Chapter 1: Hedgehogs Day Afternoon Part 1
In a large secure Vault from the Bank, Sonic and Eve are trapped inside. Eve stands around thinking while Sonic is bouncing off the walls, trying to open the door.
Sonic continues to try opening the door as he says, "Could this be the end of our Intrepid Hedgehog heroes? Will their crusade against grime get locked away in the Vault of Despair? Can anyone out there hear them as they cry... was the world not ready to meet the Spiny Sentinels?!"
Eve sighs and says, "Sonic, stop running around like crazy. I'm trying to think."
Sonic stops running and stands next to Eve, "How can you relax knowing that we're trapped in the Bank Vault?"
"Well, I'm not too keen about being stuck here myself, but we need to find a way to get out," Eve says.
"Yeah. And I didn't expect us to be trapped in this vault," Sonic says.
"Well, I didn't expect that lady to zap us like that and lock us in there, and that they somehow got a hold of Robotnik's glove," Eve says.
"Remind me again how we got into this mess?" Sonic questions. "I mean, we were doing fine hours ago."
Flashback: 12 Hours Ago at Wachowski Residence
It's a snowy day together, and Maddie is leaving the house to get to the clinic. She walks out of the house and closes the door.
Maddie calls out, "Bye, Sonic! Bye, Eve! I have to get to the clinic. Promise me you both will stay out of trouble until Tom and Wade get back from their trip."
In the house, Sonic is sitting on the couch as Eve is doing a little cleaning.
Sonic calls out, "Oh sure, Maddie. Absolutely nothing to worry about. Just gonna get in a little bit of us time."
Then lies down on the couch, "Yessir... not any problem having out by ourselves. Did it for most of our life. Absolutely no crushing loneliness setting in."
"Sure Sonic," Eve says, rolling her eyes, and dusting off some of the furniture.
Moments later:
Sonic groans in frustration, "Urgh, it feels like forever."
"It's only been seven minutes since Maddie left," Eve says, vacuuming the floor.
Sonic ruffles his quills in frustration, "I can't take it anymore! I'm so bored!"
"Well, I'm not the type who wants to sit around either, but what do you wanna do? Maddie will be gone for a little while and Tom and Wade won't be back for sometime," Eve says, dusting some of the table.
Sonic stands how, "How about we have a little lightspeed socialization. It can never hurt."
"That's true. We've been doing this for years until we met Tom and Maddie," Eve says.
Then Sonic asks, "So why are you cleaning anyway?"
"I thought it couldn't hurt. We're living here so I thought it would be nice to help around the house," Eve says as she cleans the table.
"Sounds boring," Sonic says and lets out a yawn.
Then says, "If you're finished cleaning, let's go have some fun."
"Sure," Eve says.
Sonic and Eve soon head to the front door. Ozzy is actually sleeping on the floor.
He wakes up with a "Hrmm?" so see the two Hedgehogs leaving.
Sonic shushes to Ozzy, "Shhh! Don't tell anyone, Ozzy, or it's no more table scraps for you."
Eve kneels to Ozzy and rubs his head, "Don't worry boy, we'll be back soon. Behave yourself."
"Alright then, time to check in with our adoring public," Sonic says, and speeds off at top speed.
Eve rolls her eyes, "Brothers, oh brothers."
Eve then turns to Ozzy and says, "Bye Ozzy. Be a good boy."
Then Eve leaves the house, and locks the door with the spare key Tom has for her. Then she speeds off to catch up with Sonic, which is no problem.
Sonic and Eve speed off to town, and the first thing they do is build snowmen. They use the snow in the area to make the snowmen and gather up sticks, stone, and carrots to make the arms, and the face. When they're done, they made a group of snowmen. Then they dash off. As they dash off, a few people pass by to see the snow display.
One of them says in shock, "What in the world?!"
The next thing they do is play a little snowball fight. Sonic rolls up the snow in a snowball.
"Here goes Eve, this one is going to hit directly at your face!" Sonic says with a smirk.
Eve calmly crosses her arms, "We'll see about that."
Sonic then throws his snowball to hit Eve. But Eve catches it, tosses it in the air as she moves. And then she throws it at Sonic, and it splatters at his face and falls down to the ground.
"Well, it looks like your face is the one that got splattered in the show," Eve says.
Sonic lifts his index finger up and says, "Touche."
After the little snowball fight, Sonic and Eve are riding their snowboards down a hill just outside of town, and they are having a blast. They perform different tricks and jumps as they fly in the air.
Lastly, they rush to the donut shop. Well, Sonic speeds inside and caused a bit of a ruckus.
The shop owner shouts, "Dang teenagers out here making mischief... they should be in school!"
Then Sonic and Eve dash away from the Donut shop and are relaxing in the snow.
Sonic practically talks to the donuts like Tom. The donut has a frown made of sprinkles and sunglasses.
