Chapter 1: Sonic and Eve's HAPPY B-Earth-Day Party
One day, at Green Hills, Eve, Tails, Jazz, and Knuckles gear up for a race. Sonic soon comes in, eating a chili dog while wearing an inflatable duck floatie, sunglasses, and pink flippers.
Eve snickers, trying her best not to laugh, "Sonic, what in the world are you wearing?"
Jazz giggles in response.
With his mouth full, Sonic says, "Wait a second. I thought we were going tubing? Hold on, hold on. Is this a race?"
"Well duh," Eve says, rolling her eyes.
Determined, Tails chuckles and says, "You're going DOWN!"
"It is my destiny to claim the throne of family champion, hedgehog," Knuckles says.
"Chao chao," Jazz says.
Sonic says, "Cute. Are you sure you wanna challenge the fastest creature in the universe? I mean, that's kind of my whole brand."
"Well, you still need to beat me bro. I'm just as fast as you are," Eve says.
Sonic laughs, "You wish, sis."
Sonic then spins out of the outfit and gets ready to race.
Sonic calls out, "Okay, Tom and Maddie. Count us down!"
"Alright," Tom says.
He then turns to Maddie, "Don't worry, a little sibling rivalry is healthy. Me and my brothers used to do this kind of thing all the time."
"Tom, your brothers are lunatics and neither of them were born with the power to trigger a global cataclysmic event, so..." Maddie points out.
"It's a fair point," Tom says, agreeing with his wife.
He then says to the teens and kids, You hear that, guys? No cataclysmic events, okay? Let's keep this cataclysmic-less."
"Ten-four!" Sonic says.
"Alright Tom," Eve says.
"Got it!" Tails says.
"Chao," Jazz replies.
"Understood, 'Lord of the Donuts'," Knuckles says.
"Then on your marks. Get set..." Maddie says, and then waves the flag, "Go!"
And with that, all five of them race down the forest.
Sonic races and says, "And way out in front, to the surprise that absolutely no one, it's the Blue Blur! The red shoe rocket! The one and only..."
"Nice try, bro!" Eve calls out.
Sonic turns to see Eve has caught up to him.
"But it's going to take more to beat me so easily. You don't want to forget your red blur sister now," Eve says.
Suddenly, Tails and Jazz fly over them.
"Come on, guys! Catch up! Yeah!" Tails says.
"Chao Chao," Jazz says.
"What in the what now?!" Sonic questions, and turns around.
Soon, they both see Knuckles has passed them.
"I am also defeating you, hedgehogs!" Knuckles says.
"Seriously? Alright, you know what? Time to light up the afterburners," Sonic says.
Then turns to Eve, "You know what I mean."
"I so do," Eve says with a smirk on his face.
With that, Sonic and Eve pick up speed he calls out, "It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Air Hedgehog!" As he runs off a fallen tree, soaring through the air and past his friends.
Both Sonic and Eve begin to spin dashes down into a hoop and roll quickly across the land. Sonic runs down a log and loops inside it as Eve spin dashes over the log. They both then hit the goal post in a similar manner to the video games.
"Yes! I did it!" Sonic says, doing a victory dance.
Eve, who is standing behind him says, "No.I'm the one who did it. I beat you."
"Yeah right! I beat you, so I win!" Sonic says.
"No, I won!" Eve argues.
"No I won!" Sonic argues.
"I won!" Eve argues.
"Actually guys..." Tails' voice speaks out.
They both soon spit their friends standing nearby, having beat them first.
Shocked, Sonic says, "Lost?! How was that even.... we did not lose!"
"Yeah. How were you all able to beat us!" Eve adds, just as confused as Sonic.
"I am also defeating you, hedgehogs!" Knuckles says.
"Okay, okay. I get it, man. Don't need to rub it in," Sonic says.
"Come on, Sonic! Catch up!" Tails says, and cheers.
"Chao chao," Jazz says.
"What in the world?" Eve responds, deeply confused.
"Wait, what's going on?" Sonic asks.
Sonic and Eve touch the others, making their faces shift and swivel.
"Wha! Why are you guys acting like this?" Sonic asks.
Eve looks up and says, "Sonic, look."
Sonic looks up to see three drones projecting holograms of Tails, Knuckles, and Jazz.
"Holograms! Which means..." Sonic says and gets excited, "I remain the undefeatable speed champion of all time! Yes! And the crowd goes wild!"
"Uh Sonic, I think you're missing the point here," Eve says.
"Oh yeah. What's going on?" Sonic responds.
"Let's head back to camp," Eve says.
