Chapeter 90: Fall of the Freedom fighters (Arc 5)

We see Y/n, Sonic, Tangle, Whisper, Tails, Fiona and SNT sailing on the boat and following the direction where Sally and Nicole will be at.

Everyone was quiet and thinking to themselves including Y/n who had a lot on his mind. He feels like the Freedom fighters is crumbling apart and they all know that. Even if they bring Sally back what is left for them?

Tails: We're getting close.

Whisper gets on top of the boat and with her incredible eye sight she can see a island along with Eggman's secret island base.

Whisper: I see it.

Tangle: So what is the plan?

Y/n: For what I've come up with is this. Sonic, two cost some directions and lower every robot away.

Sonic: (smirk) I like that plan.

Y/n: Fiona and SNT will find a way inside and get access to the door at the entrance. Once inside Tangle and Whisper will locate Nicole exile I'll fine Sally.

Tangle: You sure you want to do this alone?

Y/n: I'm sure. I made a promise and I will keep it.

With that they made it to the island. They climb up some rocks and soon they poke theie head out and sees Eggmans robots patrolling outside in front of the entrance door.

They turn to Sonic and Tails as they nod to them and Sonic and Tails make their way over to a bunch of robots and get their attention.

Sonic: Over here metal heads!

Tails throws an egg at one and they ran while the robots chase after them. Once the entrance is clear the rest rushes over to the door. Fiona and SNT split off and look around for a entrance and soon they found a vent.

Fiona opens the vent and she crawl through first along with SNT. They crawl through the vent until they stumble apon the control room with Eggman robots in it.

Fiona: (smirk) Watch this.

Fiona opens the vent and then drops down and lands on top of a Eggman bot. The rest turn and open fire at her but she immediately picked up one of their own weapon and fire at them.

She took a few out but then one came up behind her but SNT came down and smashes the bot with her Cube wispon.

Fiona: (smirk) Nice.

SNT: (smile) Thanks. So do you know how to open the front door?

Fiona: I have my own way.

She then fire at the controls which cost it to explode but the entrance door open which allow Y/n, Tangle and Whisper to enter.

They rush through the hallway only to come across more Eggman robots. Tangle rushes up and punches one with her Tail follow by Whisper shooting all three with one shot and Y/n disappear in front of them and then appear behind them.

They stood there for a moment and then they collapse to the ground. They keep going until they come across two hallways which is where they split off.

Y/n: I'll go lift and you two go right.

Tangle: Okay. Stay safe.....okay? And bring Sal back.

Y/n: I will.

They split off as Y/n rush down the halls of the base. He destroys any Eggman robots that he come across and after what seems like forever he stop at a large door which suddenly open and he step inside.

He look around and then noticed Eggman standing in the middle of the room. He make his way over towards him and once close he try to grab him but his hand goes through him.

Y/n: Shouldn't have known.

Then there was laughter as a hologram image of Eggman disappeared and then a large TV screen came out and turned on, revealing the real Eggman as he laughs.

Eggman: (screen) I am surprised that you have fallen right into my trap.

Y/n: I don't care about your traps. I want tonknow where Sally is.

Eggman: (screen) Oh so you are here for Sally huh? Do you really miss her? Too bad she has joined our side.

Y/n: I know you hire Mimic to be her. You may have tricked everyone but not us!

Eggman: (screen) You believe she was Mimic? Unfortunate for you that isn't the case. Here, allow me to show you.

Then a door open at the other side which Y/n looks over and sees Sally stepping out. He smiled and was about to call out until he stop and his eyes widen with shock as he slowly step back.

Y/n: (shocked) No.....No.....this can't be her.

Eggman: (screen) The message you saw of Sally looking normal isn't her real appears and she isn't Mimic. Let's just say.....I've gain a little help of someone and now Sally is now mine.....or should I say....

Eggman: Mecha Sally!

Y/n stood there frozen as he stare at the roboticized Sally while Mecha Sally stare back at him with soulless eyes. Soon he slowly forms a fist and then ask.

Y/n: What help?

???: (screen) My help.

His eyes widen even more as he recognised that voice as he turn to see another screen but he sees Hamlin looking at him. He was then filled with anger and yells out.

