Valentines Special!!! (2018)
Happy Valentines Day My Little Mobians! Hahaha surprise! I knew I had to post something for today, so here you all go! 8 pages (plus another paragraph which pushed it to 9 pages), 3352 words, and a (hopefully) good read! I hope you all have a lovely Valentine's Day, and get something special be it a rose, or chocolates, or even a partner (some people like to confess and ask people out on this day idk). Anyway, so far I just got a rose from a colleague here at work (he gave a rose to all the females, so it was nice but nothing special) and that's probably ll I'll get today XD Happy Valentine's Day guys! Enjoy!!! <3
f/c = favourite colour
a/t = animal type
t/l = tail length
f/p = favourite pattern
Today was a big day. Lovers were walking everywhere; through the park, sitting at cafes or ice-cream shops, or going to see a romantic movie. However you sat inside, not sure how to celebrate without a partner. Suddenly, an idea sprang to mind. Why don't you buy your closest friends a present?
You smiled, it was a brilliant idea, one that couldn't possibly go wrong. Now to tell Amy and go shopping...
"OMG!" Amy squealed once you told her the plan, "(Y/N) that's brilliant! I better get one! And while we're at it, I need to buy chocolates for Sonic."
You smiled and sighed, of course she would say that, although what else would she say? It was Amy Rose. She's obsessed with the poor hedgehog, and you were possibly her closest friend, so of course you planned to get her something. You just hoped your other friends will like their presents.
But what will you get them?
You shrugged, hoping a nice little card would suffice. So, grabbing your handbag, you followed Amy into town. She had already planned to drown Sonic in chocolate, she just needed to buy it. You smiled and shook your head, wasn't he in for a surprise.
Nonetheless, you made it to the shops. You and the pink hedgehog giggled at all the couples, watching them give each other presents and smooch. It was just so funny to you.
Once inside, your pink friend took off, rushing into the chocolate store to buy as many as she could before they were gone. You sighed and shook your head, before walking into another shop. It was full of candles, the strong scents filling your nose.
Looking around, you were quick to decide that no one would want a useless candle. Exiting the shop, you huffed, before walking through the large mall. What could you get them, that they would all like? That's when you saw it, and a smile spread over your muzzle.
Once you were done, you went off to find your best friend. Amy was exactly where you thought she'd be, in the chocolate store. Once inside, you ran over, handing her a stuffed teddy bear.
"Happy Valentines Day." You smiled.
She blinked, before smiling and taking it, "Oh wow, it's so soft! Like Sonic's fur..."
You laughed and rolled your eyes, "Of course... Anyway I better go give these to the others. I'll meet you back at the house."
The pink hedgehog nodded, before turning back to the chocolate, "See ya later (Y/N)!"
And so you were off, off to hunt down six very fast males.
It took you forever to find even one of them, hours had passed when you came across Tails in his workshop. The little yellow kistune was tucked under his giant red plane, the Tornado. Small tinkering noises could be heard as he worked on the vehicle.
You sighed and crossed your arms, not surprised. Every second he got, he would be under that thing. However he heard your sigh, and peeked out from under the machine.
"Yep." You strolled over, sitting next to him, "I thought I should give you this."
You pulled out a stuffed bear, the colour of it a light chocolate brown. It had a little toolkit wrapped around it's stomach, and blue buttons for eyes.
"Oh.. Why are you giving me a stuffed teddy?" He slid out from under the plane.
"Because it's Valentines Day silly, and it's my gift to you." You smiled.
His eyes widened slightly, "Already?! I completely forgot!"
And standing, he ran to the other side of the plane. You pouted and sat there, the plush still in your (f/c) hands. Your ears twitched to the sound of clattering and you stood, walking around the plane.
"Tails? Are you okay?"
You blinked, a rose suddenly being shoved in your face.
"H-Happy Valentines Day (Y-Y/N)..." The fox said shyly, his ears back and a cute blush on his cheeks. You smiled and took the rose, handing him the bear.
"Thank you Tails, this is very sweet."
"I-It is?" He looked up at you.
You smiled and nodded, before pecking his cheek, "Do you know where Sonic is?"
"S-Sonic? Oh.. Yeah, he's in his room. He doesn't really like Valentine's Day though, the fangirls scare him."
"I can understand that." You chuckled, before walking into the house. Rapid tapping could be heard on the floor above you, and you knew Sonic must be running a marathon in his room. He always runs.
