Chapter 13: Blast through Eggmanland! A Showdown with Eggman!

3rd POV:

As the sixth Chaos Emerald is restored while the continent of Adabat is back in place, Chip was sucked into the ancient drawing and he finally awakened his memories of his real name, Light Gaia, and his Duty. While at the village in Adabat, Chip explained what he meant to do, to their surprise, Chip knows about Y/n's true identity and his recent adventures in another world. Sonic and Y/n’s minds are made up, they're still going to help Chip's mission. As they returned to Shamar in Pickle's Lab, they were shocked to hear that the last temple was located in Eggmanland. They venture across the sky, fight against Eggman's aerial defense and his battleship, and they have succeeded.

Sonic and Y/n have jumped off Tails' Tornado-2, skydiving to the entrance of Eggman's fortress while Chip and Y/n’s summons follow them. They successfully landed on the ground of the Eggman's base and walked towards the inside.

Y/n: So that's what guys meant by an "evil" theme park huh? It's more like a big fortress, filled with a gauntlet of doom.

Sonic: Yep! That pretty much sums it up. I know we got this!


Eggman: Oh ho ho hoo!!! Welcome to Eggmanland, the brainchild of my heart and soul!

They stopped and heard Eggman's voice on the PA system, the bottom of Eggman's face opened as a big statue of Eggman was standing in front of them.

Eggman: This is my magnificent empire, made possible through my genius and the limitless energy harnessed from Dark Gaia!

While Chip, Latias, and Pikachu are shocked and amazed by the structure, Sonic, Riolu, Latios, and Y/n deadpanned.

Pikachu: Pika! Pikachu!

Chip: Wha–Whoa! This place is crazy!

Latias: Tias! Tias!

Sonic: I'll never understand Eggman's taste.

Y/n: Tell me about it. And where did Eggman get money from, to build something like that?

Sonic: Yeah I was thinking the same thing too.

Riolu: Riolu.

Latios: Tios.

Chip pulled out a camera and took a picture.

Chip: Get a good shot!

Chip hands Sonic the camera as he goes in front of Eggman's statue and makes a funny face, while Latias uses Psychic on Pikachu to join Chip also making a funny face. Y/n had a funny idea, he took out his Gummiphone as he made a silly face in front of Chip and Pikachu, and snapped a picture. Everyone laughs hard at the moment.

Eggman: Oh ho ho ho ho! Surprised? Yes, of course, you are!

Sonic snapped a picture of Chip and Pikachu where they made a funny faces in front of Eggman's statue. Sonic gives the camera to Chip.

Eggman: Sonic! If you have any complaints, come and deliver them to me in person. If you can, that is! Ahh ha ha ha haa...ha-Hack! Hwaugh, koff! Whew...

Sonic: *sighs* He's enjoying this way too much.

Y/n: Talk about an ego. But I'm sure we'll take him down, no problem.

Sonic: *smirk* Heh right on!

Chip: Everyone!

Sonic and his friends looked at Chip where at the top of Eggman's statue as he took some pictures.

Chip: I can feel the last temple nearby! He must have built this place on top of it!

Sonic: Well, I guess we'll just have to tear it down!

Y/n: *smirk* And we will use everything we've got to blast through this joint, my good old Sparda and Fairy Tail style! Right, guys?

Y/n’s Summons: Pikachu!/Riolu!/Tios!/Tias!

Sonic: Now we're talking, let's do this!

Everyone agrees and heads towards the Eggmanland, which lies ahead and is the gauntlet of doom.

(Eggmanland Day theme)

Sonic and his friends arrived on the stage as they stretched their muscles and prepared to race.

Sonic and Y/n: Here we… GO!

Sonic and Y/n started to run through the road and managed to dodge through obstacles such as lasers, saw blades, and a bottomless pit. They jumped from the platform to platform to proceed to the next area. Along the way, Sonic does his homing attacks while Y/n uses his Crimson Rebellion to bash and slash through the robots. They jumped across the platform and landed on the next area, they saw a bunch of rails to grind on.

Sonic: You ready?!

