Infinite X Reader
A/N: You're a Jackal for this one-shot okay? Cause lets be honest, would Infinite like another person that isn't his species? I don't think so. Also it's a sad one :) enjoy...
"Oh Infiniiiite~!" The dark jackal groaned in annoyance at the other's higher-pitched call, "Doctor Eggface wants to see you again, I think he has more news on that Resistance team we want to defeat."
A bouncy (f/c) jackal wrapped an arm around his shoulders, "Something about his egg carrier being destroyed, he needs you pronto!"
"Yes... Okay..." The jackal brushed the other's arm from his shoulders, "Go and join the others already..."
"Yes boss." She smiled and bounced off.
Infinite sighed to himself and rubbed his face. Gods (Y/N) was annoying, always cheerful and bouncing everywhere... She would always suck up to him and try her best to impress him, but he found it really annoying.
"The sooner I get this done the better..." He mumbled quietly, walking out of the room he was currently staying in.
He had teamed up with the evil scientist Doctor Ivo Robotnik, however he prefers the name Eggman. A stupid name in Infinite's mind, but he said nothing about it. He had already forgotten his own former name, as Infinite seemed to suit him so much more.
He remembered his team's reaction to the developments, they didn't like the idea of working with Eggman, and although they preferred Infinite's original name, they didn't seem to mind the new one.
-Good...- He thought to himself, -At least they can follow orders, even if they don't like them...-
But that (Y/N)... She seemed to like everything he made her do. He's tried to break her spirits more than once by giving her off-handed jobs like cleaning and cooking, but she seems to take the jobs as a compliment for her 'good work'.
She was the only one Infinite wasn't fond of.
But even still, she was a member of the team, so he had to get used to it.
You see, (Y/N) is a new recruit in the Jackal Squad, she's only been with Infinite and his team for about two weeks, and he hates how happy she is all the time. But he wasn't sure why. Her bubbliness just seemed... Too much.
He had been meaning to talk to her about it, maybe ask her to tone it down a bit, but he always found himself busy when he remembered. Like right now.
He walked into Eggman's large computer room, the oddly-shaped human stood in front of a large screen.
"You called doctor...?" The jackal walked towards the other, looking up at him.
"Yes. I need you to do an errand for me, can you do it?"
"That depends on what it is..."
The tall human turned to him, his moustache twitching slightly, "The Resistance destroyed my Egg Carrier, I need you to find where they were when it happened and make sure it won't happen again. Destroy everything there."
"Consider it done..." Infinite turned to leave.
"Oh, and I'm sending (Y/N) with you, she keeps annoying me." Eggman huffed, turning back to his computer.
Infinite grumbled, "Yes doctor..."
As he left the room, (Y/N) jumped out from the shadows, "Well? Lets gooo!"
He grumbled more and ran out of the building. The female jackal stayed behind him, giggling and bouncing around as she ran. Infinite rolled his eyes and stopped. She almost ran into him.
"Whoops! Sorry boss!" She rubbed her head, "You should warn me when you stop like that, I don't think you'd be too happy if you got tackled by a girl."
"No, I wouldn't. Especially if it was you." He huffed, crossing his arms.
(Y/N)'s smile faltered slightly, "Well... That's very specific, the others as well?"
"No. Just you." He turned away from her, "I may have let you join my squad, but that doesn't mean I tolerate you. Stop being so bouncy, it's aggravating everyone."
"I... Oh..." She looked down, rubbing her arm, "Okay... I'm sorry boss..."
He nodded, "Good. Now lets go."
The two took off again, running through the city of ruins. Infinite closed his eyes, and soon enough he was floating over the large mess. (Y/N) watched him fly ahead, following his red stream and wondering what she did wrong.
Finally they reached it, a large gun that sat on one of the demolished buildings. Infinite almost glared at it.
"These ants insist on fighting... They should just give up, we will be crushing them soon..."
"Will you destroy this one boss?" (Y/N) looked up at me and the jackal shrugged, turning his own gaze to her.
