Silver X Dying!Reader (Part 2)
Silver's heart pounded in his chest, the pain from losing his closest friend, the light of his life, almost too much to bear. The city was in ruins as he walked through them, still cradling the limp form of his former partner.
He didn't know where to go, what to do with her. All he knew was that Mephiles will pay, and he will pay dearly for what he did.
The hedgehog eventually stumbled out of the city; his energy was slowly burning out as he walked to a loan tree. Once under the shaded area, the hedgehog's knees gave out and he collapsed to the ground. Tears threatened to fall once again as he rested the (a/t) against the trunk of the tree, covering his muzzle to stop the loud sobbing.
-Get it under control- The hedgehog thought to himself, -You can fix this, you know you can-
But it didn't stop the aching in his heart.
It took a while, but finally, the shaking hedgehog managed to calm down. His breathing was heavy, and the red glow on his bracelets caught his attention.
Sitting down, he saw the same red glow on his boots. It was something he had never seen nor experienced before.
"Emotions do play a part in my powers..." He mumbled, trying to distract himself, to motivate himself to get up and fight, "But will I be stronger or weaker because of it?"
He shook his head, before standing and looking around. He had to stop stalling. Otherwise what he was about to do will cause more damage to the future. Waiting around to get his act together will make it worse.
The hedgehog was glad he remembered that. But he was also glad he had taken a moment to calm down just enough to think rationally. Even if the red glow didn't disappear, even if the painful ache in his chest only grew.
Turning his gaze back to the (a/t), who appeared to simply be resting against the tree, he took a deep breath.
"I will avenge you (Y/N)... And hopefully change your fate."
He pulled out a Chaos Emerald from his quills, before closing his glowing orange eyes.
"Chaos... Control!" He shouted, and a white light enveloped him, before he disappeared.
And reappeared under the very same tree. The air smelt of smoke as he looked around, seeing the very same view he had just been accompanied by. The only difference was (Y/N) was missing.
"Good..." He stated, before a red glow appeared around him and he took off into the sky. If he was fast enough, he'd be able to save her. He'd be able to tell her how he feels, and she'll be able to hear it.
Even if dread settled in his stomach.
The hedgehog knew what the consequences of his actions will be, but he no longer cared; if (Y/N) was alive, he would happily accept anything that could happen to him.
It didn't take long to find the battle, having just being through it himself. The scene was horrifically familiar. The two heroes were struggling with a large building, the threat of being crushed was clear on both their faces.
It was strange, seeing himself from another point of view. Seeing how much he was struggling with the building, and how (Y/N) was able to help move it to a safer location, not above them.
The building landed with a loud Boom and the past Silver collapsed almost instantly.
"Silver?" The (a/t) knelt next to him, a look of concern on her face. The future hedgehog's heart twisted as she shook his former self, "Hey, come on. We need to get out of here. Don't pass out on me now."
The future hedgehog's gaze rose to the movement of a shadow, and Mephiles floated down to the two on the ground. Rage once again took over Silver's mind, and he had to remind himself to think as he rushed to the scene.
"What weaklings..." Mephiles stated, he too was in rage, "I told you, you would not win, and still you fought."
Silver ducked behind the building that had nearly crushed him, watching as (Y/N) picked his body up and hugged it tightly. She looked close to tears, and Silver felt another pang.
"Still, I admire your desire, it drives you to fight, even if the battle leads to death." Mephiles caught his attention, his hands started to glow purple as he watched the two, "And that is why, (a/t), I will make your death quick and painless."
(Y/N) only glared at him, laying Silver down and standing over the hedgehog protectively, "Go eat a dick."
The futuristic hedgehog had to stop a chuckle from distracting him. The (a/t) always had a strange way with words, but he was also taken back to see her act so protectively over him. She was clearly willing to die to make sure he lived. That only made him more determined to save her.
"Are those your choice of final words?" The shadow tilted his head, before shaking it, "So be it..."
Silver's ears perked as Mephiles raised his hand, the glowing purple brightening as (Y/N) turned her head away, her eyes closed tightly in anticipation.
A red glow appeared around the building in front of him, and without giving it much thought, the hedgehog threw it at the villain. It soared through the sky, colliding with the shadow, and crashed into another, the sound of concrete and rubble tumbling to the ground like a bell in his ears.
(Y/N)'s eyes opened and widened at the sight, before she looked around. Her heart pounded; she was still alive. But who had saved her?
Silver didn't give it a second thought, he flew over to her and gently grabbed onto her hands. The (a/t) blinked, before she stepped back, pulling her hands away,
"S-Silver?" She asked, looking over him, before glancing at the very same unconscious hedgehog next to her, "H-How...? Did you time travel? Isn't that dangerous? Why are you here?"
"(Y/N)..." He stated slowly, before taking her hands again. The feeling of warmth that came from her made him almost cry with joy. He did it, he had saved her, "I love you..."
