Chapter 11: Tropical Rumble in Adabat!

3rd POV:

(Shamar Hub Night)

After Sonic and his friends have successfully restored the fifth Chaos Emerald and the continent of Shamar is back in place, they head back to the lab to tell the professor about their progress.

Sonic: Hey professor, we're back!

Pickle: Ah Sonic, Chip, and Y/n! Another piece of the planet is back in place! A splendid job indeed!

Y/n: Right so what's our next location of that temple, professor?

Pickle: I'm glad you asked Y/n, the next location of the Gaia Temple is located in Adabat. It is an architectural marvel of a stilt house village, built atop the water in a jungle strewn with ancient ruins, and is blessed with plenty of sun, wind, water, and the locals as well. You could say it's a tropical island of paradise.

Y/n: Sounds like a great spot for a vacation, let our worries wash away to relax.

Chip: Oooh I bet they have delicious food try it out too!

Pickle: Hahaha! Quite true! Anyhow, according to the Gaia Manuscripts, it's certainly where the sixth temple is. In the meantime, I'll do my best to locate the final temple. I'll let all of you know when you've returned safely.

Sonic: Thanks, professor! Let's go, you guys!

Chip and Y/n: Yeah!

They exited the professor's laboratory and they see Tails doing some mechanical checks on his Tornado-2.

Tails: Hey guys, any news from the professor?

Y/n: Yeah, our next stop is Adabat.

Tails: Great! Oh before we're off, Y/n, I made something that you're gonna like.

Y/n: Really, what is it?

Tails: *smile* Can't say it's a surprise, I'll let you know. Trust us.

Y/n: Hehehe okay, I believe you. Now, let's head to Adabat, everyone!

Everyone agrees, Tails readied his Tornado-2 and lifted off to their new destination at Adabat.

(Adabat Hub Night)

As they landed and arrived at Adabat, they were amazed to see the beautiful night scenery in Adabat. Y/n is taking some pictures around Adabat.

Y/n: Wow, it sure is peaceful out here. The feel and smell of the beach breeze feel great.

Tails: Yeah, it's a great spot for a vacation.

Sonic: No kidding, what do you think Chip- Huh? Where'd you go?

They looked around and they spotted Chip at the local restaurant, looking at the menu.

Chip: Mmm. They sure look so good, can't wait to try them!

Everyone laughs at Chip, four glowing orbs came out of Y/n which are Pikachu, Riolu, Latios, and Latias, they were amazed and excited to see around Adabat. They looked at Y/n, telling him that they wanted to eat around here.

Pikachu: Pika! Pikachu!

Riolu, Latios, and Latias: Rio!/Tios!/Tias!

Tails: Looks like they wanted to hang out with us.

Y/n: *smile* Hehehe alright then, let's eat here, then we can go to the Entrance Stage.

Sonic: Great idea Y/n, besides we can't go on without an empty stomach.

Sonic and his friends have decided to take a break at the local restaurant, order some food and begin to eat. After a few minutes of finishing their food and Tails is waiting by his Tornado-2, they're heading to the Entrance Stage.

Y/n: A stage is already opened for us.

Sonic: Let’s do this!

They prepared and entered the stage.

(Jungle Joyride Night Stage)

They arrived on the stage and started to run the path until they were stopped by Dark Gaia's minions.

Sonic and Y/n: Everyone, let's go!

Sonic charges in first as he rapidly claws swipe attacks at those dark creatures and finishes them with a powerful punch. Y/n equipped with his Yamato, he did the Rapid Slash combos surrounding him. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, Riolu uses Metal Claws, Latios uses Aerial Ace and Latias uses Steel Wings. The dark creatures have disappeared.

Sonic: Wow, you guys are awesome! You guys sure know how to fight huh?

Y/n’s Summons: *smile* Pika!/Rio!/Tios!/Tias!

Chip: Sure looks that way, that's amazing!

Y/n: Yep. Let's keep going.

They agreed and continued to proceed through the road. They see a pole ahead and the other land is a bit far.

Y/n: Looks like we'll go the same way as Chun-nan.

Sonic: Yeah but how will they–

They see Pikachu riding on Latias and Riolu riding on Latios to get to the other land.

Chip: They made it there no problem, let's go guys.

They agreed, Sonic pulls the pole by sending him to the other land while Y/n does the same. They see a door, Y/n pulls up the door and it opens. However, they see the Big Mother coming up from the floor again.

Y/n: The big tubby comes out to play again. Stay on guard.