"Last one there's a rotten egg," Sonic says and dashes forward.
"Hey! No head starts!" Eve shouts and races after him.
Sonic and Eve soon arrive to see the gang is throwing a surprise party for them. Or rather a 'HAPPY B-Earth-Day' surprise as the banner says.
Everyone shouts, "Surprise!"
"Oh my," Eve says, surprised.
"Wait a second. You guys. What is all this?" Sonic asks, surprised.
"You throw a party for us," Eve says, surprised.
Sonic reads the banner, "Happy Bea Arthur Day?"
"Oh, it's Happy B-Earth-day," Maddie clarifies.
"Today's the anniversary of the day you both came to Earth, bud. It's your B-Earth-Day birthday," Tails says.
"So, the race was just a distraction, which I totally didn't fall by the way," Sonic says, confidently, "Good try, though."
Eve shakes her head, "We actually had no idea. You all throw a party for us."
"Today, we honor you and your brother," Knuckles says.
"If it wasn't for you, none of us would be here right now," Tails says.
"With ya there, bud," Tom says, "You know, the day you came to this planet, our lives changed forever."
"And we became a family," Maddie says.
Ozzy barks which translates, "You stole my hoomans!"
"Oh guys..." Eve says with a smile.
"I don't... I don't know what to say... except..." Sonic says, and cheers, "Let's PARTY!"
Everyone cheers in delight.
"It's now on until the break of dawn!" Knuckles says.
"Yeah!" Eve says.
"Chao Chao," Jazz replies.
And with that, the gang are having a great time at the party.
Later, after the party, Sonic, Eve and Tom have a walk in the woods.
"Thanks for the surprise party, guys," Eve says.
"It really means a lot to us," Sonic says.
"Yeah. You deserve it, guys," Tom says.
Soon, Sonic sees something and gasps in excitement, "No way! Is that?" And speeds off.
"What? Dude. Just for once, walk at my speed?" Tom questions.
"Not gonna happen in Sonic's case," Eve says, shrugging her shoulders.
Eve soon notices where Sonic is going, "Oh my."
And with that, Eve dashes forward as well.
Tom rolls his eyes and follows Sonic and Eve. He soon climbs down the hole to find himself in the cave that Sonic and Eve used to live in.
Looking around, Tom asks, "Whoa. Sonic. Eve. Is this your...?"
"Yep. Our old cave," Sonic says.
"I can't believe this is where you lived all those years," Tom says.
He then spots his nunchucks, "Hey, hey! My state-of-the-art security system," He the plays with the nunchucks until they hit him, "It still works."
"Oh Sonic," Eve says, rolling her eyes.
Tom then notices a containment capsule nearby.
"Hey guys, what's this?" Tom asks.
Eve walks over to the capsule, "Well, this... this is the capsule I told you about."
"Really? This is the one you told us about?" Tom asks.
"That's right. Sonic found me in this. Sadly, there's nothing inside, and I had no clue where I came from," Eve says.
"Hmm, looks pretty old," Tom says.
"It's old alright," Eve says.
"Guess it was a bit hard at first," Tom says.
"Yes. It was, but don't worry, I got you guys now," Eve says.
Then Tom notices a mural on the wall, "Hey bud. What's this?"
The mural shows Sonic and Longclaw back in Mobius. For a more descriptive inference, They are seated on the top of a loop-de-loop back in Green Hill on South Island.
"Wow. You know, I drew that on my first night on Earth," Sonic says, "I wanted to remember where I came from. I still miss her," Then turns to Tom, "You think Longclaw would be proud of me?"
"I know she would, pal," Tom says, 'Cause even though you lost her at such a young age, you didn't let your pain change who you are," and points to Sonic's heart, "In here."
"Yeah. In my lungs," Sonic says.
Eve stifles her laughter.
Tom chuckles, "Or your heart."
"Heart, right. Yeah. Makes more sense. Not lungs, heart," Sonic says.
"Yeah Sonic," Eve says and hugs Sonic.
Sonic and Eve laugh as they hug each other.
Then Tom says, "That's the thing about life, guys. It's all about the choices we make. And you're gonna make some good ones and knowing you, you're gonna make some bad ones. But... as long as you remember to listen to your heart, you're gonna make the right choice when it matters the most.
"Thanks. I don't know what I would do without you," Sonic says. Then turns to Eve, "Even you, Eve. Without you, I might find myself, who knows what might happen. I will probably be a totally different hedgehog."
"Maybe," Eve says, sounding a bit uneasy.
Tom notices it, "What's up, Eve?"
