Chapter 11: Casino night Tournament (Arc 1)
Within the Freedom Fighters HQ we see Sally, Sonic, Tails, Rotor, Antoine, Bunnie and Nicole sat around the table facing the screen. Sally call everyone here for an important news and once they arrived Sally explained they know where the other Chaos Emerald is which surprised them.
Sonic: (smirk) Well that was quick as we hoped.
Rotor: I agree.
Tails: So where is it?
Sally: According to Nicole, it is at Casino Night club and being used as a prize for a tournament fight. Running the tournament is Breezie.
Sonic: Oh I know her, she was the one that I saved many years back bit she tricked me and turn out of helping Eggman to capture me.
Tails: I still can't believe she is working for Eggman and trick us.
Sally: Indeed. Now she runs a Casino and we need to get that Emerald.
Rotor: Can we not just take it?
Tails: That would be stealing plus we be like Eggman and not like the Freedom Fighters.
Nicole: Tails is right but even if we would enter the Casino, we might draw attention to ourselves.
Antoine: So what should we do? We can't just sit here and do nothing.
Sally: (smile) Luckily I call up two allies and they be happy to help us. All we have to do is let them do the job and hope for the best.
Tangle, Jewels and Y/n ride through the bus as the bus gose through a tunnel and then came out and Y/n was amazed to be at Casino night club and see many tall buildings and many lights that light up like a sun.
Soon the bus made it's stop and the trio gotten out as Tangle take a deep breath and said.
Tangle: (smile) Welcome to Casino Night club guys!
They wlak through the streets while they look around and during this walk Y/n asked.
Y/n: So I thought you said this was a Casino?
Tangle: Well it is but this is what everyone calls it when ever they came here.
Jewels: This place is Eggman's land but since the war began most of his terrorist have to be to abaddon and soon it take over by some citizens to make it as their home.
Y/n looks at many build board that have Eggman's symbols on it which he says.
Y/n: That would explain a lot.
They continue on only to be met by a Eggman bot which Y/n was about to get into a fighting stand but Tangle told him.
Tangle: Wow it's fine! These guys are cool.
Y/n: Huh?
Tangle: These are the old models of Eggman's bots. Eggman either throws them away and soon they be found a reprogrammed for good or he give them to one of his trustful services to be used in miner jobs.
Y/n: Guess that kinda make sense.
Tangle: (smile) Oh there it is! Come on!
Tangle runs off with Y/n and Jewels following her and once they catch up with her they arrived at the main Casino itself. It was a large Casino with a large and flashing build board over head while customers go in and out of the Casino.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow this place is huge!
???: Hello you three, how may we help you?
They look over to see two robots. One looked like a tall chicken while the other was short with two drills as arms while a drill on his nose.
Y/n: (thought) Those are some weird bots that Eggman made years ago.
Tangle: (smile) We came to have some fun. Names Tangle, this is Jewels and Y/n.
Scratch: I can tell you three are new here so allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Scratch and this is Grounder.
Grounder: Hello.
Scratch: Please come with us and we can show you three around.
They enter the Casino snd once inside the three were amazed aboit how huge the place was in the inside. There was many games they can try out and other places to go while the two bots show them around.
Scratch: As you can see, this place has been around for many years and was taking over by Breezie and still is to this day.
Grounder: Unlike Eggman, she is way more nicer and respectful then Eggman.
Tangle: (smirk) I can tell why.
Scratch: Anyways. There is simple rules you must follow which is no fighting, cheating or damage anything. The rest of thr rules will be at your rooms if you three wanna read through it.
Y/n: Sound simple.
Jewels: I gonna say it is a nice place even though this place used to be Eggman's.
Scratch: Indeed. We also have a bar to serve out drinks and food and they can be ordered at your rooms at anytime you want.
Tangle: (smile) Sounds awesome. Can you show us our rooms?
Scratch: Oh course, follow me and we take you there.
They follow the two whioe he looks up to see a large picture of Breezie which must be what she looks like but unknowing to them we see her and Coconuts looking out of the window whike Breezie watches Y/n walk off and asked.
Breezie: Is that Y/n? The hedgehog that Eggman told me about?
Coconuts: It looks like him ma'am. I don't see him as great.
Breezie looks down at him and smirks to herself before she said.
Breezie: (smirk) He is to me.
Scratch and Gounder took them to their rooms and once they left Tangle leaps onto the comfortable bed while Y/n checks the veiw at the balcony while Jewels read through the rules that Scratch told them about.
