Chapter 5: Quick Visit in Holoska! Sonic's Determination, Y/n's Resolve!

3rd POV:

Sonic, Y/n, and Chip have successfully restored one of the powers of the Chaos Emeralds at the same time, one of the broken pieces of the planet moved back into place.

And now, they have made it back to the village and are taking a break for a while.

Tails: Okay everyone, we should head back to the professor and tell him about what happened. He'll be super happy to hear his plan to restore the planet worked!

Sonic: Right on, anything else?

Tails: Yes! While one of the pieces was in place, that included Holoska! It might be worth a visit!

Sonic: Holoska? Alright, count me in!

Y/n: Wait, what's Holoska? That sounds like another continent, right?

Tails: Yeah! But it's a cold and icy continent.

Y/n: Good thing I have my jacket. Let's check it out.

Sonic: Now that it's settled, let's go to Holoska!

Everyone: Yeah.

Sonic and his friends have their transportation ready and are on their way to visit a new continent, Holoska.

(Holoska Hub Day)

A few minutes later, they arrived and landed on Holoska. They see that the entire continent is covered in snow, it is a small icehouse village located in the center of the earth's northern ice cap and the coldest place on the planet.

Tails: We made it to Holoska!

Y/n: Wow it feels a bit chilly here. Now I can use my jacket.

Y/n pulls out his jacket from his pocket dimension and wears it.

Y/n: Here we go. How come you guys can get through this cold weather?

Sonic: Don't worry, my fur protects me from this weather. Same with Tails.

Y/n: Oh I get it.

Tails: Hey guys I see an Entrance Stage, let's check it out.

They proceed through the Entrance Stage, they see in front of them a wide river across to the other side.

Y/n: So how do we get across?

Sonic: Like this.

Sonic ran over the water and made it to the other side with no problem. And to their surprise, Y/n managed to run over the water with his lightning and Flowmotion to the other side. While they made it, they saw a shoe with an upgrade for Sonic. They entered the stage.

(Cool Edge Day Theme)

As they entered the stage, they already started to run through the icy wastelands.

Sonic: You ready Y/n?

Y/n: You bet!

Sonic and Y/n boosted through the snow, dodging the icicles and spike traps. Along their run, Sonic homing attacks, and Y/n with his Crimson Rebellion slashes on Eggman's robots. Y/n kept up with Sonic's pace and they went down a slippery ice road.

Sonic: Woah, the floor is so slippery!

Y/n: We just act like we're ice skating.

Y/n has managed to move freely as he's ice skating while Sonic is copying Y/n's movement and got the hang of it.

Sonic: Heh too easy!

Y/n: Yeah let's keep going!

They continued to move forward and made their way to an ice gate.

Y/n: Hey I see two large buttons.

Sonic: I got this!

Sonic jumps over and stomps on those buttons multiple times, and then the gate opens. Behind the gate, they saw ahead two sleds, they looked at each other and nodded as they leaped and began to slide down the hill.

Sonic: Wahoo! This is fun!

Y/n: Yeah, it sure is!

As they are getting close to the end, they see a launcher that's going to the other land. Y/n noticed something down the water.

Y/n: Hey what's that in the water?

Sonic looked at where Y/n pointed out. And they were amazed to see a big whale that came out of the water. Sonic and Y/n are sliding on it.

Y/n: Wow a big whale came at perfect timing.

As they were sliding towards a whale's tail, the whale launched Sonic and Y/n where the other land was.

Sonic: Thanks whale!

The whale whistled happily as it was saying, 'You're welcome'. As they land, they see the same large button before but this time with a few more robots. Sonic homing attacks and Y/n slashes, the robots are destroyed and cleared. Sonic stomps the large button and the gate opens. They started to run again however the icicles are falling and the ice walls are closing in.

Sonic: Run!

Y/n: One step ahead of ya!

Sonic and Y/n are speeding through fast as the icicles are falling, running on water, and the ice walls closing in. Sonic and Y/n jumped out of there and landed on the sleds and started to slide again.

Sonic: Phew that was close!

Y/n: Yeah it got my blood pumping! I see the goal is straight ahead!

Sonic: Alright let's go!

They continue to slide through until they see another launcher. They looked at each other and nodded as they were ready to jump.

Sonic and Y/n: Here we gooo!

They launched in the air to the other side and they successfully landed and reached the goal.

(Cool Edge Day ended)

Sonic: Wow, that was fun!

Y/n: Yeah definitely! I'm glad I took some pictures along the way. We will see it soon.

Sonic: Cool!

They exit the stage and head back to the village. As they made it back to the village, they met up with Tails.

Tails: Hey guys, how'd it go?

Y/n: I'd say I had fun. Got our blood pumping with enjoyment.