Y/n: Always!

Sonic starts to grind the rails while Y/n follows along while using his Flowmotion ability to maneuver and jump into another. As they made it on land, they noticed an hourglass with the sun on top and the moon at the bottom symbol.

Y/n: Hey, what is that thing?

Sonic: Not sure, let's find out.

Sonic does his homing attack on the hourglass, it switches to the moon on top while the sun is at the bottom. To their surprise, Sonic has turned into a Werehog form.

Sonic: What the?! What happened?!

Chip: Ohhh I get it! When the moon symbol is at the top, it changes into that form, Sonic.

Y/n: And when the sun is up, it changes back to normal. We should keep an eye on that hourglass ahead.

Sonic: Right. I guess I'll have to get through with this form for now. Let's go!

(Eggmanland Night Stage)

Sonic will get used to the Werehog form for now. Sonic walks up to the lever, pulls it down and the gate is open. They entered the gate, and saw a few robots, Sonic and Y/n fought at ease, and continued to proceed through the road. They see a couple of poles swing across the platform, they swing and land on the platform. Y/n noticed another lever, pulling it down, they saw a platform coming down, jumped up, and landed on top. However, they saw a few more robots. Sonic grabs a robot, swings it around, hitting the other robots while Y/n switches to Agni and Rudra, makes some slash combos, and burns, and blows away the robots as they're destroyed. Sonic went up the lever, pulling it down and the platform came down. They jumped from one platform to another platform, and as they made it, they saw the hourglass again.

Sonic: Hey it's that hourglass again.

Sonic hits the hourglass, changes from the moon to sun and Sonic turns back into a normal state for now.

(Eggmanland Day theme)

Sonic: Whew. Back to normal.

Sonic and his friends continued to run through the road, they managed to avoid more obstacles. They saw a giant Ferris wheel with Eggman's face, they just needed to manage their timing to jump one pole to the other to get to the other land and they made it. Sonic stomps on breakable crates and they begin to ride on a roller coaster.

Sonic: Wahoo! This is so much fun!

Y/n: Totally! And it's about to be a bumpy ride, I mean literally, look!

Sonic looked at where Y/n is pointing and saw the roller coaster ride is about to break apart. They began to steer their carts while they managed to maneuver from lasers and spikes, destroying more of Eggman's robots ahead. They saw a glass window, they burst through, jumped off their carts and they made it onto the platform again. They stumbled upon the hourglass yet again.

Y/n: Whew. Now that's a thrill ride!

Sonic: Sure is, it's not over yet!

(Eggmanland Night theme)

Sonic hits the hourglass again and changes the sun into the moon while Sonic changes into his Werehog form again. Sonic sees a lever, pulls it down and the gate is open they see a narrow path of obstacles, and below filled with lava.

Sonic: Looks like we need to walk across carefully to make it to the other side.

Chip: No kidding, this area is filled with boiling lava! We should watch our step!

Y/n: Gotcha. Let's be careful.

Sonic and Y/n, except his summons and Chip, balanced themselves on the narrow path to walk across carefully, jumped on the platform to another platform and they made it across. However, they were stopped by more of Eggman's robots and a few dark creatures ahead. Sonic rushes in and takes out the enemies with a few punches and claw strikes when Y/n switches Agni and Rudra to King Cerberus, starts to make a ground combo of ice nunchaku, lightning sansetsukon, and flaming bo staff and they are destroyed again.

Sonic: *smirk* That takes care of that area!

As Sonic pulls down the lever, the gate is opened and leads to another area of the narrow path of obstacles, and below is filled with lava.

Chip: Oh man, here we go again!

Y/n: Same as last time, we should be close by.

Sonic: Yeah, let's go.

Sonic and Y/n balance themselves on the narrow path again while dodging the spikes on it and jumping onto the platform. They see an hourglass again.

Y/n: Sheesh! This place is so huge! Just how long is this place anyway?!

Sonic: Not sure, it's what Eggman does anyway. But that's not gonna stop us!

Chip: Yeah! We have to keep going!