Tangle: (smile) Man this bed is so comfortable. Can't wait to sleep tonight.
Jewels: So now we're here, what should we do now?
Tangle: (smile) Have fun of course. We didn't came here to do nothing, let's head down there and have some fun.
Jewels: Hmm guess we can give that a try. Y/n are you coming?
Y/n: Yeah I'll be down here.
Tangle: (smile) Alright, see you down there.
The two left leaving Y/n in the room while he watches the veiw of the city. It was just so beautiful and nice as he stare out of the city and look down at the street while he feels comfort and relax within him.
Y/n: (thought) Ever since I wake up in that beech I've been through a lot of crazy and dangerous things. Met many friends and made enemies. memories are still blink and I have no idea where to start. True I find a drawing within Angel Island which is one step but I need a few more steps to figure out my past and what happened to me.
He sighs to release the stress within him and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Maybe coming here might be good for me. Maybe I just need to relax and just chill, yeah Sally told me to take a break and this is what we deserve after our hard work.
He smiled to himself and walk back inside and leave his room to meet up with Tangle ane Jewels while we see two figures came into veiw ane they glare at Y/n as if they know Y/n.
We see Y/n walking through the main Casino it self and manage to find Tangle at one of the slot machines ane judging by her face is might be losing.
Tangle: Aw man I lost again!
Y/n: Is there a problem?
Y/n walks up to Tangle which she turns to him and said.
Tangle: Oh hey Y/n. No problem kust keep losing that's all.
Y/n: Oh okay.....what is this machine anyways.
Tangle: It's called a slot machine. Insert a ring, pull down the lever and if three symbols lined up a same, you win some rings.
Y/n: Really? Can I try?
Tangle: Sure but I must warn you it's pretty hard.
Y/n sat next to her, insert a ring into a slot and pull down the lever. The symbols spon and it landed three rings and more rings came out of the slot.
Tangle: (smirk) That was a lucky first try.
Y/n insert another and pull the lever and again he gets three rings and more came out. He pull the lever again and this time it landed on three chaos Emeralds and even more rings came out which shocked Tangle including everyone else to see Y/n keep winning and winning and getting more rings.
Tangle: (thought) Well holy crap! He is one lucky hedgehog.
Then they over hear cheering behind them and at first they thought they be cheering to Y/n for his win but they turn to see a crowd cheer for someone else.
Y/n: Wonder what they are cheering for?
Tangle: No clue. Let's check it out.
Y/n gather up most rings and store them into a few bags and catch up with Tangle as they squeeze through the crowd and once they were at front Tangle was surprised to see one of the most famous Mobian within Mobius.
Y/n sees what looked like a cat mobian wearing what looked like a fancy dress and asked Tangle.
Y/n: Who is she?
Tangle: (surprised) That's Honey the cat!
Y/n: Honey the cat?
Tangle: (smile) She made these fancy dresses to everyone and I believe Amy is also a fan of her as well. Actually, her dress is actually made by Honey years ago.
Y/n: So she is a dress designer?
Tangle: (smile) Yep.
Y/n: (smile) Well that's pretty co-
Suddenly there was an explosion follow by customers screaming and running away. The crowd move out of the way as Tangle and Y/n turn to see two figures moving away from the smoke.
???: Get ready to get troubled.
??? 2: And get ready to rumble.
???: Because this Casino is gonna get robbed by......
Rough and Tumble: Rough and Tumble!
They then spotted Y/n and Tangle and Rough points at Y/n and said.
Rough: You think we were gone but we are back and this time your gonna be in deep trouble.
Tumble: You tell him that bro.
Y/n:........Do I know you?
The two fell onto the ground after he asked that and stood back up and yell at him.
Rough: (anger) You know us you jerk!
Tumble: (anger) Yeah! You beta us at one of Eggman's bunkers and sent by Eggman to beat you.
Y/n: ???
Y/n: !!!
Y/n: Oooooooh I know you two now. You two are the stunk brothers.
Tumble: (anger) Let's just beat them up.
Rough: (smirk) Yeah and take the money here as well.
They rush at him with Tangle swing her tail at Rough and throw him away and the two fight whike Y/n dodges the punches of Tumble and leap back. He was aboit to pulls out his wispon but realised he left it back home.
Y/n: (thought) Damn I forgot I left it. Well thanks to Shadow and Knuckles, I can know fight without them.
