Chapter 10: The mysterious new friend
Within the dark forest close to a town not far from the forest, we see a group of Freedom Fighter troops engaging Eggman's bots as they march towards them and shown to be pushing them back.
The Freedom Fighter soldiers try their best to push them back but there was just too many of them and shown to not stopping. One soldier gets down from an incoming blast and turn to his Sargent and asked.
Freedom Fighter soldier: Shall we pull back sir, their gonna break through our last cover.
Freedom Fighter Sargent: No way private! If we do, those bots will break through and destroy the town we are protecting, we can't risk that happening. We need to push them back as best we can.
They continue trying to push the enemy back but there is no use and they are starting lose their ground. One of the Eggman bots aims it's rocket at them and was about to pull the trigger but a blue beam zip bay and lands a hit onto the bots head and it fell onto the ground.
Soon more Blue beams fire within the trees and take out the Eggman bots which surprised the Freedom Fighter soldiers and after a while, the bots were no more. Some of the soldiers cheered and that they won but on the other hand the Sargent and the rrst turn to the forest and wonder who saved them.
Then we see a quick glimpse of a blue eye before this mysterious figure disappear within the forest never to be seen again.
With Y/n's house at Knothole we see Y/n sat down on his couch and looking at a kid drawing that he found in a abandoned house within Angel Island that shows he used to live their before Knuckles did.
It was tourn but he can make out a hand grabbing around the other hedgehogs shoulder which was himself as he wonder who this person and also wonder did he live in Angel Island many years ago and if so, how is that possible.
Y/n: (thought) It doesn't make since. Knuckles told me that his kind was killed years ago before Sonic and the rest were born. How is that possible that I am here and not old. More importantly, why did I live at Angel Island. Did I used to have a purpose there or what?
Then his thoughts were snap when he heard a knock at his door. He place down the drawing and walk over to the door and open it to see Sally there as she wave at him.
Sally: (smile) Hey Y/n, been a while.
Y/n: Yeah same.
Sally: Is there, something wrong? You were kinda troubled when you came back from Angel Island with Tangle?
Y/n: It's just.......I fouhd something that maybe connected to my past.
Sally: Really? Can you show me?
Y/n: Sure, come in and I'll show you.
Sally enter his home and Y/n close the door and enter the living room. He sat down on the couch while Sally sat on the chair as Y/n hand her the drawing and Sally takes it and look at it.
Sally: (surprised) Is that you in this drawing?
Y/n: Yeah. It was already tourn up wheni found it. It seems like someone was trying to destroy it.
Sally: Hmm and that female Echidna, I know her.
Y/n: (surprised) You do?!
Sally: Her name is Tikal. She used to bethe guardian of the master emerald years ago until her death happened during the slaughter of the chao's and the rampage of Chaos.
Y/n: I see.
Sally: But if this drawing is true then that means you were with them many years ago.
Y/n: Yeah but how is that possible?
Sally: No clue. Nicole, scan on the drawing and see if this drawing is real.
Nicole: Alright Sally.
Nicole appears which surprised Y/n a little as she scan the drawing and after a while of waiting she explained.
Nicole: It seems like the drawing is real Sally. But not only that but it was drawn by Y/n years ago.
Y/n: Bit I don't remember drawing it or anything like that.
Sally: Have you remember anything else when you seen this drawing?
Y/n: Nothing, it's all blink but I need to find more evidence to remember about my past.
Sally: Well I hate to break it to you but that might have to wait. I need you at the Sky portal.
Y/n: The Sky portal?
Nicole: It is a air ship that looks over Mobius and keeps taps on what's happening.
Sally: And we have reports on captured Freedom Fighters soldiers and we need to break them out. Tangle will not be able to join us due to her scouting mission but I was hoping you can help us if your not busy.
Y/n: (smile) Sure. Maybe it will give my head a break of what happened during on Angel Island.
Sally: (smile) Great. Get yourself ready and I'll wait you outside.
Y/n nods and heads off to get his gear ready. Sally smiles a little while Nicole also smiles and said.
Nicole: (smile) He is something.
Sally: (smile) Yeah.
Sally looks at the drawings and find it cute that Y/n have drawn it and maybe this might be a good time to have her and Y/n to bound and be more then just friends. Soon Y/n was ready and the Nicole disappeared and the two head out and Taile flies them to the sky portal to discuss the mission and free the captured freedom Fighter soldiers.