(Eggmanland Day theme)

Sonic does a claw swipe attack on the hourglass again, changes the sun and Sonic turns back into a normal state. Sonic and Y/n go up to the pipe, starting to grind through and going down the road, but the floor isn't moving. They looked around and boosted through together against Eggman's robots, dodging lasers, bombs, and saw blades, and they managed to make it through. They landed on the platform, and running on it, they noticed the platforms were disappearing so they sped up their pace. They jumped across to another platform, jumped on the spring, jumped up, and started to dive down into the hole. As they skydive down the hole, dodging lasers, spikes, and saw blades. As they landed on the ground safely, they saw the hourglass yet again.

(Eggmanland Night theme)

Sonic hits the hourglass again, changes into the moon, and changes back into his Werehog form again. Y/n pulls up the large door and opens it up which leads to the next area. They were sliding down the pipe, they managed to avoid more lasers and fan blades. As they made it, they saw more of Eggman's robots and a few more of Dark Gaia's minions. Sonic punch them while Y/n switches his weapons to Pandora Box, throws it as a big shuriken, and fires a machine gun. They continued to proceed through as they stumbled upon a gate, Sonic pulled the lever and the gate opened to the next area. However, they saw a Titan along with a few of Dark Gaia's minions.

Sonic: Let’s take it down!

Y/n: Right!

Titan swung its hammer at them luckily, they managed to dodge it. Y/n switched his Pandora Box to Nevan, he amplified the tune of his guitar as lightning orbs with bats, shoots at them, formed by a scythe, and does some slash combos. The Dark Gaia's minions are cleared for the opportunity for Sonic to fight the Titan. Sonic does a charge punch at the Titan's torso, followed by a claw swipe attack at its arms and legs, and slammed it to the ground hard and disappears. As they continued to proceed through the road, opening up another gate, they saw two more Titans and the last temple is close by in front of them.

Y/n: I see the temple, we better hurry up.

Sonic: Right, we have to split up!

They heard and looked at Y/n’s summons and they looked as if they wanted to help.

Pikachu: Pika! Pi! Pikachu!

Y/n’s Summons: Rio!/Tios!/Tias!

Y/n: Alright you guys, be careful.

Chip: You guys are strong when working together! I know you got this!

Sonic: Let’s go!

Y/n switched his Nevan to Yamato. The Titan jumps for the shockwave and they've managed to dodge it quickly. Y/n made some Rapid Slash combos at the Titan's arms, followed by Sonic's claw strike combos at its legs. Y/n switches to his Beowulf makes some punches, and kicks at its torso, Sonic, and Y/n jump in the air and go down with a dual punch strike. Meanwhile, the Titan swung its hammer at them, luckily they dodged it quickly. Pikachu uses Iron Tail at its arms, followed by Riolu uses Cross Chop at its legs, and uses Bullet Punch at its torso, Latios and Latias finish off with Dragon Breath, and the Titans have been destroyed.

(Eggmanland themes ended)

Y/n: Finally, we made it to the temple. Thanks for the help, you guys.

Y/n’s Summons: Pika!/Riolu!/Tios!/Tias!

Sonic: Good job everyone! We rule!

Chip: No doubt about it! Let's hurry to the temple.

Everyone agrees with Chip and runs inside the Temple of Gaia.

Sonic and his friends are running at the center of the Temple of Gaia. Chip flew up to the keyhole, glowed his necklace and a small pillar popped up. Chip nodded at Sonic as it was ready. Sonic looked at the seventh Chaos Emerald and Y/n. To Y/n’s surprise, Sonic walks up to him and hands him the emerald.

Y/n: Sonic… you… want me to do it?

Sonic: Yeah. I'll let you do the honors, as a great friend… to us.

Chip: Yeah. Me too.

Y/n looked at the emerald, his friends, and summons, he smiled and nodded, went up the pillar, placed the seventh Chaos Emerald, floating up, glowing in shining white and it restored its power.

Chip: The final Chaos Emerald… Back at last!

As that final Chaos Emerald restored its power, the continent and the temple started to shake.

Y/n: Come on, let's go back outside.

