Chapter 13: Casino night Tournament (Arc 3)
The next round begins as people cheered in their seats and yelling as explosions are seen on the fighting ring and then we see Jawels flying around in a panic and nearly getting blown up by Beans bombs as he throws them at her while she flies around in a panic and soon gets behind a rock and taking breaths to calm herself and tells herself.
Jawels: Maybe this was a bad idea to be part of a fighting tournament. Including against someone who had bombs out fo nowhere!
Then a bomb lands next to her which she scream as the bomb blows up and Bean continues to throw bombs at Jawels while we see Y/n, Tangle, Mighty and Ray watching this and they are cheering on for Jawels and hopes she'll be alright.
Mighty: Um dose your friend know how to fight?
Tangle: (smirk) Of course she dose.
Tangle: Okay maybe a little.
Mighty: Well, let's hope she'll be alright out there.
Y/n: She can do this. I know she can.
Then another explosion follow by Jawels being thrown and crashed onto a wall and fell onto the ground and after that the bell rang and Bean wins this battle.
Y/n: Or maybe not.
(Short while later)
We see them checking up on Jawels at the medical room and she is seen laying in bed with some bandages on her and try not to move too much.
Jawels: This is gonna be the last time I'm taking part of a fighting tournament.
Tangle: (smile) Well look at thr bright side, at least your flight is pretty fast.
Jawels: Guess so.
Ray: A-Are you g-g-gonna be a-alright?
Jawels: I'll be fine. The doctor said I just need some rest and wait for it to get healed.
Y/n: Well get some rest Jawels, you did well.
Jawels: (blush) Th-Thank you Y/n and your next match will be Honey right?
Y/n: Looks like it and I'm actually wonder who tough she might be.
Tangle: Probably super tough since he beat Rough and Tumble when we first came in.
Y/n: Yeah so my fight with her will be tough.
Then the door opens and they turn to see Coconus came to the room and asked Y/n.
Coconuts: Breezie would like to see you Y/n in private.
Y/n: Um sure is there a problem?
Coconuts: Just she wants to see you.
Y/n: Alright. See ya guys.
He gose with Coconuts and once that they enter a elevator and once the door shut the lift takes them to the top floor and soon after the doors open and the two step into Breezie's office as we see hear facing away from them and looking out of her window while taking a sip of her drink and once they walk up to her desk she tells Coconuts.
Breezie: Nice work. You may leave now.
Coconuts bows before he left the room. Y/n sat down and so dose Breezie as she turns to him with a smirk on her face.
Breezie: (smirk) So how is your time here? Feel relaxed?
Y/n: Guess so. Is there any problem that you want me to help?
Breezie: Indeed actually. I believe those bounty hunters that Eggman sent are on to something. Are security footage below the casino was cut in mysterious reason and we believe they are up to something.
Y/n: You mean Fang, Bean and Bark? What make you think they are up to something?
Breezie: Scratch and Grounder search their room and found a map that shows them the entrance to a underground basement that is connected to my casnio and the fighting ring. If I'm right, they are up to something and I need your help to head down there and check it out tomorrow.
Y/n: Tomorrow? But my fight will be tomorrow as well?
Breezie: (smirk) Never worry, I can change it to one of yoru friends to take your place and besides, if you do this and proof them to be the once that try to destroy my casnio, i can kick them out and your team will be one step away to get that chaos Emerald.
Y/n: Guess so. Alright I'll check it out tomorrow and stop it from happening.
Breezie: (smirk) Thank you. You really are such a good boy.
She winks at him which make him blush whike Breezie smirks even more in a sexxy way whike Y/n turns and left the room.
Breezie: (thought) Your not getting that Chaos Emerald eggman. I'm giving it to someone who really deserves it.
(Next day)
Tangle: (surprised) Wait I'm facing off against Honey?
We see Y/n and Tangle at the waiting area as Y/n gose on to say.
Y/n: Yeah I'm sorry but Breezie told me about Fang and his team up to no good. I think they are going after the chaos Emerald by any means necessary.
