Chapter 16: A beach day
News spread about Mina's mother sudden free from a robotic body and everyone were talking about it, even some who have robotic like appears were shocked as well and have hope to be free. Still how is that possible?
We see Sonic, Y/n, Sally, Mina and Isabella at Rotors place as Rotor dose scans to Isabella and after some scans ans test, he turns to them with surprised and tells them.
Rotor: (surprised) I don't know what to say. Isabella's body is now....normal.
Sally: And you said you just grab her hand and all of sudden her robotic body falls apart?
Y/n: Yeah but I have no idea how that happen.
Mina: (smile) Who cares! You free my mother, thank you so much!
She hugs Y/n and leaves Y/n blush a little while Sally gets a bit jealous while Rotor pulls up a image of Isabella's robotic body and tells them.
Rotor: I have a theory it might be because of Y/n's electric powers. When ever he touched anything that is powered by electricity, it works like malfunction wispon or TV's. I think Y/n must have control over of his electricity powers and when he grabs Isabella's hand, he must have forced his thoughts of freeing Mina's mother from her robotic shall and soon it did.
Sonic: (smirk) Well that's pretty cool. We've been trying to find many ways to bring people back their normal bodies only to have a guy who has that power for it.
Y/n: I guess so.
Rotor: (smile) Sally we might have Y/n's powers to cure everyone who was roboticized by Eggman.
Sally: I'm not to sure. I mean it be good but still....
Y/n: Don't worry Sally. I really wanna help people who were roboticized and this might be our chance.
Sally: Still I want you to be careful while using your powers. Remember, too much might make you pass out.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry Sally, I'm sure it can't be that many.
Y/n was stunned in shock to see many people who have either their body parts roboticized or their whole body and with him was Tangle who was assigned to help him.
Y/n: (shocked) How many did Eggman Roboticized?!
Tangle: Probably a few hundred or so.....or maybe thousand....but I'm sure it won't be that long.
Y/n: Still thanks for helping me out Tangle.
Tangle: (smile) No problem. Can't let you do all the the on your own. Team sticks together!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Say Where's Jawels? Would she be here?
Tangle: Oh! There she is now!
They see Jawels flying towards them and soon lands and rush up to them and tells them while having list of roboticized people.
Tangle: (smile) Hey Jawels. So how many people we have today?
Jawels: Well we have 50 people.
Tangle: (smile) That's not so bad.
Jawels: Yes however there is 100 coming here and 50 more on it's way here as well.
Tangle: Oh crap that is long. Hey! Why not zapping all of them. Maybe zapping them might work.
Y/n: I'm afraid I might hut them if I do that. It's maybe best I'll do this nice and slow so I won't hurt anyone.
Tangle: Guess that's true.
Jawels: We should get started. The less talk then more time we can get a long break.
Tangle: On it Jawels. Okay everyone the reverse roboticized is now open! Please form in line and tells us your problem and see we can reverse it for you.
Soon a line is formed sjd once by one people explain what happened to them and once that Y/n touches their roboticized part and frees their body from the Roboticized shall qhich they thanked and left. Y/n thinks this wouldn't be that hard but more and more citizens came with their problems and Y/n freeing them.
Soon this work start to feel tired for them, the most are Y/n who has to use his electric powers to free the roboticized people ane he nearly passed out a few times but he stayed awake and continues on.
Looking down on the window we see Sonic and Shadow watching this through the window as Sonic smirks and says to Shadow.
Sonic: (smirk) Looks like he's doing a good job.
Shadow: He's just wasting time. He's supposed to use his powers to fight, not use them to play doctor.
Sonic: (smirk) What's wrong? Jealous that your not the only one who has chaos powers?
Shadow: That's not the point. We still don't know about his past and can we even trust him.
Sonic: Is that your on about? Okay sure, I was on your side a little when we see his powers in first hand but soon I realise he's good and wants to help people.
Shadow: Sonic how can you trust him even though has has no past or memory how he appear at a beach.
Sonic: (smirk) You just need to relax Shadow. He's a good kid and I think he'll fight right in with all of us.
Shadow just turn and walks off but he turns back to Sonic snd tells him.
