Fallen Angel (Special!!!)

IDK, I just couldn't figure out who to use for this one so... You pick! But just remember, since this is a 'special', the character you choose could be a lil out of character. I was thinking of using Tails since I hardly write any of him, but at the same time I wanted to write it with Sonic and Silver and I just couldn't choose! So you get to! YAY! But yeah, the boy will probably act like a mix of these three, so if you choose Shadow or Knuckles or even fucking Mephiles (hey people like him, I don't judge really, I just wanted to use the f bomb :3) then they will probably be toootalllllly out of character.

Anyway. This is based off two songs called Fallen Angel by Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace. I love them both! You should listen!

Also thanks to misshadow16 for helping me with this one ^^

(h/l) = hair length, i.e. short, curly, wavy, choppy, idk
(b/n) = boy's name, i.e. Sonic or Shadow or Espio or something
h/f/e = Hedgehog, Fox, Echidna, etc

It was a dark night, stars littered the sky, the moon was full, and the only cloud was slowly drifting from view. A certain hedgehog/echidna/fox/etc was sitting on the roof of his home, staring up at the sky in wonder.

-The stars seemed awfully bright tonight...- He thought to himself, smiling slightly, -It's really beautiful...-

A bright flash appeared in the sky a moment later, before it shot across the stars. The h/e/f/etc's eyes widened.

"A-A shooting star!" He jumped up, watching in awe.

However, as he watched it he noticed a few problems. It was moving to slow, and it didn't disappear. It was getting bigger. It was heading straight for this planet. His eyes widened, and he jumped from the roof, still staring up at the sky and watching the white light.

He had to shield his eyes, it was almost right above him, and he saw it fly over his house, before it crash-landed in the forest behind his home.

"What was that..." He thought to himself, running into the thick trees.

The white glow slowly started to fade and the h/e/f/etc ran faster, as fast as he could. What if this was dangerous, it could destroy the world if he didn't get there in time.

Finally, he came to a clearing that hadn't been there before. Trees had been knocked down, broken in half even, and there was a large crater in the ground. Steam came from the dirt and the figure inside the large hole. From what the h/e/f/etc could see, the figure was unmoving, most likely unconscious.

He carefully moved down beside the figure, gazing in amazement at the bright white feathers that seemed to be covering the unconscious person.

"Uh... Hey...? Are you okay...?" He place a hand on their shoulder lightly, and jumped back at the burning sensation that went through his hand. His glove was singed almost instantly.

"What the hell...?" He tilted his head and tried the person's wing. No burning pain. He shook their wing slightly.

The figure groaned loudly and sat up, shaking and looking around. The h/e/f/etc stared at the (a/t), his eyes wide at her beauty. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes. She wore a white gown that hung from her shoulders and stopped just above her knee. She was stunning.

She also had a large gold ring around her neck, like a weird necklace that looked to heavy to be leaning on her collar bones. The (a/t) looked around, rubbing her arms and shaking still. Was she cold? But she felt so... Hot...

The h/e/f/etc's cheeks warmed a little and he shook his head. Warm. She felt very very warm.

"Wh... Where am I...?" The (a/t) looked alarmed, she stood shakily and stretched her wings, before crying out, "M-My wing...!"

The h/e/f/etc quickly put a hand on her wing, making sure it wasn't the hurt one, "Hey hey... Are you okay...?"

She froze and looked up at him, "Y-You can see me...?"

The she reached for above her head and froze when she grabbed at nothing, before grabbing the gold ring around her neck.

"Oh no... No no no!" She covered her face, "No, why did this have to happen to me?!"

"What happened to you...?" The h/e/f/etc tilted his head, standing back slightly.

"I-I need to go!" She went to fly but cried out again when she flapped her wing.

"Hey. Hey!" He grabbed her arms, thankful that the burning was gone from her fur, "What's going on...? Where are you from and... What are you?"

She pulled away from him, "How aren't I burning you...?"

He sighed and held up the hand with the singed glove, "Don't worry, you did."

"But... Now I can't!"

"And that's a bad thing...?"

"YES!" She grabbed him and shook him, before her ears lowered and she stepped back, holding her head, "Angels are meant to be so bright they burn you when you touch them... You aren't even meant to see them! We have halos, but... Mine is..."

She covered her eyes and fell to her knees, letting out a whine as her wings scrapped across the ground. The h/e/f/etc was stood frozen, what was he meant to do?

"Wait... An Angel? You're an Angel...?"

"Yeah... I am... Or was..." She sighed and lowered her hands, slumping, "I guess you could say I'm a Fallen Angel now..."