"Why don't you show me what you've got hm?"
She nodded and grabbed a boomerang from her pant-pocket. Infinite rolled his eyes, like that would do anything to the gun. Crossing his arms, he watched as she scanned the air, before throwing it at the large weapon. It went straight past, not even striking it.
"You had better be joking..." The agitated jackal grumbled, "How could you miss such a large target? You are so-"
She held up her hand and he growled.
-How dare she silence me...-
"You should be watching the show boss." She nodded towards the gun.
He grumbled and turned his gaze back to the gun. Nothing happened for a moment. Infinite was about to yell at the new recruit, thinking of many different insults, however stopped when he heard a beeping in the air.
The boomerang was swinging back, it had a red flashing light on it. It struck the gun and the weapon exploded within seconds, a large amount of black smoke floated to the sky. Infinite could only stare as the other jackal grabbed the boomerang, which was now covered in ash.
She turned to him and bowed with a smile, but it only faded again as he stared at her.
"Do you want us to get caught...?" He finally asked, only speaking the first words that came to mind, "That could have alerted the Resistance, and I don't have my powers in full strength yet..."
(Y/N)'s ears lowered again, "I... I'm sorry boss..."
"You should be..." He huffed, "Now lets go terrorise some citizens and go home..."
She nodded and followed him as he flew through the sky, running at a rather fast pace. Infinite dared to look down at her and felt a strange pang in his chest. (Y/N)'s large ears were lowered, and she stared at the ground as she ran.
It was rather strange to see her frowning as well, since for the past week she was with them she has always been smiling and bouncy. Now she just looked, angered.
Infinite stopped flying and landed in front of her, causing the new jackal to skid to a stop.
"Really boss, it's almost like you want to be tackled..." She attempted a joke, before lowering her head, "What is it?"
"Why are you always so cheery?" Infinite asked, tilting his head, "Although I find it rather disturbing, I'd like to know how you could smile during a war, especially since we are doing the damage..."
A thought of her actually enjoying being evil came to his mind, and he seemed like that was the most reasonable explanation, however messed up that was.
Although he could somewhat agree with that thought, he too enjoyed creating war. So he couldn't really say she was messed up.
Then again, he didn't.
He rubbed his head, waiting for (Y/N) to answer, her (e/c) eyes seemed to light up at the question.
"Well you see... I love a good fight, but apparently if you go looking for one you are a troublemaker or evil or something..." She shrugged, "The thrill of fighting just gets me really excited, and fighting someone powerful is a lot of fun, especially when you win."
"I agree it is fun in winning a fight, and I've never lost so..." He crossed his arms, staring at her, "You joined the right team if you wish on fighting and winning. I take it all the bouncing around is energy for a fight then?"
"You bet boss!" She smiled again.
"Right... Well I can talk to the doctor for you, get you into 'training' as I will call it. You can fight dummies and such in there until a real fight if you wish."
"Would you do that?" Her tail started wagging and she smiled more, "Gee boss, you're the best!"
He nodded, taking the compliment with a hidden smile, "I suppose I am. Now lets go scare these citizen yes?"
"Infinite! (Y/N)!" The two flinched at the doctor's voice in their ears, "Someone is attacking the base! I've put our team out there to defend, and I need (Y/N) here to help them!"
"Right Doctor." Infinite said, nodding to the other jackal, "She's on her way."
She smiled and jumped, "Yes! A real fight!"
Infinite chuckled at her enthusiasm, seeing the bounciness in a new, understanding light, "Go win another fight for us (Y/N), boss' orders."
"Rodger that boss!" She saluted him and took off, running back in the direction of Eggman's base.
Infinite shook his head, before he continued flying. He actually had something in common with the new recruit, which he found interesting and rather humorous. He knew straight away that they will get along a lot better now.
So why did he feel a sudden sense of dread?
"Infinite!" Eggman yelled in his ear again, "Dammit Infinite! You told me your team was strong! Get back here and help them!"
