Chapter 12: Chip's Memories Awakened! Onwards to Final Temple!

3rd POV:

Sonic and his friends have traversed the sixth continent at Adabat, to investigate the activity night and day, and also to find the Temple of Gaia. They manage to defeat one of Eggman's creations and head toward the temple. However, they notice that Chip suddenly felt uneasy but can't figure out what.

As they entered the Temple of Gaia, they noticed Chip was there and looked at the drawings.

Sonic: Whoa!

Y/n: Yep, you said it.

They were surprised to see what seemed to be an ancient drawing of Dark Gaia however there was a certain resemblance that Y/n recognize anywhere. Chip goes up, glows his necklace as a pillar pops up, and flies up the drawing.

Y/n: 'That drawing, that must be Dark Gaia. And the one on top is… Chip?!'

Sonic placed the sixth Chaos Emerald, it glows purple color as it has regained its power while the continent of Adabat is back in place. Chip looks at the ancient drawing and touches it until it lights up brightly. Sonic and his friends noticed what happened.

Y/n: Hey what's going on?

A few seconds later, Chip is getting sucked by the drawing.

Chip: W-whoa, h-help!!

Sonic and Y/n: Chip!!!

Y/n’s Summons: Pika!/Riolu!/Tios!/Tias!

Chip got sucked in the ancient drawing. Chip frantically tries to escape from the void of stars until he hears a voice.

I welcomed your return…

Chip stopped and looked behind him, seeing a mysterious light.

Messenger of day, of light, of rebirth…

A fragment of light energy went inside Chip and his necklace, he embraced it and was awakened by his memories and his duty. Meanwhile, Sonic and his friends are worried about what happened to Chip, until Chip comes out of the ancient drawing and slowly flies to them.

Chip: Everyone, I remember now. All of it.

Chip looked at Y/n and smiled while they were a bit confused until…

Chip: Y/n… I'm honored to meet you at last… a new member of Fairy Tail… and Grandson of Sparda…

Y/n widens his eyes a bit as he's surprised, including Y/n's summons by how Chip knows about him, while Sonic is confused and shocked about Y/n's grandfather.

Chip: Those questions will be answered later, let's leave the temple and follow me.

They agreed as they exited the temple.

Sonic and his friends returned to the village, resting on the wooden platform, watching the ocean flow and the sun slowly setting in silence until…

Chip: My… My real name is Light Gaia. I draw power from the day and light, and guide the planet to its rebirth. My job was to protect the planet from Dark Gaia.

Sonic, Y/n, and his summons are shocked by Chip's real name and his duty.

Chip: But Eggman broke the world apart himself, and Dark Gaia and I were awakened before we should've been.

Y/n: Oh Chip…

Pikachu: *sad* Pika.

Latias: *sad* Tias.

Chip: That's why Dark Gaia broke apart, and I didn't know who I was. I didn't remember what I was supposed to do. All because this isn't the proper time of awakening.

Sonic: Time of awakening?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Chip: Dark Gaia grows over millions of years, then rises to destroy the world. And I put it all back together. We've been doing this over and over, again and again… since the very beginning of time.

Sonic: So you were asleep all this time? For millions of years?

Chip: Yes. For ages and ages. *looks at Y/n* Y/n… I was the one who called you for help, after the unexpected circumstances you experienced, but Dark Gaia disrupted my calling.

Y/n was a bit confused for a few seconds until he slowly realized what Chip meant while Sonic and Y/n’s Summons were shocked as well.

Y/n: The voice I heard before I got here, was you. So that’s why, and how did you know about me, my recent life, and my family lineage? You knew and met him?

Chip: Yes and no. Upon the stars across the world, they tell some story after story. I do know him but we never met in person. But I do know the history of your family's name. About the stories of your grandfather, father, and you as well, a legend.

Sonic: Whoa! Sounds like one heck of a legend, Y/n. Is that the reason why you didn't tell us about your lineage? I still think you're still cool and our friend, no matter what.

Chip: Sonic's right about that, Y/n. Not only are you a member of Fairy Tail, but you also possess the power of the Keyblade. You have a strong heart and a strong will, you never give up and you always stand tall while your family and friends are with you, even if you and/or they're far away. Your summons cares about you as well. As for your friends and family, they missed and cared about you.

Y/n’s Summons: *smile* Pika!/Rio!/Tios!/Tias!

Y/n widens his eyes as he's surprised by Sonic and Chip's response, he closes his eyes for a moment, smiles, and looks at the sunset in determination as if they're right. As Y/n spends his time in this world, Y/n's resolve grows stronger. As they looked at the sunset, they knew what was coming next. Sonic knows and turns into his Werehog form.

Sonic: I bet it's thanks to you.

Chip and Y/n: Hmm?/Huh?

Sonic: Even at night, when I'm like this. I'm still myself. Not like all the other people we've seen. You must have been protecting me this whole time.

Y/n: *smile* 'No… that's not it.'

Chip shook his head as if that wasn’t the answer.