(A while later)
The Sky Patrol came out of the clouds and appear into view as it floats over the entire world as it slowly moves through the sky. We see Y/n and Sally within the station and Y/n was looking out of the window and he was amazed how high up they were.
Sally smiles to see him being amazed and soon the two walk through the hall and Sally givs him a tour around the station while she explains.
Sally: The Sky Patrol is one secret base that Eggman hasn't know and it's highly defendant in case this station is ever been discovered. It also has an energy shield and some other things that make this station pretty hard to take down and hard to detect.
Y/n: (surprised) That's pretty cool. How did you manage to pull that off?
Sally: (smirk) A princess has secrets.
Y/n: (chuckle) Guess that's true. So where to?
Sally: The meeting hall where the rest are at. You may not know them but they are really nice people.
Y/n: (smile) Can't wait.
???: Ribbit.
They stop and look down to see a frog looking up at them. Y/n bend down and pick up the frog and look at it.
Y/n: That's odd? Why is this frog in this station?
Sally: That's Froggy and you may want to put him down.
Y/n: Why? He's just a Frog, how bad can he-
???: There is Froggy!
Then the halls start to shake and Y/n looks at his front and immediately get thrown at the other side of the hall and slam onto the wall before he fell face first onto the floor leaving a outline or his body onto the wall.
Y/n: Ow.
???: Sorry about that mister.
Y/n stood up and look up to see a very large purple cat holding his pet Frog on his hand.
Y/n: It-It's no problem. I'm fine.....I think?
Sally: My apologies about him he gose around looking for Froggy when ever he leaves him without him knowing. But this is Big, Big this is Y/n.
Big: Oh I see. Hello Y/n, how are you?
Y/n: Um good thanks?
Big: I am glad. This is my best friend, Froggy.
Froggy: Ribbit.
Y/n: That's cool.
Sally: Hey Big, why not you and Froggy play while me and Y/n head to the meeting room to discuss the mission.
Big: Yes Ma'am.
Then Big walks off while they watch him walk off while Sally says once again.
Sally: Sorry about that, I should have warn you about what happens when someone picks up Big's Frog.
Y/n: It's alright Sally. So shall we meet with the others.
Sally nods and their continue on until they enter the doors and walk into the meeting room within the Sky Portal. It has a circle table with a TV screen mounted behind it and a window that has a clear view outside.
Then they notice someone bending down and fixing the TV screen until he close the panel and stood up and turn to them.
???: (smile) Hey Sally, I see you brought someone with you.
Sally: (smile) Indeed. Y/n this is Rotor, he's pretty good with robotic tech kinda similar to Tails.
Rotor: So you must be Y/n that Sally talks about. Nice to finally meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Same here.
Sally: Where is everyone else?
Rotor: They should be here right now.
???: Hey Sal girl, how is things!
They turn to see two more members of the Freedom Fighters walk in and walk over to them.
Sally: (smile) Good to see you two here atshoet noticed. Allow me to introduce with Y/n, he'll be assisting us in this mission.
Bunnie: (smile) Awesome. Names Bunnie super and this is my boyfriend Antoine.
Antonie: A pleasure meeting you.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet yous as well.
Sally: (smile) Now that is sorted, let's us begin on today's mission.
They sat down and Sally was in front behind the screen. Nicole appear beside her and the screen open up to a prison cell of Eggman as Nicole explained.
Nicole: This is one of Eggman's prison cells that he made to capture Freedom Fighter soldiers who try to challenge him. Unlike other prisons that has a roboticized to turn people into bots, this prison holds only Freedom Fighter soldiers and used to do experiments on them.
Sally: This prison is too much as a threat to us and if this continues then all of our brave soldiers will be killed. We must not only free them but destroy it.
Rotor: I understand that Sally but how. No way our explosion ain't gonna damage the base.
Bunnie: He's right, how are we gonna destroy it if their base is tough to destroy.
Sally: (smirk) That's the thing. If we can't blow it up on the outside. Why not on the inside?
The three were confused but Y/n sees this and stood up and said.
Y/n: I know what you mean. In ever prisonm there should be a generator that is powering up the station. So if we destroy that, maybe we can destroy the prison.
Sally: That's right. We go into teams. , Me, Bunie and Antoine will break the prisoners while Rotor and Y/n head to the generator and destroy it.
Antoine: Hmm that sounds risky.
Rotor: I'll say great plan.
Bunnie: (smirk) Agree. I'm in.
Sally: Good. You ready for this Y/n?
Y/n: (smirk) Like Sonid once said, let's do it to it.