Sonic talks to the donut, "And occasionally, Eve and I used my wicked and cool powers to protect them from the force of Evil. Though there's only been one force of evil so far... am I slipping from my old age."
Then says while moving the donut, "'Aw shucks, Sonic. Everyone knows you're a hero.'"
Then Sonic says, "Please, SGT. Sprinkles. You're too kind if only I could be a real hero along with my sister... two mysterious average with a tough-sounding name like 'The Electric Hogs'"
"'That sounds pretty cool.'" Sonic says, acting in the donut voice.
"The name sounds weird if you ask me," Eve says.
Suddenly, someone says, "I tell ya, you were a Blue Devil and a Red Witch when ya first showed up on my property, and that's still the best name for ya!"
Sonic and Eve turn to see Carl, who used to be known as Crazy Carl.
Sonic says, "Whatever, man. It's still a way better name than 'Crazy Carl.'"
"Ain't so crazy as I look, ya Blue Devil," Carl says and walks away.
Eve turns to Sonic, "I guess we'll always be known as the Blue Devil and the Red Witch to him."
"Yeah. Crazy Carl is always Crazy Carl," Sonic says.
Then turns to Eve, "We take down one megalomaniacal scientist and then it's back to a life of boredom."
"Well it could have been worse," Eve says.
Then Sonic speaks through the donut, "Yeah. You both could be out on some boring fishing trip with Tom up in Walla Walla."
Meanwhile, in Walla Walla... There is a robbery going on. Three robbers wearing their hoods or masks, invade the bank and have guns.
The one in the green jacket shouts, "All right, this is a hold up! Nobody Movie!"
The employees and the people in the bank begin to panic in fear.
The one with the purple hood says, "Just calm down, people! We don't want your pathetic life savings, anyway."
Soon, the robbers have their guns pointing at the people as they fall to their knees and cower in fear. The one with the purple hood points his gun at a young woman that is wearing a black jacket, jeans, and has red hair.
The man orders the woman, "You're coming with me to the vault, sister. If I find what I think I'm gonna find, no one gets hurt."
Then presses the cock of his gun at the woman's back, "Ow! I'm going! I'm going!"
And with that, the two enter the vault together. Then the man in the purple hood begins searching for something in the drawers and compartments in the vault.
He is opening one of the deposit boxes, "Come on, safely deposit box 203! Time to cough it up!"
Finally, he opens the box and something glows inside. He reaches inside and takes out a glove.
With a malicious grin, the man says, "Success! A fully functioning Robotnik control glove and all the hardware to tap into his network, just like the client promised... but that doesn't mean we can't sow a little mayhamd before we turn it over to him."
At the Edge of town:
Tom and Wade are ice fishing as they sit in their chairs and listen to the radio.
Tom turns to Wade and says, "Wade, you ever think that all the problems in your life suddenly would be solved if you achieved one pure moment of absolute tranquility?"
"No, Tom," Wade answers, "But have you ever thought about how awesome it would be if we asked the Federal Government to buy us a police chopper?"
"I had enough airborne action when that nut job dropped Maddie and me off a skyscraper, buddy," Tom says.
"Sure. I guess I'll just have to keep waiting by the ol' reliable police scanner here," Wade says, "Maybe someday I'll heed the call to adventure."
Suddenly, the radio changes the tune and announces, "Attention all available units! We have an armed robbery in progress at the First Bank of Walla Walla! Request immediate Backup!"
"Dude, no way!" Wade says, shocked.
"Look, if we're gonna answer this call, I need you to cool your jets. I've already got Hyperactive Daredevil back home," Tom says.
Wade chuckles, "Come on. You know I'd look great with spiky blue hair."
Then asks, "What about Eve?"
"Eve is kind of hyperactive, but she's also calm and a little more responsible than Sonic," Tom says.
Tom and Wade then pack up their gears and head to the truck.
Once inside, pick up his walkie talkie and calls out, "Unit 5-0 of the Green Hills Sheriff's Department in Montana are en route to provide tactical support!"
"Wait... you're coming from where?!" The officer says, on the radio.
Back at the Wachowski Residence:
Eve is in the kitchen making herself and Sonic some chili dogs for lunch. After she finishes cooking the chili, she scoops some with a spoon and puts it on the finished hot dogs. Once she's done, she places the empty pot in the sink. Then garnished some chopped onion and grated cheese on the top of the chili dogs.
Once she's done, Eve calls out, "Sonic, lunch is ready!"
Then Sonic zips over and stops at the counter.
"About time, I was hungry," Sonic says.
Eve grins, "Sonic you're always hungry, especially for chili dogs."
"I know," Sonic says, and takes his plate.
Eve takes her plate, "Come on, let's go to the living room and watch the soccer game."
"Sounds good," Sonic says.
Both hedgehogs walk to the living room, to see the news is on.