"A Fallen Angel? But why?"

"I don't know! But now my whole life is over!" She covered her face again, "My wing is broken... I have no powers... I have nowhere to go..."

"Well... You can come stay with me." The h/e/f/etc offered with a smile.

"No thanks... I know what your kind are like... You take advantage of an injured person. I'll pass." The (a/t) huffed, looking away.

"Hey... We aren't all like that. Come on, what else are you going to do? Let me prove that not all of us are bad." He held his hand out.

The (a/t) stared at the singed glove, before sighing and taking his hand, "Yeah okay, fine..."

So he pulled the (a/t) to her feet and lead her back to his house. It was quiet for most of the way, the (a/t) kept her head lowered, gripping the ring around her neck. So that was her halo? She said it should be glowing above her head, not hanging around her neck, so why isn't it?

"So uh... What're your name...?" The h/e/f/etc asked after a while, becoming unsettled in the quiet.

There was a pause from the angel, before she mumbled, "(Y/N)..."

"(Y/N) huh? That's a pretty name. I mean... You know.. It's nice." He chuckled and shrugged, rubbing his head, "Mine is (b/n)."

"Oh well... Thank you for helping me... (b/n)."

He smiled and nodded, "No problem (Y/N), that's what I do."

"Right..." She held her arm, "Are you good at fixing wings...?"

"Uh... No? But I can give it a try."

"Fantastic..." She grumbled.


"Easy... you're gonna knock my head off if you keep moving your wings." (b/n) chuckled a little, being careful when he grabbed onto (Y/N)'s injured wing.

"But it hurts..." The (a/t) whined, her wings twitched and one even flapping, "I hate not using them... I want to fly."

"Well you can't, not until it's fixed anyway."

"And how long will that be?"

"Well... Normal breaks like arms and legs are normally 6 weeks..."

"6 Weeks?! I'll go mad!"

"Not with me here."

She frowned at the h/e/f/etc, "You realise how bad that sounds right?"

"Er... Sorry..." He carefully wrapped her wing up, moving the bandage through her feathers. The (a/t) shuddered a little and huffed, flapping her good wing and hitting him in the head.

"I said stop moving..."

"And I said it hurts..."

He sighed and stepped back, "There... I'm done anyway..."

"Good... Thank you..." (Y/N) yawned and stretched out, "So... Where can I rest...?"

"I have a spare room upstairs if you want to use it. It's just full of old junk, the bed is clean though, maybe a tad dusty..."

"Thanks, it'll be fine..." She stood and walked upstairs.

"Right... Uh, third on the left."

She nodded, "Thank you... And good night..."

(B/N) sighed and sat on the couch, rubbing his head. An Angel? A Fallen Angel? Well he could definitely believe she was an angel, she was gorgeous. But what does being a Fallen Angel mean? Is she evil? That would explain the bad attitude...

So he could possibly be housing an evil entity, fantastic, wouldn't that look good on his record? He pulled at his fur and stood, stretching.

-May as well sleep on it, see how she is tomorrow and find out more about this Fallen Angel business...-


"Good morning." (Y/N) smiled as (B/N) stumbled downstairs, rubbing his eye. He blinked at her, before the memory of last night came back to mind.

"Morning..." He said, walking into the kitchen, to find a high stake of pancakes, freshly steaming, with butter and maple syrup next to it.

"I made you breakfast, for helping me and giving me a place to stay while I heal." The angel stood from where she was sitting, walking over, "I hope you like pancakes, you didn't have the right ingredients for an Angelic meal so I settled foe what you Mobians favour in the morning."

"Pancakes..." He smiled slightly and took the plate, "Well thank you, are you in a better mood now or something?"

"Mostly." She smiled back, tiling her head.

"What do you mean by mostly?" The h/e/f/etc sat at the table, eating his food.

"Well... I'm still a Fallen Angel, that's not a good thing..."

"Right, I've been meaning to ask, what does it mean to be a Fallen Angel?"

"It means you've been banished from the Angelic kingdom for doing some sort of bad crime." She lowered her head, "Someone had stolen the Queen's special staff thing, and I was blamed for it..."

(B/N) blinked and stared at her, "So... You were framed?"

"Yes, I was framed, and now I have no way of getting home... Not until my wing is healed anyway, once it is I plan to fly back there and prove I wasn't the culprit." She held her arm, "I must go home... My life is there..."

"Well, you're welcome here until then. Consider it a holiday while you're here." He smiled and continued to eat, "These pancakes are really good."

"Thank you!"


