Shadow X Lost!Reader (@lyrarich678)
Great. Just great.
You were lost. But it wasn't in town, or even the forest. You were literally in the middle of nowhere. But... You were happy.
You were away from your horrid parents, your ignorant friends, and your psycho ex. As long as you were nowhere near them, you didn't care. However...
You were getting hungry, and you were getting tired.
Lets start from the beginning. Your parents were horrible, normally making you do all the chores, calling you a 'pathetic' or 'useless' child. You got a B+ on a test earlier this week and they ripped the paper, saying you were a disappointment.
Not to add that your friends just completely ignored you. All day you would sit with them, but they never seemed to acknowledge your existence. Every now and then you would try to talk, but all they would do is nod and continue their conversation.
Then there was your ex... The psycho crazy that literally stalked you for a good month. You two had been together for a long time, almost a year. But your schoolwork was getting out of hand and visiting him every weekend was taking it's toll.
So you ended it. You didn't want to, but you had to. He went crazy. A whole day it took for him to calm down, and even still it was because your mother yelled at him through your phone. Since then he has been watching you. At school he stares at you, and once you caught him sitting outside your house.
All of it made you go... Emotionally insane. So you left. The negativity was too much for you. The only person you will miss is your one true friend.
Shadow the hedgehog.
He was the only one that listened to you, acknowledged you. Heck, treat you like a person! Yet he was only one person, and you had two parents, a large group of 'friends' and a crazy person at your heels.
He would talk to you about your problems, and it was nice to get it off your chest but it didn't help. Nothing ever helped. The only thing you could do was run, run from your home, to wherever you ended up. You didn't care where, as long as it was away from there.
Still, you knew you would miss him.
After a while you realised it was getting dark, and you still had no place to go. Glancing around, you started to feel doubt about running away. You had never talked to your parents about what they did, they probably didn't understand they were doing it.
You were normally quiet around your friends anyway, listening to them talk and joke. And your ex... Shadow could probably sort him out if you asked.
But it was too late, you've run off, if you returned now... You'd be punished. Your parents would have a fit, and you'd probably be grounded for life.
Grunting in frustration you threw your small bag to the ground, before sitting next to it, which way was back anyway? You had no clue.
You were lost and now you cared. Your stomach growled loudly and you hugged it, hunching over.
"Great..." You mumbled to yourself.
Eventually the stars filled the sky and the sun was completely gone. The moon was high and made your dark shadow stretch across the ground. Sighing, you stood and grabbed your bag, before walking.
"Lets at least try to get home... There will be food there..."
And so you started walking, not sure if you were going in the right direction. About an hour or so passed before you cried out in frustration, pulling at your (h/c) hair. Yep, you were lost. Of course you were lost, you wanted to be lost.
Although, now you didn't. Pulling out your phone, you checked its battery. 57%, awesome. However, when you tried calling your parents, you realised you had no service. Fucking perfect.
So now what?
Maybe Shadow will come looking for you... Yeah, you hope so. Sitting down, you rested your head on your small bag, staring at your phone. All you can really do now... Is rest.
It was freezing cold. You were shivering violently under the dull moonlight. You'd tucked your arms in your shirt and curled up as tightly as you could, but to no avail, you were freezing. It was like ice. The chilly night dragged on, and sleep was nowhere near you.
Many hours passed, and you thought you heard the sound of a vehicle. Sitting up, you looked around, watching the area for any sort of movement.
Something caught your eye and you stood, grabbing your bag and stumbling to the road. A bright light appeared in the distance and you stood there, waiting for it to come closer.
It did, and as it did, you could see someone sitting on a motorbike. Smiling to yourself, you started jumping and waving your hands, doing your best to catch the biker's attention. The sound of its engine slowing down made you sigh in relief as it pulled up near you.
However, the person on the bike made you stand back.
"(Y/N)?! What are you doing out here?!" The dark hedgehog exclaimed as he climbed off his bike, "Your parents and friends are worried sick!"
"They... They are...?" You tilted your head.
He walked over and pulled you into him, "Your freezing... Here."
The hedgehog was pulling his jacket off, wrapping it around your bear arms, before picking you up. It happened so fast, suddenly you were on the back of his motorbike, your arms around his chest as the bike turned around and took off.
After a while, the dark coloured hedgehog pulled up outside your house, where your parents rushed to your side. They frantically asked questions and yelled as they pulled you inside the large house, and away from the hedgehog that saved you.
Glancing back, you frowned as Shadow drove off, not even bothering to say goodbye. Your parents took you inside and made sure you had a warm bath, before giving you a rather delicious dinner.
"(Y/N)..." Your mother rested a hand on your shoulder, "Why... Why did you run away?"
You sighed and looked down, "I'd rather sleep now mum..."
She looked hurt, before nodding, "Okay... Please talk to us tomorrow though. Okay?"
A smile appeared on your lips and you nodded, "Okay.. Goodnight mum..."
Walking to your room, you sighed. Now that your phone had service, it was going berserk, messages from your friends were continuously appearing on your screen. Turning your phone off, you laid in bed, staring at the ceiling.
Why didn't Shadow stay and make sure you were okay? You figured he might have stayed and made sure you were alright.
Oh well... He must have been tired to.
A sudden tap at your window made you look up, before seeing ruby red eyes staring in at you. Doing your best to not scream, you opened your window.
"Shadow?! What are you doing here?!" You whisper-yelled, pulling him into your room.
"I'm making sure you're okay." He huffed, landing on your floor, "Are you?"
"I am now... Thank you for finding me."
"I had to, one, your parents were yelling in my ear, and two, I was worried."
"You... Were?"
"I knew things were bad, but not... This bad." He sighed and rubbed his head, "So, I have a feeling I know why you ran off."
"Everything I told you."
He nodded, walking over to you, "Do you regret that?"
"Sort of..."
"Sort of?" He frowned, "(Y/N) you gave everyone a heart attack! You can't sort of regret it."
"Well I'm sorry my friends only show they care now."
"And your parents?"
"I... I didn't think about them..."
"Or me?"
"What do you mean?"
He shook his head, before pulling you into a hug, "Just... Don't run off again. I might not find you next time..."
You smiled slightly, hugging him back, "I'll try not to..."
"No. You won't. Okay?"
"Okay okay... So... What now?"
"Shadow?" You looked up at him.
Your eyes widened as his lips met yours, and you froze. Warmth spread through you as he wrapped his arms around you. Pulling back, you stared up at him, his red eyes shining in the dark room.
"I... Um..." You didn't know what to say, fumbling for the right words.
"Shh..." He pulled you into his fluffy chest, patting your head, "Just... Promise you won't run away again..."
"O-Okay..." You mumbled.
A low chuckle rumbled in his chest and he picked you up, "Now sleep, it's really late."
Laying you down, he walked to your window, glancing back at you, "I'll see you in the morning."
You nodded and smiled as he jumped out the window. What a night...
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