Silver X Reader: Apocalypse - @tonithehegehog34

Just a reminder:
(F/C) = Favourite Colour
(A/T) = Animal Type
(F/W) = Favourite Weapon

It was a hellhole. That was the only way to describe it. A (F/C) (A/T) stalked down a deserted street. (F/W) in hands. Her ears twitched to every sound as rats fled into deserted buildings and birds flew off into the night sky.

"It's no use... All the shops have been raided." She mumbled, looking through various supermarkets.

"We just need to look harder. That's all." A silver hedgehog walked up, resting a hand on the (A/T)'s shoulder.

"Silver, these stores were raided months ago, why would there still be food left?"

"People are still picky, even when the world is ending."

"And you'd know?"

"Yes. I'm very picky." He chuckled at her, before walking into a small corner store.

The (A/T) rolled her eyes with a chuckle, following him into the messy building. There was rubbish strewn all over the floor, the shelves and even the empty freezers. The silver hedgehog was half under a shelf, tail in the air as he searched for food, and the (A/T) couldn't help but blush slightly.

You see... She has a crush on Silver, and she was thankful to still have him by her side in these dark times. It's been hard for both of them, they've both lost friends within the past few months. But what had happened?

"Hey (Y/N), I could use some help." Silver muttered from under the shelf, "I'm stuck..."

"Of course you are.." (Y/N) shook her head with a smile.

Walking over, she grabbed the hedgehog by the waist and pulled him out. However, the force of pulling back sent the two into the shattered door of a freezer and crashing into the old shelves.

"Ow..." The (A/T) groaned, "Man... You're heavy..."

"It's the fluff.." Silver chuckled lightly, before looking down at her, "Why? Am I crushing you?"

She huffed, cheeks turning a light pink, "Maybe..."

He shook his head, before pulling himself out of the freezer and turning to (Y/N), holding a hand out to her. She smiled and took it as he pulled her out.

"So... Did you find anything..?" She asked hopefully.

"Hm... Does this count?" He held up a can of beans, a goofy grin on his face.

"Food!" She smiled and jumped excitedly, "Finally! I was getting sick of eating bugs..."

"I still can't believe you did that..." The other shook his head, "We still had bread you know."

"Yeah, enough bread for you and Tails... I didn't want either of you to starve."

Silver sighed. (Y/N) was one to sacrifice anything to keep her friends safe. It's been hard on all of them, especially when she blames herself for the... 'Deaths' of their friends. The hedgehog thought she was kind, but sometimes it was too kind.

And he was starting to worry about her health. Since the apocalypse, she's scarified more than enough, giving her food to others and even her own safety once to save Sonic from being... Bitten.

She still blames herself for that, however in these challenging times Silver is amazed that she has kept a positive attitude. Yes she blames herself for what happens but it wasn't anyone's fault other than the government.

You see, they created a virus, thinking it would cure all kinds of illnesses and it did. Just not in the way everyone wanted...

A groan came from outside the small shop, causing the two to freeze. Silver was careful to look around while (Y/N) grabbed her (F/W) tightly, her own ears twitching. Suddenly, a dark figure stumbled past the windows to the store, looking around in search of their own food.

Silver grimaced when he saw who it was. The darkened blue fur and large quills swung as the hedgehog before them sniffed the air. He could smell something, and the two started to walk back as his sunken eyes caught sight of them.

The dull green of his eyes was a sure sign as to what he had become, a sickly black slowly taking over his sclera (the whites of the eyes). He let out a small groan as he stumbled into the store, a deep bite mark on his arm.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened when she saw him and her ears lowered. His fate was her fault. They had been running from these very monsters and Sonic had stupidly, yet also strangely tripped over a root. He had sprained his ankle, which explains the strangled limp as he groaned again.

(Y/N) had tried to carry him, but not being as physically strong as the others struggled to pull him along and they had soon enough been surrounded by the undead walkers. He had been bitten and she had no choice but to escape, but she was able to lead the monsters away before they could tear Sonic to pieces.

When they went back for him, he was gone. Everyone knew what had happened, but no one wished to see. And now, here he was, as dead to the world as possible, yet slowly chasing after the (A/T) and hedgehog.

"We better go.." Silver grabbed onto (Y/N)'s arm, who was still staring at Sonic in fear.

-I did this...- was the thought that came to her mind as Silver pulled her away. Growling to herself she pulled from Silver's grip and gripped her (F/W) tightly, before aiming/swinging it at the dead hedgehog, striking a hit to his chest.

He let out a strangled screech and clawed at her, but the (A/T) was yanked back. Silver pulled her to the back of the store, giving her a worried look.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"I thought..." She looked up at him, then to the hedgehog that still stumbled towards the pair, "I just wanted... Look at him Silver..."

He sighed and hugged her, "I know... But don't try to be a hero and put him out of his misery... You'll get hurt..."

"I know... I just feel so bad..." She looked down, her ears pressing back.

"It's not your fault... He would have wanted you to leave him. It's just Sonic."

Another pained groan made the two realise that they had to leave before they became Zombie dinner, and they quickly exited the building, barricading the door behind them. Sadly, that's when they realised they'd rather face their old friend over a herd of walkers, which all turned when they emerged from the building.

"Shit..." They both mumbled, before Silver grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, taking off down an ally. She couldn't help but blush lightly as he dragged her onto the supposedly empty street. It wasn't until they saw even more zombies groan towards them that Silver wrapped his arm around (Y/N)'s waist.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled in her ear before lifting off the ground.

The (A/T)'s ears lowered and she clung to him. Heights was not her thing. But he flew higher anyway, setting them on top of a building.

"I didn't realise how late it was..." He mumbled, letting her go. But she continued to cling to him, her arms wrapped around his torso tightly.

Silver looked down at her, patting her head lightly, "You can let go now."

(Y/N)'s cheeks turned red and she let him go, "Sorry! I just don't like heights..."

He chuckled lightly, "I'm aware of that..."

Suddenly he pulled her close, patting her head again. Her cheeks darkened and her short/long tail wagged, before she nuzzled closer to him.

"I hate this..." She mumbled quietly.

"I know... I do to." He sighed, "But we better get back, Tails will be worried sick, or frightened to death, you know what he's like with this stuff..."

"Yeah... Okay... So I guess we fly then?"

"Only if you want me to. I bet we could easily clear a path through the zombies though."

"No. I trust you." She smiled up at him, "I always have."

Yo guys! So with the voting... I'll give everyone until I post my next chapter (which I aim for tomorrow but we'll see...) So far this is how it stands:

Tails, Knux - 1

Sonic - 2

Shadow - 5

Silver  - 0

Yep! Okay, please vote on the chapter before this one. Any votes here will be ignored! Thanks guys.
Haven Out!!!

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