Chip: I haven't done anything, Sonic. You're the reason why you haven't changed at all. You're too strong to lose yourself!

Sonic: I'm the reason?

Chip: Yeah. You never doubt yourself, no matter what. You never give in to the night or the darkness inside your heart. I think it's because I knew that about you, even Y/n too. That's why I wanted you to help me.

Chip flew up and smiled genuinely.

Chip: It's been so fun! Getting to see the world. I've lived here since the planet began, but... I didn't know anything about it. That it's so pretty, or that food tastes so good, or that people are so nice! I'm so glad I got the chance to discover all that with you. And I'm so glad that you helped me find my memory. And you too, my friends.

Y/n: *smile* Yeah, don't sweat it. I have my reasons for helping, right guys?

Y/n’s Summons cheers as they agree with Y/n's response.

Chip: I can tell by heart, I felt honest. That makes me so happy. Sonic, Y/n, I will never, ever forget you.

A moment of silence until…

Chip: Thank you, Sonic, everyone. Goodbye, friends!

Chip flew away from them and they were shocked.

Sonic: Hey!

As Chip flew away, Sonic stretched his arm and grabbed Chip.

Chip: Whoa, wha–?!

Sonic retracts his arm and Chip back to them.

Sonic: Where do you think you're off to all by yourself?

Chip: What... but... My memory is back now, and... Well, from here on out, it's my responsibility, so um... I mean, there's no reason for you to come along, so I should just...

Sonic: Do I need a reason to want to help out a friend?

Y/n: *smile* Looks like I'm still helping out here too. This whole thing is not over until we find the last temple, restore the seventh Chaos Emerald, and defeat Eggman and Dark Gaia too.

Chip is surprised by Sonic and Y/n’s response and feels happy and relieved. Y/n looked at his summons with a toothy smile.

Y/n: *smile* So how about it: Think you guys can handle one last rumble together? Everyone in our world is waiting for us to come back home!

Pikachu: *smile* Pikachu!

Riolu: *smile* Riolu!

Latios and Latias: *smile* Tios!/Tias!

Chip: Thanks, everyone!

Y/n and his summons went together with Sonic and Chip with a smile and gave each other a high five.

Everyone: Yeah! Ha ha ha ha!

Sonic: Alright everyone, let's hurry and head back to the professor!

Everyone agrees with Sonic, they rush back to where Tails is waiting and they fly back to Shamar where the professor's lab is.

(Shamar Hub Day)

The sun is up and Sonic is changed back into his normal state. They arrived back at Shamar, entered, and saw Professor Pickle and Amy in his lab. However, Amy rushed over to Sonic and hugged him.

Amy: Sonic, how I missed you!

Sonic: Come on, Amy. Take it easy. I'm fine.

Y/n: Hehe, nice to see that hasn't changed.

Chip: That girl always clinging to Sonic huh?

Tails: Hehe yeah. Hello professor, we're back!

Pickle: Ah Sonic and his friends! I see all of you have managed to restore the sixth temple and the sixth Chaos Emeralds as well. Excellent job! However, I'm glad all of you came just in time too. I have located the final temple and it won't be easy.

Y/n: Okay so where is it at?

Pickle: …The final temple is located in Eggmanland.

Y/n: Really?

Chip: Oh no! That's terrible!

Sonic: So Eggman finished building his theme park?!

Pickle: I'm afraid so, Sonic. As I mentioned earlier, the final temple is in Eggmanland. I'm certain of it.

Tails: That means we don't have much time before Dark Gaia awakens! We have to hurry and put the last emerald in the temple!

Pickle: Indeed, Tails. Time to ride on Tails' Tornado-2 to the scene! Talk to young Tails, whenever you are ready.

Tails: Alright then, you guys are ready to go? Oh before we're off, here Y/n.

Tails handed Y/n a large box, Y/n was surprised and wondered what it was.

Y/n: So what is it?

Tails: *smile* It's a present from Sonic and me. You can open it, you'll like it.

Y/n nodded as he opened the box and he was surprised to reveal what seemed to be the same resemblance to Sonic's shoes, but a different design.

Y/n: Whoa! These look so cool! Is this… for me?

Tails: That's right, Sonic brought up that idea because you helped us, told him to never give up while his Werehog form and he's still my friend that I know. Sonic told me about who and what you are and your family's heritage.  Besides any friend of Sonic, is a friend of mine no matter what.

Sonic: That's right, I helped with your present as a thank-you gift. With us together, we can do anything to accomplish and protect what matters to us. Friends will be there wherever they can, no matter what dangers you face.

Amy: Yep no doubt about that. We face a bunch of bad guys besides Dr. Eggman. With us together, we can win.

Chip: I agree with Sonic, Amy, and Tails. I know you missed your family and friends, but I know that they'll always be with you, inside your heart. Even if they're far away, their connection with you, they'll never be broken.

Y/n was surprised by his friends' response as he realized that they were right. Y/n genuinely smiled, accepted their gift, and put it in his dimensional pocket for when he got back home.