Sonic: Yeah it was crazy fun!

Y/n: And I even took pictures while we were there.

Y/n handed his Gummiphone to Tails and see the pictures of Y/n and Sonic's moments on the stage.

Tails: Wow, you weren't kidding! You guys made it through all that!

Chip came out of Sonic's hair.

Chip: Hmm looks like there's nothing to go on.

Tails: Right. Let's go back to Spagonia and tell the professor about the good news.

Sonic, Y/n, and Chip agreed on Tails' response and headed back to Spagonia.

It's nighttime, they have made it back to Spagonia. As they were walking to the university where the professor is, they heard a female voice close by.

???: Found you Sonic!

Sonic, Chip, and Y/n: Huh?

They see a pink hedgehog with a red dress and red boots running towards Sonic and starting to hug him lovingly while her eyes are closed, unknowing what happened to Sonic.

Sonic: Gah!?

???: Oh Sonic, I've been looking for you forever~!

Sonic: H-hey lemme go!

Y/n and Chip tilted their heads in confusion about what they were seeing.

Amy: Heh heh you're crazy if you think you can get away from Amy Rose, and… umm.

Amy finally opened her eyes and realized she isn't talking to Sonic which she didn't know it IS Sonic.

Amy: Who are you?

Sonic: Uhh-

Amy pushed Sonic back embarrassingly.

Amy: Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I just mistook you for someone else!

Amy turns around and wonders.

Amy: That was so strange. I could have sworn it was him.

Chip and Y/n looked at Sonic in confusion while Sonic knew who she was. Amy turns back.

Amy: Anyway I'm really sorry! See you later!

Amy runs away quickly from them and Sonic tries to tell her but she has already left. They were baffled by what just happened.

Y/n: 'Wow, that girl reminds me of Juvia and loves Gray a little too much.' Well… your friend is… seems… umm… interesting. Who is she anyway?

Sonic: That's… that's Amy.

Chip: Well that was weird. How come that girl didn't know you were you, Sonic? I mean I guess you are kinda… you know… and uh, these guys? *mimic teeth*

Y/n: Uhh Chip?

Chip looked at Y/n. Y/n facepalm and shook his head. Chip slowly realized what Y/n meant, they looked at Sonic looking down as he was sad and disappointed in himself.

Y/n: Sonic?

Sonic: Ughh…

Chip: Oh, ah... I mean... D-don't worry! Hey! You only look really scary, Sonic. Inside you're the same as ever I guarantee it! Okay? Sonic!!! Cheer up! Uhh.. chocolate! Want some chocolate?

Sonic: Just leave me alone.

Sonic walks off somewhere leaving Y/n and Chip alone.

Chip: Oh man, I didn't mean that. Y/n, do you think that is he–?

Chip looked at Y/n, confused that he was quiet and lost in thought. Y/n reminded that Sonic in his Werehog is having a bit of doubt as Y/n and being called a monster as Dante Dreyar Vermillion. Y/n looked at Chip as determined.

Y/n: Chip, I'm gonna go look for Sonic and talk to him. And I promise you, he isn't mad about you. I'll get him back.

Y/n runs ahead and looks for Sonic around in Spagonia. Y/n has already made his inner resolve of himself. Sonic isn't alone, same as Y/n which he knows.

Y/n: 'Sonic, you're not a monster. You don't believe that… I know you don't.'

Around five minutes later, Y/n is still searching for Sonic around the alleyways of Spagonia. No luck for him but he's not giving up that easily.

Y/n: 'Hmm… he shouldn't have gone that far. I hope he's okay.'

Y/n kept looking for a while until he saw a familiar purple-blue hedgehog which is Sonic, sitting all by himself and looking down in sadness.

Y/n: Sonic?

Sonic looked up and saw Y/n.

Sonic: Hey.

Y/n: So… is Amy your girlfriend?

Sonic: W-what?! I… umm…

Y/n: 'Yeah it looks kind of obvious.' But are you okay?

Sonic: It’s just… I'm not used to this form, people weren't kidding about me. I'm not sure how long I can take.

Sonic looked back down again. Y/n is quiet and starts walking towards the table and sitting down on a chair in front of him. It's been quiet for a few seconds, Y/n knows what to do. Y/n starts telling a few his experiences except his family name until he trusts them.

Y/n: Sonic, I know what it's like to feel having some doubts and being called a monster.

Sonic looked at Y/n.

Sonic: You do?

Y/n: *nodded* Yeah. I have two friends who reminded me of you. One was having doubts and the other was being called a freak or monster. And they made it through.

Sonic: I… I see. So who are they?