But surprisingly, he was just sitting at his desk, his foot tapping against the floor rapidly. He was scratching his head with a pencil, before writing something down and scratching his head again. You walked behind him and peaked over his shoulder.
-Song lyrics...?- You tilted your head, before tapping his shoulder lightly. The hedgehog jumped a mile high, before turning to you; flipping the paper over in the process.
"(Y-Y/N)!" He offered a smile.
You raised a brow, "Where you writing a song?"
"Uh... Y-Yeah..." He rubbed his head, "Sonia and Manic ask me to all the time, why do you think their songs are so good?"
You chuckled and shook your head, "True... So you write songs then? What's this song about?"
"Uh... You'll know later tonight." He smiled, "At Sonia and Manic's gig."
"They have a gig tonight?!"
This was a surprise to you, normally Manic tells you about their gigs. You groaned and held your forehead. How could you afford a ticket after the presents you bought everyone today?
"You didn't know?" Sonic tilted his head, "Well their tickets are selling fast, so you might want to hurry. Anyway, what are you doing up in the Blue Blur's room?" He chuckled at his own nickname, even if everyone else uses it.
"Oh! I came to give you this." You handed him a blue teddy bear.
He blinked and took it, a lop-sided smile on his muzzle, "Neato, but why?"
"It's Valentine's Day."
"It is?" He looked up, before quickly grabbing something from his desk, "Of course it is! I knew that! Well then, here's my present."
And he handed you a rose. You smiled and took it from him, holding it with the other one. That was two roses now. You must be special. Smiling, you gave the blue hero a quick hug.
"Thanks, but now I have to find your brother."
"I can take you if you want. I know exactly where he is."
Soon enough, you two were walking into a nice bar. Well you thought it was nice. It was a family bar, so there were no stereotypical drunks looking for trouble, which made you relax. Walking you to the back, you saw the siblings setting up their stuff for the night.
"Manic!" Sonic ran over and pat him on the back, "Good to see you. I should have that song to you by tonight."
"Hey bro, awesome." He gave the blue hedgehog the thumbs up, before turning to you, "Hey (Y/N), what brings you here?"
"I wanted to give you something, since it's Valentine's Day."
"Awesome." He smiled, and you handed him a light-coloured bear, which was holding drumstick, "Whoa, this is so soft."
"I know, I'm glad you like it." You smiled.
He nodded, "Will I see you at our gig later?"
You sighed and looked down, "Sadly no, I don't have the money."
"That's alright. Hey, since you're my very best friend, would you like some tickets? You can bring as many as you want, just let me know."
You blinked and your smile widened, "Yes please! And um... I'd like seven tickets please."
"Seven? Aren't you popular." Sonia smiled, "And with (f/c) hair like that, I'm not surprised. It looks gorgeous!"
"Thanks Sonia."
Manic chuckled and shook his head, before ducking behind a speaker, "Seven huh? Who are you thinking of bringing?"
"Just friends." You said.
"Only friends? No one special?" He gave you a look.
You laughed, "All my friends are special."
"Right right, of course." He handed you the tickets, "Awesome, I'll see you tonight then."
You nodded again and walked out, Sonic following you. Grabbing two of the tickets, you held them out to him.
"For you and Tails... I hope to see you both tonight." You smiled.
The hedgehog chuckled and took them, "Sounds like a date."
Rolling your eyes, you sighed, "Yeah yeah, go on Blue Blur."
He chuckled, before running off. Now to find the other three.
"Hey (Y/N)! Wait!"
Stopping in your tracks, you turned back to Manic. The green hedgehog ran to you, before leaning on his knees and panting, "I... Forgot..."
He held up a rose, "Happy Valentine's Day (Y/N)."
You giggled and took the rose, "Thank you, now go get ready for tonight okay?"
He nodded and ran back. You shook your head and started walking again. Three roses now. Wow. You skipped down the street, happy that three of your friends cared so much about you, before you bumped into someone.
"Oh, sorry-!"
"Watch where you're going!" The buff dog shouted, glaring down at you.
Your ears pressed against your head and you stumbled back, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
He growled and shoved you aside, "You better be... Stupid woman, learn your place."
Yelping, you hit the pavement. A pain shot up your arm and you whined, holding your wrist tightly and tears in your eyes. Thankfully the last three presents were still in your bag, however you had dropped the flowers, and now the dog stood on them, crushing them into the ground.
"Pathetic (a/t)..."