Sally giggles and they have a plan set up. Now they need to wait until they get to the prisons and execute their plan.
Walking through the bushes within the forest were Rotor and Y/n. They push away the leafs around them until they stop as they were far enough to see the prison over head. It was a large prison with a few Eggman bits around and portaling the area so the two hide within the bushes and waited their time to head in.
Y/n: So where should we go?
Rotor: We go through that sewer tunnel right there and we walk through until we arrive what I may believe to be the weapons room.
Y/n: Sounds simple. So have you done this before?
Rotor: A few times. At first the Freedom Fighters were small but we've grown and we've gotten stronger and bigger.
Y/n: Must be hard for Sally to ruin the Freedom Fighters.
Rotor: She's a rough acron. She'll handle it. After all, she wants to make Eggman pay for what he did for his family.
Y/n want to ask him about that until Rotor cover his mouth and they look up to see a few Eggman ships fly over head to deliver some supplies. Soon the bots in the area wall off and Rotor signals Y/n to move and he did.
They rush through the open field until they reach the lid and Rotor opens it and Y/n leaps into the sewer and looks around and looks up at Rotor.
Y/n: (whisper) All clear.
Rotor: (whisper) Good. I'm coming do-
Eggman bot: Freeze!
Then Rotor gets grabbed by a Eggman bot that cost Rotor to drop the lid back on whidh trapping Y/n within the sewer.
Y/n: Rotor!
He can hear Rotor struggling to get free until his voice slowly fates away as they take Rotor inside the Prison. Then Y/n heard something and turn and pull out his Burst wispon and Eggman bat bots fly towards him.
Y/n: Oh great.
They fire at him and he dodges it and then fires back at them and took some out but he soon realised he is getting overwhelmed as they circle around him.
Y/n: Oh crap. Guess I'm next then.
He was aboutto make his last stand when suddenly flames went bay him that cost him to duck down as the flames take out the bat bots around him and soon they were all destroyed. Y/n stood up and was surprised by this and turn to see a mysterious girl wearing a mask step out of the darkness and stare at Y/n.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow thanks for the help.....who ever you are?
She then pull out her wispon and aim it at Y/n.
Y/n: Wait I'm not your-
Then she fire a fire ball and the fire ball went pass Y/n's shoulder and hits something behind him. He turn to see one last bat bot before it crash onto the water which breath Y/n a sigh while the mysterious masked girl walks up to him.
Y/n: Thanks for that. I never know anyone would be here.
Y/n: Um can you hear me?
She nods for Yes and singles him to follow so he did. They rush through the tunnel until they reach another lid and Y/n opens the lid and they leap out and Y/n close the lid.
They stood within the weapons room and Y/n sees on the other side of the window above him was Sally, Antoine and Buunie gotten captured and being taken by two bots.
Y/n: They gotten captured! We need to help them!
She put her finger over her mask to tell him to be quite and waveto him to follow. He follow her and the two exit out of the weapons room and step into the halls.
They slowly walk through the halls and trying not to get caught by any or the security cameras or bots that are walking around the halls. After a while they made I to the generator and they enter the room to see no bots around so they rush over to the controls and Y/n got I one of the controls.
Y/n: Hold on. I might try to shut down the whole system if I-
But she start mashing and firing at the controls that cost the whole place to go into shut down and the prison cells to be open that cost a large riot.
Y/n: Ooooorrrrr that works too.
Then they race out of the control room and soon enter what appears to be the cafeteria and see overhead the captured Freedom Fighter soldiers lead by Sally, Antoine, Rotor and Bunnie attacking the bots.
Y/n: Looks like they need some help. Let's do this.
She nods and she take sniper point while Y/n leap out and swap his burst wispon to his Drill Wispon and sponw it up and slice through the bots while she fires blue beams at the bots and taking them out.
Once it was clear, Y/n rush over to Sally and the rrst with Sally hugging Y/n to see he is alright.
Sally: (smile) Glad to see you alright.
Y/n: (smile) Same to all of you.
Rotor: What happened?
Y/n: Well I was attacked by these bat bots until this mysterious girl saved me and help me to rescue yous.
Bunnie: Mysterious girl?
Y/n: Yeah, she's right ther-
But he see that she is gone ane questioned where she go but then there were a few explosions whidh Sally said.
Sally: Let's go before this place blow-up!
They agree and they rush through the halls while explosions are happing everywhere and soon they came out just as the whole prison exploded in sky high while they leap forward from the explosion and fell onto the ground.
