Chapter 6: A Night Stroll in Spagonia! One Problem after Another!

3rd POV:

After Y/n's resolve has motivated Sonic in his Werehog form, Sonic is fully determined to save what matters to him. They have to save the planet before Dark Gaia plunges into chaos. They went inside the Spagonia University where the professor's lab is.

Pickle: Ah Sonic and Y/n, you're here! Tails has already informed me about the positive result.

Sonic: Where's Tails?

Pickle: He's just doing a maintenance check of his Tornado-1.

Y/n: Okay so what now? We got one temple down, and six more to go.

Pickle: Indeed. With that planet piece restored, I was able to locate two temples. According to the Manuscripts, there's a temple here in Spagonia.

Y/n: Whoa really? So it was here the whole time. And each continent has their own temple?

Pickle: Correct. The second temple is located in Holoska.

Sonic: Whoa really? We visited there for a while.

Pickle: Oh ho? So you two have visited there?

Sonic: Yeah, we had a great blast!

Y/n: I guess we didn't know that. We forgot to ask anyone who knows it there.

Pickle: Well it doesn't matter now. You two can start investigating around the Spagonia site.

Sonic: Thanks, leave it to us professor! Let's go Y/n!

Y/n: Alright!

Sonic and Y/n went to the Entrance Stage. While they went, they kept looking at Sonic in his Werehog form and were afraid. But thanks to Y/n's resolve, Sonic is fully determined to save the people and the entire planet. With Y/n's newfound power of Ki which he got the hang of from Dante Dreyar, he started to sense a bit of dark energy at the Entrance Stage. Unknowingly to them, it's slowly getting affected by the villagers.

(Rooftop Run Night theme)

As they entered the stage, they began to walk further through the alleyways of Spagonia but they stumbled across from those minions of Dark Gaia.

Sonic: It’s clobberin time! Wrahh!

Sonic goes on first with a claw swipe added with kicks and punches against those minions. Y/n is using his Crimson Rebellion to slash them. Thanks to his Ki energy, he's able to sense any presence, sensing an incoming attacks and his abilities slightly increase for a short time. Y/n prepared for his attack as he infused his ki around him and sword, and did a spinning attack. All of the minions have cleared out for a while.

Sonic: Whoa nice move Y/n! What was that?

Y/n: It’s called a Ki energy. It's a life force of energy flows and focuses within our bodies, it can be used for fighting. It took some serious concentration.

Sonic: So who taught you that? It looks awesome and handy!

Y/n: A friend of mine that I told you about before. To our surprise, I was able to focus on it for a short time. I should be working on it along the way.

Sonic: That's amazing! Anyway, let's keep going.

They continued to walk through, went to climb the roof and they saw a big strong fence.

Chip: Hmm it's gonna take really, really big to break that fence down.

Y/n: There has to be a way. Hey look, there's a big barrel locked from another gate.

They looked where Y/n pointed out to see a big barrel with a gate, also they noticed there's a lever across there.

Sonic: It might be connected, I'm on it!

Sonic runs across where the lever is, he pulls the lever, releasing the barrel and crashing the fence. They proceed through however, not only they met Eggman's robots and they saw a big fat monster were part of Dark Gaia.

Y/n: So the big tubby has come to play.

Sonic: No kidding, look out!

Sonic and Y/n have dodged from the incoming big monster's arms and blast attack. They noticed that the big monster can send out more reinforcements coming from its belly whenever.

Y/n: Looks like we have to take out the tubby before there's too many.

Sonic: We better hurry then!

Y/n: Let’s rock, Nevan!

Y/n equipped with his Nevan, he plays some tunes to amplify bats with electricity and sends shockwaves clearing out the enemies. Y/n rushed towards Sonic to help against the big monster. As it tries to attack them with its arms, Y/n deflect it with his tune of guitar and shocks the monster. Sonic has a crazy idea.

Sonic: Here goes!

The monster gets back up and tries to run but Sonic grabs his head, swinging Sonic into kicking the monster in the head twice.
Sonic goes inside the monster's belly.