Sonic and his friends agree with Y/n and head toward the outside of the temple. They are now outside the temple while it closes.

Chip: This should put the world back to normal. Dark Gaia will go back to being sealed within the core, and my work will be done.

Sonic: That's great, Chip.

Chip: Yup. Thank you, Sonic! All of you! It's all thanks to all of you for helping me.

Y/n: *smile* You know Chip, I should thank you. We'd never've made it and gone this far if I hadn't come along to help. Right, guys?

Pikachu: *smile* Pikachu!

Riolu: *smiles* Rio! Rio!

Latios: *smile* Tios!

Latias went up to Chip and nuzzled him with happiness and joy.

Latias: *smile* Tias! Tias!

Sonic and his friends huddled up, smiled, and gave each other a high five.

Everyone: Yeah! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Meanwhile in the sky above Eggmanland…

Professor: Oh... it appears that Sonic and his friends have restored the last of the Chaos Emeralds. Things should settle down around here before long.

Tails: That's right! Satellite footage confirms that the last piece is moving back into place.

Professor: That's wonderful! I'll await your safe return, then. You can give me a full report over a plate of luscious cucumber sandwiches.

Tails: Uh, I'll be happy to fill you in professor.

A sudden shot hits Tails' Tornado as he flies out of control.

Tails: Ahhh!

Back at the front of the last Temple of Gaia…

Sonic: Hmm. I wonder how Tails is doing? He should have contacted us by now.

Chip: Oh that's right. Let's hope that he doesn't get caught by Eggman or Dark Gaia.

Y/n: Me too. I sure hope he is okay.

Everyone agrees, however, Pikachu's ears are twitching and he's on guard. As Y/n looked at Pikachu and was about to ask what was wrong until they heard a rumble.

Sonic: Huh?

Chip: Hmm? Do you feel that?

They looked around to figure out where that rumble is coming from as it was slowly getting louder. From Y/n's Ki Sense ability, he looked up.

Y/n: It’s coming from above us! Get back!

Sonic and his friends quickly dodged back from the crash as a giant red dragon-like machine with a large drill on its left and a large gun on the right, The Egg Dragoon. And Eggman has finally made his appearance. Sonic and his friends are in their battle stance.

Eggman: *smirk* Ah ha ha ha ha! Looks like you're a bit too late, Sonic!

Sonic: Eggman!

Y/n: You never give up, do ya? *equipped his Crimson Rebellion* Even when we turn your robots into scraps, you always come back.

Eggman: *smirk* Oh ho ho ho! That I do! Get used to it, you runt! Thanks to my wondrous technologies, Dark Gaia is whole and complete! And what's more, I have managed to collect valuable data from your newfound pal, Sonic!

Sonic: What?! But how?!

Chip: How can that be?!

Eggman: *smirk* It was recorded from my creations' defeat, it surprised me that your friend is an intriguing specimen from another world. That white-haired rugrat's power is astounding. I harnessed its energy and that runt's combat data, to put it together with this little creation. Behold, the ultra-hyper Prototype-1! Crush them!

The Egg Dragoon crushes on the ground with its drill arm. The ground is starting to crumble fast. Unknowingly for them, Y/n was knocked back.

Chip, Pikachu, and Riolu scream and fall down the hole. Latios and Latias went ahead rescuing them. Sonic loses their balance and falls down the giant hole.

Sonic: NOOO!!!

Eggman: He he he he!!! Ha ha ha ha!!!

Meanwhile in the hole…

Chip, Pikachu, and Riolu are still falling. Latias catches Pikachu while Latios catches Riolu, and tries to catch up with Chip and Sonic. Sonic catches Chip with his arm stretched, jumps on falling debris, swinging and sliding onto the pipe, slides down across the wall, and lands on the large platform. Y/n’s Summons have met up with Sonic and Chip, however, they noticed something is missing.

Sonic: You guys are okay?!

Pikachu: Pika! Pi! Pikachu!

Latias: Tias?!

They noticed that Y/n is missing.

Latios: Tios! Tios!

Riolu: Rio! Rio!

