Chapter 3: Off to Spagonia! A Rescue Mission in Mazuri Begins!

3rd POV:

Somewhere in the sky in daylight…

Sonic in his normal state riding with Tails in his Tornado-1, Chip on Latias and Y/n on Latios are flying to their destination on another continent called Spagonia.

Tails: Well Sonic and Y/n, feels pretty good to fly like this?

Sonic: Yep not too shabby.

Y/n: It’s been a while for me, it feels great. The smell of fresh air and great scenery, right guys?

Latios and Latias: *smile* Tios/Tias!

Chip: Yeah I agree with them too.

Tails: I'm glad you think so. Now, the professor's university is just a hop and a skip– Huh? Something's coming you guys.

They noticed a bunch of Eggman's robots flying in the sky and targeting Sonic and the others.

Y/n: So are they came from this Dr. Eggman, huh? Looks like we're gonna turn them into fireworks.

Sonic: Yup! Here comes the parade!

Tails: I got this you guys! Tornado… Battle Mode, engaged!

Tails' Tornado-1 have changed into a battle form with a booster in the back. Y/n and his summons have caught up with their speed.

Y/n: Wow, you sure are fully prepared for this Tails, I'm impressed.

Tails: Thanks Y/n, can you and your friends fight in the air?

Y/n: Oh yeah, I got my weapons ready to go. Latios, Latias, are you ready for this?

Latias and Latios: *nodded* Tios!/Tias!

Chip: Wow, they can fight?! That's so cool!

Sonic: I can't wait to see them in action. Let's go!

Sonic on Tails's Tornado-1 went on first and readied themselves. The Eggman's aerial robots have their missiles however, Sonic fires his missiles at the incoming attack, to those robots and they explode. Sonic and Tails noticed seven robots in their direction, they made a special maneuver in which they barrel rolled and shot them down successfully.

Tails: Alright!

Y/n: Awesome move, you guys! Let's switch and show you what we can do!

Sonic: Okay, go for it!

Y/n: Alright Latios, let's do this! Latias, keep Chip safe!

Latios and Latias: Tios!/Tias!

Sonic and Tails have switched places over Y/n along with Latios, Latias and Chip. They noticed there's more robots targeting not just Sonic and Tails, but Y/n and others as well. The Eggman's robots have fired their weapons, Y/n countered and fired his pistols and shotgun.

Y/n: Latios, use Steel Wings!

Y/n jumped off, Latios used Steel Wings from his wings at Eggman's robots, made a direct hit and exploded. Latios returned back to Y/n. They noticed seven robots in a row had fired in their direction.

Y/n: Latias, use Draco Meteor!

Latias casted Draco Meteor from her mouth which shoots a comet volley at those robots and they explode.

Chip: Wow! Great job, Latias!

Latias: *happy* Tias! Tias!

Sonic: You guys are cool!

Latios: *smile* Tios.

Tails: Definitely! Let's keep going!

Everyone agreed, as they continued to fly towards their destination through the clouds. However, they noticed a humongous battleship blocking their way.

Sonic: Wha-?! What is that thing?!

Y/n: And who's driving that thing?!

Eggman: Nwaaa ha ha! Well Sonic, prepare to be sunk!

Orbot: Remember doctor, it is not yet completed. Handle it gently.

Eggman: Rrgh, silence!

Tails: Looks like we've gotta beat that thing to get by.

Eggman: Go, fire all weapons!

Eggman ordered the deployment of aerial robots and firing his rockets at Sonic, Y/n and others.

Y/n: *smirk* Bring it!

Sonic fires his missiles at the Eggman's incoming robots and rockets while Y/n, Latios and Latias are covering fire. For a brief moment, Tails noticed an opening.

Tails: Sonic, aim at its mouth!

Sonic: On it!

Sonic fired his missiles at the mouth and did some real damage.

Eggman: Narrrgh! Why those fidgety little-! Go, fire all weapons!