Y/n: Sonic, what are you–?!

Sonic punches the monster inside making it move back and forth finishing off with a rapid punch getting Sonic out. The monster vanishes as well with the enemies.

Y/n: Sonic, you alright?

Sonic: Yeah, of course I am!

Y/n: Man that was crazy and amazing at the same time. I guess we both did some crazy things huh?

Sonic: Hehe yeah but at least we're still here. Come on!

They continue to travel through the next area, they see a big clock tower up ahead.

Y/n: Wow, looks like we have to go up there.

Sonic: Yep, we'll climb our way there.

Sonic and Y/n went inside and climbed up the clock tower, were able pass through the obstacles such as dodging blades and shock waves. As minutes pass by, they have finally made it to the top of the clock tower.

Sonic and Y/n: Wow!

Y/n: The moon is pretty from here.

Sonic: Yeah, and can't beat the view of the city.

Sonic noticed a lever nearby, pushed it and the clock hands moved sideways.

Sonic: Looks like we're crossing there.

Y/n: Yeah and try not to fall here.

They went across the clock hands, jumped off to another roof and landed safely. However, they met up with the same two big fat monsters.

Sonic: We have to split up.

Y/n: Right! And I know what to do.

Y/n placed his hand on where his heart is and performed an summon.

Y/n: Let’s go!

As an orb shines bright, Y/n brought out Riolu to fight and he also made a Doppelganger of himself to Sonic's side.

Y/n: Me and Riolu will be on the left side, while you and my Doppelganger will be on the other.

Sonic: Great idea Y/n, let's go!

They have split up to deal with two big monsters. On the right side, the big monster used its arms to attack Sonic but he's been protected and deflected by Y/n’s Doppelganger with the sword. He slashed its legs and gave Sonic a signal to finish off. Sonic does the same method from before and made it out okay. Y/n's Doppelganger smiled, gave a thumbs up and disappeared.

Sonic: Let’s see how they're doing.

While Sonic was about to finish off the right side, the big monster launched a blast attack and they dodged it just in time.

Y/n: Ready for this Riolu!?

Riolu: Rio!

Y/n: Now Riolu, use Double Team!

Riolu used Double Team to create copies of Riolu. It confused the fat monster for a while.

Y/n: Riolu, use Metal Claw on its feet! And Bullet Punch on the head!

Riolu's are Metal Claws on the fat monster's feet. Followed by Bullet Punch in its head. The big monster groaned in pain as it opened its mouth. Which gives Y/n another idea.

Y/n: Riolu on my mark, use Focus Blast in the mouth!

Riolu: Rio!

Riolu is preparing his Focus Blast while Y/n is playing his Nevan amplify bats with electricity and Y/n’s ki energy form a ball.

Y/n: Now Riolu!

Riolu uses Focus Blast and Y/n's new attack towards its mouth, it eats it and then it explodes. Sonic have regrouped with Y/n and Riolu.

Sonic: That was awesome you two!

Y/n: Yeah we make a great team right Riolu?

Riolu looked at Sonic in his Werehog form, he thought he was a threat but Y/n reassured him.

Y/n: Hey don’t worry, my friend has a good heart. He's still Sonic the Hedgehog.

Riolu looked at Sonic again, he sensed the goodness right through him. Riolu smiled and offered him a hand shake.

Riolu: *smile* Rio! Rio!

Sonic is surprised by Riolu's response and he smiles and accepts it.

Sonic: You're a great fighter and a good friend.

Nevan: Fufu~ I must say, that's quite some performance you all have.

Sonic is shocked to see Y/n’s guitar talks

Sonic: Wow so only those three of your weapons were able to talk?!

Y/n: Yep you got that right.

Nevan: You know aside from your appearance, you're quite roughly handsome just like Y/n. Maybe a special girl can fell for you, fufufu~

Sonic is studded and blushes from Nevan's compliment.

Nevan: Ah look at that, he's blushing how cute~

Sonic: H-hey c-cut that out!

Y/n: *laughed* Sorry about Nevan, she just loves teasing. I remember when I first met her while I was little.