They look back to see the prison is up into flames. The soldiers cheered of this and they were finally free all thanks to Sally and her team. Y/n was glad for it but he wonders where this mysterious girl went and hopes she's alright.
Within the distance we see her looking at the flames of the prison ane stood there for a while before she turn and walk off.
At Knothole we see Sonic, Shadow and Tails within the control room and they are on a call with Nicole as she tells them that all the Freedom Fighter soldiers will be arriving at Knothole very soon. After that the call ends and Sonid smirks while he lend back from his chair and said.
Sonic: (smirk) I knew that Y/n will pull it off in the end.
Shadow: He just gotten lucky.
Sonic: You said that like hundred of times faker.
Shadow: (anger) Don't call me that!
Tails: Nicole said that Y/n was helped by a masked person.
Sonic: So?
Tails: I think I heard someone like that before. I think she is this legendary guardian angel.
Sonic: The what now?
Shadow: Yes I heard something like that before. She is this mysterious vigilante that gose around and take down Eggmqn supplies and destroy small or big bases. She hides within the darkness and a rare amount of citizens have seen her.
Tails: Yeah and when ever a freedom Fighter try to ask her to join us, she vanished like she was a ghost.
Sonic: So we have a mysterious allie with us? Cool.
Shadow: Still we don't know we can fully trust her.
Tails: Still if she is that skilled then we need her on our side or at least call her if we needed help.
Sonic: Any ideas where she might live?
Tails: Unknown, so it's best to keep an eye on her when ever she appears.
Shadow: Right.
Sonic: (smile) Alright.
We see Sally and Y/n walk through Tangles village so Y/n can see her while Sally is with him to drop him off before she head back to the sky portal.
Sally: (smile) You did an amazing job. I can't thank you enough.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem Sally. Glad I could help.
Sally: (smile) Yeah.
Y/n: Hey Sally.
Sally: Yeah?
Y/n: Rotor mentioned that you used to have a family but Eggman took them away from you. I know it might be rude but can you tell me what where they ane what happened to them?
Sally was quite a bit but she knows she have to tell him so he explained.
Sally: Has you may know, I'm a princess of the acorn family. My father is the king named Maximillan and my mother Alicia who is a queen of the acorn family. The acorn family used to live in peace until Eggman took over and took away my parents and they were gone.
Y/n: Um....sorry for what happened to them.
Sally: It's alright. I promise to end this war and find my parents. I know they are alive out there so I need to find them.
Y/n: Right and I'll help you include the rest no mater what.
Sally: (smile) Thanks.
Sally feels her heart beats a bit faster to see Y/n giving her a warm smile and she smiles back with a little blush on her as the two walk through town until they have at Jewels jewellery store ane they stand in front of it and Sally turn to Y/n.
Sally: (smile) Well guess I must go but thanks again. You have a week off for you hard work.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Sally and take care as well.
Sally smile and lend in and kiss Y/n on the cheek which made him blush a but while Sally smile at him and also blushing as well and she walks off.
Y/n watch her leave with a smile on his face before he enter the store and he first see Tangle laying on the couch exhausted from her mission while Jewel was with her. Y/n walks over to them and asked.
Y/n: Guess that mission was exhausted for you?
Tangle: Yeah. I never understand how sonid can't get tired from running so fast.
Jewel: We'll never know for sure.
Y/n: Well I'm done with my work and I have a week off so what do you wanna do tomorrow?
Tangle: (surprised) Wait you have a week off as well?!
Y/n: (smile) Yep. I figured we might do something to do like maybe do something fun.
Tangle shot out of the couch and stand son it with a smirk on her face as she said.
Tangle: (smirk) I like the sound of that!
Jewel: Seems like her tiredness has been cured.
Y/n: (chuckle) That's Tangle. Hey you've been working as well right? Why not you have a week off and come with us?
Jewel: (surprised) Really? Well I suppose it be fun.
Y/n: (smile) Trust me, we have a lot of fun together.
Jewel smiles a little and her heart beats a little which surprised her and slowly shown to like LIKE Y/n and starts to fall for him.
Jewel: (thought) This feeling. I never have this feeling for a while. W-W-Well i suppose Y/n is cheerful. Not to mention nice, kind, cute, handsome and- Wait, WHAT ON EARTH I'M I SAYING?!
Tangle: I got it! I know one place to enjoy our week off!
Y/n: Really what is it?
She then pointed at Jewel and Y/n and said.
Tangle: (smirk) Pack your thinks guys, because tomorrow we're going to Casino night club!
To be continued..................
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