He started strolling down the street, before a black blur zoomed past and knocked the dog down.
"That's no way to treat a lady..." Shadow stood over him, glaring at the mutt, "Now apologise or you'll regret it."
The dog looked frightened. He hurried to his feet and tried to run, however Shadow was quick, and already in front of him.
"I said apologise."
"Look... I don't want any trouble-"
And no trouble he gave, since Shadow punched him in the gut and winded him, before kicking him down. The dog, wheezing, stood and took off down the street. As fast as he could anyway, holding his stomach.
You stood slowly, still holding your arm, and sniffed, "Thank you Shadow..."
He glanced at you, "Are you alright?"
"I think so..." You tried moving your wrist and flinched.
He sighed and took it gently, examining it and turning your hand in his own. You bit your lip as he carefully moved your wrist, and he huffed.
"It's just a sprain. Lets get it wrapped up."
You nodded and followed him as he walked down the street. Soon enough you reached a chemist, and he took you inside. Once he had the bandage, he sat you outside and wrapped your arm. You sat patiently, still sniffing and looking around.
"So those roses..." He started, "Why did you have them."
You looked at him, the hedgehog was concentrating on the bandage, "They were gifts... It's Valentine's Day and..."
"I see..." He finished wrapping your wrist, pulling you to your feet with your good hand, "And they were destroyed by that mutt?"
He nodded, before leading you to a small flower shop. You glanced at all the elegant flowers, taking in the different scents and wondering why the lady hadn't run out yet. Shadow pulled out a brown leather wallet from his quills, and you watched him curiously.
He spoke to the lady and she nodded, glancing at you and giving you a smile. The owner then disappeared into a back room, before coming out with four roses. She handed them to him and he paid, walking back to you.
"Thank you but... There was only three."
"The fourth one is my gift." He stated, handing you the flowers.
You nodded and took them, before you remembered your gift and pulled out a dark chocolate bear, it held two guns and had a headset on its little ear.
"This is my gift... To you..." You offered a smile, not sure if he would take such a silly item.
He nodded and took the bear, tucking it under his arm, "I will look after it very well. Thank you."
Your tail wagged and you walked out of the store, "Thanks again Shadow, but I better get going. I have to find someone else."
"And who else are you looking for?"
"Silver and Knuckles."
He thought to himself, "Well Knuckles would be on Angel Island. I don't know about Silver though..."
"Angel Island. Of course." You sighed and looked up at the sky, "Great."
"I will take you there." He grabbed your arm, "Just remember to be careful of your sprain."
And in a bright flash of light, you were surrounded by a jungle.
"I had better go. Knuckles doesn't trust me near the Master Emerald." Shadow took a step back, looking around.
"I don't think he trusts anyone." You sighed, before turning to the black hedgehog, "Wait. Are you busy tonight?"
"I don't believe so... Why?" He gave you a questioning gaze.
"The Sonic Underground have a gig at a family bar. I have tickets and was wondering if you'd like to come."
He crossed his arms, "Sonia and Manic huh...? I don't take any favours to their music... It always sounds... Arrogant."
-You have no idea...-
"Oh..." Your ears lowered slightly and you sighed, "Well... That's okay... I wasn't forcing you to go..."
He glanced at you, before shaking his head and holding his hand out, "But it is catchy so... I'll go."
You smiled and handed him the ticket, "I'll see you there!"
He nodded and disappeared in a flash of white. Smiling to yourself you spun on your heal, about to hunt the red echidna down. Until you faced angered purple eyes.
"What was he doing here?" He growled.
"Knuckles! Uh... It's okay, he was just dropping me off." You jumped, hand on your chest, "You know, that's how you give people heart attacks."
He grunted, before turning away, "Why are you here anyway?"
"Oh... Well it's Valentine's Day and I had a gift for you."
"A gift?" He turned back, "Why?"
"Because you're my friend silly." You giggled and handed him a red bear with an angry expression. He took it and stared at it, before smirking slightly.
"He looks familiar..."
"Doesn't he?" You giggled more and rolled your eyes, "He looks just like another hot head I know."
"Hot eh?" He snickered at you.
"U-Uh..." You blushed, "That's not what I meant."
"Yeah yeah, I'll pretend that's not what you meant." He waved his large hand, before glancing at the roses in yours.
"So you've been receiving gifts too huh?"
"It appears so."
"Well, guess I owe you one too then." He shrugged and plucked a rose from a near-by bush, "Here you go."