Tangle: Hmm Guess that is suspicious but you sure you can handle this on your own?
Y/n: I'll be alright. Besides, I told Mighty about this and asked to be in which I agree.
Tangle: Okay. Just....don't get hurt too much Okay?
Y/n: (smile) I won't, I promise. And good luck with your match.
Tangle: (blush) Thanks.
Then the crowd cheered and Y/n rushes off while Tangle gose oh the fighting ring and so dose Honey as they walk up to Coconuts and the two stare each other.
Honey: I thought Y/n will be facing me?
Tangle: He is busy with something.
Honey: Aw and here I wanna have a go with Y/n. But i guess you look pretty good with your fighting skills including with a tail so I guess I'll give you a shot.
Tangle: (smirk) You won't be disappointed.
Coconuts: Let the fight begin!
Tangle gets the first attack by throwing her tail at Honey but she dodges it and grabs Tangels tail and start to spine her around and around before throwing away away but Tangle use his tail to land on the wall and spring off the wall and flies towards Honey.
Honey smirks to herself to see how skilled Tangle is with a tail and leaps back and dodge Tangles attack and Tangle lands on the ground and looks up to see Honey rushes over to up and air kicks Tangle sending her flying and crash onto the wall.
People cheered whike Tangle lands onto her feet and looks up at Honey with a smirk on her face which impressed Honey.
Honey: (smirk) Gonna say your pretty good.
Tangle: (smirk) I've been fighting Eggheads bots when ever they attack my home town so I know how to fight well.
Honey: (smirk) That's pretty interesting but let's see you got against me.
Tangle: I thought you wanna fight just so you can boost up your business and hand us the Chaos Emerald?
Honey: (smirk) True but can't be fun if I go easy with you.
Tangle: (smirk) Huh far point. Alright then, let's do this!
They charge at each other and they battle while we cut to Mighty waiting for Y/n at the entrance to the basement and soon Y/n arrived to Mighty and ask him.
Y/n: Any news while I was away.
Mighty: Well Breezie wasn't wrong or lying. I just saw them coming into this basement and I heardsome noises down there after that. They might be planning something.
Y/n: Agree. Still we need to be careful on what it might be.
Mighty: Right. Let's go.
They sneak down the steps and once at the bottom floor they see Fang and his team put some torches around to light up the basement. They make their way through the basement and after a while of looking around they starred to hear talking follow by something clicking and soon they get behind a book shelf and they peek their heads to see them placing bombs around to blow up the casnio.
Mighty: (whisper) This can't be good.
Y/n: (whisper) Yeah but let's hear in.
Fang: Yo Bark, place the last of the few bombs?
Bark nods for Yes whike Bean dust off his hands and turns to Fang.
Bean: Remind me again why we are placing down bombs at the basement?
Fang: Oh bloody hell. Listen, we need that chaos Emerald for the doc so he can pay us. The best course to do that is by blowing up this places high and take the Emerald while everyone is distracted.
Bean: Ooooooohhhhhh.....I don't get it.
Fang just facepalmed while he sigh to himself. Y/n and Mighty were shocked by this but Mighty knock over something that made a noise and the trio turns to where they are.
Fang: Some one is here.
Bean: Don't worry, I got them!
Fang: Wait Bean don-
But Bean throws the bomb which lands where Y/n and Mighty are at the blows up sending the two flying and crash onto the ground hard.
Fang: (anger) Are you trying to blow us up as well!
Bean: (smile) Hey, at least that was fun hehe.
Fang: (sigh) What should I do with you.
Y/n and Mighty stood up and Mighty point at them and tells them.
Mighty: We over heard your plan and we're not gonna let you blow this place up.
Fang: (smirk) Wanna bet. Boys get them.
Bark and Bean rushes at them while Mighty and Y/n also charge at them. Mighty throws blows at Bark while Y/n dodge Bean's bombs and face him while Fang takes out a lighter and lights up the bomb while he takes out his pistol and fires a few shots at Y/n and Might but Mighty throws a book shelf at him which hits him and pinned him onto the ground.