Nevan: Fufu~ well that was fun. And Y/n sweetie, I'm so relieved that you're alright.

Y/n: Yeah crazy things happen at my side. I'll explain when we get back home.

Sonic: Well in any case, great job everyone!

Sonic offered them a high five and they smiled and accepted. They have finished the stage and head back to the village.

(Rooftop Run Night ended)

As they returned from the Entrance Stage, they met up with Tails along with a mysterious camera.

Tails: Hey guys!

Sonic: Hey buddy, you finished your Tornado-1?

Tails: Yep. Also, the professor wanted me to give you something. I think he came up with something after he read more of the Gaia Manuscripts.

Tails handed them a mysterious old camera.

Y/n: Hmm… looks like an old fashioned camera? I wonder why the professor made this.

Tails: Well that's just it. I'm not sure at first, but hey, give it a try. You may never know.

Soinc: Thanks Tails, we'll hang on to it.

Tails: You're welcome, I'll meet you from the entrance when you guys are ready to go.

They agreed to meet up at the entrance whenever they're ready for their next destination of the Temple of Gaia. As they were walking around, the crowd started dancing but strangely enough, they were covered with a dark aura around them acting crazy.

Man: Ah ha ha! C'mon babe, let's dance the night away!

Amy: Ack, help!

They saw that the crowd was dancing for no reason but no event happened. However, not only Y/n, also Sonic and Riolu sensed that something wasn't right about this. Chip came out Sonic' hair.

Chip: Whoa! Is there some kind of party going on?

Sonic: No. Something's not right here.

Riolu: *serious* Rio! Rio!

Y/n: So I wasn't the only one who sensed it. Whatever it is, be ready for anything.

Sonic and Riolu agreed. Chip starts to get the camera out and take pictures. As Chip took pictures, they were shocked to see the Dark Gaia's minions came out of their bodies who were controlling them.

Chip: There’s a carnival of creeps out there!

(Werehog Battle theme)

Y/n: They looked different from the ones before.

Sonic: We got each other's back. Let's go!

Sonic rushes in first, punches the creature and sends them flying on the floor. However, they got up as it wasn't enough.

Sonic: Those guys are getting stronger.

The monster quickly tries to hit Y/n but he swiftly dodges it.

Y/n: And a little bit fast. It's time to pick up a notch.

Y/n forms his crimson demonic aura and lightning surrounding him as it amplifies his abilities, equipped to his Oblivion keyblade.

Y/n: Now time to fight fire with fire. Let's do this Riolu.

Riolu: Rio!

Y/n started to fight back those new minions of Dark Gaia with his Oblivion and those three monsters have started to disappear. Y/n smiled at Riolu for fighting those two monsters with his own agility and attacks. Sonic is starting to leap and preparing for his attack.

Sonic: Take this! Were-hammer!

Sonic smashed those remaining monsters with a purple energy from his hands on the ground. The village has been cleansed from those minions of Dark Gaia.

Sonic: Looks all clear.

Y/n: Yeah that took some doing. And nice job Riolu, I'm proud of you.

Riolu: *smile* Rio!

As those monsters have disappeared, the people are regaining their consciousness as they have no idea of what's happening. Sonic helped Amy up as she started slowly opening her eyes and slowly turning around wondering who saved her.

Sonic: Let’s get out of here!

Y/n: Huh?

Sonic wrapped his arm around Y/n and Riolu, and he started to leap from building to building.

Chip: Wha? Heyyy!

Chip looked Amy to Sonic fleeing with Y/n and Riolu, smiled sheepishly. And started to follow Sonic.

Chip: Wait up!

A minute later, they made it to the alleyway and checked they're clear. Chip joined up with them.

Sonic: Whew. The coast is clear for now.

Y/n: Yeah but what's up with that?

Sonic: W-well… Amy is… kind of crazy.

Y/n: Huh? *realized* Oh now I get it. So she's your–

Sonic: H-h-hey not you too!

Y/n: 'Yep Sonic and Amy reminded me of Juvia and Gray.' *laughed* I'm sorry, it's kind of obvious to me.

