Chapter 15: A date with a singer
It was a bright a shinning morning within Knothole and we hear someone humming within one house and we hear this humming within a bedroom ad she is getting dress.
Mina was looking at herself in the mirror while she is getting changed she looks at herself in the mirror and winks to herself before saying to herself.
Mina: (smile) Cute as ever girl . (Giggle)
She then heard her mom calling out for her which she left her bedroom and came down the steps to see her mother cooking breakfast for them. She still trapped within a robot like shell but she was free from Eggman's control and now living with Mina still as her mother as she set her breakfast on the table while Mina sat down and enjoy her breakfast.
Mina: (surprised) Whoa this looks pretty good mom, thanks.
Isabella: Thank you. I really wish I would have join you but if only I can be free with this metal shall. Still I am glad you still like my cooking.
Mina: (smile) It's no problem Mom.
Isabella: So what adventures is my little girl gonna do today?
Mina: (chuckle) You sounded like I always go and get myself in trouble.
Isabella: Yeah guess so but still, what are your plans for today?
Mina: I actually wanna find someone who saved me during a concert last night.
Isabella: Who?
Mina: Not sure who but I was happy he was there to catch me and he is really nice when we first met.
It was late at night and we see a crowd of people listening to Mina signing as she dance around on stage while people cheered for her.
She was having a blast at it and once the song ends she dose a finishing pose which everyone cry out of joy as Mina smiled back and tells the crowd through the microphone.
Mina: (smile) Thank you everyone for coming for tonight! I hope you are have a great night and-
She takes one step and suddenly she slipped and fell off the stage with a crowd of people gasp in fear she might get hurt while she led out a scream and ready for the impact but she slowly open her eyes to see she didn't land on the ground.
???: That was a close call.
She looks to see Y/n catches her before she hits the ground with a friendly smile on his face while he asked her.
Y/n: (smile) You okay? You didn't get hurt did ya?
Her heart skip a beat when they lock eyes with a small blush appear on her cheek as Y/n set her down and Y/n asked again.
Y/n: (smile) You okay? Your not saying anything?
She nods ti her response still blushing a bit but Y/m smiles which she find his smiles very cute and her heart race more and start to have feelings towards Y/n in that night.
(Flashback ends)
Mina was thinking about that night while Isabella sees this and sat down and tells teased her in a cheerful way.
Isabella: It looks like my daughter may have a crush with a fan.
Mina: (blush) Mom it's not like that!
Isabella: I'm just kidding but for real, that young man must be very nice to catch you. If he wasn't there, who knows what will happen to you.
Mina: Yeah but unfortunately I didn't have a chance to thank him but today I will and maybe I'll hang out with him.
Isabella: That be nice. Maybe you can invite him for dinner with us so I can get to know your boyfriend.
Mina: (blush) Mooommm!
Isabella Giggles through the robotic speakers while Mina blushes more and soon after she left the house and head into Knothole to search for Y/n to thank him and possibly hang out with him.
She head to Chuck's chili dogs to ask anyone if they know where she could find Y/n. Once there she sees less people there but see uncle Chuck as he waves to her so she sat at the booth and Chuck asked.
Chuck: (smile) Hey Mina, how is things with tge singer of Knothole doing?
Mina: (smile) I'm doing fine Uncle Chuck, thanks for asking.
Chuck: Want anything? It's on the house.
Mina: (smile) No thwnk you but I wanna ask you something.
Chuck: Sure what's on your mind?
Mina: Do you know of a hedgehog that has blue eyes, blue and black shoes and white quills?
Chuck: Ah you must be on about Y/n.
Mina: (surprised) Really? You know him?
Chuck: Ah yes, a friendly hedgehog. He comes by to chat with me while he waits for his lunch or dinner and even helps me around with the restaurant. I'll tell ya, his electricity powers are very useful when it comes to broken down machines.
Mina: So he has chaos powers like Shadow?
Chuck: (smile) Yes indeed. I heard is being trained by Shadow infact to learn his chaos powers ever since that Casino night attack.
Mina: That's interesting. Well do you know where he is now?
Chuck: Not to sure but I think he is away to Elina's flower shop for some plants. He start to like planting plants and I think his back garden might be filled with beautiful flowers and plants.
Mina: (thought) Wow so he likes planting. Maybe I can visit his plant garden someday. It will be romantic.
Mina: (smile) Well thanks for the info Uncle Chuck, I'll see you around.
Chuck: (chuckle) You too Mina and good luck.
Mina exit out of the restaurant and make her way to the flower shop and once there she opens the door only to see Ashley walk pass us filled with boxes on her as she heards off to do her delivery.
She walks into the store and see Sophie and Laura cleaning up the floors while Elina was at the front desk also cleaning as well while Mina walks up to her which Elina looks up and says.
Elina: (smile) Oh hi Mina, didn't know you'll come here to visit.
Mina: (smile) Hi Elina. Did i come here in a bad time?
Elina: Oh no that's alright. We're just cleaning up the place that's all.
