Infinite X Reader (Alternate Ending) - @GloryTheHybris11101

A/N: For context, please go read my Infinite X Reader!

Warning: GORE AND SPOILERS FOR THE INFINITE X READER à This is an Alternate Ending after all, so basically the opposite of what goes down in the original (the start of this request will be the same as the start of the final chapter of the other book -is that cheating? oh well-, so if you are interested and don't want anything spoiled, go there first)

Also it's gonna be long af, so enjoy!

The day was finally here. Today, Infinite and Eggman were going to unleash their master plan and wipe out the entire Resistance. Today, they would win the war. Today, Infinite will become a step closer to having (Y/N) in his arms once again.

The jackal was getting ready, cleaning his mask and checking over the Phantom Ruby in his chest. All seemed good, set up perfectly. He was ready for the attack, and he was ready for the torment of his clan's death to be over. Finally, he'll be able to rest after this. He'll be able to rest knowing he got his revenge and fulfilled the promise he made to (Y/N).

Finally, it was time to go. He looked around the empty room, thinking about his teammates and wondering if they really were watching over him all this time, and grateful if they had. The feeling of them being there had kept him sane. The jackal smiled slightly, before sliding the mask over his head, the cool metal rubbing against his fur.

Letting out a sigh, Infinite left the room and walked to Eggman's main laboratory. There, the human was getting his things together, giving another ruby one final test. Once he was done, he smirked and destroyed it. Finally, the prototype was complete. Infinite's current gem was the best choice they had made out of the whole bunch.

The mad scientist turned to his furry friend, the evil smirk still plastered on his face,

"Shall we go then?" He asked.

"Of course." Infinite nodded, "I'm ready when you are doctor."



Infinite and Eggman were hovering over a large city of ruins. The buildings around them had been destroyed, some had collapsed on their own due to the damage they received. Infinite's handywork was for show, and this was destined to give them the one up as they faced their enemy. The jackal couldn't help but feel proud of the mess, seeing the destruction now as they unleashed their plan... It was perfect.

The Resistance was below them, most of them standing still and glaring up at the two villains as Sonic walked forward to say his bit. Infinite couldn't care to listen; it would most likely be some sort of heroic speech about how they plan to win. It was futile, and the jackal knew this; though it was still entertaining seeing everyone filled with hope, hope that will soon be ripped away.

It only took seconds after the blue idiot's speech, and the Resistance had been overrun with clones. Clones of Shadow, Metal Sonic, Chaos and Zavok fought the good guys, the emotionless shells relentless in their attacks.

"Aha! It's working!" Eggman said, a smile spread under his moustache, "Everything is going according to plan! The Resistance won't stand a chance."

"I agree, their resistance is... Amusing at the least." Infinite nodded, watching the battle below.

"Yes, and once this is over, the world can finally be rebuilt. Your team didn't die in vain." Eggman stated, his tone changing slightly as he spoke of Infinite's fallen comrades.

"Exactly, and it will be all the more perfect once I have (Y/N) by my side again." The jackal said, crossing his arms.

Eggman went silent, clearly choosing not to comment on his statement. His evil smile fell, and he turned his attention back to the carnage below. Infinite stared at him for a moment, wondering why the doctor suddenly stopped talking. The more they had talked about Infinite's family, the more Eggman's emotions had changed. He didn't agree or disagree with his ally. In fact, he seemed rather indifferent about it.

Infinite shrugged it off, turning his attention back to the fight. It was going beautifully just... Much more slowly than he imagined.

"I think I'll go speed things up." The jackal said, his hand started to glow.

"Wait." Eggman held up his hand, "Someone's missing. It looks like their new recruit isn't there. He might be up to something."

Infinite blinked, before scanning the battle scene below. The doctor was right, the red wolf was nowhere to be seen. What could he be up to? That's when he noticed the yellow fox was missing as well. He remembered the yellow fox from when he defeated Sonic; the young canine was able to scan Infinite and figure out his abilities so he was definitely a liability.

"Go! Find that rat!" Eggman yelled, swiping his hand through the sky, "Or you can kiss your girlfriend goodbye... Or not at all."

The jackal growled to himself before nodding, "Yes doctor, I will find the new recruit and exterminate him."

And he took off, flying away from the waging battlefield in search for the cursed wolf. There was no way a newbie like him was going to stop (Y/N) from coming back. Infinite wouldn't allow such a low blow.

As he flew away, Eggman kicked the master plan into action. As planned, the sun appeared directly above them, heat raining down on the entire town as the battle clashed behind the flying jackal. He growled again, wishing he could see the Resistance's face, but knowing what was important. He flew faster, this stupid recruit needed to be found and put to an end.

It took a while, Infinite had to fly all over the city and then eventually made his way to Eggman's laboratory. The blasted dog was probably going to try and sabotage their plans. The jackal was right, finding the new recruit standing on top of Eggman's base, his head was tilted to the sky.

