Infinite X Reader (Ultimate Daddy Issues) - @SkySparks3
To keep this fair to everyone, you've taken your mother's looks, so whatever animal, colour, etc, she is, just make that based off your OC. That way I'm not forcing ya'll into a box since Shadow's your daddy now :p Enjoy!
The night was dark, stars shining in the midnight black sky amongst the glow of a crescent moon. An owl hooted into the night, startling some bats in the distance. A light fog rolled over the road, being broken up as a car drove through the street. It turned into a house, it's breaks squeaking as it slowly came to a stop, it's engine and lights turning off.
Two Mobians climbed out into the cool night, a black jackal closed the car door behind him, pulling his leather jacket tighter over himself; and a (f/c) (a/t) who was pulling on her light grey cardigan. The two looked up towards the two-story house in front of them; this was a first for the black jackal, coming to this house, and he was not ready for the challenges that he would encounter inside.
"Really (Y/N), I don't see why this is necessary." He said, crossing his arms over his chest, tucking his white scarf into his jacket, "I haven't met your father yet, I don't see why it's necessary now."
"Because Infinite," The girl let out a sigh, closing the door and locking the car, "You'll have to meet him someday, whether it's now, or on our wedding day, and trust me when I say he's the traditional type. You'd have to ask him for his blessing before you even put a ring on my finger."
"If I don't meet him, I won't need his blessing."
"If you don't meet him it would make all future encounters of us as partners awkward."
"It's going to be awkward now."
"Good, then we can get it out of the way." The girl said, walking over and fixing his jacket, "You know how much my father means to me, and I've only tried telling you countless times how much I mean to him. So just try to keep calm and be yourself."
"You see, that's where you're getting confused," The jackal held up a finger, poking her nose, "I can't keep calm and be myself."
A small lopsided smile spread out on her muzzle and she shoved his scarf in his face, "At least try, please?"
"Yes (Y/N)..." He sighed and fixed his scarf again, turning to the front door. The girl nodded, before taking his hand and pulling up to the large, dark wooden door.
The girl knocked, before taking a hold of the dark jackal's arm, hugging it to her chest as they waited to be welcomed inside. The wind blew in from behind them, causing the girl to shudder slightly. Infinite looked down at her, before sighing and pulling his arm from her hold, wrapping it around her.
"I told you to wear something warmer." He said, turning his head away as she nuzzled into his side with a purr. His cheeks tinted a light pink, "Idiot..."
"You love my cuddles, don't complain." She huffed, "The weather report said a cool breeze, it's colder than I thought it would be okay?"
He looked down at her, before letting out an exasperated sigh and kissing her head, "I know, but you're still an idiot."
The (a/t) only smiled, closing her eyes as she continued to nuzzle. Infinite had to stifle the purr that was growing in his own throat, his tail was wagging behind him. But when the door swung open, he startled and pulled his arm away from his girlfriend. She huffed and stood straight, sending him a look before smiling at the dark hedgehog that stood in the doorway.
The hedgehog stood over Infinite and the (a/t), the light from behind turning his form into a shadow, red eyes glowed in the silhouette, immediately glaring at the jackal.
"Hello father!" She smiled and jumped forward, wrapping her arms around the hedgehog's neck.
"(Y/N)." The hedgehog said, closing his eyes and embracing his daughter in a hug, "It's good to see you again."
The two parted, and red eyes turned onto Infinite, the glare would have turned him to dust if such power existed. The older Mobian turned his head up slightly, crossing his arms in front of his chest. The jackal gulped slightly, before standing tall,
"Infinite th-the Jackal." He managed to say, unable to control the stutter. He growled at himself mentally, "I'm... Seeing your daughter...?"
The hedgehog huffed, turning back to the girl, "Let's go inside, dinner is ready."
(Y/N) nodded, before giving the jackal a funny look. He returned it, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment; her eyes were easily readable, she'd never heard him stutter before. And it was then she realised just how uncomfortable he was. As they stepped inside, the (a/t) reached down and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
Infinite glanced at their hands, before tyring to give her a reassuring smile. It failed, and she shook her head, leading him through the house. The building was rather simple, the hallway lead to a living room to the right, a dining room to the left. A kitchen could be seen through the dining room, the smell of food wafting out into the hallway. As the jackal glanced around, he noticed a duffle bag full of guns in the living room, wondering what sort of work (Y/N)'s father did.
The dark hedgehog closed the door behind them with a huff, walking past the two and into the dining room. Infinite startled from his thought, turning to look at the other male. He could now see the red stripes that lined his quills and eyes, he had a tuff of fluffy white chest fur, and a scowl on his muzzle. This man screamed intimidating, and Infinite could feel himself squirming under his hard gaze.
"If it's not too hard, close the door yourself next time." Shadow said, "I know I didn't raise my daughter in a tent."
"S-Sorry dad..." The (a/t) rubbed the back of her neck, before her ears perked, "Oh! You're cooking Shepherd's Pie!"
Infinite's ears perked slightly, "Shepherd's Pie?"
Shadow nodded, leaving the two in the dining room as he walked into the kitchen, "(Y/N) told me if was your favourite. Make yourselves comfortable then."
(Y/N) nodded and turned to Infinite. The jackal formed a small smile at her, nodding to her in silent thanks, before he looked around the room, taking in the decoration. A table sat in the middle of the room, tall and dark brown, covered with plates and cutlery and fancy looking glasses filled with what he assumed to be water. A small, simple chandelier hung over the table, glass shards hanging below and shining under the lightbulbs.
