Chapter 9: Arctic Rumble at Holoska! Onwards to New Continent!

3rd POV:

Sonic and his friends have managed to restore the blue Chaos Emerald and the Spagonia continent moved back into place. They're heading to the university to tell Professor Pickle about their progress.

Sonic: Hey professor, we've managed to restore this continent!

Pickle: Ah good work Sonic and Y/n as well!

Y/n: Right, any other places we should go?

Pickle: Hmm afraid not young Y/n. For now, both of you can enter the temple in Holoska. Go through the Entrance Stage and find that temple. I'll keep you informed when all of you come back safely and good luck.

Sonic: Thanks professor, we're on it!

Sonic and his friends are off to return to Holoska at nighttime.

(Holoska Hub Night)

They have landed in Holoska and are asking some people who know about the Temple of Gaia. The caretaker pointed in the direction and said it was available to enter. They head to the Entrance Stage.

As they enter the Entrance Stage, they see a Night stage ahead where there is a small cave but there's a river.

Y/n: Looks like we have to find another way to get there.

Sonic: Yeah. We'll have to take the other side.

They see a cliff nearby where they can jump over. Sonic extended his arms on a wall and jumped, Y/n followed Sonic. A gate is shut, Y/n pulled up and it opened.

Y/n: There's a stage.

Sonic: Let's go!

They prepared and entered the stage.

(Cool Edge Night Stage and music)

As they arrive on the stage, they see most of the penguins and admire what looks like an ice palace with an aurora wave in the sky. Y/n took some pictures of it and went along with it. However, they saw the Dark Gaia's minions ahead coming out on the snow.

Sonic charges in first as he makes a few punches and some claw strike the Dark creatures and disappears in defeat.

Y/n: Now, Darkslayer!

Y/n emitted a blue aura around him and equipped with his Yamato, and started to slice and slash combos through those dark creatures.

After they cleared the monsters, they continued to proceed through the road and they stumbled a bit due to the floor being covered in ice and a huge ocean cold.

Sonic: We should be careful, some floors are slippery.

Y/n: Right and we don't get sick swimming in cold water.

They proceed carefully with some floors made with ice. They stopped to see a gate but it was frozen with ice.

Sonic: Hmm we've got to do something with ice.

Y/n: I have an idea.

Y/n switched his Yamato to his Rebellion's Oath Keyblade and cast Firaga at the tip of his Keyblade. The ice had melted, Sonic pulled up the gate and opened it.

Sonic: Nice one!

Y/n: Thanks! Let's keep going!

They kept going through, dodging through those saw blades, climbing poles to jump on the next area. They were stopped by more of Dark Gaia's minions ahead. Sonic made some punches combos and finished with a donkey kick sending them into the freezing water. Y/n made some combos of his Rebellion's Oath and slashes them, he sees more dark creatures and Eggman's robots, and he smirks as he's ready for his other weapon.

Y/n: Come, Pandora Box!

Y/n is equipped with his Pandora Box, Sonic is confused for a bit but knowing Y/n for a while Y/n has more tricks. Y/n opens up, changes into a large shuriken, throws at them, vanquishes, and returns to Y/n like a boomerang.

Sonic: Wow that was awesome! For a second, I thought it was an ordinary box.

Y/n: Yeah everyone thought about that too. It's a blade and guns, which have changed around 600 forms. It will confuse you to track.

Sonic: So cool! That's good to know!

They continue to proceed through the road, stopped by the wall of ice by using Y/n's Keyblade to cast fire magic from before, they stopped to see a few poles, platforms, and a huge dark hole at the bottom.

Sonic: Man that's a huge drop!

Y/n: Let's use those poles to get the other side.

They jumped across using the poles and platforms, and they made it to the other side. They see a goal at the top of the hill. Y/n pulled the lever and ice platforms appeared. Sonic and Y/n got up and kept going, swinging the bars and crossing the narrow lines, they made it safely and see a goal close by.