Tumble charge at him while Y/n crackle his Knuckles and said.
Y/n: (smirk) Alright stunk man, show me what you got!
Next thing we see is Y/n flying across the casino and crashing onto a table which made customers run for their lives while Y/n slowly stand up and scratch his head.
Y/n: So much for a far fight.
Tumble rush at him once more and was about to throw a punch but this time he dodges the punch and lands behind him and kicks him in the back that sent him flying and crash onto one of the cash machine and it spilled out rings.
Y/n: (smirk) Looks like you got the jackpot.
Jewels: Y/n!
Then Jewels flies over to Y/n and once there she said.
Jewels: Tangle is in trouble. You need to get there.
Y/n: Right.
Tumble: Oh no you don't!
Tumble was about to land a hit on Y/n from behind but he was immediately kicked in the face by a unknown person as Tumble lands onto the floor and the person lands on her feet and turn to them.
Y/n: (surprised) Honey?
Honey: (smirk) You betcha, Meow.
Y/n: (surprised) I never know you could fight?
Honey: (smirk) I have many surprises. So, what's your name?
Y/n: I'm Y/n but we should help Tangle.
Honey: Right. Let's go.
The three rush off to help Tangle but as soon they get there they see Tangle managed to beat Rough as she dust off her hands while she sat on top of him.
Y/n: (smile) Nice work.
Tangle: (smile) Thanks, all the days work.
Then they heard something clapping and they turn to see Breezie walk over to them with two old police bots as she walks over to them.
Breezie: (smirk) My My My you all were excellent taking down those two. I must say I am impressed.
Y/n: Oh thanks ma'am.
Breezie: (giggle) Please call me Breezie. Police bots, arrest those two for damaing my Casino.
The police bots take Rough and Tumble away and while they walk away they call out.
Rough: You won't see the last of us!
Tumble: Yeah! Rough ane Tumble will be back! Count on it!
Once they were gone Breezie walks up to the four and said.
Breezie: (smirk) I can't help but thank you all for saving my Casino.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem Breezie.
Breezie smirks at Y/n even more and bend down to him closely which made Y/n blush a little as she gently place her hand onto his cheek.
Breezie: (smirk) Your just too cute. You remind me of another hedgehog I hang around with but you are even cuter.
Y/n: (blush) U-U-Um th-thanks.
Tangle and Jewels were a bit jealous while Breezie stood up and asked them.
Breezie: Are you two interested taking on a tournament tomorrow?
Tangle: Tournament?
Jewels: I never heard something like that.
Honey: (smile) I have. It's a fighting tournament that happens this Casino once a year. I'm competing it of it.
Y/n: Sounds interesting. What's the prize?
Breezie: (smirk) There have been many prizes but this prize is special. A chaos Emerald.
Y/n, Tangle and Jewels: (shocked) A chaos Emeralds?!
Breezie: (smirk) That's right. Who ever wins will get it. Bet that interest you.
Y/n: Yeah!
Breezie: (smirk) So....are you two in?
Y/n: Um...can we have a moment?
Breezie: (smirk) Be my guest.
Tangle, Jewels and Y/n walk off a bit and then Y/n asked them.
Y/n: What do you two think?
Tangle: (smirk) I think it is gonna be awesome. Not only we be in a fighting tournament but we can get a chaos Emerald while we are on our break. It's a win win.
Jewels: But do we know it might be real?
Y/n: Come to think about it, I do feel something when ever we came here so I think Breezie might be telling the truth.
Jewels: I guess but remember, Breezie used to work for Eggman and knowing of Eggman he'll do anything to get that Emerald even by means paying Breezie to give it to him.
Tangle: (smirk) Then it won't be a point to have this tournament right? No Chaos Emerald mean there is no prize and no prize means no tournament.
Jewels: Well...I see your point but still.
Y/n: I think it is a shot we just take.
Breezie: So, are you three gonna take part?
Y/n thinks about it and then walks over to Breezie and said.
Y/n: Of course. We be happy to take part of your tournament.
Breezie: (smirk) Good.
The two shake hands whike Breezie smirks at him ane winked at him which made Y/n blush a little.
(Short while later)
Honey: (smile) Hey all.
They were surprised to see Honey at their room as she rolled around on the bed while Tangle asked.
Tangle: How did you get into our room?
Honey: Your door wasn't unlock so I just walk in.
