty's sister named Matilda.
Y/n: You think the reason why they disappeared is because they found her but for some reasong they can't return?
Espio: Maybe that or something else but still, we're not to sure.
Vector: Let's hope these other group of Freedom fighters might know where they are.
Y/n nods snd hope so as well but then he stop and look around which cost them to stop and turn to Y/n.
Y/n: I think we're not alone.
They stood there in silence and have this feeling as well until suddenly the figures leap out and they start to attack them. They all dodge their attacks and Y/n catches the first punch but was shocked to see not a robot but rather a mobian with cybernetic parts as he pushes Y/n back.
Y/n steps back and pulls out a burst wispon and fired fire balls at the mubian while the rest of the Team Chaotix took them out and once that they stood over them while Y/n walks over to them and asked while looking at the unconscious attsckers.
Y/n: Why did they attack us? We're not their enemy.
Espio: Those are apart of the Dark Legion.
Y/n: Dark Legion?
Espio: Mobians who joined Eggman so they won't be partly changed into one of Eggmans machines.
Y/n: (shocked) Seriously? Some join Eggman snd his empire.
Espio: Indeed and there is even a council of leaders or lead the Dark Legion.
Vector: Not in of them. Some were captured and mind controlled to serve them against their free will.
Y/n: That's horrible.
Then they hear something which they turn to see a large army of Dark Legion troops along with a few large robots pushing away the trees and make their way towards them.
Vector: Don't worry boys, we can do this...i think.
Y/n: You think?
Vector: Hey our job isnt taking down a large army!
Y/n sees his point and was aboit his changed his Wispon when suddenly a arrow flies over them and hits one of the large bits heads and blows up and falls and land on the other one.
Y/n: What the heck?
???: Ha Ha!
They turn to see one of Freedom fighter members within the Kingdom of Mercia on a tree with bow in hand as he calls out.
???: We have caught them unawars! Mercia Freedon fighters! Give these varlets cause to take flight!
Soon the rest of the Mercia Freedom fighters came out of the forest shd fight the Dark Legion army while Y/n and Team Chaotix stand there and watched.
Vector: (smirk) See I told you our luck was on our side.
Y/n: You didn't say that?
Espio: Doesn't matter. We have back up.
Charmy: (smile) Awesome!
Y/n thinks this is cool as well bit one of the Dark Legion was about to strike at Y/n but a member of the Mercia Freedom fighters kicks the dark Legion trooper in the face.
Y/n: (surprised) Thanks, that was close.
She nods while the rest of the Dark Legion troops sees that this is too much amd pull back. Once they were gone the four walk up to the Mercia Freedom fighters as Espio shake hands with the one with the bow from earlier.
Espio: (smile) Nice to see you and the rest are still around Bow.
Bow: (smile) And same to you friend. Nice to see you have come and visit.
Bow looks over to Y/n and sees he haven't seen him as he walks over and asked.
Bow: I believe we haven't met, have we?
Y/n: Well no, I'm apart of the Freedom fighters from Knothole, nice to meet you, names Y/n.
Bow: (smile) Ah another new fellow to the Freedom fighters then. A member to the Freedom fighters is a friend of mine. Allow me to introduce myself, the names Bow Sparrow and these are my troops. I'm sure you seen Thorn saved you earlier.
Thorn: (smile) Hello friend.
Bow: And our archives and Preacher Friar Buck.
Friar: Greetings friend.
Bow: Our musical but strong fighter Alan Quail.
Alan: (signing) Hello new friend. It is nice to see to you here, as we welcome you to our home land, I hope you, will enjoy your time here and a Hey Nonny Nonn~!
Bow: And lastly our brute strength of the group Munch Rat.
Munch: Don't get on my bad side kid, you never like me if I'm on my bad side.
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa you some amazing people here Bow. Is there anymore I should meet?
Bow: Yes but they are away on their mission. Now it's just me. So what brings you all here?
Vector: We were looking for Mighty and Ray. We believe this crossed here a while back.
Bow: Ah they have. Our mercenary was the one one found them and bring them here.
Espio: Mercenary?
Bow: Well she walk by and help us deal with the Dark Legion in return, she can live with us and help us.
Vector: So a close allie?
Bow: Indeed and she has a great shot then me. Speaking of which there she is now.
The bushes move as their mercenary step out and Y/n immediately recognised her as she step out of the bushes and sees Y/n.
Y/n: (shocked) It's you!
Bow: You two know each other?
Y/n: Yeah. She helped me one on a mission a while back. But I never know her name.
Thorn: Her name is Whisper and she maybe quit but she has a good aim.
Y/n: Whisper huh.
He turn to Whisper as the two lock eyes before they leave the area before more Dark Legion troops will come.
It was the afternoon as we see them at the Mercia Freedom fighters hideout which is a large tree house like city and they were within a building and sat around while Y/n looks to Whisper by the window to see her sitting alone.
Bow: I see, so they have disappeared after the Wrap Ring returned to you.
Espio: Yes and we were hoping if something happened to them when they went pass here?
Bow: Well you see they help us take care with the Dark Legion forces that were attacking us and if weren't for them, we might have been captured.
Friar: After that hard well battle they asked about Mighty's sister which was have the information stored in my archive room before my roboticized by Eggman. It turns ot his sister was roboticized as well way back but went missing during one mission at the Sand Blasters base.
Y/n: Are those another group of Freedom fighters as well?
Vector: Yeah but their not the guys you should meet as a Freedom fighters of Knothole.
Y/n: Why?
Espio: They have some bad history many years back and they fight by their own rules and even use one of Eggmans machines to fight. Their basically like bandits in your mind.
Y/n: Guess there is some that are good like Bow and his Mercia Freedon fighters while there is some like the Sand blasters.
