Chapter 10: Operation London Part 2
Meanwhile, the two Robotniks arrive at the vault. There. They see the second card key at the other side of the room.
"Our destiny awaits," Dr. Robotnik says.
Just then, Sonic and Eve arrive at the scene.
"Stop right there, Roboscums!" Sonic says.
Dr. Robotnik turns Professor Gerald, "Let's do this!"
"Copy!" Professor Gerald says.
The two Robotniks rush into the vault, but part of the floor turns red, and they both get pulled down into the floor, like they are magnetized to the floor. Sonic and Eve rush over, but while Sonic walks on the floor, Eve stays back.
"Too slow, Eggmen. Now, if you don't mind, I gotta get that key..." Sonic says.
But before he can, part of the floor he's standing turns green, making him levitate in the air.
Sonic panics, "My feet! Why can't I use my beautiful feet?"
"I think it's the floor," Eve says. She then brings out a coin, tosses it on the ground. The ground the coin turns green and begins floating up.
"It looks like some kind of anti-gravity device on the floor, or rather, a part of the floor," Eve says.
"You are correct," A voice says.
Eve turns to see Rockwell entering the room, holding a device, which is programmed for the room.
" Because this vault is armed with variable gravity," Rockwell says.
"No kidding," Professor Gerald says
"Green goes up and red takes you down hard," Rockwell says.
"I can see that," Eve responds.
Sonic then explains, "Rockwell, listen to me. The Robotniks are planning..."
Director Rockwell then spins Sonic around in the air as she says, "They're planning on stealing the second key just like you are. Yes, I'm aware. I called it the second Commander Walters was attacked. So, thank you for taking the bait and falling right into my trap."
"I don't believe this," Dr. Robotnik says, shocked.
"I know, grandson. A woman in the military," Professor Gerald says.
Rockwell and Eve roll their eyes in response to hear that statement.
Just then, GUN Soldiers bring in Tails, Jazz, Tom, and Maddie. Then some of them surround Sonic and the others.
"Robotnik. Going full spandex, huh?" Tom says. Then notices Professor Gerald, "Who's the fossil?"
"That's my grandfather, you dough-eating dimbecile," Dr. Robotnik says.
Then the professor asks, "Who are they?
"A couple of bleeding hearts here to rescue their emotional support animals," Dr. Robotnik says.
"Hey! Don't call them that, " Eve sternly says, "If you didn't have your face planted to the floor, I would be punching you in the face right now."
"I'm surprised that you're here..." Professor Gerald says.
"Oh, I found a way to break out of Robotnik's restraint, Professor," Eve says.
Just then, Rockwell sternly says, "Enough! It's over. The only way you're leaving here is in handcuffs. There's no other way out."
But then Sonic says, "You know, there might be one other way out."
"And what is that supposed to be?" Rockwell questions.
Sonic contacts through the com, "Big guy, I think it's time to..."
Outside, Knuckles flies off Big Ben, breaking the clock.
Knuckles shouts, "Break glass in case of emergency!"
Knuckles then bursts through the energy shield and into the building, knocking Rockwell away, and sends the device flying. Knuckles then catches the device.
"Ha! Nothing can stop Team Knuckles," Knuckles says.
"Knuckles!" Eve says and rushes over.
"Eve, glad to see you've escaped and joined the battle," Knuckles says.
"Yeah, great dramatic and epic entrance," Eve says.
Knuckles nods.
Just then, Rockwell shouts, "Open fire!"
Soon, the GUN Soldiers begin firing at Sonic, Eve and Knuckles.
"Knuckles! Turn the device! Quick!" Eve cries out.
"On it," Knuckles says and smashes the device.
Suddenly, the device begins to malfunction, "Uh oh."
Soon, Knuckles, Eve, and some soldiers are sent flying, while some end up face planting the ground.
"Ha! See how you like..." Sonic says, before he falls to the ground.
Soon, other GUN Soldiers begin floating or fall to the ground. Tom, Maddie, Tails, and Jazz end up glued to the floor on the red panels.
"Can you move?" Tom asks.
"No. Not at all," Maddie says. Then turns to Tails, "Tails?"
"No. I'm stuck," Tails says.
"Chao Chao! Chao Chao Chao!" Jazz cries out, trying to move, but unable to.
"We might be here for a while," Tom says.
Still floating, Knuckles punches out a GUN soldier.
Rockwell looks around for the keycard, "Where's the key?" She then spots it floating in the air. So she flies towards it.
Just then, a metal bar from some debris falls near Maddie.
"Whoa!" Maddie cries out.
"What was that?" Tom asks.
"We might have a problem," Maddie says.
Sonic and Eve soon notice the debris crumbling above their friends and family.
