Silver X Amnesiac!Reader (Part 1) - @goldenbree-rose
I'm baaaack! Told ya I'd be back lol, and hey, this is also part 100! Wooooo!
Now I won't distract you long, so please, enjoy the chapter! (there is another A/N at the end that I had written when I first wrote this anyway lol)
Silver was currently flying through the ruined city of his future; his turquoise aura lighting the empty, decaying buildings below. It was dark, there were no flames like there had been before, there were no Mobians anywhere to be seen. Sand covered the ground, the wind rolling the small particles through the buildings. It was a desert, and Silver was trying to figure out what might have happened.
His eyes scanned over the dark towers, trying to find any signs of life, trying to find answers. A few hundred metres away, a building started to crumble, collapsing to the ground in a loud roar of destruction. Silver frowned, making his way over to the now gone building. The wind carrying the sand was slowly but surely eroding away the buildings. The hedgehog didn't know much about it, but he assumed it took a very long time considering in the past 200 years, he had only witnessed three buildings collapse. But he knew if he didn't fix the problem soon, that the entire town might suffer the same fate.
He let out an annoyed huff as he stared down at the building. The hedgehog had nowhere to start, nowhere to look. Nothing to do. All he could do was go back in time and try to figure out what's going on with Sonic and the crew. It always seemed to surround their adventures anyway.
After a while of flying around some more, being certain there were no Mobians around the city, the hedgehog started to head back to his base. That was the second town he had checked, and he was starting to worry that this was a sort of post-apocalyptic future that resulted in the deaths of everyone. Just imagining that was terrifying and sent a shiver down his spine.
But as he was heading back, he noticed the city started to shake; the buildings almost rattling in the sky as if the world was experiencing an earthquake, and the silvery hedgehog came to a stop, watching the city almost curiously. There was a bright flash of light in the sky above the ruined buildings, and Silver's eyes widened as he saw a figure come through the light, falling down towards the sand-covered ground.
He took off towards the falling body, leaving a greenish-blue trail behind him; swooping down to catch the clearly unconscious Mobian metres from the ground. He slowed to a stop, floating over the sandy dunes and panting heavily. Once he was able to calm his racing heart from the near witnessing death experience, he turned his attention to the one in his arms.
From first glance, Silver could tell the (f/c) (a/t) was badly injured, with bruises and scratches, blood dripping from her nose, and what looked like a large gash across her forehead. He cursed to himself, before once again flying back to his base; a room in a tall building -deemed safe by the hedgehog himself- with walls full of holes and a bunch of sheets bunched up made a bed in a far corner.
The hedgehog almost felt bad he couldn't offer anything more comfortable, the sheets being dirty seemed to ad insult to the situation, as it could make the Mobian's wounds worse. He looked around, before walking across the small room and picking up a cream coloured towel. It was the cleanest thing he had managed to get his hands on, and it would work well enough to clean and dress the painful looking tear on her head.
He shook the towel, before setting to work. It didn't take too long, but the hedgehog was cautious of hurting or waking the (a/t) up. He didn't want her to panic and hurt herself more.
Once he was satisfied with his handywork, he then wrapped the towel around her head like a make-shift tape of gauze. It was clumsy and messy, but otherwise covering the wound from any horrible bacteria. He sighed to himself, sitting back against a wall as he stared at the girl; completely exhausted from the sudden rescue.
"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" He asked quietly, before closing his eyes and falling asleep.
The morning came quickly, sleep feeling like it was only a second, before Silver's eyes slowly started to open. The bright light from the sun came in through the holes on the wall, disturbing him from his dreamless slumber. He stretched, letting out a yawn as he looked around the room. Then the hedgehog remembered the (a/t), who was still unconscious in the corner of the room.
She had moved in her sleep, curling up on her side. So Silver took that as a good sign. His stomach let out a growl and he responded with a sigh. Now he'd have to find food for the both of them. There was basically nothing here, aside from a rare animal, mainly small rats or birds. Silver didn't like it, but he did what he could to survive while he looked for answers.
So he set out to hunt down something to eat. It took a few hours, but he managed to grab a few rats and a bird; it was definitely more than he had the past few days, and he wondered if it had to do with the earthquake that occurred when the (a/t) teleported here. Either way he was grateful to have enough food for the two of them, and then some for later on.
He started to get to work on building a fire, trying to remember what he had to do with the animals to prepare them for a meal. Finally, they were ready, and he ate in silence. The hedgehog tried to think about where the (a/t) may have come from. She didn't look familiar to him, so she couldn't have been with the Freedom Fighters, unless they recruited new people. But even if she was, what were they doing that would result in her ending up here, and with such injuries?
And why hadn't she woken up yet, how bad are the wounds she has sustained?
God Silver didn't want to have to worry about a dead body.
But then the (a/t) let out a small groan, erasing the doubt Silver had and causing him to sit up straight. Was she waking up? He turned his golden gaze towards her to see the (a/t) roll over, rubbing an eye as she slowly sat up with another groan. She blinked her eyes open, flinching away from the light and holding her head.
"What... Happened...?" She asked herself, before her (e/c) eyes snapped open and she looked around in a panic, "Where am I?"
"Hey hey." Silver flew over, holding his hands up in defence, "Easy... You're in the future."
"The... What?" The girl turned to him, inching away slowly, "Who are you...?"
"I'm Silver the Hedgehog, I'm a part of the Freedom Fighters."
"Freedom... Fighters...?"
The hedgehog nodded, mentally crossing out the chances of her being friends with Sonic, "A group of people that fight for good."
"O-Oh..." She said, rubbing her arm, "I see..."