Mina: Cool. Hey can I ask you something?
Elina: (smile) Sure, ask away.
Mina: Do you know Y/n?
Elina: (smile) Yep. He's a very sweat person and comes here to buy some plants or comes to help us about.
Sophie: Yeah and he is very interested with plants ever since he moved here.
Mina turns to both Sophie and Laura as she gose on to say.
Sophie: (smile) Within seconds he knows every plant who read through and plant his at his garden and man, his garden must be huge.
Laura: (smile) Still he is such a cutie. He help us when stores are busy and always help us during night time. We even caught Elina and Y/n sleeping together on the couch at the break room.
Elina: (blush) Laura I thought we said to never talk about that!
Laura: (smirk) Oh come on you two were so cute sleeping together. It's lucky I didn't post it all across Knothole.
Elina blushes even more in embarrassment while Mina asked either Laura or Sophie.
Mina: Dose you two know where Y/n might go to?
Laura: Hmm I don't know.
Sophie: I think he want to Tails place. He says Tails needs him to do some experiments and test what other abilities can his chaos powers can do.
Mina: That's interesting. Thanks girls, I'll check there right away.
Minw exit out of the store just as Ashley head back in and once back inside she asked them while she saw Mina head out of the store.
Ashley: What did I miss?
Mina arrived at Tails place only to get nearly hit by a drone that Tangle was taking control off which she sets it up when she realised she nearly hit Mina.
Tangle: Whoops. Sorry about that, I've gotten bored.
Mina: It's no problem but have you seen Tails anywhere?
Tangle: Tails is at the next room working on something but I'll be happy to help you for any problems you might have.
Mina: Oh i just came here to see if he was with Y/n?
Tangle: Sorry but I think you missed him. I think he is away after Tails was done with something but I don't know where though.
Mina: Aw man.
Tangle: Say, aren't you that singer that Y/n catch you before you hit the ground?
Mina: (nervous chuckle) Yep that's me.
Tangle: (smile) No need to be ashamed. At least your alright and saved by Y/n.
Mina: Where you there?
Tangle: (smile) Yep. We decided to go to your concert after while adventure within Casino night and we have a blast listening you sing. You were amazing.
Mina: (giggle) Thanks.
Tangle: (smile) Still it was nice for him to save you from falling. Gonna say he is one kind hedgehog and knows how to make people happy.
Mina: (smile) Yeah he sure dose.
Soon Tails came out from another room and walks over and say to Mina.
Tails: (smile) Oh hey Mina, didn't know you'll be here? Can I help you with anything?
Mina: Oh I just came to see if Y/n gone anywhere?
Tails: I think he's away to see Amy and Sally at the cafe.
Mina: (smile) Thanks Tails. See you two around.
Mina walks off and during these hours she walks around Knothole to see she could find Y/n but people who knew Y/n tells her where Y/n went and where dose he usually go.
(Hours later)
We see Mina taking rest at the park and she sat down at the park bench and breath out a sigh as she thinks to herself.
Mina: (thought) Y/n must be very busy helping people within Knothole, I don't even think I could ever gonna meet him again. No, I got to try I just wish he'll somehow finds me. But there is no way that's gonna ha-
Y/n: Hey I know you?
Mina froze and slowly turn to see Y/n standing over her with Mina being surprised to see Y/n just right there as Y/n looks at her a bit and asked.
Y/n: Aren't you that signer that I caught last night?
Mina blushes deeply to see him again and immediately stand up and pull out her hand and nervously said.
Mina: (nervous) H-Hello Y-Y-Y/n. M-M-My name is M-Mine.
Y/n stare at her a bit with Mina worried he thinks of her weird but Y/n shake her hand which she can feels his warm hand while Y/n tells her.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you Mina. I'm surprised you know my name since this is the first time we met.
Mina: (nervous) W-Well I've been a-asking people about you and see if they know where you are.
Y/n: (smile) Well you find me, hope you weren't tired because of me. Sorry I was babysitting Cream and Cheese while her mom was away.
Mina: Oh no that's alright. The important think is that I found you and I can get to say thank you for what you did last night.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. Hey wanna grab some coffee at a nearby cafe and talk?
Mina: (smile) Yes! I mean of course, let's go.
Her heart race as Mina and Y/n walk together out of the park and to a nearby cafe which was surprisingly less full with people.
We then see them sitting down and drinking their coffee while they talk to each other.
Y/n: (smile) You know I am a huge fan of your songs.
Mina: (blush) You listen to my songs.
Y/n: (smile) Why shouldn't I be? Your songs are soo smooth and calm. It's a perfect background music when I'm planting.
Mina: (little blush) Th-Thank you. I also learned you love gardening.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah something about it makes me happy and feels like I've been doing it for years. It's vert nice and relaxing.
Mina: (smile) I can tell. I also learn your getting some teaches with Shadows about your abilities.
Y/n: Yeahhh and let's just say is method of training....nearly cost me to go to Doctor quacks office to get it healed.
Mina: I see why.