Tangle: Unlocked?
They turn to Y/n which Y/n realised he forgot to lock it when he came out to join Tangle and Jewels at the casino.
Y/n: M-Mistake assigned, why are you here Honey?
Honey leaps out of the bed and walks over to them and she said.
Honey: Because I now you three are working for the Freedom Fighters and I know you three are taking part so you can have the chaso Emerald.
Y/n: Yeah I know it maybe sound a bit selfish but we needed it before Eggman or anyone else get their hands on it.
Honey: (smile) I understand and besides I can just give it to you three after I win.
Tangle: (surprised) Wow really?
Jewels: (surprised) That was unsuspected. Why would you do that?
Honey: (smile) I only take part of the tournament for show and sponsor my company. So here is the deal, if I win I just hand you the Emerald and we be on our way.
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa thanks Honey.
Honey: (smile) Yep and as for exchange, I might call you up for either of you three to test out my new Outfits.
Tangle: (smile) Sounds fun.
Jewels: Those are great deals.
Honey: (smile) Yep.
Y/n: (smile) Of course, thanks for this Honey. You really are the best.
Honey: (giggle) Oh shot your making be blush, Meow. Oh before I go there is one fighter you may be careful I the first round.
Y/n: Why is that?
Honey: He is one strong fighter, so strong in fact he throw a large tank across a large lake with just of his hands and he is pretty tough.
Y/n: So I guess I'll be facing him?
Honey: (smile) Yep but I know you could do it. Take care, Meow.
She winkded at him and then leaves whike they watch her go.
Jewels: It seem your first round won't be easy.
Y/n: Still we need that Emerald, even by means using my chaos powers.
Tangle: Do you know how to use them?
Y/n: I...kinda got I working.
Tangle: Kinda?
Y/n: Let's just say Sonic wasn't happy when I accidentally burn his chili dog while Shadow chuckle to see Sonic crying in a dramatic way.
Tangle: (surprised) Wow never know Shadow can chuckle.
Y/n: Your surprised that Shadow can chuckle.
Jewels: Still I think we should get some rest for tomorrow.
Tangle: (smirk) Right! Tomorrow is gonna be awesome.
Y/n: Um I just realised something.
Tangle: What is it?
Y/n: There is three of us and one bed.
They turn to see one bed and realised Y/n is right.
Y/n: do we get some rest I'd there is one bed?
Minutes later we see Y/n in between of Tangle ane Jewels as they each grab of Y/n's arm while they sleep happily while their breast were squeezing two of his arms while Y/n blushes deeply.
Y/n: (thought) I did offer to sleep on the couch.
(Next day)
We see everyone sat down ane cheer as tge tournament was about to begin. We see Y/n at the entrance of the fighting ring when Jewels walks over to him and Y/n turn to her
Jewels: Good luck Y/n.
Y/n: Where is Tangle?
Jewels: Still in line getting some good for us but she told me to tell you good luck.
Y/n: (smile) Well tell her I say thanks and I'll win for show.
Jewels: (little blush) careful out there will you.
Y/n: (smile) I will.
Then he walks out while Jewels watch whike her heart beats a bit faster whike people cheered at Y/n as he step onto the ring with Coconuts in the middle and calls out.
Coconuts: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the Casnio night club fighting tournament. On this side you have Y/n the Hedgehog, you may not see him as much but wait you see how he is in combat.
Everyone cheered for Y/n whike he wavehis arms at everyone as Coconuts wave his arm at the other entrance and said.
Coconuts: And on this side you have one of the strongest, one of the toughness and one that you dare not make him mad.
Then Y/n could see a figure walking out of the entrance and once out Y/n can see a red armadillo walking into the ring as Coconuts instructed this fighter to Y/n snd the crowd.
Coconuts: Mighty the Armadillo!
They cheered at Might whike he step onto the ring and face with Y/n as Coconuts move out of way and Mighty said to him.
Mighty: (smirk) Hey man, I see this is your first time kid. Ready for this?
Y/n: Yeah I guess. Still it's nice to meet you.
Mighty: (smirk) Same but let me warn you. I'm not gonna go easy on you.
Y/n: (smirk) Same here.
Coconuts: Fighters ready......?
Mighty and Y/n get into a fighting stand while Coconuts raised his hand into the air while Mighty and Y/n is ready for a fight as Coconuts pulls down his arm and calls out.
Coconuts: Begin!!!!
To be continued............
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