Eggman his own minions to deploy his aerial robots and his robots again. Y/n noticed the pattern.

Y/n: Yo Sonic, Tails when it's clear, we'll combine our firepower.

Tails: Good idea, on my mark whenever.

Sonic: Gotcha, let's do it!

Sonic and Y/n have countered, fire the incoming rockets and fire the aerial robots coming towards them. When it's clear, they have an opportunity to attack. As Sonic is ready to fire.

Tails: Go for it!

Sonic: Right.

Y/n: Latios, Latias, use Dragon Pulse!

Latios and Latias casted Dragon Pulse from their mouths combined, while at the same time, Sonic fired his missiles and Eggman's battleship was damaged causing a lot of smoke.

Eggman: Wha?! Energy levels are dropping?! Grrrah! What a disaster! Retreat!

(Boss Battle Daytime ended)

Eggman and his battleship have fled from battle in defeat.

Sonic: Cool! You guys are awesome!

Chip: Yeah that was amazing! You definitely get some tasty treats after this!

Latias: *happy* Tias! Tias!

Y/n: Hehe Latias sure is very happy with Chip around, right Latios?

Latios: Tios.

As the clouds have cleared up, they see a large city of culture and arts with a lot of buildings.

Tails: We made it you guys! Let's land and find the professor!

Everyone agreed and they started to land close to the city.

After they land, they have arrived as last in Spagonia, a continent filled with various shops and restaurants appear at the foot of the regular buildings, while bushes and trees are planted along the streets. Additionally, the location contains many recognizable setpieces, such as the Spagonia University, at least one clocktower, and various aqueducts.

Tails: Well here we are, welcome to Spagonia!

Y/n: Wow, this place is really something else. I should take some photos to remember them by. Asia and the others gotta be really thrilled to see this.

Chip: Who's Asia? Is that a friend of yours?

Y/n: Yeah, you can say that. She's more than a friend to me. There are other girls who love me for who I am.

Sonic: Wow, you're full of surprises are ya?

Y/n: Yeah, you had no idea. Well anyway, it's best we ask someone who knows the university.

Sonic: Good idea.

Sonic, Y/n and Chip looked around the area, they were fascinated by the architecture and restaurants of delicious food to try. Y/n began to take pictures around the place. What Y/n surprises him is that they can make pizzas.

Y/n: So they have pizzas here too?! Ha now that's what I call a jackpot!

Chip: Oh boy, I can't wait to try!

Tails: Wow, that's your favorite food. Sonic always enjoyed those chilly dogs.

Sonic: They're the best food I ever had.

Y/n: Hmm, sounds tasty. I'll try that later. Excuse me, sir?

Man: Yes, can I help you?

Y/n: Do you know where the university is?

Man: Ah yes! The university is at the left turn and see a big building. You can't miss it. There's a lot of students who studied there.

Sonic: Gotcha, thanks.

They went to follow the person's guidance. When they arrived and true to his word, there were a lot of students who were studying from the university.

Chip: Whoa that building is HUGE!

Sonic: And a lot of people are there.

Y/n: *whistle impressed* No kidding, it's way bigger than the school I went to.

Tails: Come on guys, let's go in to see the professor.

They have headed inside the Spagonia University. When they entered, they saw a lot of books and objects in a mess as it's been vandalized recently.

(Spagonia Hub stops)

Y/n: Man, what the heck happened? Did somebody break in?

Sonic: I was thinking about the same thing.

???: Excuse me, are you here for the professor?

They turned around and saw a lab assistant in the university.

Tails: Yes, we came here to see him about the data I gathered. But where's the professor and what happened here?

Assistant: I'm sorry. I regret to inform all of you that… Professor Pickle has been taken away.

Sonic, Y/n, Chip and Tails are shocked by the assistant's response.

Tails: Whaaat?! Professor Pickle's been kidnapped?!