Y/n: Well, believe it or not, my friend is a hybrid Saiyan who looks like a human but an alien from another planet. He was raised in an alternate Earthland and home with Fairy Tail, he's called a freak in the past but in Fairy Tail, they always have faith in him. He's aiming for his dream, and looking forward to it.

Sonic is intrigued by Y/n’s friend as he listens closely.

Sonic: And who's the other one?

Y/n: Let me tell you a hint, a friend who got sucked into this world and is dealing with this crisis. And he is a hybrid demon himself.

Sonic is confused by what he has meant but he slowly realizes who is referring to.

Sonic: Wait, are you… him?!

Y/n: Yeah, I'm a hybrid demon. 25% human and 75% demon. Don't worry, I'm still me. I only hunt demons who try to destroy innocent people, take over the world, you know that kind of stuff. But many tried because of my family. We ran a family business as devil hunters and we still are.

Sonic: But do you have any doubts?

Y/n: …Before I joined Fairy Tail To keep my identity a secret, yeah. Days went by for me, up to that point where my secret is out. Because some lowlife idiot is threatening my adopted little girls, I unleashed my Devil Trigger Form and certain people have seen and recognized that form. They said I'm still a part of Fairy Tail, a family. I was having a hint of doubt about that and I came to an unexpected thought that… I should… quit Fairy Tail… to distance them away and keep them safe.

Sonic is shocked when he brings up that thought.

Sonic: And… Do you quit?

Y/n: *smile* But… The good thing is… that didn't happen. Because they still accept me as a friend and a part of their family in Fairy Tail. I'm telling you, those guys are something else. I can just tell.

Sonic is fascinated by the relationship between Y/n and Fairy Tail.

Sonic: So what happened from that?

Y/n: I got dragged from that mad scientist who is eviler and worse than Dr. Eggman. That Fu guy has me in prison with his dark magic and take me to the alternate Earthland which leads to Dante that I told you about. Those guys managed to free me from me, fought alongside them, and after I was about to head home until… Well, you know the rest.

Sonic: Wow. So that’s why. No wonder you are the strongest fighter I've ever seen.

Y/n: Oh yeah? There's one thing I couldn't face…. I can't face my mom's doting and fury.

Sonic is surprised by Y/n's response. Y/n chuckles as he remembers.

Y/n: Now I guess I should've seen it coming. I remember when my dad and I had a funny argument about who deserves a strawberry sundae more, we fought over it until my mom was really angry about what we did because we made a big mess in the office. To her fury, my mom spanks us hard at our bottoms with her lightning hands, cleaning up the place and we can't sit for weeks. Please don't tell her I said that.

Sonic is laughing so hard from Y/n's memory.

Sonic: Okay that was pretty funny.

Y/n: So, aside from our obvious charms, kindness, and good looks which brings us to the whole point of this. Sonic I know you're not a monster. If you were then you would destroy everything without thinking but good thing that didn't happen. Because others have faith in you, to save the world.

Sonic looked surprised by Y/n’s response as he continued.

Y/n: There’s Chip, Tails, Professor, Amy which she'll realize soon, and others too. My family and friends were the same too… I believed them.

Sonic is speechless from Y/n's experience and inner resolve.

Y/n: So after a while, you learn to ignore the names that people call you. You just trust who you are, and do what you do best.

Sonic begins to realize that Y/n is right. Sonic looked at himself a bit, those hurtful names can't stop him from saving the planet and/or world. Sonic is now fully determined to save what matters to him.

Sonic: You know what Y/n, you're right. What am I doing? We got people and the planet to save. The others are counting on us. Thanks for that, I know that now.

Chip: Hey Sonic, Y/n!

Sonic and Y/n see Chip flying where they are.

Chip: Look Sonic… I'm so sorry about–

Sonic: Hey don’t worry about it. Sorry about what happened and I'm sure you didn't mean it.

Chip: Really?

Sonic: Absolutely! We're still helping you, to get your memory back and a planet to save. Are you guys still ready for this?

Y/n and Chip: Yeah!

Chip: Let’s go back to the professor and tell him about the good news.

Sonic and Y/n agreed and headed toward Professor Pickle's lab at Spagonia University. While walking to their destination, Y/n secretly felt happy and proud of how much he had grown, all those experiences affected him greatly. And Y/n is determined by what he does best.

Y/n: 'Mom, dad, Kuroka, Asia, everyone, give me a little more time okay? I'll be back soon, I promise.'

Sonic and his friends went on a quick visit to Holoska. Sonic and Y/n were having fun through the Entrance Stage until the end. They stumbled upon a pink-haired hedgehog named Amy Rose but she didn't recognize Sonic and was mistaken for someone else. Sonic was sad and disappointed with his form. But thanks to Y/n’s inner resolve, Sonic is fully determined to save what matters to him. What's next for them?

To be continued in the next chapter…

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