Tears seemed to appear in the (a/t)'s eyes, and she shook her head, "You're all red... What happened?"
"He killed you." The hedgehog stated quickly, "I woke up and you were..."
He choked, before lowering his head, "I lost you, and I'm sorry I couldn't have been stronger."
"Hey..." She pulled a hand away, before cupping his muzzle, "It's alright, you live and that's all I cared about."
"But I couldn't live... Not without you." He stared at her, her (e/c) eyes shining as she blinked. His heart throbbed and he pulled her into a hug, "I couldn't last 10 minutes without you, I had to save you. I had to tell you I-"
"I love you too." She mumbled, hugging him tightly, "But what's going to happen now? Won't this change things?"
"Not much, I got here as quickly as I could manage, so your death won't change anything."
"Or it could change a lot."
He shook his head, "The way I see it, the world would be worse off without you."
The (a/t) gave a shaky laugh, before pulling back, "Oh my God... I almost died."
"And I'd like to make sure that still happens." The two turned to see Mephiles once again floating over them, both hands glowing a deep purple, "How dare you think you can stop me. I will destroy everything you love."
Silver growled, before pushing (Y/N) behind him. The red aura appeared around them as Mephiles fired his energy beams. They were deflected, bouncing into buildings and knocking one down. The dark hedgehog's eyes widened slightly, before he turned his gaze to the still unconscious hedgehog.
"Fine, then I'll just erase you." He flew towards the former Silver, and the future's eyes widened.
Throwing out his hand, he was able to catch Mephiles in his powers, mere centimetres from his own body. He threw the other across the city, through houses and skyscrapers, out of sight.
"He'll be back..." (Y/N) stated, almost clinging to his arm, "We need to stop him."
"Yes. I do." He glanced back at her, his stare was hard, "You need to take me out of here, get me somewhere safe. As far as I know, I'll stay unconscious until I leave. I'll find you once I'm done, I'll tell you everything you'll need to tell me."
The (a/t) stare was blank, as if she didn't understand him at all, "No, I want to help you."
"I can't lose you again." Silver stated, before cupping her muzzle, "Please (Y/N), I can handle him now. Your death... I... I don't know, but I was able to lift that building and throw it. You saw that right?"
"And mere moment before I had been struggling to even hold it." He lowered his head, "Please... I can take him. I don't want to lose you again..."
A moment of silence passed, and the (a/t) gently pulled his hands away, "Alright, you do what you have to."
"Thank you." He smiled, "There is a lone tree not too far from the city, take me there. I'll meet you there once I'm done here."
She nodded, "Good luck..."
He gave her a thumbs up, before flying off. No matter what happens now, he had to get rid of Mephiles. He was too much of a threat, especially for (Y/N). Mid-flight, the hedgehog collided with a large ball of rock, falling onto the roof of a building. He let out a groan, holding his head. What was that?
"I thought you might be only a small insignificance." Mephiles floated over him, his eyes had a fire to them, as if he was trying to burn Silver with his gaze, "But now I see, I will have to eradicate you with much more force. And much more pain."
The ball of rubble floated over the two, and Mephiles threw it at the futuristic hedgehog. The silver hedgehog held up his arms, stopping the projectile just above his nose. He let out a growl, before sending it back to the villain.
"I see... I take it I was successful then." Mephiles nods, "I killed your friend, but you weren't entirely dead. I was a fool to think you would be. Either way, her death brought you back here, and now I can make sure I do succeed again."
"No!" Silver growled, before sending shards of glass at the black hedgehog, he took the hit, only chuckling as black goo dripped down his body.
"You are desperate I see. Then I suppose I should tell you what it is I will do to your (a/t)."
The two were now face to face, as Silver flew at him, Mephiles grabbed his arms, almost crushing them under his strength. Silver's eyes glowed brightly, but he couldn't move, almost pinned in the air by the other.
"I'm going to kill her." He stated calmly, "I'm going to make it slow and painful. She'll scream, beg for it to end, but I won't show any mercy. I will crush her in my palm, she will remember that you failed to protect her once again, she will know that you are just a weak hedgehog. She will die knowing you failed her twice, knowing you let her down."
A red flame appeared around the two, and Silver's eyes glowed a crimson red. His glare could have sliced Mephiles in half if possible, but instead he focused all his rage, all his energy on the hedgehog. He imagined crushing the darker hedgehog like an ant, wishing he would fade to nothing.
The villain seemed to flinch, as if he was struck. Silver only smirked.
"Let me tell you what I'm going to do to you." He stated, just as calmly as the other had, and a chill ran down Mephiles' spine. He waited for the futuristic hedgehog to continue, but instead there was only silence.
A pressure appeared in the back of his head, as if someone was pressing into his skull. It was painful, almost like a stab, and the dark hedgehog stifled a grunt of pain.