Y/n: (angry) YOU DID THIS! You helped Eggman to capture Sally in order to ruin the Freedom fighters?! YOU BETRAYED US!

Hamlin: (screen) I did it so I can bring peace to New Metropolis.

Eggman: (screen) He came to me and offer me something that I shouldn't refuse. He'll not only ruin the Freedom fighters reputation and weakening their members but also give me half of the world. For that I'll allow him to continue his rule of New Metropolis and the other half of the world.

Y/n: (angry) But your letting the other half of innocent of people suffering by the hands of Eggman!

Hamlin: (screen) Why should I care? New Metropolis is the most supreme than all the rest. After all sacrifices has to be made.

Y/n: (angry) But why?! WHY DOING THIS?!

Hamlin: (screen) Because the world doesn't need the Freedom fighters anymore. As long they exist, there will always be war. I'm doing something that the Freedom fighters shouldn't have done a long time. Making the deal with the enemy ans sacrifice most of our people in order to bring peace.

Y/n: (angry) Your nothing but corrupt!

Hamlin: (screen) I'm just protecting and maintaining the peace. Now I am leader of the this section of the country, I will do everything I can to keep the peace alive.

Y/n glance over to Mecha Sally and then fires lighting at her in hopes his power can free her but to his surprise it didn't work.

Eggman: (screen) I've study your ability to free others from their robot body so I make sure you will never free your princess. She is now strong enough to resist your lighting powers.

Y/n: (shocked) No.

Eggman: (screen) Enough chatter. Let's see these two fight. Mecha Sally.....destroy him.

The two screens turned off and disabled from sight while Mecha Sally then launches towards Y/n. He immediately dodges her attack and she try to strike at her once more but he dodges once more.

He slide backwards and slowly get up and stare at her as he called out to her.

Y/n: Sally it's me! You have to fight it! Please!

She then rush at him and swing her claws at him but he dodges her swings but she pulled out a arm cannon and blast him back.

He slammed against the wall and quickly dodges the incoming shots. He shoots lighting at her but it didn't phase her. She fire at him a few more times which he keeps dodging and then she flies over, grab him and pinned him to the wall.

She begins to strangle him but he kick her away and then he rush at her and tackle her as he then pinned her to the ground and tries to blast her with lighting but it was no use.

Y/n: Sal please listen to me! I beg of you!

Sally then kicked him up into the air which he crashed onto the ceiling and then he fell down and crash to the ground. He slowly gets up with a small groan only to move out of way and tries to block it with his hand but Mecha Sally stabbed his hand with her claw.

Blood drips onto the ground as Y/n feel extreme pain but he pushes her back and pinned her to the wall. He goes to a powerful lighting punch but he stare at her eyes and couldn't force himself to do it.

Mecha Sally then pull out hee claws and then slash at his chest. He stumble backwards whilewrap his arm around his chest as he collapses onto his knees while Mecha Sally approaches him.

He breaths heavily as he looks up at her. The two of them lock eyes for a moment as Mecha Sally aims her arm cannon at him and begins to charge it up.

Y/n looks down for a moment, forms and fist and immediately launches at her and grabs her by the head and blast her with lighting. He doesn't stop as he keeps going more and more. He let's everything out as best he can.

The room lights up as sparks of lighting is spread out as the light gets bigger and bigger. Y/n keeps going remembering the promise he made to Elias ans his family.

He let's out a yell and seconds later a whole second of base exploded. Sonic and Tails were outside and sees the explosion as a massive hole is left open.

We see Y/n slowly removing the ruble and quickly looks around for Sally.

Y/n: Sally! Sally! Where are you?! Sally!

He then hear a cough and turn and rushes over to where the cough is coming from and begins to remove the ruble until a hand is shown.

He pulled it out as Sally was pulled out and the two hugged. Quickly Sally pulled away and was panicking for a moment.

Y/n: Sally your okay! You're safe!

Sally: (breathing heavily).....Y/n? Wh....What happen to me? I felt......cold.

Y/n: Your okay Sally. Your okay.

Sally calms down and the two hugged once more. They hugged and then they get up. Disbite Y/n's injuries he stood up by himself and once the two are on theie feet Sally ask.

Sally: Now what?

Y/n: We'll find Nicole.....and we get out of here.

To be continued.........................................................

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