Shadow: You need to choice Sonic. Just because he is helping people, that doesn't mean he is good. He might be pretending just so he can to get the chaos Emeralds. You need to know which side you are in this war because as soon he'll turn against us, then it's yourself to blame.
Then Shadow walks off leaving Sonic alone in the halls as he turns to Y/n and knows he is doing alright and doing this to help the Freedom fighters but can Shadow might be right? He shakes off that thought and walks off.
(Next day)
After a long day, afternoon and night it was soon morning as we see Y/n slowly waking up on his bed feeling kinda sick how he used up his chaos powers to much but also feels someone with him as well.
He blushes bright to see both Tangle and Jawels sleeping on his bed and cuddling up with him with Tangle wrapping up her tail around Y/n's waist while Jawels snores peaceful and cute.
Y/n: (thought) Okay so I either passed out after our work was done and tonce they drag me to bed they too passed out of tiredness or we head to my place and head to bed together. Either way I feel sick a little.
Soon a door bell ring which Y/n slowly and carefully leave the bed and once off he gets changed and head down the steps while he leaves Jawels and Tangle sleep as he reach the door and open it to see Amy there with a bag that looked like swim clothes.
Amy: (smile) Hi Y/n! How is you?
Y/n: Kinda good but I'm still alive....I think.
Amy: Guess that work from yesterday made you tired huh?
Y/n: You have no idea.
Amy: (giggle) Well I have a perfect solution for you. Boom!
She hand him a poster which he takes and sees I was a beach resort.
Y/n: Beach resort?
Amy: (smile) Yeah, Rouge is going there as well saying that she have a surprise for Y/n if he gets here. Either way, wanna come?
Y/n: Sounds relaxing and fun. Do you mind Tangle and Jawels might come?
Amy: (smile) Sure thing, I promise you all won't regret it. See you there.
Then she leaves with Y/n closing the door and looking at the poster while Tangle and Jawels came down while they yawn as Tangle asked.
Tangle: (yawn) Who was that at the door?
Y/n: Amy and she invited us to this resort which seems nice. You two wanna come?
Tangle: (smile) Heck yeah! All that hard work pays off, oh yeah!
Jawels: My apologies but I can't. I have to head back to the store and make sure it's still running.
Y/n: (smile) That's okay. We sent yo some pictures once we had there.
Jawels: (smile) Can't wait. Have fun you two and please be safe.
The two agree and once Jawels left they dtart get packing to go to the beach resort and have a lot of fun snd relax whole being there.
The beach was nice with many people there taking dips at the ocean while some of shore relaxing at the sun. Y/n came into veiw as he looks at the ocean while wearing only orange shores as he looks at the veiw.
Y/n: (thought) Man this feels like this other beach I woke up before I join the Freedom fighters.
Amy: (smile) Hey you came!
Y/n turns to see Amy wearing her swimming bikini as she rush up to him and asked him.
Amy: (smile) What do you think?
Y/n: (little blush) I-I-It suits you Amy.
Amy: (smile) Thanks. I asked Sonic about this years ago and the only respond is running away. Sometimes I don't understand that Hedgehog. Say where is Tangle and Jawels?
Y/n: Tangle is at the chaing room while Jawels is away back to her Jawellery store.
Amy: That sucks, hope she'll be alright on her own.
Y/n: I'm sure she'll be fine. Maybe she might finish up early and be here.
Amy: (smile) Let's hope so.
Vector: I see you are also here Y/n.
They turn to see Voctor, Charmy and Espio also here as well as they walk up to Amy and Y/n.
Y/n: Hey guys. What brings you here?
Vector: Taking part of the surfing competition. The reward is a large amount of money!
Charmy: (smile) Yay thsi competition is gonna be the best!
Espio: What about you?
Y/n: Just here to relax. After freeing many citizens who were roboticized, me and Tangle came to take a break and enjoy ourselves.
Vector: Wait, what was that part about that Roboticized thing?
Y/n: Long story.
Vector: Probably best to tell us that after the competition. Take care Y/n and maybe come bay to see us win.
Y/n: We will. See ya you three and good luck.
The three walk off to the competition and soon after Tangle finally arrived with her swimming bikini on her as she walks up to Y/n and Amy.