Mighty: Y/n the bomb!
Y/n: On it!
Y/n rushes towards it but Bark grabs him by the leg but Mighty punches Bark which made him let go and Y/n rushes towards the bomb while Bean throws a bomb at him but Y/n quickly turns and kicks the bomb back at Bean which he catch.
Bean: Wow nice kick!......Wait.....I should probably let-
He cough out a smoke before he fell backwards while Y/n made it to the bomb and was about to burn it out when Bark throws Mighty away and rushes at Y/n and grabs him and start to chock him.
Mighty crashed onto a few book shelfs until he stand up and sees Y/n getting chocked by Bark.
Mighy: Y/n!
He rushes towards him but a gun fire stops him and turns to see Fang as he fires once more at him while he dodges. Bark chocks Y/n by the neck and Y/n was losing consciousness and was about to pass out but his determination to stay awake sticks with him and soon his arms and body start to spark with electricity and then Y/n zaps Bark with electricity that sent him flying and crashed into a wall at the far back.
Mighty: (surprised) Wow!
Fang was shocked by this while Y/n lands on the ground and rushes to the bomb and burns out the bomb just in time before it gose off.
Fang grind his teeth in anger and looks at Mighty while Bean and Bark who are more injured than Fang group up and Fang tells them.
Fang: Mark my words you two, you will pay for this!
Then the trio rush out of the basement and once that they were gone. Y/n breath a sigh and and dose Mighty. Mighty turns to him and gives him a smile which Y/n returns back and the two smiled and they head out where they met with Breezie who have a smile of joy and said while she walks up to them.
Breezie: (smile) You two are the best. Nice work.
Mighty: Thanks and the bomb is down there defused already.
Breezie: (smile) Thank you so much boys. I'll make sure they will be kicked out at once.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome!
Tangle: (smile) Hey guys.
They turn to see Tangle and Honey walk up to them and Y/n asked.
Y/n: so how did the match go?
Tangle: I....Kinda lost.
Honey: (smile) But your friend is a great fighter, I give her that.
Breezie: Since Fang, Bean and Bark are out either in defeat or try to blow up my casino, I believe the winner will be Honey the cat.
Honey: (smile) Thanks but I think you should give the Emerald to Y/n and the rest. I never cared about the prize, I took part to boost my company.
Breezie: (smirk) Very well then. Scratch.
Scratch: Yes Ma'am.
He hands her the box which Breezie takes ane hand it to Y/n which he also takes and opens it to reveal a green glow of a chaos Emerald.
Tangle: (smile) Alright we got the Emerald and here I thought this will be harder. Guess our luck is on us!
Suddenly there was an explosion behind Breezie, stratch and Grounder which they turn around and they see two red glowing eyes and once the smoke clear up they see Metal Sonic staring at them.
Tangle: Aw come on!
Metal Sonic sees the Chaos Emerald and fires a beam from his chest but everyone duck down but Y/n stood up only to be grabbed by Metal Sonic by the neck wnr fly through a few walls.
Mighty: This can't be good.
Ray: Mighty! Tangle! Eggman is attacking!
Then Ray rushes towards them and once he gets to them he explains.
Ray: M-More of E-Eggman's bots just l-landed a th-the city!
Breezie: (shocked) What?! How dare he.
Stratch: Ma'am we should take you to safety at once.
The another explosion appear and Eggmans bots appear and they charge at them.
Mighty: Hate to say it but Scratch is right. Get to safety Breezie, we can hold them off.
Breezie: Alright.
Breezie, Scratch and Grounder heads off while Tangle stands next to Mighty and tells him.
Tangle: We need to find Jawels and then search for Y/n. He might be in trouble.
Mighty: Agree but we need to get pass all of them. Stay close to me Ray.
Ray: (scared) R-R-Right.
The Eggman bots charge at them while Tangle and Mighty get into a fighting stand and they were ready for a fight.