Bow: Indeed. We have plans to raid the castle to not only rescue our fallen comrades but help Mighty and Ray find the information they needed to find Mighty's long lost sister.
Y/n: But?
Bow: But sadly Lord Hood was one step ahead of us and attack our base.
Alan: (signing) And E'er the fires grew, and our foes pressed into the night. Your friend. Our allies, courage stuck and steeled them for the fight--! With Mighty's straight of fifty men, and your Ray's nimble flight, we struck against the dark-Clad fiends, that horrid cyborg blight~!
Alan and Chamry: And a Hey Nonny Nonny~!
They chuckle a bit while Alan continues to sign while Y/n looks over to see Whisper not there so he walk out and see her outside and looking at the sun setting down so he stand next to her and asked.
Y/n: Guess Alan's signing might be bothing you?
She nods no so Y/n respond.
Y/n: Well that's good, because I like his signing. Say I wanna thank for from a whioe back. You sure know how to battle against Eggman's bots.
Whsiper: (whisper) Thanks.
Y/n: (thought) Wow this is a first I hear her voice. It's smooth and....kinda cute.
Y/n: So do you know where Mighty snd Ray went after they got the information they needed?
Whisper: (whisper) No.
Y/n: I see. What about you, why did you come here?
She pulls out a poster and shows it to Y/n and it's a wanted poster for Lord Hood.
Y/n: Huh so your going after him?
Whisper: (whisper) Yes, need to get ready when he uses it.
Y/n: Uses it? Used what?
Whisper: (whisper) He has this ability to midnight control people and his mind control abilities are...strong. Too strong in fact that I must be ready when it comes.
Y/n: That's gonna be hard to do.
Whisper: (whisper) Still....need to be ready.
Y/n understands and turns to leave but then Whisper tells him.
Whisper: (whisper) It's nice to meet you by away.
Y/n turns to her and give her a small smile before he leave which she sees and she blushes a bit before shake off this feeling and look at the veiw as the sun sets down.
In the Dungeon we see Lord Hood using his kind control abilities to get information from one of the prisons inside his cells as he asked him.
Lord hood: Where is the Hideaway. Where is it.
Mercia Freedon fighter member: It''s....N-No!
Lord Hood: Tell me where is Hideaway. Now!
Mercia Freedon fighter member: At Deerwood Forest.
Lord Hood: This blasted County is filled with forest! Whatever, I'm done with you.
Lord Hood walks out of the cell while a dark Legion trooper walks up next to him and tells him.
Dark Legion trooper: Sir the mercenaries you hide has arrived now sir. Their at your throne room now.
Lord Hood: Excellent. Get ready the troops, we're gonna try burning the forest until we find Hideaway.
The Dark Legion trooper nods as he walks off while Lord Hood make his way to the throne room and once there he sat on his throne chair while he stare at a group of mercenaries that he hired.
Lord Hood: You all are shown to be the best group of mercenary I've hired and I want only one thing and one thing only. Find Hideaway and captured Bow and his little friends once and for all. I hope you all will do your jobs well.
Their leader smirks with a chuckle as he tells him.
???: No problem boss. As long you guve us the money, we can get the job done.
We see Y/n and the rest making their plans to raid the castle and rescue the captured Mercia Freedon fighters and find our what happened to Mighty and Ray and where they want.
Bow place down a map to the castle snd points at one of the sewer pipes.
Bow: This is where we can enter to the castles walls while we can get into the church and there is a secret tunnel we can take to get into the castle.
Y/n: Never know you guys installed a secret tunnel inside a church.
Bow: You'll be surprised of how many tunnel we installed across the castle.
Vector: (smirk) So all we have to do is yo make our way inside, rescue the Mercia Freedom fighter members, hack into their computers and find out where Mighty and Ray at.
Espio: (smile) This will be a easy job.
Y/n: But what if Lord Hood knows we're coming? If there are many tunnels that leads to the castle snr you guys used it, what's stopping him of finding out one of them.
Bow: That is true, he once find one or two tunnel and sealed them up but not the church though.
Munch: (smirk) This will be a easy job mite. Even if we get noticed by that Lord snake face, we can handle him.
Alan: (smirk) Hold your fist Munch, let's not forget the last time you run in fist swinging.
Munch: Shut your trap Alan.
Bow: Even when it comes to us getting captured, we have our sniper keeping on eye on us outside of the castle.
Whisper: (whisper) No.
They turn to Whisper as she requested Bow.
Whisper: (whisper) I wanna join your team entering the castle. I can do a better job then sitting in the side lines and giving you all cover.
Bow: I see. Well in that case of course, you are welcome to come.
Y/n: (thought) She sounded a bit scared or worry. Wonder why?
Chamry: (smile) So we're off to save your friends while we find ours.
Vector: (smirk) This will be a easy mission. Let's do this Team Chaotix.
Espio: Let's hope this plan gose through.
Y/n: What ever it takes Espio. Fail or not we will succeed and find Mighty and Ray, where ever they are.
Bow: Then let us be off! Mercia Freedon fighters, let us raid as castle!
Mercia Freedon fighters: Yeah!
Out of the open desert we see a small abandoned factory which seems completely empty at first until we see Mobians running for their lives ad we see a large tank strolling into the factory and open fire at them as explosions fills the bows.
The tank driver laughs as he dose this before his tank immediately stop and feels like someone is lifting the tank and we see a familiar figure lifting the tank will all his strength before he tossed the tank far away and out of the factory or town.
The people there start to cheer for this familiar figure ad their leader step out and tells this mubian.
???: Hoo-weee! Flex, you mah kind of guy! How did we live without you?
This "Flex" person turns out to be Mighty as he stood up straight and tells their leader.
Mighy: You know me, boss. Just earning my keep while I'm looking for answers.
To be continued..............
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