"But... Doesn't it belong here on the island?"
"(Y/N) It's a singular rose from a bush that shouldn't grow in the jungle. No it's not." He smiled, "I thought it was weird at first, but now it makes sense."
You smiled, "Well isn't that special?"
"Very." He nodded, before stopping and looking around, "Someone else is here... Lets go."
He took off in a sprint, and you had to follow him, holding your injured arm as you ran. Who else could be here on the island? Was it Eggman trying to steal the Master Emerald again? The red echidna reached back and grabbed your wrist, pulling you forward to keep up.
You let out a yelp and bit your lip, the pain getting worse. The running ceased to a stop and Knuckles growled at the sky.
"Hey! Get off my island!" He yelled, gripping your arm tightly. You whined and tried to pull it away.
The figure in the sky lowered, a turquoise glow surrounding them, "But I'm not even on your island..."
You saw Silver land on the grass, looking rather bored, which was new, "There. Now I'm on your island."
The red echidna huffed, "Then get off it."
The hedgehog sighed, before glancing at you and gold eyes widening, "(Y/N)?! I've been looking for you all day! Are... Are you okay?"
Knuckles glanced at you, before letting your hand go, "You're hurt. I didn't know..."
You sighed as the pressure in your arm disappeared and you held it to your body, "It's fine... Really..."
"No it's not." Silver stepped forward, "He should have been more careful."
"Hey, I didn't know."
"It's bandaged, how could you not know?"
Frowning, you stood between the two, "No fighting... It's Valentine's Day. Don't fight."
The two glared at each other, before grumbling and turning away from each other. Your ears lowered again and you tapped Knuckles on the shoulder. He turned to you, looking guilty.
"Hey... Don't worry about it, okay?" You said, "If you feel so bad, then make it up to me. Come to Sonia and Manic's gig tonight."
You handed him a ticket and he nodded silently. You smiled, before turning to Silver.
"And you, can you take me back to Amy's? I have to get ready."
He nodded and started glowing again, floating a little off the ground. He picked you up in the turquoise glow and flew off, holding onto your good hand.
"So... Those are a lot of roses..."
You nodded quietly.
"Gifts from today?"
Another nod.
"Well I have one as well you know..." He blushed slightly, "Would you care for another one?"
You smiled, "That would be nice."
He smiled back, before landing at Amy's house, before handing a rose to you. You took it and held it with the others.
"I uh... I got you something too." You handed him the last bear, it was another light-coloured bear, but with a golden bow around its neck and turquoise circles on its body.
"It's adorable." He chuckled, taking it and looking at it, "I love it."
"I'm glad. Oh, would you be able to come to the Underground's gig tonight? I have a spare ticket. It would be nice if you came."
He looked at you and smiled, "Sounds wonderful. Yes I would come."
"Then here you go." You handed him the ticket, "I'll see you later then. I have to get ready."
He nodded and started floating, "See you later."
You smiled and ran inside, "Amy?! Get ready! We're going out tonight!"
The pink hedgehog ran downstairs, "Huh? Where to?"
"Manic gave me tickets to go see them tonight, I have one here with your name on it."
She smiled and ran upstairs, "I bags the first shower!"
"Hey!" You laughed and ran upstairs.
The two of you were ready. Amy wore a nice black dress with lace along the back, and bright red lipstick on her lips. You wore a (f/c) dress with (f/p) on it. Amy was just putting (f/c) lipstick on your own lips.
"Okay, are you ready now?" The pink hedgehog giggled, "Or should I do your whole face?"
"No, lipstick is enough." You smiled, "Lets go."
Glancing at the glass vase of roses on the table, you smiled, looking forward to the gig tonight. The two of you walked out, heading to the family bar. Sonic, Tails and Silver were already there. You sat at a table with them and ordered some food.
Amy was quick to cling to Sonic, who tried to move between Silver and Tails. Shadow showed up a moment later, sitting next to you, and Knuckles... Well lets just say he missed the first song.
Either way it was an excellent night. One you enjoyed immensely, even if you were pulled around on the dance floor between all the boys. And Sonic seemed super pleased you liked his new song. Even if Shadow did almost punch Knuckles for hurting your injured arm, you were able to defuse the situation, and Tails looked super cute wearing a little black bow.
Also an update on my Hiatus, I'll probably be returning properly by the end of Feb/beginning of March, depending on how much work I get done. If not, then the end of March will be my proper return. See you then!
Haven Out!!!
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