"I'm going to make you wish you were never born." Silver said, and the other's eyes widened.
With a raise of his hand, Silver lifted the telekinetic flame, floating above the other. The other tried to move, but he couldn't, it was as if he was being held. The flame grew, larger and larger as Silver ascended, his eyes glowing brightly in the ash covered sky.
With a simple flick of his wrist, Silver sent the ball of fire towards the evil hedgehog. It collided with him, engulfing him. Mephiles let out a cry of pain as it surrounded him, slowly closing in, crushing him in it's power.
Silver watched, letting the hedgehog suffer for a while, before he flew at him, punching him dead in the nose. Mephiles flew into the building, causing it to collapse around him. Burying him.
He didn't rise. The silver hedgehog was panting as he stared down at the ruins, he had done it. He had defeated Mephiles.
But suddenly, dizziness took over him, and he fell. He caught himself just above the ground, holding his head.
"What... Was that?" He asked out loud.
He was still panting, unable to regain his breath, and his energy seemed to be depleting quickly. His other self must be close to waking up, but that shouldn't be happening. He was running out of time after all.
"I... Need to find (Y/N)..." He panted, before taking off towards the edge of town.
(Y/N) was currently waiting under the tree, having propped Silver against the trunk and making sure he was okay, she waited at the edge of the shaded area, watching the city for any signs of battle.
A flame. A large flame.
Was that Silver? Mephiles? What was going on?
Moment later, her ears twitched to the sound of a building falling. And then the Silver behind her let out a groan. Her ears perked and she turned to him, kneeling next to him,
"Silver...?" She asked, before looking back at the city.
A moment passed and a red glow appeared, flying over the city. It headed towards them, and (Y/N) stood in front of the unconscious hedgehog protectively. If this was Mephiles, she would kill him before he got to Silver.
She let out a sigh of relief as the other Silver landed in front of her, but concern washed over her face as he fell to his knees.
She walked over slowly, before holding a hand out for him,
"Hey...? Are you okay?" She asked, before kneeling next to him.
"I... I did it..." He panted, before raising his gaze to her, "B-But I'm waking up... I-I'll leave soon..."
The (a/t)'s ears lowered slightly, "You'll leave... I... I don't..."
"Hey, I'll still be here." He offered a slight laugh, "I just need to wake up... Can you do me a favour?"
"Of course..." She nodded, before taking his hand, "Anything."
"I need you... To tell me what happened." He sighed, "When I wake up. Tell me everything. Tell me how you died, I came back, I saved you, tell me everything. Please."
"I will." She nodded, before glancing back at the unconscious hedgehog, "You know, I was so scared... When I thought I was going to die... I realised I never got to tell you..."
"Please, tell me when I wake up..." The futuristic hedgehog's ears lower, "I... I don't want to hear... Not when I can't stay..."
(Y/N) faced him again, her ears lowered slightly, "What's going to happen to you?"
"I changed time (Y/N), the timeline I just came from? It doesn't exist anymore..." He closed his eyes, "As soon as I wake up, I'll fade away. I've already started too."
The other hedgehog let out a groan, shifting slightly, and Silver fell to the ground, holding his head, "I... I knew the consequences... I'm just glad... You're alive now..."
(Y/N) grabbed his hand, watching him sadly as he struggled to stand again. He started to turn transparent, the grass flattened beneath his body.
"(Y-Y/N)..." He mumbled, "I love you... P-Please know that..."
"I know." She stated, tears filled her vision, "I love you too."
The hedgehog shook slightly, letting out a ragged sigh, "You shouldn't have..."
"I wanted to. I can't bare to think that you left here without hearing me say it." (Y/N) rolled him onto his back. He let out another shudder as his former self's ear twitched, "I want you to know."
"I do..." He was panting, his head laid back, "Thank you..."
The (a/t) nodded, tears fell down her cheeks as she leant down, pressing her lips against his own, "It's alright, you won't be hurting anymore. I'm alright Silver."
"I... Know..." He smiled, before he finally disappeared, a breeze ran through the tree as his body faded.
A groan came from behind the (a/t), but she didn't move. Still kneeling on the grass, she covered her eyes; it was as if he had died, but she knew the hedgehog, and she knew he was from a different time.
"(Y...Y/N)...?" Silver's voice piped up behind her, "What... Happened...?"
She turned to him, wiping her tears away with a smile. She stood and ran over to him, before pulling the hedgehog into a kiss, wrapping her arms around him tightly.
He was here, and he was alright. He won't be leaving any time soon.
The hedgehog, although startled, happily kissed back. He wrapped his arms around her as well, and she pulled back.
"Should I ask again?" He looked around, they weren't in the city?
"It's a long story." The (a/t) nodded, "One I'll have to tell you when we return to the others."
"We won?" He tilted his head, (Y/N) only smiled, before hugging him again.
"Yes... You won."
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