The Big Mother jumps for the shockwave, luckily they dodged it quickly. Latias uses Steel Wings on its legs, Latios uses Zen Headbutt on its arms, Riolu uses Quick Attack and Pikachu uses Electroweb to trap the Big Mother. Y/n grabs Sonic's arms, spinning him around, launches at the target, and does the spinning screw attack. The Big Mother has disappeared. They continued to proceed through the road and they were stopped by a broken bridge.

Sonic: Oh great, more water, give me a break.

Y/n looked around until he noticed a button, he pushed a button and a platform appeared from the water.

Y/n: There, all we gotta do is jump on the platform to another. We've got your back, Sonic.

Sonic: Thanks!

They continued to proceed through the road, going through the obstacles and jumping from pole to pole. They see a red crystal, a pedestal, and a lever. However, they were stopped by more of Dark Gaia's minions. Pikachu and Riolu nodded at each other as they were ready for a tag team attack. Pikachu uses Quick Attack and Riolu uses Copycat as he keeps up and copies with Pikachu, and the dark monsters are gone.

Y/n: Awesome job Pikachu, and Riolu! I'm proud of you two!

Pikachu: *smiles* Pika!

Riolu: *smiles* Rio!

Chip: Yeah I agree. Sonic, you should climb up where the lever is and Y/n place the red crystal in the pedestal.

Sonic: Good thinking, let's go!

Sonic climbs up the platform where the lever is, Y/n grabs the red crystal and places the pedestal, Sonic pulls the lever and the large gate is opened. They went in the gate and they could barely see the goal ring; however, they were stopped by more of Dark Gaia's minions and a Titan.

Y/n: We know what to do with this situation!

Sonic: That's right, bring it on!

Sonic and Y/n have teamed up against the Titan, Y/n rapidly slashes its arms, Sonic punches its legs and Sonic finishes it off by grabbing the Titan and slamming it to the ground. Y/n’s Summons have taken off the dark creatures. They noticed more buttons for a passageway of the waterfall. As they activate the three buttons, the waterfall opens and the goal ring appears. They went through the goal ring and cleared the stage.

(Jungle Joyride Night Stage ended)

They went back to the village and the sun was rising which means it was almost morning.

Sonic: Alright, another stage success!

Y/n: And just in time too, look.

They looked where Y/n pointed out where the sun was rising, dark energy went back inside of Sonic and he returned to his normal state.

(Adabat Hub Day)

Chip: I guess time flies by pretty fast. I'm sure the Adabat temple is almost open.

Y/n: We should take a little break, drink some tropical drinks and watch the beautiful scenery here.

Y/n’s Summons: *smile* Pika!/Rio!/Tios!/Tias!

Chip: I agree! I bet it tastes great!

Sonic: Great, a little nap will do. Man, the breeze feels great.

Sonic and his friends are taking a little break around the village of Adabat while Y/n taking some pictures around in the daytime. Sonic talks some more about his other friends that he forgot to mention, other than Tails and Amy. After they finish their break, they head to the Entrance Stage where the Adabat temple is opened. Everyone looked at each other and nodded as they were ready and entered the stage.

(Jungle Joyride Day Stage)

As they entered the stage, they were on the platform surrounded by water.

Sonic: Oh great, more water.

Y/n: Don't worry Sonic, we got your back!

Sonic smiled and nodded at Y/n's response. They're in a position to race through the stage.

Sonic and Y/n: Here we… GO!

Sonic and Y/n run through as they sidestep the platforms to make Sonic avoid drowning in water and make it to land. Sonic jumps on springs while Y/n uses his Flowmotion ability to maneuver up the platform. As they made it, they saw the same three green robots again.

Sonic: Hmph! Those guys don't give up!

Y/n: I have an idea! Latios and Latias, use Draco Meteor!

Latios and Latias used Draco Meteor from their mouths on the three green robots and they were destroyed.

Sonic: Nice job of air support, you two!

Latios and Latias: *smile* Tios!/Tias!

Y/n noticed there was water up ahead.

Y/n: Sonic, get ready to run on water!

Sonic: Okay!

Sonic and Y/n braced themselves as they boosted together on the water while they dodged the falling pillars. As they made it to the ground and ran, they saw a large blue robot.

Y/n: Pikachu, use Electro Ball! Riolu, use Vacuum Wave!

Pikachu uses Electro Ball and Riolu uses Vacuum Wave together, aiming the large blue robot and it explodes.

Sonic: Alright, let's keep going!

