Chapter 1: A incoming lighting storm

Sun rises as we view the beach as the ocean is moving in and out of shores as the ocean geentally moves as we move across the shores until we see a hedgehog laying between shore and the ocean unconscious and not moving.

Then there was a grunt as the hedgehog slowly open his eyes and once wide open he sees a crap looking at him before clapping his claws and crawls away as the hedgehog slowly sats up pressing his hands onto the sand and shaking his head before standing up.

He slowly stands up but once up he looks around to see a forest in front of him followed by a long beach each going left and right.

Y/n: Where I'm I?

Y/n touches his head trying to remember how he got here but no such luck. Then he spotted someone glowing on his right hand and he looks at it and it was a blue Emerald like crystal that is glowing as Y/n stare at it.

Y/n: What is this thing? Why do I feel I'm supposed to protect this thing?

Y/n looks right and knows he can't wait here any more so he start walking to where he mite end up. He walk through the sandy shores hoping to find civilization so he may rent a hotel or ask someone where he is at.

During the walk Y/n looks at the blue Emerald and could feel something in it but don't know what it was.

Y/n: (thought) Why can't I remember how I got here? Morr importantly, where did I come from?

Hw then gets flashes of another Hedgehog and this mysterious Hedgehog blasting him with something and then Y/n was back in reality as he thought to himself.

Y/n: (thought) That Hedgehog? Who was he he the one that I can't remember anything? If so then....where is he now?

Then he spotted a road and Y/n runs over to it and see a dirt road that leads to somewhere, possibly civilization so he walk through the dirt road and after a while of walking he stop at a hill and see a town in the distance with people there.

Y/n races over to the town and after a while he stumbled into town as he sees many people walking by and some doing some work. Y/n walks through town and looks for a hotel he can stay or possibly someone that may tell him about this Emerald he found.

He then spotted a jewellery store so he enters the store and there was a ding when he open. He step inside and a old turtle mobius man appear out behind the counter as Y/n walks up to him.

Old guy: (smile) Hello sir how may I help you today?

Y/n: I just came and I wanna know if you know about any jewellery you know of?

Old guy: Of course, I've seen many people come by and sell me some jewelry and I know right away what it is (chuckle).

Y/n: Well I don't know you can believe me or not but I woke up by the beach with no memory and I have this on my hand.

Y/n show him the Emerald and the guy widen in shock while Y/n continues on saying.

Y/n: I know this maybe a Emerald but something about it is not like the rest. I was hoping that you may know what it is?

Old guy: Umm no sorry but I believe that's just a normal Emerald like any other.

Y/n: Ok?

Old guy: Tell me, where did you find this Emerald?

Y/n: Like I said I woke up and there it was, on my hand.

Old Turtle guy: I see, well keep it safe you hear me.

Y/n: Um sure?

Y/n turns to leave but can't help the old guy looking at him very weirdly and after he left the store the old guy pulls out his phone and calls someone about it.

??? (Phone): Hello Team Chaotix, how may we help?

Old guy: Hello I would like to report of a Chaos Emerald being found.


We see Y/n sat on a bench at the park as he looks at teh blue Emerald as it glows while Y/n wonder why that old guy from the store was acting weird.

He looks up to see many children playing around. By playing I mean racing a lot and saying "Gonna go fast" for some reason as Y/n thought to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Seem like every kids like racing and running. Maybe it's some kind a popular sport they play.

Then he noticed two cat children a boy and a girl standing around a tree and see them kinda sad so he stands up and walks over to them and once there he ask one of them.

Y/n: Is there a problem?

Little boy: Our ball got stuck on the tree.

Y/n looks up to see the ball stuck and looks down at them and said.

Y/n: Don't worry, I'll get it down for yous.

Y/n walks over to the tree and he grab a hold of the tree and start to claim up and up the tree while the two children form below watched.

Y/n was at were the ball is at and he reach out his hand to try to knock it off. He stretched his arm while holding on the tree until he managed to knock it off and it fell onto the ground as the two children cheered.

Y/n smiles a little but then he was slipping and try to hold on but he lose his grip and and fell.

Y/n: Look out below!

The two moved while Y/n lands hard on his back onto the ground as he shakes it off and stand onto his knees while the two run up to him.

Little girl: You ok?

Y/n: I'm good but at least you have your ball back.

Little boy: (smile) Yeah thanks Mr.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.

The two smiled and run off to play while Y/n stands up and dust off the leafs and then walks out of the park.

He walk through of the gate and turns to leave but then someone calls out behind him.

???: Hey you.

Y/n turns to see three people, one was a large green crocodile, the other was a small bee and the other was a purple chameleon with a horn on his noise.

???: You have something that we wanted.

Y/n: Um I have?

??? 2: Yeah it's that Chaos Emerald you have, hand it over!