"Doctor I guarantee they are capable of stopping anything that tries to pass them, why must I assist in something they don't need help with?"
"Because they are losing!"
The jackal stopped and growled, "Well who are they fighting...?"
"Shadow! Shadow the Hedgehog! Now get your furry behind here and stop him!"
The jackal growled, he had only heard stories of what Shadow could do, and he knew he would be a worthy opponent. He quickly flew back to the base, grabbing his crimson red sword and flying out into the open.
He flew to one of the gates, where Shadow had just landed. The black and red hedgehog turned to him, rolling his eyes.
"Another one? I suggest you stand down, I already defeated your comrades. You won't stand a chance."
Infinite glared at him, his words brought a stab to the chest, "Shadow the Hedgehog.. I will end you..."
The hedgehog shrugged and ran at him, Infinite flew towards the other. They clashed and fought, chaos spears and energy balls being thrown around. Infinite took a hit to the shoulder and flew back into a wall.
-My powers aren't ready yet, they aren't strong enough...- He thought, standing and holding the sword up shakily, -But I'll try my best, he's just another ant to crush in the end, that's all he is. An ant...-
"You know, for someone that just lost his whole team, you seem rather calm and, what's the other word, emotionless." Shadow stated, standing a few feet from him, "I guess they were just your pawns then, which makes sense, they were all very easy to dispose of..."
Infinite's vision started to turn red. He knew the hedgehog had a sense of lying to fool the other opponent, he won't trick the jackal this easily.
"Shut up and die." Infinite growled, flying at him and swinging the sword.
Shadow's eyes shined, and he ducked under the sword, punching the jackal in the gut. He gasped out and fell back, his breath being knocked from his chest.
"Just as weak as the rest..." Shadow shook his head, his hands crackling with chaos energy.
"Boss!" (Y/N) jumped on the black hedgehog, tackling him to the ground, "Are you alright?"
Infinite sat up, holding his side and nodded. His team wasn't gone, he knew Shadow was lying.
The said hedgehog looked surprised to see the female jackal, "I thought I killed you..."
"Playing dead works well then." She giggled slightly and punched him.
The two then got into a brawl, Infinite couldn't tell who was hitting who, it was a blur. Before Shadow gave a swift kick to (Y/N), sending her into the metal door. She fell to the ground, hopefully just unconscious.
Infinite growled and gripped his sword, running at the hedgehog. Shadow turned just in time to see him and dodged the sword, grabbing Infinite around the neck and lifting him up. The jackal struggled and dropped his weapon, clawing at Shadow's hand.
"You're weak... Pathetic..." Shadow grumbled, seeming bored with the fight and threw him into the wall again. "You'll be easy to defeat."
His hand started to spark with the energy again and Infinite shuffled back, his back hitting the stone wall. He raised his arm, getting ready to deflect the shot with his own.
The striped hedgehog threw a spear of chaos energy at the jackal, and everything seemed to turn into slow motion. Infinite closed his eyes, getting ready to shoot at the right time when he saw a flash and a scream filled his ears.
His eyes shot open as he saw (Y/N) in front of him, staring down at the jackal. Her legs started to shake and gave way beneath her, causing the jackal to stumble to the ground. Infinite's eyes widened as blood started to ooze from under her.
Shadow only huffed, before he continued to run off, but Infinite was frozen, stuck looking down at the recruit, who had probably just saved his life.
"I'm sorry boss..." She mumbled, "I tried to stop him... I... Lost..."
He shook his head, "For a first fight, you did extremely well, now lets get you to the doctor."
"No..." She shook her own head, "You need... To stop him... Doctor's orders..."
"Yeah well I can stop him later, I need to help you." He stood, lifting her up, "Where are the others?"
She was shaking in his arms, her ears pressed back again, "They... They tried to stop him... He killed them boss... He was so powerful..."
"He... Killed them..." Infinite's heart sped up, Shadow hadn't been lying. He really had killed his teammates.