Taking a closer look, Infinite realised he was holding a prototype of the Phantom Ruby. But how, he thought Eggman had destroyed them all. Did he really let one slip past without his knowledge? He growled to himself, taking off to attack the wolf.

Zooming through the sky, he tackled the red wolf just has he grappled into the sky. The new recruit yelped and fell forward, dropping the Phantom Ruby, it bounced across the roof of the base. The rookie struggled under Infinite as the jackal pinned him down, both growling at the other like wild dogs.

"You will not ruin my plans..." Infinite growled, "This is the last time you will ever try to interfere with me and my work."

He grabbed the wolf around the neck, lifting him up as a ball of red energy appeared in his palm. There was a wild look in Infinite's eye, one that bore into the soul of the struggling wolf in front of him. The wolf's golden eyes widened as he realised, he couldn't escape, and Infinite smirked under the mask, revelling in the power he felt as he shot the energy through the red Mobian's body.

The wolf cried out, blood splattering from his mouth. His body quivered; his pupils dilated in fear. Feeling his body convulsing, Infinite chuckled. His chuckling turned into cackling laughter as the red wolf shook, his breathing growing heavy. Finally, he stopped laughing, tossing the wolf into the roof of Eggman's base. The Mobian yelped, trying to crawl away, but unable to move his legs.

"You're finished..." Infinite said, his hand crackling with electricity.

"Rookie!" Sonic yelled, jumping up onto the roof, "Yo bud, where are ya?!"

The blue hedgehog stopped, seeing the wild jackal standing over the red wolf. Blood was pooling under his ally, who was now laying on his back; his chest was shaking as he took in raspy breaths. Tears ran down his face, he gasped out, pointing at the Phantom Ruby, before his head fell back.

Sonic blinked, completely horrified by what he was seeing. Infinite turned to face him, his body poised and ready to strike,

"What's the matter Sonic?" He asked, "Lose someone you care about...?"

The jackal chuckled, walking between the hedgehog and the still wolf. He leant down and picked up the Phantom Ruby, holding it up as if inspecting it,

"Now now, we can't have you cheating and ruining out plans..." He looked at Sonic, adjusting his mask, "Ah yes, I see the look of rage in your eyes. I can feel the emotion just pouring from you... What's going through your mind right now hm? Do you want to fight me, maybe even kill me for what I've done? Come on then Sonic. Give it your all..."

The blue hedgehog was growling now, his face set into a scowl; his emerald eyes flashed red for a split moment, and he ran at Infinite. The jackal stepped to the side, holding up the spare Phantom Ruby; it started glowing in his hands, and Sonic was lifted off the ground.

"Did you know that Shadow did that to me?" He asked, "Shadow slaughtered my family, my love. And I vowed I'd kill everything he ever cared about."

Sonic was growling still, as if he couldn't hear the jackal. Infinite only chuckled, slamming the hedgehog into the roof of the building. The blue blur cried out, rolling onto his side and coughing as he tried to catch his breath.

"And you..." Infinite said, crushing the Phantom Ruby in his hands and floating over to his foe, "You caused pain for someone else... Someone who promised your death years ago, but whose chance was ripped from her the way her life was."

"I don't..." Sonic coughed, crawling to his knees, "I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Oh I'm sure you don't. Why would the Hero of Mobius want to remember murdering a whole family? Leaving but one child by herself. They were in that building that came crashing down, and you were too busy being a hero to save them... (Y/N)... That's the girl that promised your death... Does that sound familiar...?"

Sonic, who was struggling to get to his feet, let out a groan and lowered his head, "I didn't... Know..."

"I'm sure you didn't." Infinite stated, lifting Sonic up in his powers once again, "Shadow killed her right in front of my eyes. I was going to make her mind, and he stripped that from me. But before she died, I vowed to fill out her promise as well as my own."

He held Sonic up to him, his hand clenching into a fist, manipulating his power to put pressure on the hedgehog. He gritted his teeth, trying to struggle out of the red aura that surrounded him, and Infinite chuckled,

"Sonic the Hedgehog, your end is here. How does it feel to know you've failed everyone for a second time hm? And to my hand..."

The hedgehog cried out as Infinite applied more pressure, feeling some of his bones start to snap. Blood trickled from Sonic's nose as he stared up at the jackal,

"I... I didn't mean... For any of that to happen..." He said, closing an eye in pain, "I can't... Save everyone... And Shadow was... Out of line..."

Infinite frowned, throwing Sonic back onto the building, "Nothing but excuses. Saying Shadow was out of line doesn't bring (Y/N) back, does it? It doesn't change the past!"

And the jackal formed a large ball of energy above his head. He threw it down at the hedgehog, the ball creating a loud 'BOOM' as it collided with Eggman's base. Smoke surrounded the area, Infinite was panting as he waited for it to clear. His ears were ringing, he had never used so much power before.