Infinite pulled out a chair for (Y/N), pushing it in once she was seated, before taking his place next to her. Shadow came back with a large pan of pie, setting it on the table with a huff and sitting down, he served everyone the pie, before bowing his head,
"Dig in." He said, and the three started eating.
The room was silent, or, as silent as you can get when metal hits ceramic. The air felt thick, Infinite's chest was tight, it felt like he couldn't breathe. Even (Y/N) was on edge, gazing over the table as she ate, she wasn't sure what to say or do. It was all up to her father and boyfriend as to how this story played out.
The dark hedgehog then lifted his gaze, leaning on his hand. He watched Infinite for a moment, before placing his fork down and cupping his hands under his muzzle,
"So, Infinite right?" The hedgehog asked, "What sort of work do you do?"
"U-Uh... Currently... Not working... But looking." Infinite said, taking a drink from his glass, "Hoping to go into the... Demolition business."
"Demolition hm?" The hedgehog tilted his head, "Why's that?"
"N-No real reason... I like the idea of... Well, change I guess." Infinite said, "You have to pull a few things down to allow change to happen."
"Mhm..." (Y/N)'s father raised a brow, "It's also satisfying to a lot of people, destroying things... Would you say this is your way of fulfilling that satisfaction in a safe environment?"
"Demolition is never safe, no matter how hard you prepare." Infinite said quickly, avoiding the question and holding a hand up, "Pardon me for correcting you sir, but anything could go wrong, you just need to be able to react in the best, quickest possible way."
The hedgehog nodded, clearly accepting of that answer. He took another bite from his dinner, lifting his red eyes to the other again,
"And let's say you get a job, an apprenticeship, and something does go wrong... Say you're married and with kids, and this job kills you-"
"Dad.." (Y/N) cut in, "Don't be so dark, they take enough precautions that all the workers are always safe."
"But your boyfriend just said the job isn't safe, you just have to be well adaptable." The hedgehog said, "Say you marry my daughter, and then make a widow of her, what exactly will you be leaving behind?"
Infinite stared at the other, unable to respond. The hedgehog hummed, before going back to eating his dinner. The jackal turned to his food, staring at the potato-y lid, not feeling as hungry as he did before. He pushed his plate away, clearing his throat,
"Thank you for making dinner... But I'm not hungry."
"No?" The other said, "After all the time I spent cooking that, I've never cooked Shepherd's Pie before. I take it that it's not good enough?"
"Am I not good enough?" Infinite asked, his tone borderline snappy.
The hedgehog went silent, leaning back slightly as he took a deep breath in. He then went back to eating, and Infinite could hear his heart beating in his ears. (Y/N) reached over and took his hand, tilting her head in concern. He let out a sigh, glancing at her with a soft smile,
"Sorry, I'm alright." He said, before turning back to his meal. He picked up his cutlery, made the effort to dig into the food cooked for him, "Thank you for dinner, it's very nice."
The hedgehog was watching him now, the hardness to his eyes had softened, and he nodded, leaning back in his chair, "I'm glad you like it."
Infinite looked over, giving him a weak smile, "I'm... Sorry if I'm acting weird... I'm really nervous you see, (Y/N) talked you up to be some big scary killer."
"What?! Infinite!" (Y/N) gasped and punched his shoulder, "I did not!"
"That's how you painted him in my mind." The jackal said, chuckling lightly.
"Well she isn't entirely wrong." The hedgehog also chuckled, "My job sometimes calls for it, but that's sort of classified, you didn't hear it from me."
"If you don't mind me asking, what sort of job do you do?" Infinite asked.
A smiled spread out on the hedgehog's muzzle, and the tension sticking to the air melted away. It was as if something had just... Changed. Having (Y/N) there to soothe him really helped the jackal, and maybe her father could see that, could sense it, because for the rest of the night, he was awfully friendly.
He went on to tell Infinite he worked with the government, but couldn't clarify anything past that, just that his job paid sufficiently, and he was good at it. The (a/t) seemed to relax as well as the night went on, laughing and making jokes about Infinite and of her father. Everything went well, and Infinite was glad his girlfriend had dragged him to meet the hedgehog.
"Sir if I may..."
"Call me Shadow." The hedgehog said, waving his hand.
"R-Right, well... Shadow... I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner at my place one night." The jackal said, "I could make your favourite meal."
"Hm... Ribs would be good, I'd like to see your talent kid." The hedgehog nodded, "It's a deal then."
The jackal smiled and nodded, flashing a smile towards his girl. She giggled, finishing her dinner and pushing the plate away,
"Guess that means you have to clean up then huh?"
"Hey, I'm not that messy. Don't give your father a bad image of me."
"She's very good at that it seems." Shadow chuckled, which caused the girl to snort.
"I get it from you." She said, and everyone burst into laughter.
Tonight was a good night, a successful night. Now all Infinite had to worry about was asking Shadow for his blessing, whenever that happened.
AHHHHHHHH I'm sorry ;-; Infinite was soooo OOC, but I just couldn't think of how to write him for this one-shot. We all know Shadow's views on the real Infinite, he would NOT approve at all, so I guess I changed him slightly. I added in a fear he had that was inspired by the fact that Shadow could (and has canonically) kick his ass. Plus, who doesn't fear meeting new people? Especially when they're built up to sound scary XD
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope the story was still good (even if Infinite was crazy OOC), honestly I wrote this one easier than the Charmy X Reader, so I think this book is helping me get out of my dead motivation grave... Yeah it's been a real pain lately, but I'm soldiering through!
Haven Out!!!
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