"I'm sorry boss..." She mumbled again, her eyes fluttering, "We let you down..."
"No you didn't, you won't. You keep those eyes open." He growled, running into the base, "The doctor will patch you up."
She sighed and leant her head against him, her cheek felt warm and wet. Infinite glanced down at her, her cheeks were shining slightly in the light, as if she was crying.
"I don't want to die boss... I don't know what will happen..." She mumbled with a small sniff.
"And you won't die, don't worry just yet."
"I won't make it..." She looked up at him, "Infinite..."
His ears twitched to her actually saying his name.
"I'm scared... Is that a sign... Of weakness..?"
He sighed and closed his eyes, walking into the infirmary, "I don't believe it is..."
The truth was, fear was the biggest sign of weakness in his eyes, yet he felt like those would be the wrong words in this situation.
"Good..." (Y/N) coughed as he laid her on the table, pressing an emergency button. An alarm went off, but (Y/N) didn't seem phased by the loud noise, "I... Don't want to be weak..."
"And you aren't." He looked around for a medical kit, growling agitated with her useless babble.
He turned to her. The female jackal's face was pale in the light, her (e/c) eyes were growing dim. He rushed over.
"What is it?"
She seemed to hesitate, closing her eyes and taking a shaky breath, "I'm scared... Really scared..."
"And that's fine, but everything will be alright-"
She shook her head, "C-Could you... Hold my hand..."
He stared down at her once again, unsure how to react.
"Infinite... Please..." She leant her head back, "You can't save me... Just hold my hand..."
He growled, "I can save you. And I will."
She started coughing, gasping almost.
"Boss please..."
He flinched slightly and sighed, taking her hand in his. He pulled his mask off and his ears lowered.
"I'm sorry (Y/N), I failed you as a leader..."
She squeezed his head, "Please... You're the best boss... I ever... Had..."
He sighed and looked down, kneeling next to her. It was silent for a moment, (Y/N)'s breathing grew more and more ragged, weak. The alarm stopped and Infinite's ears twitched to the sound of footsteps down the hall.
"Hey... Boss..." (Y/N) managed to say, causing the other jackal to turn to her, "Thank you..."
"It's no problem..." He said, "You were a good member of the team, even if it was only for the week and so."
She smiled again, leaning her head back, "Looks like you won't... Get tackled after all..."
"What a shame..." He chuckled lightly, fighting back tears. He couldn't show any signs of weakness, for (Y/N)'s sake.
The other jackal took a sharp breath, a tear of her own sliding down her face. Infinite hesitated, before wiping the tear away.
"I'll see you again, one day." He mumbled, "Tell the team they did good for me, okay?"
"I will..." She nodded slightly, "Thank you... Infinite..."
(Y/N) took a staggered breath, before she fell still, staring off towards the ceiling. Infinite stared at her, waiting for her to take a deep breath in and sit up, back to her normal bouncy self. But she laid there, her hand eventually growing cold.
Eggman stumbled into the room, looking around in a frantic worry, "Infinite?! What's wrong?!"
"Nothing now..." The jackal stood, holding his helmet. He turned away from the recruit, blinking away tears, before clearing his throat, "We... I mean, (Y/N)... She... Was able to scare Shadow off... But she was injured..."
The doctor's gaze turned to the female jackal, "Oh... I see... Your team were..."
He rubbed his head, not sure what to say, and Infinite shook his head.
"They weren't weak, they just weren't prepared. Neither was I." He stared at his mask, "Which is why I'm going to destroy the Resistance, and make them pay for what they have done."
"Good man." Eggman pat his back, "Well then, lets get back to work hm? We have a lot to do."
The human walked out of the room, and Infinite followed, sparing one more glance back at the motionless jackal.
-Don't worry (Y/N)... I will avenge you...-
Hm... This seems book worthy... Should I make it book worthy? Instead of just a one-shot? Let me know guys!
Haven Out!!!
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