Sonic: What?! What happened to Y/n?!

Chip: Guys, here he comes!

They looked at where Chip is pointing and saw the Egg Dragoon caught up with them, along with Eggman.

Eggman: Oh ho ho ho ho! This gorge will be your tomb!

Eggman flies over with his vehicle into the Egg Dragoon as his cockpit fits in the robot.

Eggman: Hehehahaha!!!

(Vs. Egg Dragoon theme)

Sonic and his friends, except Y/n, are in their battle stance, ready to fight against Eggman's creation, the Egg Dragoon.

Sonic: Hey, what have you done with Y/n?!

Eggman: *smirk* Oh ho ho ho! I made quick work with your pal. Not much of a challenge. Don't worry, you all will be joining him very soon!

Sonic and the others are shocked by Eggman's response.

Eggman: Checkmate, Sonic! Hope you and your pathetic friends have said your goodbyes!

Sonic: Chip, get on my hair!

Chip: O-okay!

Eggman: How about this?!

Eggman readied his huge Gatling gun pointing at them.

Sonic: Look out!

Eggman: FIRE!!!

Eggman shoots his Gatling gun of fire bullets, but they managed to avoid his shots. Latias uses Ice Beam and Latios uses Luster Purge where Eggman is, but it barely does damage.

Eggman: Oh ho ho hoo! Not good enough!

Eggman readied his drill arm and amplified it with electricity. Sonic, Pikachu, and Riolu attempt to attack, however…

Eggman: Take this!!

Eggman swung his drill arm at Sonic, Pikachu, and Riolu, and they were knocked back close to the edge.

Chip: Oh no! Are you guys are okay?!

Latios and Latias: Tios!/Tias!

Eggman: How do you like that?! All of you should have surrendered when you had the chance!

Sonic: Like we'll ever lose to you Eggman!

Eggman: You know Sonic, it's been fun! After all these years, it is finally finished! I've built the ultimate city, Eggman Land! And now It's the time to finish you all off right here, once and for all!

Eggman's machine goes for its right arm as the drill was gonna kill Sonic, Pikachu, and Riolu. Latios and Latias are in front of Sonic and the others to protect them until…

Y/n: *smirk* Back off!

Y/n does a spinning attack of his Crimson Rebellion on the round part of Egg Dragoon and lands where Sonic and his friends are. They are relieved that Y/n is okay.

Y/n’s Summons: *smile* Pika!/Riolu!/Tios!/Tias!

Sonic: Y/n! You're alright?!

Y/n: *smirk* Heh you bet! I wouldn't give up that easily!

Eggman: What?! Impossible! How can you still be standing?!

Y/n: *smirk* Heh I'm too stubborn to die, that was nothing to me. Get ready for your yolk to be scrambled, egghead!!

Eggman: Why you little!!! Prepare to be obliterated! FIRE!!

Eggman fires his large machine gun arm with flaming bullets but Y/n reflects incoming shots. Chip noticed something flashing on the Egg Dragoon.

Chip: That green round thing looks suspicious. Give it a boink, you guys!

Sonic: On it!

As Eggman prepares for a drill arm attack, Y/n calls out to Pikachu to counter it.

Y/n: Pikachu, use Iron Tail! Latios, use Steel Wings!

Pikachu and Latios ran up to Egg Dragoon, and readied his Iron Tail and Steel Wings, the robot swung its arm and both clashed. The robot was about to shoot with its other arm.

Y/n: Riolu, use Focus Blast! Latias, use Dragon Breath!

Riolu uses Focus Blast and Latias uses Dragon Breath to knock back the Egg Dragoon's gun. Sonic saw the opportunity to strike and Sonic did a charge punch at the core. The Egg Dragoon is starting to malfunction.

Eggman: W-What?! No! The controls won't respond!

Y/n: Go for it, Sonic!

Sonic: Let’s do this!

Sonic holds onto Y/n's arm, and Y/n swings his arm and launches Sonic into the robot's leg as it was shaking off Sonic but it fails. Sonic managed to hang in there and made it to the core.