Chip: Yeah I kind of see why.

Sonic is embarrassed for obvious reasons. Y/n knows that really well, he looked at the restaurant to lift up their spirits.

Y/n: So… Do you want something to eat? My treat.

Sonic: *smile* …Sure. We'll try Y/n's favorite food too, right Chip?

Chip: Yeah! Oh boy I can’t wait to try that! It will be so delicious and yummy!

Riolu: *smile* Rio!

Y/n: Let’s go.

Sonic, Chip, Y/n, and Riolu went inside a restaurant to eat and hang out for a while. Y/n ordered two large pizzas and each of strawberry sundaes. They tried it and they enjoyed it. Y/n asked Sonic about what kind of adventures have been through, Sonic told them some amazing things about his experience and never gives up. They were amazing to hear from Sonic, especially Y/n. Five minutes later, they finished up their food and headed back to the university. They entered the university and saw some familiar faces.

Sonic: Hey professor, how's–

Amy: Sonic!

Amy hugged Sonic and he's embarrassed in front of them.

Sonic: Amy cut it out!

Y/n: Hehe, I guess I was right after all.

Chip: Hehe yeah.

Amy still hugs Sonic and looks at the white hair boy who is unknown to her.

Amy: Sonic, who is he?

Sonic: That's my friend, his name is Y/n Redgrave.

Y/n: Hey there, it's nice to meet you.

Amy: Likewise. Just you know, Sonic and I meant to be together.

Y/n: Yeah, sure. 'I know Juvia and Amy will get along really well.'

Pickle: *smile* Nice to see you two in spirit. Anyhow, how'd it go in Spagonia?

Sonic: Great. Y/n and I have made it through alright.

Pickle: Very good. And it looks like you have found a use for the camera?

Sonic: Yeah we did professor. Good thing we noticed something was wrong.

Y/n: I can see and sense from those dark aura around them. Those monsters were possessing them and making them a bit crazy.

Pickle: Ah yes. It's all thanks to my research from the Gaia Manuscripts. "Light shall put darkness to rout," it says. Quite so! It's only natural. I hope you'll put it to work saving people from Dark Gaia.

Y/n and Sonic: Yes Professor!

Pickle: Very well, then. I've managed to pinpoint another Gaia Temple location.

Sonic: Really?

Professor: The manuscripts suggest a temple lies somewhere in Chun-nan.

Y/n: Chun-nan? Off to another continent huh?

Pickle: Indeed. You two must haste and restore the Chaos Emeralds and a piece of the planet.

Sonic: We're ready! C'mon Y/n, let's go!

Amy: Be careful Sonic!!

They went outside and headed back to where Tails is. When they met up with Tails, they noticed some changes in his Tornado.

Sonic: Wow! What a great improvement!

Y/n: No kidding, it's a bit bigger than before.

Tails: Hey guys, I present to you my Tornado-2. I made some upgrades like some weapons and new seats. So Y/n can ride it too.

Y/n: Really? You sure?

Tails: *smile* Of course, a friend of Sonic is a friend of mine too.

Y/n: *smile* Thanks Tails. I guess I let–

Out of nowhere, two glowing orbs came out Y/n which are Latios and Latias. Latias nuzzles Sonic, Tails, and Chip. Latias gently uses the psychic Chip on her back again.

Chip: I guess she wanted me to hop on. I don't mind at all. I'll give you some chocolate for being great friends with everyone.

Latias: *smile* Tias! Tias!

Tails: Haha she's really full of energy.

Sonic: Yeah she likes meeting new friends like us does she?

Y/n: Yep. I don't mind Latias and Latios, stick with her and Chip.

Latios: Tios.

Tails: Anyways, you guys are ready to go?

Sonic, Y/n, Chip, Latios, and Latias: *smile* Yeah!/Tias!/Tios!

Tails: Ready for liftoff!

Sonic and his friends went off to another continent where the Temple of Gaia is, off to Chun-nun. What awaits there, they must be ready to fight against the minions of Dark Gaia.

To be continued in the next chapter…

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