"Are you ready...?" (B/N) stood behind the angelic (a/t), unwrapping her once broken wing.

"As ready as I'll ever be... Thank you so much for looking after me... It really helped me a lot." (Y/N) smiled back at him. The two had grown close over the few weeks that the (a/t) had spent with the h/e/f/etc, becoming the best of friends.

And maybe catching some feelings.

But now (Y/N)'s wings was healed, she could return to her home and right the wrongs that had been placed on her head. Although (B/N) was upset that she had to go, he understood that it had to happen, after all, it's his fault for getting attached when he knew she would be leaving.

Stupid (B/N).

"It was no problem, just go clear your name, okay?" He offered a smile, holding the bandage tightly in his hand.

She nodded, stretching her wing and giving it a test flap. The (a/t) had been waiting to go home, now that it was finally happening, she couldn't wait. Her friends would love everything she had to tell them. And her family would be glad to have her back.

She was finally going home.

So, giving her wings a strong flap, she lifted off the ground, waving towards the h/e/f/etc. He waved back slowly, still somewhat smiling, however his eyes shined slightly.

"I wish you good luck friend!" The (a/t) yelled, before she flew up, heading towards what (B/N) could only assume was her home.

He watched her fly, seeing the smile on her muzzle and the shine in her eyes he sighed. It was where she belonged anyway. Suddenly, a bright light appeared above him and then a city took its place, the sun shining off it's glorious pearl white buildings.

(B/N)'s eyes widened in awe, it was huge! How come he had never seen it before? (Y/N) flew higher, heading straight towards the city in a blur of flapping wings, before she froze, as if hitting a barrier. The h/e/f/etc blinked, confused as to why she stopped, treading the air and staring up at the city.

Why wasn't she going home?

It was right there!

But she started to fall, still staring up at the city, her wings fluttering in the wind as she plummeted towards the land. (B/N)'s eyes widened and he took off in a mad dash towards her.

-Oh Gods oh Gods oh Gods!- He sped towards the falling Angel, his arms spread out.

She landed safely in his arm, tears were streaming down her face. The h/e/f/etc's ears lowered and he knelt down, sitting her on the ground.

"(Y/N)...? What happened...?" He asked slowly.

"I can't... I can't get back..." She mumbled, lowering her head, "My friends... My family... I can't..."

"Is it because they banished you?"

She covered her face, "It must be! But I didn't do it! I'm innocent! I want to go home!"

His ears lowered more, and he sighed, pulling her into a hug, "Well... Maybe you are home..."

"No... I don't have anyone now..."

The h/e/f/etc frowned slightly, "What's that supposed to mean...?"

"All my friends... My family are in that city..."

"And what am I?"

She blinked, looking up at him, "I-I'm sorry! That came out wrong! I... I'm sorry..."

"Yeah it came out wrong..." He huffed, letting her go, "So all your friends are in that city?"

(Y/N) nodded slowly, "Yeah... Besides you anyway..."

"And am I not enough?"

"What? Of course you are! You helped me with my wing and stuff! I just... I wanted to see my other friends, my parents... I really miss them..." She covered her face again, "What's the use... I got banished, they'll just see me as a disgrace now anyway..."

(B/N) stopped and rubbed his head. Why was he being so selfish? He knew the (a/t) wanted to go home, that pretty much her whole life was there. She had every right to be upset. Especially if they thought she was at fault. But did they?

"But... They do know you're innocent right?"

"No.. If you get banished you are seen as a disgrace among the other Angels..."

"Man... That sucks." He scratched his ear, before hugging her again, holding her tightly, "Well... You have me, I know you're innocent... Will that be enough?"

"It will have to be..." She sighed, nuzzling into his chest, "Thank you..."

"Heh... It's no problem." He smiled and pet her head, before looking around, "But we better get home, it's getting dark."

"Yeah... Home..." The (a/t) smiled slightly, looking up at him, "That sounds good..."

But even still, the h/f/e knew she was disappointed, she wanted to see her family again, wanted to prove that whatever she had been framed for wasn't her. (B/N) started walking, still holding the angelic (a/t).

"You know... You can put me down now..." She mumbled into his chest, "I'm not injured this time..."

"Are you kidding me? You're a fallen angel, I've never seen you fall so hard." He tried to chuckle but stopped, his tone turning serious, "I just.. Want to make sure you're okay..."

"So... You meant that literally or metaphorically...?"


She nodded and nuzzled into him, "Okay... Well... As long as you're here... I'll be fine..."

The h/f/e nodded, "Now close your eyes. I won't let you fall again."

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