Eve gasps in shock as Sonic panics, "No, no, no, no, no!"
Rockwell pushes through some soldiers to try to reach the keycard. However, the floor panels turn red and they fall to the floor. Robotnik noticed and struggled to move, but he inched his way as he and Rockwell race for the keycard.
"I'm moving. I'm moving!" Dr. Robotnik says.
"You go get it, grandson!" Professor Gerald says.
Just then his dentures pop out of his mouth, "Hey!"
"Whoa, whoa!" Knuckles fly around while the debris is ready to break off and fall on the others.
"Tom! Maddie! Tails! Jazz!" Eve cries out and tries to float her way over.
But then, she floats over a floor that turns red and pushes her down.
"No, no, no!" Sonic panics
Sonic and Eve struggle and are barely able to lift themselves up as they release a charge.
Rockwell and Ivo continue to inch their way towards the keycard.
Dr. Robotnik calls out, "Almost there."
More debris falls near the others.
"Whoa!" Maddie reis out.
Jazz panics, "Chao Chao!"
Both Sonic and Eve struggle to get up and soon are able to perform a spin dash.
Finally, the debris breaks off and falls toward the others.
Tom cries out, "SONIC! EVE!"
Together both Sonic and Eve spin dash harder as they struggle, and activate their powers, shutting down the devices. Both of them spin dash, hit the debris just in the nick of time. Then, they both crash into the wall. With that, the anti-gravity device shuts down, everyone falls to the ground and are able to lift themselves back up. Rockwell quickly gets up and grabs the keycard before Dr. Robotnik.
"That was so not worth it!" Dr. Robotnik says.
Gerald puts his dentures back on as the others get up.
"You okay?" Tom asks.
"Yeah," Maddie says.
Then Tom remembers, "Sonic! Eve!"
Then the couple rushes over to the two hedgehogs.
"Hey," Tom says.
Sonic groans, "Sonic and Eve, one."
"Concrete boulder zero," Eve says, and groans in pain.
"Thanks for the save," Maddie says.
"Getting a little close, don't you think?" Tom says.
Director Rockwell calls out, "Secure the room!" heads out of the room with the keycard in hand.
Maddie notices, "She's got the key."
"How are we going to get it back?" Eve asks.
Then Tom says, "I got an idea."
Moments later, Rockwell walks down the hall, she stops to come across... a still-alive Walters?
This shocked her, "Commander Walters. Sir. You are..."
"Still alive? I will die before I let the key fall into the wrong hands. Thanks for keeping it safe," Commander Walters says and holds out his hand, "I'll take it from here. That's an order, Director Rockwell."
Rockwell hands Walters the keycard.
"Now, organize the reinforcements," Walters says.
Director Rockwell nods, "Yes, sir."
As Rockwell leaves, Walters goes off before revealing he's actually Tom in disguise.
Soon, Eve flies down, from the ceiling.
"Did you get it?" EVe asks.
"Yeah. I got it," Tom says.
Tom then answers through the com, "Guys, guys, I got the key! I repeat, I got the key! Now let's get out of here."
"Yeah. Let's hurry before anything else happens," Eve says.
Unfortunately, as he puts his Walters disguise back on, Shadow bursts into the building.
"Shadow?" Eve questions, confused.
"Eve?" Shadow responds.
But when he notices, 'Commander Walters,' he becomes very angry, "Commander Walters!"
"No, no, no! Wait!" The 'Commander' panics.
Eve quickly gets in front, "Shadow, wait! That's Commander Walters! It...
But Shadow zips towards them.
Tom cries out in his voice, "Eve, look out!"
Then Tom pushes Eve away just as Shadow punches Walters away, knocking him down and dropping the key.
"What?" Shadow questions.
Eve groans and is able to sit up. But she gasps to see the state Tom is in.
"Tom!" Eve cries out and rushes over.
Eve shakes him, "Tom! Wake up, Tom! Please, Tom! Please, please, please, wake up! Dad! Dad!" and tears begin streaming down his face.
"No..." Shadow softly says, and has remorse in his eyes.
He remembers seeing that state before.
He remembers seeing the state Eve is in, crying for Tikal's dead body, crying out 'mom'
Eve continues crying, "Please Tom, please wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"
Suddenly. Eve eyes wide in shock, and mutters, "Mo-Mommy... Ma-Maria... This... This happened before..."
Soon, Eve's mind flashes back to see her younger self crying over Maria and her mother's body. Little Eve cries out, "Mom! Maria! No!"
Just then, Sonic arrives, "Tom, everyone's cleared! Come on, let's go!"
But then notices Shadow, "You.. what are you...?"