The wall burst open and Metal Sonic and Y/n were sent flying over the city while Eggman ships are over head and shooting down buildings while Metal Sonic chocks him while Y/n still holds the Emerald.
Y/n: You....won'
Metal Sonic glare at him and clock him more but then his thrusters suddenly gets damaged and soon it gets destroyed as the two fell down and they land hard onto the ground. Y/n rolled onto the ground until he stop and slowly sat up before a hand appear which he look up to see Honey and Y/n takes her hand and she help him up.
Honey: (smile) Good thing I jump on Metal Sonics back on time and I gonna say, that was some ride.
Y/n: Yeah I agree. Wait...where is the Emerald!?
He realised he doesn't have it but they look over to see Metal Sonic has it and he looks at the Emerald and the them and then sticks the Emerald into his chest and green electricity appears around Metal Sonic and then there was blast that nearly sent them back a bit.
They look back and they see Metal Sonic has been upgraded into a new form and he is now more powerful the the two combined.
Neo Metal Sonic: You may have defeated me long ago Hedgehog but now you will face me with my new form. Neo Metal Sonic!
Honey: Now that sounds like a true bad guy.
Y/n: Agree. This is the first time I hear him speak.
Neo Metal Sonic: Enough! Soon you will face might and the might of the Eggman empire!
He charge up his chaos spear and fires it at them which they dodge and Honey rushes at him and blows some quick kicks at Neo Metal Eonic but those kicks don't do much and Neo Metal Sonic simply grabs Honeys leg and then throws her away but Y/n catches her on time before she falls off the building.
Honey: (smirk) Thanks. That is some catch.
Y/n blushes a little to see Honey look at him in a flirty way. Y/n set her down and they dodge Neo Metal Sonic's spear attack and then Y/n rushes over and land a punch at Neo Metal Sonics hand but he feel his bones broke and he jumps back while holing his hurt hand.
Y/n: Ow! Ow! I still forget Eggmans bots is made out of metal.
Then he was grabbed by Neo Metal Sonic and throws which he crashed onto the edge. Honey rushes towards Neo Metal Sonic but Neo Metal Sonic fires a blast that hits her and she crashed onto the other side of the edge as well.
Then Neo Metal Sonic walks over to Y/n and I certainly close he stomp his foot on Y/n's stomach and aims his hand in front of Y/n's face.
Neo Metal Sonic: Sonic the Hedgehog maybe my true enemy but you signal hardly defeated me which swear I will take revenge on you and those that help you defeate me.
Y/n: (smirk) Guess Sonic was right about you have some problems about accepting defeat huh?
Neo Metal Sonic: I'll never be defeated.
He charge up his chaos spear in front of Y/n and was about to end him for good when he looks up and a spin dash hits Neo Metal Sonic in the face and he lands hard onto the ground and Sonic lands in front of Y/n and he turns to Y/n.
Sonic: (smirk) Yo, sorry for interrupt your break.
Y/n smiles and Sonic land out a hand to him which he takes and Sonid helps him up.
Y/n: (smile) Not at all Sonic. Thanks.
Sonic nods and they turn to Neo Metal Sonid as he stood up and was about to fire his chaos spear when another hits him from behind and behind him was Shadow as he teleported with Sonic and Y/n.
Shadow: Seems that you fail to keep the Emerald safe.
Y/n: Hey, he attack us by surprised!
Shadow: Tch, excuses.
Sonic: Hedgehogs, Hedgehogs. How's about we face the real threat here.
Shadow: Agree. We talk about this later.
Y/n: Okay. Let's do this.
The three Hedgehogs face Neo Metal Sonic which Honey was impressed to see while Neo Metal Sonic fully stand up and laughs and then tells them.
Neo Metal Sonic: You think teaming up wil give you all the upper hand? I've learned all of your skills and master them. You will have no chance.
Sonic: (smirk) We'll see about that.
The three Hedgehogs, Sonic, Shadow and Y/n stare at Neo Metal Sonic as he throws his cape before he rush at them and so dose the three Hedgehog and the epic fight has begun.
To be continued...............
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