Y/n: 'Sonic, everyone, thank you.' Okay then, is everyone ready to go to the last temple?

Everyone cheers as they agree, look at Professor Pickle, and nods.

Pickle: Good luck, my friends. I know you all will save the world and us. We're counting on you.

Amy: Be safe over there!

They rush to Tails' Tornado-2, leave Shamar, and head toward their last destination, Eggmanland.

(Tornado Defense 2nd Battle)

Tails are riding on his Tornado-2 with Sonic and Y/n, while Chip is riding on Latias along with Latios, Riolu, and Pikachu, on their way to Eggmanland.

Tails: We're almost at Eggman's main base, you guys.

Sonic: I doubt that egghead will be happy to see us again. I'd be ready for their welcome party.

Y/n: Yeah no kidding there. I know we got this.

Chip: Guys, look ahead!

They look where Chip is pointing and see a bunch of Eggman's aerial robots flying their way, as they were expecting them.

Y/n: Hmph looks like we'll make them into fireworks again.

Sonic: Yeah guess they won't let us through.

Tails: Don't worry, you guys I got this! Here we go! Transform!

Tails' Tornado-2 has transformed into a fighter jet, having a booster engine on the back as they zoomed across the sky. Sonic fires four colored rockets to shoot down the air robots from the sky while Y/n fires his Ki Energy from his Revenant, also Ebony and Ivory. Y/n’s Summons fires their long-range attacks. There are a few robots heading towards them, Sonic and Tails maneuver with a barrel roll, shoot multiple targets and the robots are destroyed.

Sonic: Nice upgrades, Tails!

Tails: Thanks!

Chip: Guys, another group is coming at us!

They see another group of air robots coming towards them, and Y/n has an idea.

Y/n: Pikachu, Riolu, Chip, I catch you! Latios and Latias, use Aerial Ace!

Y/n’s Summons acknowledged Y/n’s idea. Y/n managed to catch Chip, Pikachu, and Riolu, Latios and Latias used Aerial Ace through the air robots and they were destroyed.

Chip: Nice job, you guys!

Y/n: Let’s keep this momentum going!

They continued to fly through the sky until they saw a familiar battleship, with a few modifications coming from the sky.

Sonic: Whoa! The welcome committee's out!

Chip: Oh man, it's Eggman again!

(Boss Battle Day theme)

Eggman: Ha ha ha ha! Don't think this will be like last time! Prepare to be sunk!

Y/n: Egghead just can't get enough huh?

Tails: Be careful, everyone! Eggman is up to something!

Eggman: Go! Fire all weapons!

As the ship opens its mouth, Eggman orders and fires robots and rockets toward them. To their quick thinking, Sonic and his friends fire their long-range attacks at the robots and rockets. Tails saw the opportunity.

Tails: Now's your chance, guys! Fire!

Sonic and his friends have fired their long-range attacks against the mouth of Eggman's battleship, resulting in heavy damage.

Eggman: Grrr!!! Why you wretched brats!! Time for the laser blast!!

Eggman's ship opens its mouth as he begins to charge a laser attack.

Sonic: What the heck?!

Tails: We have to stop it!

Y/n: Okay, I'll handle this!

Chip: Y/n, where are you going?!

To their surprise, Y/n jumped off Tails' Tornado-2, formed his demon wings, and flew in front of Eggman's battleship. Y/n made his stance, concentrated his Ki from before, cupped his hands and a blue Ki energy was formed.

Y/n: Kame…

Sonic: Whoa! Is he gonna–?!

Tails: Everyone, pull back for distance!

Sonic and his friends have distant from the upcoming attack.

Eggman: Gah ha ha ha!!! You'll be the first one to disappear, from my hands, you runt!!

Y/n: Hame…

Eggman: FIRE!!!

Y/n: HAAAA!!!

As Eggman fires a laser blast while Y/n has done the Kamehameha technique as the beams collide. However, Y/n's power is starting to push forward as Eggman is losing it. Eggman's battleship is spewing in smoke as it's in critical condition.

Eggman: Gwaaaugh!!! Sssonic!!! Yyy/nnn!!! Don't think you won this!!!

Eggman and his battleship are retreating, and Y/n flies back to Tails' Tornado-2.

Sonic: That. Was. Awesome!

Tails: Way to go, Y/n!

Y/n: Thanks!

They continued to fly through the sky until they saw Eggmanland up ahead.

Chip: That must be Eggmanland! The temple must be around here somewhere!

Tails: You guys should be able to jump off and land at the base entrance.

Sonic: Thanks for your help, pal! Alright, guys, ready to do this?!

Y/n, his summons, and Chip agreed. Sonic and Y/n jump off Tails' Tornado-2 as they skydive to Eggmanland while Latios and Latias fly along with Chip, Riolu, and Pikachu.

Tails: Good luck, guys! Be careful!

Tails wished them good luck as they were heading towards Eggmanland, to locate the final temple and restore the seventh Chaos Emerald.

What awaits Sonic and his friends in Eggmanland?

To be continued in the next chapter…

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