It was clear the (a/t) was a little shy; Silver then gave her a gentle smile, "Could I have your name?"
"My name?" The girl lowered her head, before rubbing it slowly, "My name..."
"Y-Yeah... Your name..."
"I..." She lifted her head again, facing the hedgehog, "I don't know it..."
The hedgehog blinked, tilting his head again, "You don't know your own name?"
"I don't... I don't know anything..." The girl's featured stayed stoic, and Silver was surprised; usually people were freaking out by now but she seemed... Calm? "I don't know who I am, where I'm from... What is this place? What happened? Why does my head hurt?"
"Well, for starters; we're in the year 2220." Silver said, looking around the desolate building, "And I don't really know what happened. You teleported here, I caught you and you were injured so I cleaned your wounds. That's why there's a towel on your head."
"A... Towel...?" She reached up, before pulling it off and looking at it; she seemed surprised to see it, "U-Uh... Thank you..."
"It's no problem." Silver once again offered a smile, "But, you're sure you don't remember anything?"
"No, I can't think of any- (Y/N). My name is (Y/N)." She said with clarity, as if it just popped in her mind.
"(Y/N)? Well that's a nice name." The other gave her a pat on the shoulder, "It's better to know your name than to know nothing at all."
The girl watched him, before slowly nodding in agreement. She then turned her attention to the run down room they were in, hugging her knees to her chest. Her ears pressed back as she took in her surroundings, and her stomach let out a growl. Silver smiled, before standing and offering his hand,
"It's not much, but I just cooked some food if you'd like to eat." He said, and she slowly took his hand.
Once she was done eating, the two started talking, trying to figure out any ways to bring the girl's memory back. Silver was doing his best to be understanding, but it was hard when he himself knew nothing about her. The hedgehog had to give it to his friends back in the past, they really knew how to deal with this better than he did. Especially considering it was usually always Shadow losing his memory, and they knew everything about him.
A lightbulb went over the hedgehog's head. Maybe if he mentioned particular people; (Y/N) would remember them.
"Do you know Sonic?" He blurted out, causing the girl to stop mid conversation. He blushed slightly in embarrassment, rubbing his head, "U-Uh sorry..."
"Sonic...?" The girl tilted her head, rubbing her muzzle, "I don't think so... But the name does sound familiar."
Bingo. So she could still be a Freedom Fighter. That possibility is back on the list. And they were starting to get somewhere. The girl even looked hopeful, staring at Silver with bright (e/c) eyes.
"Do you know Sonic?" She asked next, and he nodded almost excitedly.
"I do! He might know who you are too, we should go right away." The hedgehog stood, pulling the girl to her feet.
Startled, she stumbled into his chest; a blush creeping over her muzzle. Silver blinked, before chuckling and standing her straight with an apologetic look,
"Sorry, I can be spontaneous at times."
"That's alright." She gave a small smile, "For some reason, I feel like I am too."
"Then I'll believe it."
The two set out, Silver pulling out a purple chaos emerald from his quills and Chaos Controlling them back into the present. There was a bright flash, and the (a/t) once again stumbled into him, clearly dazed by the bright light. He steadied her, making sure she was okay, before he took off into a field of green grass. She shook her head free of the dizziness, before hesitatingly following him.
"S-Silver!" She called out, "Where are we going?"
"To find Sonic, he might be able to help!"
"Nope." Sonic shook his head, the hedgehog currently leaning on the front door with an ice-pack on his head and a bandaid under his nose, "Never seen her in my life."
"What?!" Silver exclaims, "But she says she knows you!"
"Sorry man, I can't say the same for me." Sonic sighed, holding a gloved hand to his eye, "I mean, the name sounds familiar but... Maybe I heard it while I was walking through town, because I've never seen her before."
"Oh... Okay..." The younger hedgehog let out a sigh, his shoulders sagging in defeat, "Thanks then."
"Wait, you said she lost her memory, right?" Sonic asked, once again looking Silver in the eye, "Is this a 'save the future' kind of thing?"
"I don't know." He admitted, "But it's possible, just before she arrived, there was an earthquake, and the place looked worse off afterwards."
The blue blur thought to himself for a moment, rubbing his muzzle, "Talk with Shadow, he may not know her, but he might be able to help. And good luck (Y/N)."
"Thank you." The girl bowed to him, and he gave a tired wave, before heading back inside. An awkward moment of silence filled the air, and Silver squirmed, clapping his hands together,
"So... Get any new memories?"
"No... Though I felt like I recognised him." The girl said, looking sad, "I know he broke his nose and got a pretty heavy hit to his head from a robot, but I don't remember who he is."
"Wait, you know how he got his wounds?"
"I... I do." The girl smiled, "I remember seeing it happen, I was right next to him."
"What else do you remember?"
"It... It goes black after that..." She let out a sigh of defeat, "Sorry..."
Silver waved a hand dismissively, before giving the girl a wide smile. She was starting to remember things, she just had to trigger more memories; but how? Sonic's advice was good, maybe Shadow could help them, or at least offer some sort of help.
"Don't worry about it. It's a start." The hedgehog said, before wrapping an arm around the girl, "But I have another idea. Lets go now."
Hey guys! So I had to split this into 2 parts because I got really carried away and realised I had reached 8 pages (AND I WAS NOWHERE NEAR DONE)
SO I will upload part 2 next week so there is no confusion or forgetting (because it's going to jump right on into it, I basically just cut this in half, literally copied and pasted 3 pages from this part to the next -AND I'M NOT DONE YET)
So yeah! This will continue next week!
Haven Out!!!
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