He notices Tom's unconscious body on the floor.
"Tom!" Sonic cries out, distraught, "Tom. Tom, what happened? Speak to me, come on! Come on, come on, it's gonna be okay. Please, please, please get up! Hey, come on, please wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up! Come on! Wake up, wake up, wake up!"
Seeing Sonic panicking over Tom's body reminds Shadow of himself and Eve being saddened by Maria and Tikals' death.
Flashback, Shadow cries out in distraught, "Maria."
Out of the flashback, Sonic looks to Eve, "Eve, what happened?!"
But notices the stunned and pale expression Eve has, "E-Eve... Are you... are you alright?"
Sonic then turns to Shadow in anger, "What did you do?"
Shadow looks at the keycard before looking at Sonic, "What I had to."
Shadow then teleports himself to Eve, "And hopefully, Eve will fully see it."
Shadow then picks Eve up and disappears before Sonic can stop him.
Soon, Maddie and the others arrive.
Maddie cries out in distraught, "Oh, my God! Tom!"
She and the others rush to the unconscious Tom in worry and fear.
Back with the two Robotniks, Gerald struggles to get up.
Professor Gerald calls out, "Help me up, kid."
Dr. Robotnik helps his grandfather up from the floor.
However, GUN soldiers surround the two as one shouts, "Freeze! Don't move!"
"Any tricks on your sleeve, Captain Grantastic?" Dr. Robotnik asks.
Suddenly, Shadow teleports as he places Eve down. Then teleports around, and takes down the soldiers. Shadow then returns to pick Eve up and pops up in front of the Robotniks. Dr. Robotnik yelps in fear and hides behind Professor Gerald before popping back out.
Shadow holds the key, "We got what we came for."
"Great job, Shadow," Professor Gerald says, taking the key.
Dr. Robotnik says, "We have both keys. Where's your little project?"
"It's closer than you think, my boy," Professor Gerald says.
Later, the four three are teleported to the Eclipse Cannon, surprising Ivo. The lights turn on inside the ship.
"Welcome to my masterpiece. I must hand it to GUN. They built her to my exact specifications," Professor Gerald says.
"It's remarkable..." Dr. Gerald says, astonished.
"Mm-hmm," Professor Gerald says.
"Astounding..." Dr. Robotnik says, amazed.
"Yes," Professor Gerald says.
Dr. Robotnik then turns and points at Gerald, "That's my genius grandino!"
"And I have one more surprise," Professor Gerald says.
Two costumes rise up on display, with Dr. Robotnik looks more like his game counterpart.
"It's... a new suit!" Professor Gerald says.
Ivo looks back and forth before squealing in joy. He gets on the floor and crawls to Gerald's boot, kissing it.
Gee," Professor Gerald responds.
Meanwhile, Stone makes it onto land while the Mecha Crab sinks.
Back to the Robotniks, they've put on their suits.
Dr. Robotnik happily sings, "I'm a chip off the old block. I'm a chip off the old block. I'm a chip off the old block!"
Just then, his communicator begins ringing.
Dr. Robotnik answers, "What do you want, Stone? I'm busy."
On the com, Agent Stone explains, "Doctor, I've a bad feeling about this. I don't think your grandfather's been completely honest with us. Something Shadow said. There's more to their plan. Even Eve sensed there's more to the professor and Shadow's plan.
On the com, Dr. Robotnik says, in anger, "How dare you?! You've been jealous of my long-lost grand-pop tart since the very beginning. I no longer require your obsequious groveling. Consider this your notice of termination. Your letter of reference will be L for loser. Of course, I'll expect you to stay on until you've been successfully cloned, but you and I are done! Like a blackened catfish dinner!"
Agent Stone tries to reason with him, "Sir, it's too dangerous and I'm not there to protect you! I already lost you once! I-"
"Unsubscribed, blocked and reported," Dr. Robotnik says before hanging up.
Distraught, Agent Stone says, ""I can't lose you again..."
Back on the ship, Gerald holds up the two keycards to Ivo.
"Do the honors, grandson," Professor Gerald says.
Giddy, Dr. Robotnik says, "Here we go."
They both insert the keycards together in a SEGA Genesis-like console, activating the weapon. Something opens in the River Thames before a spaceship/weapon, the Eclipse Cannon, rises out from it. Everybody, including Team Sonic, watches in bewilderment.
In the ship, Ivo offers a high-five to Gerald, who refuses. Shadow watches with his arms crossed, but there is a small spark of doubt and second thoughts. He then turns to Eve, who is still sitting on the ground with a stunned and distraught look on her face. He also begins to wonder if Eve is going to start to remember the incident
Still outside, Stone also watches as it takes off into space.
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