Sonic: Almost there!

However, more of Dark Gaia's minions came up on the ground. Sonic slashes his claws and punches the creatures, followed by an uppercut, and slams them into the ground.

Y/n: Sonic, get down!

Sonic saw Y/n equipped with his Revenant shotgun charge up, duck down, and Y/n shot the dark creatures behind him.

Sonic: Thanks for that Y/n!

Y/n: No prob, now it's my turn!

Y/n concentrates his ki and dark power combined around his hand and his Rebellion's Oath and unleashes his attack.

Y/n: Get a load of this!

Y/n shoots out a ball of energy, high jump, and downward strike to slam those dark creatures to the ground and unleashes a shockwave to those creatures nearby. The area is clear and a goal ring appears.

Sonic: Awesome job as always Y/n!

Y/n: Yeah you did awesome too.

Sonic: Hehe it's what we always do best! Let's go inside that cave!

Y/n: Yeah!

They made it through the goal ring and cleared the stage.

(Cool Edge Night Stage ended)

Sonic, Y/n, and Chip came out of Sonic's hair and went through the ice cave. Y/n sensed a dark presence ahead of them, and Sonic and Chip noticed Y/n's expression.

Chip: Hey Y/n, is something wrong?

Y/n: Whatever is ahead of us, we better be ready. I can sense a dark presence.

Sonic: Right, good thinking.

As they continued walking through the cave, an unexpected bright light turned on surprising them as they covered their eyes for a second.

Y/n: There's something dark inside that ice.

They see a huge eel-like dragon trapped in the ice. The Dark Moray. It opens its eyes and breaks out. The monster looks at them and roars.

Chip: Oh no!

Chip flees behind them and makes some silly antics. Sonic and Y/n jumped in to fight.

(Boss Battle Night theme)

The Dark Moray made a barrier around it as Sonic and Y/n were unable to fight it. Chip noticed those canisters nearby.

Chip: Those canisters thing looks cold. Wonder if you can use it somehow...

Sonic wonders and has an idea.

Sonic: That's it! Hey Y/n, let's take out the other heads! I got an idea!

Y/n: *smirk* Heh I'm with ya on your plans!

Sonic and Y/n rushed towards where the heads sticking out, they destroyed two of them. The Moray opens its mouth, charges up, and shoots an ice bomb. They dodged it. Y/n threw his Keyblade as he did the Strike Raid at last head. The barrier is down, they went up and it's their chance to attack. The Moray spun its head to attack Sonic and Y/n, luckily they dodged it quickly. Chip saw those three green spots.

Chip: Hey guys, those green spots are weak spots!

Y/n: I see them!

Sonic: Got it! But first!

Sonic grabs the canisters and throws them at Moray and it's frozen solid.

Sonic: Now's our chance!

Sonic made some punches and slash combos at one green spot in front of him. And Y/n went behind the Moray, saw the green spot, and made some air combos with his Rebellion's Oath Keyblade. They've destroyed two of Moray's green spots, which leaves one more. However, Moray blew them away and the barrier was formed by the mini heads again.

Sonic: Let's do what we did before!

Y/n: Right! Let's finish this quickly!

Y/n quickly summoned his Riolu.

Y/n: Riolu, we handle the other two and you fight one.

Riolu: Rio!

Sonic and Y/n doing the same method as Riolu following along. The barrier is down which leads to the last time. Moray slammed its head and spun around. Sonic saw this, grabbed the canisters, and was frozen solid.

Sonic: Go for it!

Y/n: Riolu, I'll boost you up and Bullet Punch!

Riolu: Rio!

Y/n formed his hands into a U-shaped, Riolu ran up to Y/n, and jumped on his hands, Y/n launched Riolu up and used a Bullet Punch at the last green spot on its head. The Dark Moray disappeared in defeat.

(Boss Battle Night ended)

Sonic: Nice job there Riolu!

Riolu: *smiles* Rio!