"Tom, do you think I'll ever learn where I come from, or who I was?" Eve asks.
"Well, it's hard to say. You've been having so many dreams about your past. Sure, the past is part of what helps you get through life, but what matters is the person, or rather hedgehog you've become," Tom says, and gently pets Eve's head, "No matter what happens, you're always going to be Eve."
Eve smiles, "Thanks Tom," and hugs him, "I wouldn't have it any other way."
"That's my girl," Tom says.
Then Sonic asks, "Speaking of dreams, didn't you mention about having another dream."
"Yes. I did, but... it felt so real," Eve says.
"How so?" Tom asks.
"Well, it's hard to explain. I... keep having dreams about the same girl and hedgehog. In one of my dreams, they were both running while I was in the hedgehog's arms and the two ended up letting go as the Echidna stood in front, like she's protecting us," Eve says.
"Yikes," Sonic says.
"But... that's not the weird part," Eve says.
"How so," Tom says.
"Well, before I woke up, I found myself in some strange room..." Eve says, trying to remember what happened, "The room seems dark, like it hasn't set foot in a long time. I soon noticed something glowing and then I saw him, the hedgehog I saw in my dreams, only he seemed to be in some capsule.
"Capsule? Like the one you were in?" Sonic asks, pointing to the capsule.
"Yes. He looked like he was asleep, but suddenly woke up and burst open the capsule. He seems to be full of sadness and anger," Eve says, "And that's when I woke up.
"Hmm, you've been getting a lot of dreams about that guy lately, maybe they're trying to tell you something," Sonic says.
"Maybe," Eve says.
Tom says, "I'm sure you will someday."
"Yeah. Until then, let's get back to our camp out," Sonic says, ruffling Eve's head.
Eve laughs, "Right."
Meanwhile, walking around the streets of Tokyo on a rainy day, Shadow is all alone and has a frown on his face. A taxicab drives away from the hedgehog, splashing water at him. He looks around before seeing a screen, which shows the year 2024.
"2024?" Shadow responds, and becomes stunned to realize. "I've been trapped for fifty years?"
Just then, GUN agents arrive in the city and surround the hedgehog as the people run away.
A G.U.N Soldier says, "We have you surrounded!"
Seeing them makes Shadow angry and says, "Why... won't you leave me... alone?!"
He angrily surges in chaos energy as they aim their weapons.
Back at the camp, Knuckles burns his marshmallow by the fire. The others are roasting marshmallows with luck.
"I have dishonored my marshmallow," Knuckles says.
Using his blowtorch gizmo to heat his marshmallow, Tails says, "It's really just a question of temperature in distance."
"It's not a competition," Maddie says.
"This is so nice," Tom says.
"Peace?" Maddie says.
Quiet?" Tom says.
Maddie then says, "Finally..."
Suddenly, Ozzy and Jazz hear something.
"What's wrong, Ozzy?" Eve asks.
"You okay, Jazz?" Tails asks.
Just them, a G.U.N helicopter flies in and shines a light on them, interrupting their campout.
Annoyed, Sonic says, "Hey! We're trying to have a family moment down here!"
"Yeah. And we don't need anyone interrupting our campout!" Eve adds.
The chopper lands and GUN soldiers step out.
"What did we do?" Maddie questions.
Tom then says, "What did they do?"
Tails whispers to Sonic, "What did you do?"
"I don't know. I do a lot of stuff," Sonic says.
Finally, a female GUN director, Rockwell, steps out to meet the gang. A woman with short black hair, peach skin, and dark yellow eyes. She wears a black G.U.N. jacket with yellow and light blue details with a gold zipper.
Director Rockwell says, "Mr. and Mrs. Wachowski," And removes her sunglasses, "Aliens."
Offended, Sonic says, "Aliens? Excuse me? It's not like we're from different plan-" And soon realizes, "Oh, yeah, we are. I guess we are aliens. Please continue."
Director Rockwell then says, "I'm Director Rockwell. There is a very dangerous situation unfolding right now in Tokyo. Commander Walters is requesting Team Sonic's immediate assistance."
"Team Sonic? Who picked that name?" Knuckles questions.
Eve says, "I don't know, but let's go with it.
Sonic does like it, "Love it! 10 out of 10! No notes!"
Then turns to the couple, "Tom and Maddie, put the s'mores on ice, because Team Sonic is off to save the day!"
Team Sonic heads out in the GUN helicopter.
"Remember! Make good choices!" Maddie calls out.
And soon, the helicopter leaves the campsite and Montana to make their way to Tokyo.
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