They continued to proceed through the road. They see the water again and they know what to do. Sonic and Y/n have boosted together across the water and dodged the falling pillars. They make it to the ground and see a button to open the gate, Sonic stomps on the button a few times and the gate is open. They stopped to see a big dark hole. Sonic jumps on the springs while Y/n follows him with his Flowmotion ability, makes it through and they see a big waterfall.

Y/n: Whoa! That's the most amazing waterfall I've ever seen!

Sonic: Yeah but no time for that! Let's keep moving!

Y/n: Right!

Sonic and Y/n jump from platform to platform, grinding rails and they see an ancient palace. They boosted through the road, destroying Eggman's robots ahead, jumped towards the land and they made it through the goal ring.

(Jungle Joyride Day ended)

They have cleared the stage. As they were looking for the Temple of Gaia, they noticed Eggman's creation appeared on the mountain, the Egg Lancer.

(Boss Battle Day Stage)

The Egg Lancer jumps from the mountain and lands in front of Sonic and Y/n, ready to battle. They noticed some familiar designs from Eggman's creations.

Y/n: Is it me or did he fuse one from Mazuri and one from Spagonia together?

Sonic: Hey you're right, he did! But we're not gonna let that stop us! Here it comes!

Sonic and Y/n are chasing after the Egg Lancer. Egg Lancer begins to shoot its lasers and fire missiles at Sonic and Y/n but they manage to avoid it. As the Egg Lancer does a claw swipe attack, Sonic sees the chance to boost into it and Y/n does a spinning attack with his Crimson Rebellion.

Robot: Condition yellow. Proceeding to combat mode level two.

They continued to go after the Egg Lancer where they had to go to the wall. Sonic runs up the wall and Y/n follows him with his Flowmotion ability. The Egg Lancer is hiding below them, shooting its lasers and dodging them quickly. The Egg Lancer came out quickly as it went for a claw swipe at Sonic but Y/n managed to use the Royal Guard.

Y/n: Now, Sonic!

Sonic: Okay!

Sonic boosted into it again and did more damage. The Egg Lancer begins to smoke.

Robot: Condition red. Proceeding to combat mode level three.

The Egg Lancer went ahead while Sonic and Y/n got off the wall and landed on the ground, they dodged its laser attack and fire missiles, and the Egg Lancer files up above the bottomless pit.

Sonic: You ready for this Y/n?!

Y/n: Always ready for a challenge!

Sonic and Y/n jump from wall to wall, they catch up with the Egg Lancer at a fair distance, Sonic grabs Y/n’s hand as Sonic spins him around, and throws Y/n while quickly equipped with his Yamato and Oblivion Keyblade.

Y/n: There’s no escape!

Y/n spins himself around as does the Deep Stinger through the Egg Lancer and it begins to explode. They've successfully destroyed the Egg Lancer.

Sonic: What, over already? Oh well.

(Boss Battle Day Stage ended)

Sonic and Y/n landed safely on the ground, looked at each other, smiled, and gave a high five. They went their way to the temple.

As they walked inside the Temple of Gaia, Chip came out of Sonic's hair, went ahead of them and he suddenly felt uneasy.

Chip: Uhhh…

Sonic, Y/n, and his summons notice Chip's behavior and become worried about their friend.

Sonic: What's wrong buddy?

Y/n: Yeah Chip, you okay there? You seem a bit tense.

Latias: *worried* Tias?

Chip: Huh? Oh, right. I'm just… scared.

They were a bit shocked at Chip being scared, but can't figure out what.

Sonic and Y/n: Scared?

Y/n's summons: *worried* Pika?/Rio?/Tios?/Tias?

Sonic and his friends looked at the Temple of Gaia, there was no one around. Even Y/n used his Ki Sense ability but didn't find anything.

Sonic: It’s just another old temple. It doesn't look like there's anyone around either.

Y/n: …I don't sense anyone from the inside too.

Chip: That's… That’s not what I mean. That's not… N-never mind. I'm fine. Let's go!

Chip suspiciously walks and files ahead to enter the temple. Sonic and his friends were confused and worried about Chip.

Sonic: Chip… Y/n, what do you think that was about? I'm concerned about our friend.

Y/n: 'That's weird, I wonder what happened to Chip all of a sudden? Wait, could it be–?' I'm not sure, it's a bit early to say, but we all are worried about Chip.

Sonic: Right. We'll think about it later, let's go inside the temple.

Sonic and his friends are entering the Temple of Gaia, but they can't help but are still worried about Chip.

What awaits them in the temple?

To be continued in the next chapter…

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