Chip: Let's head to the temple, everyone!

Y/n: Right! Let's go!

They saw the temple close by and entered inside.

Sonic and Y/n run where they were on the same pedestal before. Chip activated the hole with his necklace and a small pillar popped up. Sonic placed the fourth Chaos Emerald in the hole, it floats up and shines in cyan color. As the cyan Chaos Emerald was restored, they started to feel the entire continent shaking as the piece was back into place.

Chip: Wahoo! That's four emeralds so far! Three more to go!

Y/n: *smile* Right! Whatever Eggman and Dark Gaia are cooking up, we'll get through this together!

Riolu: *smiles* Rio!

Sonic: *smirk* That's the spirit! Let's head back to the professor at the university!

They headed back to where Tails is and off to return to Spagonia in the university to tell Professor Pickle about their progress. As they were about to enter, Amy rushed over and hugged Sonic.

Amy: Welcome back, Sonic! I missed you!

Sonic: H-hey c-cut that out Amy! This is embarrassing!

Chip: Wow she always likes Sonic does she?

Y/n: Hehe no doubt about that. Those two remind me of who I know.

Sonic: So what's up Amy?

Amy: Professor Pickle's sure been busy with something. He's been tidying up his room this whole time. Maybe early spring cleaning?

Y/n: We should go inside to see what's up.

Sonic: Right let's go.

They went inside Spagonia University where the professor's lab is.

Sonic: Hey professor how's- Uhh what are you doing?

Pickle: Ahh Sonic and Y/n, you've returned safely and restored the Holoska continent. You see, after you restored another piece, I've decided to join you as well. There's a temple in Shamar. Also, I have a research facility there.

Y/n: Really? Wait, what is Shamar? Is that a new continent?

Pickle: Correct Y/n, Shamar it's a lively town in the middle of an arid desert, where the majority of the people are merchants and devout members. It is also a famous tourist hotspot and features several ancient ruins.

Y/n: Sounds interesting to check it out.

Sonic: Yep that's for sure!

Pickle: Now then, I'll be on my way. I'll meet you all there.

The professor left the lab and went ahead to Shamar.

Sonic: Let's go, guys! I want to see what Shamar looks like!

Chip: Yeah! I wonder what kind of food they're having?

Y/n: Hehehe you love food don't you Chip? But you're right, let's get going!

Sonic and his friends are off to their new destination at Shamar.

Meanwhile at Eggman's Fortress...

At top of the device is amplifying a homing signal to attract the Dark Gaia's minions. Eggman is monitoring the progress of his nefarious plan.

Orbot: All systems are green. Dark Gaia activation is confirmed on all seven continents. Electromagnetic homing signals are locked on. All units converge on point zero.

Eggman: Yes, yes, perfect! Gathering Dark Gaia's pieces is such a pain. I'll have them come to me instead! While that happens, I've managed to collect a little more data from the white-haired rugrat's battle! A brilliant shift in perspective! An idea is worthy of Dr. Eggman's super-genius! Oh ho ho ho!

Orbot: Your skill at self-aggrandizement is unparalleled.

Eggman: Ho ho ho ho ho-! Silence!

Eggman slaps Orbot as it spins around.

Eggman: Activate the Dark Gaia fusion furnace! And while you're at it, get those energy conversion circuits warmed up!

Orbot: Understood. Commencing "Project Dark Gaia." Requesting final clearance.

A button appears on Eggman's desk

Eggman: Granted!

Eggman has slammed the button and activated his nefarious plans.

Eggman: Finally, my ambitions will be achieved! Gaah haha! Oh ho ho ho!

Sonic and his friends have managed to restore the cyan color of Chaos Emerald and the Holoska continent moved back into place. They're heading to another continent at Shamar, along with the Professor. Eggman has gathered energy from Dark Gaia's minions and collected a few of Y/n's combat data. What is Eggman planning?

To be continued in the next chapter...

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