Amy: (surprised) Wow Tangle you look great!
Tangle: (little blush) Thanks. Thought this might not suit me.
Y/n: (smile) Don't be nonsense. You look great on you.
Tangle: (little blush) Thanks.
Rouge: Hey there Y/n~.
He turn to see Rouge walking up to also wearing are bikini that looks....a bit too sexxy for Rouge to wear.
Y/n was blushing deeply while Rouge chuckles and walks up close to him and asked him.
Rouge: (smirk) What do you think of mine? It's okay to answer, there is no right or wrong what I'm wearing.
Her breast moves a bit which Y/n was close to have a nosebleed while dark orbs surround Amy and Tangle as they glare at Rouge with jealous in the eyes.
Bunnie: Oh hey there Y/n! Nice to see you here!
Then Bunnie along with Antonie walk up to them hand to ahnd also wearing their swimming clothes as they walk up to them.
Amy: (smile) Oh hey Bunnie and Antonio, what brings uou here?
Bunnie: (smile) Just a beach date. Figured this place will do for our date.
Antonio: (smile) Agree my love. The ocean is nice and warm and the air is calmer then soft pillows.
Bunnie: (smile) Let's race to the ocean!
Amy: (smile) Your on!
Tangle: (smile) I'm getting ahead start!
The three girls head to the ocean and they splashed inro the ocean and once there they splash around and splash each other.
We see Rouge laying on the blanket relaxing while Antonio and Y/n sat near her as they see the three girls having fun.
Antonio: So what are your relationship with them?
Y/n: Huh? What do you mean?
Antonio: I've noticed that many girls have shown of a interest towards you including Sally. I wanna know what your relationship with them?
Y/n blushed pink when he released what he ment and he stumble some words trying to fund the right words to say but instead of Antonio being disappointed, he chuckle and tells him.
Antonio: (smile) No need to ask. I know you have a deep bound towards some girls you met and understand why they fall for you. They see you as a kind hedgehog and will do what ever you can to make not just them happy but everyone else as well.
Y/n: Guess so. What about you and Bunnie?
Antonio: At the beginning we were friends but soon we form as a couple and soon we fall in love. Have I ever tell you I wasn't like this?
Y/n: What do you mean?
Antonio: Well, before I was this brave and great swordsman....I was...less brave, easily get scared in little things but in sometime, I've grown out of that phase and became better then ever.
Y/n: That's a interesting story. Was Bunnie the reason why you changed?
Antonio: Well yes but mostly no. But I've learn something back then. Just because you are afraid back then, that doesn't mean you can change for the person you must protect.
Y/n nods to him and he thinks about that while Rouge rolled over to her back and asked Y/n next to her.
Rouge: Y/n. Will you do me a little favor and put sun cream over my back.
Y/n: (blush) U-Um sure Rouge.
Y/n take out some sun scream and pours some onto his hand and then starts rubbing it onto her back whidh she lend out a moan as he dose it.
Rouge: (smirk) My your rubbing are amazing.
Y/n: (little blush) Th-th-thsnk you.
Y/n rubs more whike Rouge moans a little from this ane feels more relaxed while Y/n cheeks get blusher and blusher and then Rouge looks at Y/n and tells him.
Rouge: (smirk) You know....I don't mind if you rub on my ches-
Suddenly a volleyball came out of nowhere and slams Y/n in the face ans swnt him flying and soon crashed onto the ground as we see Amy in a throwing possed while Tangle ans Bunnie were shocked to see how far and hard she did while Y/n was laying on the sand twitching a bit signaling that he is still alive.
(Short while later)
We see Y/n walking along the beach alone as he touches his cheek as it still hurts a bit by Amy's "accidentally throw" that she pits it. Still he decided to talk a walk alone but he stop and turn to see the ocean and gets memories of him waking up in the beach without an idea how he got there.
Y/n: (thought) This beach still reminds me of that day. Still i need to find more answers about my past and find out where I came from.
???: Oh hey there Y/n.
He turns and to his surprise he see Sally walking up to him also wearing her bikini gear as she walks up to him.
Sally: (nervous chuckle) Guess this might be weird to you to see that Princess has bikini on huh?
Y/n: Oh no I think it's good.