Still the two chuckle and after they finish their drink she invented him to dinner with her and her mother which he agree and they head there.
After a while they arrived with Mina opening the door and calls out to her mother.
Mina: Mom I'm home and I got a visitor!
Soon Isabella came out of the kitchen with Y/n a bit surprised to see her mother roboticized but not in Eggmans control.
Isabella: Hi Mina and hello to you too as well. My name is Isabella, I'm Mina's mother.
Y/n: Um it's nice to meet you Ma'am.
Isabella: I see your a bit surprised about my appearance. Yes I was roboticized but thanks to Sonic and his friends, I'm free with Eggman's control but stuck within this metal body.
Y/n: I'm so sorry for that.
Isabella: That's alright. As long I'm with my singing daughter, I'm happy. So what is your name?
Y/n: (smile) Names Y/n, I'm a freedom fighter like sonic and the rest.
Isabella: How exciting. I'm just finishing up cooking dinner, it be great for you to join us.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.
Mina smiles in joy while they sat around the table and soon Isabella came to the dinner room with food and set them on the table. They dig in while they chatted to each other and Mina get to know Y/n a lot more.
Mina: You have amnesia.
Y/n: Yeah can't remember my past or where I came from. I found some clues that tell me a bit about my past not nothing so far.
Isabella: That is terrible I hope you'll find your lost memories soon.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks and everyone else seems to help me with this problem. Actually Mina's song reminded me something about my past.
Mina: Really?
Y/n: Yeah. I was in this temple and I was looking at the master Emerald and beside me was this...female echidna signing this song with a like of Chao's that are like Cheese but a can't seem to remember her face. It was a blurr but before I could remember any further, I heard Mina scream and you know the rest.
Isabella: It seems like there was important to you in the past that was gone but Mina's song help you to remember it.
Y/n: Yeah, guess I thank you for helping me remember that Mina.
Mina: (smile) Oh please it's nothing really. Still the next concert I'll have, but want you to have VIP access.
Y/n: Really? You really don't have to do this.
Mina: (smile) Nonsense it's the least I can do after you caught me before you hit the ground.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem Mina, just glad your safe.
Mina smiles while blushing with Isabella sees this and after they have their dinner Mina aside to clean the dishes while we see Isabella and Y/n at the living room as they talk to each other when Y/n ask her.
Y/n: I know it may not my business to ask but where I'd Mina's father?
Isabella: Well you see, Mina's father was actually a soldier and fought many battles including the great war. He was a brave and nice until his death.
Y/n: I'm so sorry for asking you that. It must be hard to lose someone that is close to you and Mina.
Isabella: Kinda. When Mina learned about his death she was upset and lock herself in her room and cry. She dose this until she found music and this filled her with hope and desire and uses it to give hope to all and show the world to never give up hope.
Y/n: (smile) Whoa. That's pretty nice for her to do.
Isabella: Indeed. If her father would be here today, he'll be proud of her.
She grabs a small picture and looks at her, her husband and a baby Mina within the picture while he asked Y/n.
Isabella: Tell me. What do you think about my daughter?
Y/n: (smile) I think she is a wonder person and a type of person to use music to show everyone the light and fight back the darkness like Eggman.
Isabella: And will you protect her no matter what happens to her.
Y/n: (smile) Of course. You two have been happy for years and I will not allow either you two to be gone including everyone else in Knothole.
Isabella sees Y/n true power of protecting people and nods to him while Y/n stands up and tells Isabella.
Y/n: I'll be best be leaving. Its getting dark soon.
Isabella: I agree. Well, it's nice meet you Y/n.
She wave her hand forward for a handshake which Y/n smiles and reach his arm and grabs her robot hand while he tells her.
Y/n: (smile) You too and I hope you and your daughter have a nic-
Suddenly a spark of electricity from Y/n's hand transferred inro Isabella body and sparks of electricity but it doesn't seem to hurt her. Y/n was worried that something bad will happen but instead bits of her robot body comes off, exposing Isabella's fur and soon her robot head came off and Isabella opens her eyes for the first time while she looks at herself and see she is back to normal.
She stand up and looks around to see bits of her used to be robot body was on the floor while she looks at her hands and body and to Y/n and Y/n was shocked as well.
Just then Mina came to the living room and asked Isabella while she was holding a plate on her hand.
Mina: Hey Mom, would it be fine if Y/n have a share of your chocolate cak-
But when she spotted the now normal mother she drop the plate in shock which smashed onto the ground snd walks over to her.
Mina: (shocked) M-Mom? Y-Y-Your no longer....
Isabella was still surprised as well which Mina shock turn inro tears of joy as she leaps over and hugs her with laughter while Isabella hugs her back.
Mina: (smile) Mom! Your back, but how?!
Isabella: (smile) Well you should ask your guest about that.
They turn to Y/n with Mina being shocked that Y/n managed to free her mother out of her robotic body and the only thing Y/n said was.
Y/n: (shocked) I have no idea how I done that.
To be continued...............
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