(Y/N)... You'll be in my arms again in no time... He closed his eyes, letting his pounding heart calm down. His ears were full of the sound of his heartbeat, and he imagined it to be hers. She will be alive soon enough; her smile will brighten up his world once again.

Oh, to have that so soon.

The smoke dispersed, and Infinite saw Sonic laying on his stomach, his right hand was up next to his face, and he was trying to push up with his. This usually sharp blue quills were now a dusty blue, dull and messed, his muzzle was pale. When he opened his eyes, he opened one halfway, unable to do anymore. His current broken state brought a smirk to Infinite's face, seeing the mighty hero reduced to this, to a dim flicker of light, blown out with the softest breath.

The hedgehog shook as he tried to get up, but his left arm and his legs were useless. There was no way he could get up and fight back. The fight was over, and this time Infinite won't make the mistake of leaving him alive.

He floated down to Sonic's side, lifting his head by his quills. Sonic hissed in pain, feeling his body crack with the movement as Infinite leant down to his ear,

"Say goodbye forever... Hedgehog..." And with that, he raked his claws across Sonic's neck, slicing his neck open.

Sonic gaped, gurgled, his eyes widening. It didn't take long before his breathing stopped and his green eyes rolled back. Infinite chuckled, dropping his head and getting to his feet. Sonic the Hedgehog was finally dead, Infinite had kept his promise to (Y/N), and now, as the sun came crashing into the planet, putting the Resistance to an end, all Infinite could feel was satisfaction.

Everything went according to plan, aside from this mini battle, Eggman had won and the reconstruction of Mobius could now go underway. The jackal smiled to himself, holding his fist to his chest as he looked up at the red sky,

"I'll see you soon (Y/N)..." He said, before flying off to find Eggman.


Infinite had been persistent with Eggman, he had pestered and made sure the human scientist stuck to his promise, and it was now with joy that he watched as his ally worked on bringing (Y/N) back. With the power of the Chaos Emeralds, and the help of a captured Mobian who had the ability to heal, it wasn't long before things went underway.

Eggman and the other Mobian, a silver wolf, were standing around a table. On the table, as much as it sickened Infinite to see, was (Y/N)'s remains, surrounded by the Chaos Emeralds. They started glowing as the wolf closed her eyes and lifted her hands, raising up to float above the decaying body. Everything was silent, still, tense as Infinite watched from the side of the room. The wolf did some magic voodoo, and the body was surrounded by a white light. When the light faded, it was restored, looking just like the (Y/N) Infinite dreamt about.

The wolf the pressed her hands on the unconscious jackal, tears falling down her muzzle as she started muttering some words. Eggman was smirking evilly as he watched, and as the seconds ticked into minutes, the wolf started to grow more and more pale. Eventually, she passed out, and Eggman had her taken away by some robots. He then turned to Infinite, giving him a nod and stepping back.

Infinite walked over, holding his breath as he stared down at his future partner. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he took in her appearance, it was as if she was sleeping. And yet, she was. Slowly, she started breathing, before her eyes flung open and she gasped out, sitting up.

The jackal girl coughed, holding her throat as she looked around the room, her (e/c) eyes were wide. Infinite took her hand instantly, standing by her side and rubbing her back in comfort as she caught her breath, calmed down. Slowly, she turned her head to look at him, tears filling her eyes,

"Y-You were... Amazing..." She cried, hugging him tightly, and Infinite couldn't help but smile.

"I'll give you two some... Time." Eggman said, nodding to them and leaving the room.

"Thank you, Doctor." Infinite said, "We are forever in your debt."

"Mhm..." He said, as the door closed behind him.

Now that they were alone, Infinite turned (Y/N), cupping her cheek in his hand. A single tear ran down his muzzle, and he pulled her close, pressing his lips against her own. Finally, finally she was here, alive, in his arms. He had fulfilled his promise, Sonic was gone, and the world was theirs to rule with Eggman. Everything he had dreamed of was coming true.

Pulling back, he leant his head against her own, "So you were with me then...? The whole time?"

"I never left your side." She said, kissing his head, "You were brilliant. And Sonic, he suffered so much... It was great!"

She giggled, flashing her cheeky grin, and Infinite felt himself melting. The hard shell he had form after her death was breaking the longer he looked at her, and the tears started flowing more. He pulled her into a hug, holding her close, tightly. She returned the hug, their tails wagged together.

"What about the others?" She asked quietly, "They miss you too you know... They thought you were awesome before."

"We'll get to them eventually, one at a time." Infinite said, "We have a captive that can bring them all back but it will take time."

"Oh joy, and how will you explain the order of which you bring them back?"

"They'll deal, Zaun is first though, he's my right-hand man."

(Y/N) smiled at him, before looking around, "I'm hungry, I haven't eaten in... Forever."

"Right." Infinite nodded, "Well then... Let's go get some food. I'm glad to have you back (Y/N)."

"And I'm glad to be back." She said, "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

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