Assistant: *nodded* It was a little bit before the tremors hit. This old man showed up with a(round stomach)... and a(straight mustache)... And a whole PACK of robots. They carried poor Professor Pickle off, lab data and all!

Tails: That can't be.

Sonic: That sure sounds like Eggman.

Y/n: Well looks like things are getting complicated.

Chip: What a horrible thing to do! We've got to go help that professor guy out, and fast! If he got kidnapped that long ago, he's gonna be real hungry by now! And-and, if I was that hungry... I-I don't know how long I would last! I'd rather be dead!

Chip's body fell down and saw a ghost of himself causing Y/n to snicker.

Tails: I-I'm sure that Eggman is feeding him. Even he's not that cruel.

Y/n: So how much do you guys know about him?

Sonic: Well you know, he has been trying to take over the entire planet most of the time and build a theme park.

Y/n: Pfft, really? A theme park?

Tails: Not just a theme park, an 'Evil' theme park.

Y/n: Huh. On a scale 1 through 10, I would say six. I'm sure we can take him down, no problem.

Sonic: Ha! You got that right. Let's go find the professor!

Assistant: All of you will?! That would be great! If you go, I heard the old man say that the professor is held in Mazuri. That is where he's keeping him.

Sonic: Thanks for the heads up, let's go!

Everyone has rushed off from the university and they set off on a rescue mission in Mazuri.

They have arrived and landed in another continent called Mazuri at village night-time and Sonic is now in his Werehog form.

Sonic: This is Mazuri and it's night already.

Chip: So where can we find the professor?

Y/n: Maybe he’s taken through the Entrance Stage. There's one over there.

Y/n is right. They see an Entrance Stage ahead.

Tails: That is the only option we had. Let's go rescue him.

Y/n: Let’s get–

A small growl is heard from them. It came from Y/n.

Y/n: Oh man. Looks like I can't go on without an empty stomach. Hey, I see a food stand over there.

Y/n rushed towards the food stand. Sonic smelled and recognized that aroma, it's chilly dogs. He rushed to where the food stand is.

Sonic: I'll have two chilly dogs, on the double.

Y/n: Yeah, me too. With some drinks.

Chef: Ha ha you got it! Coming right up and  enjoy!

Food vendor made two of each chilly dogs and they began to chow down.

Y/n: Mmm, this is pretty good.

Sonic: I know right?

They finished eating and drank some soda.

Sonic: Ahh that hit the spot.

Y/n: Definitely. Alright, let's do this.

Tails: *chuckled* You know, Sonic and Y/n are kind of alike. It's pretty funny.

Chip: Hehe I guess I'm not the only one who thinks that.

They finished their little snack break and headed through the Entrance Stage to rescue Professor Pickle.

As they have made it to the stage, they see a large building. However, it was guarded by dark monsters and Eggman's robots.

Tails: With this many around, that must be where Professor Pickle is.

Sonic: Let’s go! Wrraah!

Sonic first rushed in slashing and bashing those monsters and Eggman's robots.

Y/n: Come Agni, Rudra!

Y/n summoned his dual scimitar Agni and Rudra, as they're ready to fight. Sonic, Tails and Chip are surprised to see Y/n wielding another weapon. While Y/n made a 6 hit combo, they saw a red sword of fire and turquoise of wind. They cleared the monsters out.

Agni and Rudra: Impressive.

Sonic, Tails and Chip: Whoa, it can talk!

Y/n: Yep, they're part of my arsenal.

Agni: Hello, my name is Agni.

Rudra: And mine is Rudra.

Agni and Rudra: We are here, to assist Y/n.

Chip: That's awesome!

Agni: Thank you for the compliment. Those dark creatures are new to us.

Rudra: It seems we missed what happened to you, Master Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah, I'll explain it when we get back. For now, we have work to do. Are you ready for this?

Agni and Rudra: Yes master!

