Shadow X Emotional!Reader ..Period?..

Small note: You are human for the ..Period?.. Series. Mainly because Mobians are animals, and IDK what animals have periods ya know? And if any animals DO have periods, then there are animals that DON'T have periods... So yeah. Also you are from Earth. Just because :3

Also the reader is REALLY emotional in this. Like... I'm not this emotional. It's okay if you are but please remember guys, it's a story. If anyone does cry this much then a) I didn't know b) I apologise if I offended you and c) it's totally fine to cry. It's actually healthy for you! :) So yeah. Lotsa crying over nothing but I do it occasionally so yeah. Enjoy...


"Why don't you love me?!" (Y/N) cried.

"What are you talking about...?" Shadow grumbled, rubbing his head.


It was another day, clouds littered the blue sky and the sun would disappear now and then, but it was an average day. Well... Besides for Shadow and (Y/N).

You see, (Y/N) was a human, and humans... They have these things called periods. It's not very nice either. However, this certain human hadn't told her closest friend any of this information.

Now, Shadow may have had a human friend at some point in his life, but that was a long time ago, and she had died before any of this period problem could start.

But why is this important?

Because, (Y/N) had recently got her period, and she was someone who is very... Emotional during this time. And sadly... Her friend doesn't understand emotion... At all...

Shadow was just packing his things up from his most recent G.U.N mission. He had to clean his guns, which is something he particularly enjoyed, then put it away, followed up by filing paperwork, his least favourite job.

Normally the hedgehog is quick with his work, getting it out of the way within a mere 2-3 hours. However, this one time he just seemed to lack the consistency. Everyone just wanted to talk to him, and Shadow isn't a big chatter.

But alas, he was kept from his comfy home and the time he gets to spend with his best friend.

"Agent Shadow, the Commander needs to see you right away!" An agent hurried over to him. Shadow let out a grunt and chaos controlled into the Commander's office. His bad mood quickly changed to surprise when he recognised a familiar human sitting in front of the Commander's desk, said leader looking very annoyed.

Shadow walked over and sat in the chair next to the human, "Is something wrong?"

"Oh Shadow!" The human looked up, then flung herself around him, "You're okay!"

He blinked, taken back by the tight hug. He glanced at the Commander in hopes for some answers, but all he did was shrug and shoo them from his office. Once outside, Shadow managed to pry the girl off.

"(Y/N)? Why are you here?"

"You didn't text me!" She looked down at him, and the hedgehog finally noticed the tears in her eyes, "I didn't know if you were okay!"

He blinked again, completely confused and very concerned, "What are you talking about...?"

"I told you to message me when you get back from the mission! You didn't and I thought you were hurt or worse..." She sniffed and wiped her face and the dark hedgehog shook his head.

"I told you... I'm not good with texting."

"But why were you taking so long?! You're normally home by now!" You see, (Y/N) and Shadow shared an apartment. It was ideal as (Y/N) needed a place to stay and Shadow needed the company. And, over time, the two had grown quite close. Shadow was awfully protective of (Y/N), and the human was glad to be friends with the edgy hedgy.

"I know... I got kept up by people wanting to talk..." He sighed, rubbing his head, "Come on.. Lets go home."

The walk home seemed to calm the human down. She stopped crying and only sniffed because of the runny nose, but she was finally in a good mood. Shadow was relieved, he's not good with upset people.

Thus, this lead them to watching TV, with (Y/N) swiping through her (f/c) phone. She wasn't particularly interested in what was on TV, so she went through her Facebook, scrolling through the newsfeed. However that got boring too.

It didn't take long for the human to be back to her normal bouncy self, and she immediately started to annoy the hedgehog.

"Hey Shadow... Hey Shadow... Hey Shadow..."

The dark coloured hedgehog sat through cheek poking, ear pulling and arm tugging. He was used to it. However, he wasn't used to his tail being touched.

He let out a yelp when she tugged on his tail, and had the human pinned in seconds. She stared up at him, shocked that her friend would be so quick to snap at a small touch, before her cheeks turned red and she sniffed.

"I-I'm sorry..."