Eggman: Rraagh! Out of my sight!

Eggman shoots out its left arm with the drill coming for Sonic, but Sonic jumps up to the other green spot as the drill hits the machine.

Eggman: Waugh?! Nuoooo!

Sonic jumps while his left arm is on the green spot. Sonic extends his right arm to its right energy container and holds on to the right as he extends his left arm to the next. Y/n used his demonic wings to help Sonic.

Eggman: H-Hey! Wait! Stop! No! Th-This is a delicate machine!

Sonic and Y/n wiggle the two containers hard enough for both of them to fall off.

Eggman: Grr!! Blast you Sonic and Y/n!

Sonic: Hmph! What's wrong, Eggman? Are you losing?

Eggman: I don't think so! Take this!!

Eggman shoots out the left arm with the drill as it destroys the platform as they fall. Pikachu is on Latios and Riolu is on Latias.

Chip: Uwawawaaaugh! The ground's b-b-breaking up!

Eggman goes and shoots its fire at them as they fall.

Sonic: G-Geez, Eggman! Simmer down!

Y/n: *smirk* Hmph. Looks like his yolk is boiling up big time.

They managed to avoid more incoming attacks from the Egg Dragoon as they continued to fall. They are now the center of the planet, filled with lava.

Eggman: Wing units, deploy!

Eggman activates the Egg Dragoon with wings on its back to fly. Sonic and his friends have landed on the rocky platform. Eggman caught up with them.

Eggman: You were lucky, both of you! But luck can't last forever!!

The Egg Dragoon's gun charges up at them, in a blue orb.

Y/n: Everyone, get behind me! Latios and Latias, use Light Screen!

Everyone went behind Y/n, Latios, and Latias in front of them, and both used a Light Screen. As the cannon blasts an ice bomb, they are protected by Latios and Latias.

Sonic: Great thinking there, Y/n!!

Eggman: You little!!! Robots, attack!!

Eggman sends out a few of his robots from the Egg Dragoon.

Y/n: Alright you guys, go for it!

Y/n’s Summons acknowledged his response and started to attack those robots while Sonic and Y/n were dealing with the Egg Dragoon.

Eggman: How about this!?

Eggman readied his huge drill arm attack, Y/n amplified his demonic lightning around him and his sword, and both clashed. Sonic saw the opportunity to strike and did his claw strikes and punches at the green core. With enough damage, the Egg Dragoon is starting to malfunction again.

Eggman: Nnrgh! Lost control AGAIN?! Don't fall apart on me now!

Sonic runs up and jumps onto its leg as it was trying to get off him. Sonic jumps to the green spot.

Eggman: Rraagh! Out of my sight!

Sonic saw the drill coming for him. Sonic gets on the other green spot as it hits the machine.

Eggman: Waugh!! Nuoooo!!

Sonic jumps next to the cockpit as he is ready to punch. Sonic looks at Y/n and smirks.

Sonic: Wanna do this together!?

Y/n: You bet it!

Y/n flies up to where Sonic is and is equipped with his Beowulf.

Eggman: S-Stay baaack!

Sonic punches the cockpit right and Y/n punches left as the cockpit was getting loose. Sonic and Y/n jump up, charging Sonic's fist and Y/n’s feet.

Sonic and Y/n: Dual… Smash!!!

Sonic punches and Y/n ax kicks the cockpit, making it crack.

Y/n: *smirk* It’s all you!

Sonic: *smirk* Got it!

Sonic grabs Eggman's cockpit as he was swinging it around.

Eggman: N-N-No, don't!

Sonic throws the cockpit as it was flying up to the sky.

Eggman: Waaaaaaah!

Sonic: Hragh!

As they have finally defeated Eggman and the Egg Dragoon falls to the lava.

Sonic: Alright, we did it!

Y/n: Whew! Down and out!

Chip: Amazing, you guys!

Y/n’s Summons have cheered for their victory.

While Eggman was defeated and his plans of world domination came to an end, their victory… was short lasting.

Little did they know, the fate of this planet has already begun.

The dark flames are slowly rising from the lava…

To be continued…

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