Y/n: (thought) Chaos Emerald? Wait is what this blue Emerald is called?

Y/n: Why would I give it to someone like yous, I don't even know yous?

Vector: Tough guy huh, well if you must know I'm Vector the leader of this team and the world's greatest detective.

Espio: And I'm there intelligence gathering and master of stealth, I am Espio.

Charmy: (smile) And I'm Charmy, a cheerful member of this team and one hand out missions.

Vector: That's right. Now with that settled hand over that Chaso Emerald.

Y/n has a bad feeling about this and looks at the Emerald and at them and thinks of a way to escape from them.

Y/n: Look a alien!

Vector: Huh where?!

Vector and the rest turn around to see nothing escape a bird in the sky.

Vector: Are you blind or something, that's just a bird. Seriously how don't you know what a bird is-

When they turn back Y/n was gone as they realised Y/n tricked them.

Charmy: Woah he's smart.

Vector: He's not gonna get away for that! Let's get him!

Charmy: Yeah.

Vector: Wait wherever Espio?

They look around to see him dissappear.


Y/n was running a while and hide in a alleyway as he catches his breath and looks at the now called Chaso Emerald as he ask himself.

Y/n: Why do they want this thing, why is it so important to them? What ever this thing is I can't let them have it.

Espio: You may fool them but not me.

Y/n quickly turn to see Espio stepping out of the shadows which surprises Y/n how fast he was to get to here.

Y/n: Listen I don't want any trouble, just let me be.

Espio: Listen we just want that Chaos Emerald and we gone our way.

Y/n: Why is this important to yous? It's just a normal Emerald?

Espio: It's not what you think of. That Emerald holds power within it and cannot be falling to the wrong hands.

Y/n: Power within? What are you talking about?

Espio: Listen hand me the Emerald and we leave you be.

Espio slowly walls over to Y/n while Y/n slowly steps back and see a trash can near him so he tint it aside toblock Espio and heads off running out of the alleyway and into the streets.

Espio gives chase and Y/n enter a crowd of people so he can lose Espio and Espio stops to see too many people so he leaps onto the roof and looks for Y/n. He then spotted him and took out ninja stars and throw them at him.

Y/n turn to see s ninja stars coming at him and see a basket and grabs it and hold it on fro the of him and the ninja stars stab into the basket.

Y/n drops it and runs out of the crowd and turn to see Espio gone and breath a sigh of relief.

Charmy: (distance) In coming!!!!!!

Y/n looks up to see Charmy gonna crash into him so Y/n dodges him and Charmy crashes into a piles of garbage. Y/n sigh once more and suddenly Vector came up and ram Y/n that sent him onto the ground.

Espio and Chamry walk up to Vector as Vector smells chamry and said.

Vector: Ew you kinda smell Charmy, remind me to shower you once we head back.

Charmy: Not my fault he was a good dodger.

Espio: You try to tackle him straight on.

Vector: Doesn't matter, now we got him.

Y/n slowly sat up and turns around to see them walking up to to them as Vector lend out his hand.

Vector: Now. The Emerald please?

Y/n looks at them before he spotted something behind them and points at it behind them while saying.

Y/n: Um what the hell is that?!

Vector: (smirk) Ha. You may have trick us once but second time is not gonna fool us.

Charmy: Yeah.

Espio turns and see something what Y/n is seeing.

Espio: Um guys, he's not kidding this time.

Vector: Oh come in Espio what is it that want us to-

Vector and Charmy turns around they see including everyone in town a large ship over them and them robots came down and landed into town and start their attack.

Everyone scramble to safety while Y/n stands up an sheard someone said "Eggman is attacking the town" as Y/n wonders what or who he is. Seeing them distracted he ran off while Vector turns to see him running away into the crowd.

Vector: Hey get back here!

Espio: Forget about him. We need to hold Eggman's bots off.

Vector: But our reward?!

Espio: We get him someday but now we have to fight to protect this town.

Vector: Fine, let's go Charmy.

Chamry: Aww so much for our payment.

Team Chaiox head out into action and mobius soldiers came out with wisp guns and open fire at the robots followed by Team Chaiox as they hold them off.


We see Y/n running through town as he hears blast fire and people screaming. This was like a nightmare to him as he runs through town until he stop dead in his tracked to see four robots turn to see him and they open fire at him.

Y/n dodge the blast shots and leap into the alleyway and run through while blast shots fly by him. Then he see a wooden fence ahead of him so he leap on top of a box and leap over the fence and rolled onto the ground and look back to see he have lost them.

He breaths a sigh and spotted a wisp gun near him so he picks it up and looks at it and thought to himself.

Y/n: (thought) What's going on here? Is this some kind a war? Who is this Eggman and why is he doing this?