Shadow stared down at her, a slight blush on his muzzle, "Don't ever touch my tail again..."

He got off her and turned back to the TV. (Y/N) sat up, however kept her head down. She wiped her eyes as the tears started to fall again.

"I-I'm sorry Shadow..."

He glanced over and huffed, turning back to the TV. The human was silent after that, before slowly standing and walking upstairs. Shadow let her go, continuing the program on the television. Soon enough the show was over, and the hedgehog had to prepare dinner.

He stood and walked upstairs, knocking on the door to (Y/N)'s room. There was no answer. He knocked again. Silence. Concern grew for the human and he walked into the dark room, scanning it for any signs of life.

"(Y/N)...?" He muttered, and still the room was quiet, "Shit..."

Hurrying out of the room he was about to rush downstairs, before the bathroom door opened and the human walked out, towel on her head and dressed in her sleepwear. (if you don't have sleep wear or very little feel free to make something up, unless you don't want to ;).

The hedgehog stopped and sighed, "Where were you?"

She jumped slightly and turned to him, "Um... In the bathroom?"

"Right.. Uh... What were you doing?"

"Having a shower..." She rubbed her arm, "Why?"

His nose twitched, "What's that smell?"

"I'm going to bed." She tried to walk around him. But unlucky for her, Shadow's reflexes are that of a ninja (just don't tell Espio, he'll get jealous).

"It smell like blood. Are you injured? Why are you bleeding?"

(Y/N)'s cheeks turned red and she averted his gaze, "I don't want to tell you..."

"Too bad. I want to know."


He growled and let her go, crossing his arms, "Fine. Will I have to ask Rouge? Or anyone else?"

Her cheeks turned more red and she moved her (e/c) stare to the floor, "Forget it Shadow, you won't understand..."

"What won't I understand?"

"You just won't!" She pushed past him and slammed her door.

For once in his life, Shadow flinched. Why was his friend acting so different? Why was she being so defensive, not telling him what's wrong? She normally tells him.

Now completely worried for her, Shadow followed her to her room and knocked on the door, "(Y/N) I want answers."

"Well you aren't getting any."

"Do I have to break down the door?"

"It can't lock stupid just walk in already!"

He rolled his eyes and did so. (Y/N) was already curled up under her (f/c) sheets, the lights still off and the blood smell filling Shadow's nose. The hedgehog rubbed said nose and turned the lights on, earning a hiss from the human.

"Oh get over it. Now where are you hurt?" He sat on the bed carefully.

"My gut. But it's internal, so forget it."

-Internal...? As in internal bleeding?-

The hedgehog frowned and scooped her up, causing the human to cry out.

"Shadow what are you doing?!"

"Taking you to a hospital."

"No!" She struggled in his tight grip.

"If you have internal injuries then you need to go to a hospital."

"Put me down!"

"Why?! I'm trying to help my friend!"

She stopped and stared at him, before lowering her head, "Friend... Right..."

-Oh god, not the crying again-

However she didn't seem to be crying, only silent now. Shadow wasn't sure if this was a good or a bad sign, so he sat her back on the bed, taking a step back.

"Fine... I won't take you to the hospital... But please tell me what's wrong..."

"That's what's wrong..." She mumbled, "I'm just your... Friend..."

Shadow was once again confused, and the human fell silent. The room fell silent. The world seemed to even fall silent.


"Why don't you love me?!" (Y/N) cried.

"What are you talking about...?" Shadow grumbled, rubbing his head.

"Is it because I'm human?! Because I'm from a different world?! Why?!" She covered her face again and sobbed.

The hedgehog stared at her, before sitting next to the upset human and pulling her into a hug. She leant into his soft fur and cried once again. He pat her head slowly, closing his own eyes.

"What is making you say these stupid things?"

She did her best to calm down, hiccupping a little, before she was able to speak.

"It's my period..."

"And what on Mobius is that?"

Okay that's it for the ..Period?.. series. Now I'm gonna see if I get any inspo, and go from there. However I can't guarantee an update for this book. However (again) I do still have some requests so I'll try to work on them. Again, we'll see okay?

Anyway, off to work on more stuff (and sleep).

Haven Out!!!

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