Sally: (smile) Thanks. I'm kinda nervous when I'm out in public wearing this.
Y/n: I see why.
The two chuckle for a bit but soon they were silent. Soon Sally takes Y/n hand and asked.
Sally: Do you mind...take a dip with me?
Y/n was surprised by that but nods to her. She smiled and the two take enter the ocean and they swam around just enjoying the peaceful water without anyone around them but just themselves.
Sally looks over to Y/n and feels more joyful being with him alone together and wishes this will last forever. Soon they relaxment turn inro fun when Sally splash on Y/n which caught him off guard while Sally lend out a giggle.
Sally: (giggle) Bet you didn't see that coming.
Y/n: (smirk) That's not far Sally. I think someone is gonna teach you a lesson!
He too splash on Sally which she laughs ans she splash Y/n back and the two splash each otherwith laughter from them and after a while we see them at shore sitting on the sand looking at the veiw as Sally sighs and said.
Sally: (smile) This was the best.
Y/n: Do you usually come here?
Sally: Yeah i come here alone I case everyone will recognise me.
Y/n: (smile) Well you don't have to be shy about it. Your a princess and everyone seeing you having fun will see you as a kind princess and knows how to be fun.
Sally: (smile) Guess your right. Say what happened to your cheek?
Y/n: Oh.....a Volleyball hit me but it's fine.
Sally: Still here's some ice for it.
She pulls out some ice and puts it over his cheek which make the pain less painful. Sally and Y/n were close snd they lock eyes and blushed as they lend back and look away for a while.
Sally: (little blush) S-Sorry about that.
Y/n: (little blush) N-No I should be the one who should be sorry.
Still their hearts beat faster and they looked to each other as Y/n move a bit to Sally and looks at her for a bit and gently move his hand to her cheek and touched it and feel her soft and warm cheek including her fur.
Y/n give her a smile which she blushed and she too feel his warm hand as they stare to each other and without word Sally lend in and kissed him on the lips.
Sally doesn't know what she was thinking so she stop kissing him leaving the two blushed as Sally tells him.
Sally: (blush) I'm so so so sorry I have no idea what I was thinking about I should-
Y/n: (little blush) Sally it's okay. It's actually good.
Sally: (blush) Really?
Y/n: (little blush) I mean not to sound like a creep but your lips were soft and warm.
Sally: (little blush) R-really? Thanks that's kind of you to say.
Sally and Y/n stare back each other once more and slowly they move their heads to each other and shut there eyes and soon they kissed which Sally made a cute gasp as they kissed. They hold hands while they do that and after a while they stop kissing and look at each other.
Sally: (thought) His lips are just too soft and my heart has never beat faster then ever. I....I.....I.....
Sally: I love you Y/n!
Then she tackles Y/n to the ground while Y/n yell in surprised but his mouth was covered by Sally's as she kissed him even more and this gose on for a very long while.
(Soon after)
We see Y/n laying on the couch at his place with kissed marks from Sally at the beach and it was agood thing that Antonio told them that Tangle, Amy and Rouge left early otherwise he might get even more then a Volleyball at his face.
Soon after he heard the door bell which he leaves the couch and take up the kissed marks on his face and walks over to the door and opens it.
Y/n: Hey there, is there anything I might help you wi-
Y/n jump back in shock as Cgarmy yell out in a panic while Vector grabs his head and cover his mouth as Charmy moves around his arms and legs as Y/n stood up and asked.
Y/n: What's going on?
Espio: It's about Mighty and Ray.
Y/n: What about them?
Vector: There missing and-
Then Charmy was free from Vector and calls out in panic.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! How?
Vector: Don't know but we can't do this on a three man team. We need your help, I know you just came back from your break but Mighty and Ray might be in trouble and we could use some help. Sonic and the rest of the important Freedom fighter members are busy on their own jobs which is why we come here and asked for your help.
Y/n: Sure thing. Where should we start?
Vector: First let's head to our agency and see what we can find about what happened to mighty and Ray.
Espio: Grab your things, this might be a long journey.
Y/n: Right let's go.
Y/n gose with them and they head to their agency to try to find clues about what happened to Mighty and Ray and possibly bring them back where ever they might be.
To be continued.............
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