Everyone agreed and they moved forward. They are kept interrupted by those dark creatures blocking their way. Sonic and Y/n kept fighting them until it's clear. They stumbled upon a gate that is locked.

Y/n: Okay now what?

Tails noticed a large stone that can push and a blue button on the ground.

Tails: Sonic, try bringing that stone to the blue button.

Sonic: I'm on it.

Sonic pushed the large stone where that blue button is. When it's in place, the gate opens and they continue on. They were stopped by more of Eggman's robots surrounding them. To Y/n’s quick thinking, Y/n made dual twisters around them and those robots exploded and destroyed.

Sonic: Wow nice moves!

Y/n: Thanks, let's keep this up.

They continue on to their mission. They stopped across the platforms, unable to go down and they saw some little dark creatures. As Y/n was ready to fight it, Tails stops him for an idea.

Tails: Wait, Y/n. We can throw those things where the buttons are in the distance, so they can come down.

Y/n: Okay.

Sonic picks up some little dark creatures and throws them at the button. The platform was coming down, they climbed on and they kept going. They see a ledge to climb on. Sonic jumps and grabs with his arms while Y/n uses his demon wings as well. As they traveled through the stage, Tails is the first to notice that there's a goal nearby.

Tails: Guys, I can see Eggman's secret base through the gate.

Sonic: Great job, Tails! Alright, let's hurry and rescue the professor!

Y/n, Tails and Chip: Right!

(Night Stage ended)

They have finished through the goal and went inside to Eggman's secret laboratory where the professor is.

They have entered the laboratory and see Professor Pickle is being held on top of the cell, along a vault nearby.

Tails: Professor Pickle! Are you alright? We got here as fast as we could!

There's no response from Professor Pickle in the cell. Tails and Chip are flying to where he is, if he's okay.

Tails: Professor?

Chip: Umm hello?

Pickle: How dare they call this culinary concoction food? Look here, do you see this sorry excuse for a sandwich? The bread should be no less than 3/4 of an inch thick. Upon it, one tablespoon of mayonnaise and a pinch of black pepper. The contents, FRESH cucumber, sliced THINLY if you please! Am I quite right, Tails?

Everyone sweatdropped from Pickle's complaint of his sandwich.

Chip: I know I learned something here today.

Tails: P-Professor, it's good to see you haven’t changed.

Pickle: But tell me, what brings you here? This menu is hardly worth a trip, if you asked me.

Tails: N-no Professor. We came here to rescue you!

Tails pushes the green button sending the platform down and the professor realizes  that he is free from the cell.

Pickle: Oh? Oh! I see how rude of me. Right then, first things first! It's about time someone taught the chef here how to make a proper sandwich.

Y/n: Hehe sounds like he must really love those sandwiches.

Sonic: Tell me about it.

Tails: You can file a complaint later, Professor!

Sonic: Let’s get out of here before more of Eggman's welcoming committee shows up.

Y/n: Yeah, and fast.

Pickle: Oh yes. Quite. But let us be sure to collect the contents of that vault before departing.

Sonic nodded and stretched his arms punching the vault and successfully breaking it. Tails went inside and came back to carry the important contents in hands.

Pickle: Ahh, thank you. Those documents are our only hope for surviving the crisis. Let's go. There's no time to lose. I'm half-starved after being fed nothing but those terrible sandwiches!

Chip went up to Professor Pickle and give him some chocolate.

Chip: Want some chocolate, Professor?

Pickle: My, my! Don't mind if I do!

Professor Pickle accepted Chip's offering. Sonic, Tails and Y/n sweatdropped, looked at each other and shrugged. That moment ends as they make their escape quickly and going back to Spagonia.

Sonic and the others have made it to Spagonia but they discovered that the professor was been kidnapped in Mazuri. They went there and successfully rescued Professor Pickle. What they learned from the ancient documents, will shocks them.

To be continued... in the next chapter.

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