Then he hear a cry so he race through the alleyway and exit out to see the two same children from then park with her parents as they were surrounded by two bots.

Y/n: (thought) Oh no, those kids!

Y/n fire his wisp gun and take out two bots as they look up to see Y/n and Y/n waves over to them while calling out to him.

Y/n: Hurry before more comes!

They nod and they run over to Y/n. The boy was last as an explosion hits them and they were set back and once the dust was clear Y/n looks back and see the boy's leg was badly hurt and then two more bots came down and they surrounded the boy.

The mother: No!

The mother try to rescue her son but her husband was stopping her as she cried out for her son. Y/n see this and race over to the boy and take out the first bot with his wisp gun but he was about to take out the other one, it was empty.

Y/n: Oh no.

The bot turns to Y/n and see a chaso Emerald he head and walks over to him. Y/n grabs barrel of the gun and charge at the bot and its the back of the gun at the bot a few times.

But when he was about to hit it the bot grabs the back of the gun and crushes it into pieces and throws the gun away. Y/n slowly steps back while the bot storms over to Y/n and spoke.


Y/n looks at the Emerald and back to the robot and then a bot points its arm gun at Y/n's face and said once more.


The bot start to count down and before it said three, something hits the bot with a pipe and it was the boy as the bot turns to the boy and said


The bot aims it at the boy as the boys mother cried out "No!". Y/n see this and got in front of the boy and the bot charge up his blaster and Y/n can't let the boy or his die so he said to the bot.

Y/n: You want this Emerald? THEN TAKE IT!

The chaos Emerald glows bright followed by sparks of electricity as he punches the bot with the Emerald and electricity hits the bot as its systems were getting damaged and the bot fell backwards on the ground and it's chest exploded.

A bird came out of the bot and flys off. Y/n was shocked as he looks at the Chaso Emerald and could feel it's power. Y/n turn to the boy to see him save but surprised by his power, Y/n nods an dthe boy runs back to his mother and she hugs him, grateful her son was safe.

Y/n smiles but hears more bots coming and turns to see more and he doesn't want them or anyone else to die so he rais the Chaso Emerald into the sky and calls out to it.

Y/n: I may not know your powers but lend me that power one more time! I wanna use this new power to protect these people by the hands of these bots! If you can hear me then lend me this power, LET ME SAVE THESE TOWNS PEOPLE!

Then the Chaso Emerald start to glow and Y/n's sparks out of electricity and then cloud formed above the sky and then sparks of lightning came down and hits the bots around town and destroying them.

Team Chaiox where getting tired and looks up to see more but then lightning bolts hits the bots and they get destroyed as parts were thrown followed by explosions as they slam onto the ground and destroyed which shocked everyone, the soldiers and Team Chaoix.

Back to Y/n. He continues shooting down lightning at the bots until the lightning bolts stops and the clouds pulled away and clear skys shine on everyone and even Y/n.

Y/n lower the Chaos Emerald and he was tired and feels very VERY weak. He looks back at the boy and his family and made a smile and nods to them before he closes his eyes and fell onto the ground.

The Chaos Emerald fell out of his hand and rolled along the dirt until a feet stops it and Vector picks it up and looks at it as Charmy and Espio were with him

Vector: Well looks like we are getting paid after all.

Chamry: (smile) Yeah not only we defeated Eggman's forces but we also got the Emerald.

Vector: (smile) Yep let's give this to Sally and the Freedom Fighters and get paid.

Charmy and Vector start to walk off while Espio looks at the unconscious Y/n, knowing he was the one who saved everyone here and his powers was nothing like any he ever seen.

Espio: Hold up.

Vector and Charmy stop and turn as Espio lifted up the Unconscious Y/n and Vector ask.

Vector: What are you doing? That kid cost us a lot of trouble for this Chaso Emerald.

Espio: But have you seen those lightning bolts up in the sky. No way that was random. Who ever he is, he has powers of the chaso energy.

Charmy: Really, I thought Sonic, Shadow and Silver has some connections to the Chaos energy?

Espio: Yes but he's different to the rest. We must take him to the Freedom Fighters base so they can ask him questions.

Vector: Come in Espio, are we really gonna take him to them? What if he's a eggman bot?

Espio: We have no choice, even if he's not Eggman will kidnap him for his power. We won't be responsible for that now would we?

Vector realise Espio was right and he sighs and said.

Vector: Fine we're take him but if he urns out to be a bot, your gonna clean up the mess.

Espio: Understood.

Charmy: Dose that mean he's gonna join the Sonic and the rest?

Vector: I don't know, maybe but let's go.

They walk off out of the town with the unconscious Y/n with them as they take him to the Freedom Fighters base so they could ask Y/n some questions about his Chaso powers and where he came from.

To be continued.........

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