The news reporter says, "We're still learning details about what appears to be a hostage situation as armed bandits brandishing weapons have held up a Bad in Walla Walla Washington."
"Walla Walla? Isn't that where Tom and Wade are?" Sonic asks.
"It is. I wouldn't be surprised Tom and Wade might be called over," Eve says.
Then they hear the reporter say, "Police have as yet been unable to find an entrance or get any intelligence from inside..."
"Come on sis, I say we go there and handle it ourselves. We'll have it done in a jiffy," Sonic says.
"Sonic, we're supposed to not get ourselves into trouble," Ever sternly says.
"Come on Eve, we're not going to get into trouble, we're going to save people from trouble. Besides, I know you want to help those people as much as I do," Sonic says.
Eve sighs and says, "Fine, we'll go, but only because they said the police couldn't get in. We can get in easily, and I'm making sure you don't cause any trouble."
"Yeah!" Sonic says, excited.
"It will take around 350 miles to get there from here, so we should be able to get there quickly," Eve says.
"More like in a flash. Let's go sis," Sonic says.
And with that, the two hedgehogs speed off to stop the bank robbery and save the hostages.
Meanwhile: At the Bank
The robbers have found what they're looking for.
One of the robbers looked out to see the police outside.
He whispers, "Uh... hey, boss? The cops already got this place surrounded. Where's that escape route you promised?"
"Chill, bro. I'm activating the work of a genius right now. And venus takes time," The purple hooded man says.
He places Robotnik's glove on his hand and begins to touch the controls.
The machine says, "Scanning for local assets..."
The guy mutters, "C'mon... c'mon!"
Meanwhile, the young woman who is supposed to be the hostage is hiding behind the counter and looking uneasy.
"Just breathe, Lindsey. A few more minutes and this will all be over..." The woman, Lindsey says.
She takes a deep breath in exhaustion.
Just then, she hears a voice, "Oh, it'll be over in less than a few minutes. A few seconds is all I need for bums like this."
"Gah!" Lindsey yelps and turns to see Sonic and Eve.
"No need for alarm, citizens! Not when Super Streak is in your presence!" Sonic says with confidence.
Eve rolls her eyes in reply.
Lindsey feels the same, "That's the hero name you're going with? Sounds like you're naked..." Then notices Sonic is practically wearing close to no clothes, "Wait, are you naked?"
"Well, he has fur so I don't think it's much of a problem. He's wearing gloves and shoes," Eve says.
"At least you're wearing clothes, but you do have a nice outfit," Lindsey says.
"Thanks," Eve says.
"Whatever, "I'm still workshopping it," Sonic says, rolling his eyes.
Sonic takes a peek, "Anyway, Eve and I are more than experienced enough to deal with these creeps."
"As long as we don't get ourselves into crazy stuff," Eve says.
Then turns to Lindsey, "So how did you manage to hide from the robbers?"
"I have my ways," Lindsey says.
"I see," Eve says, feeling a bit doubtful by Lindsey's statement.
Then Lindsey asks, "Seriously? You two can stop them?"
"Just point us in the right direction, lady," Sonic says.
"I think their leader is still in the vault," Lindsey says.
"Thanks," Eve says.
Sonic and Eve then quickly speed into the vault. Sonic of course speeds around it.
Sonic stops running and looks around, "Where are they?"
"I don't see the leader. Maybe they already left," Eve wonders.
"Any ideas why they come here?" Sonic asks.
"They probably were after money, but it doesn't seem the money was taken," Eve says.
Eve looks around and notices some of the deposit boxes are open.
"It seems that they're searching for something," Eve says.
"Could be," Sonic says.
Soon, Eve walks to the side of the vault where some of the deposit boxes are open. She notices that one of the doors of the deposit is wide open. She reaches for it and slowly moves it to see 'Robotnik' written on the deposit box door.
"Robotnik...? Why would that be open? Eve wonders.
Sonic looks around as he calls out, "Come out. Come out..."
Suddenly, Sonic ends up receiving an electric shock from behind and collapses on the ground.
Eve quickly turns around, "Sonic...?!"
But ends up with the electric shock as well, and collapses on the ground as well. Holding the taser gun is Lindsey and sternly stares at the two hedgehogs she zaps. Then angrily turns to the man in the purple hoodie.
Lindsey angrily says, "God, Jason! Your screwing around hasn't just blown my cover... it's also attracting weird mutant rodent things!"
Then glares at him as he fiddles with the glove, "Would you stop trying to play video games on that gizmo and get us extracted?"
"Almost there, honey bunny," The man in the purple hoodie, Jason, continues to work with the remote.
"Don't get cute with me Just get it done," Lindsey says, frustrated.
Lindsey and Jason leave the vault and leave the two hedgehogs inside.
Lindsey brings out her phone and says, "It's the captain. I'm mad the cops are breaking down our door, and now someone sent in two giant chipmunks after me."
"A what?!" A voice says over the phone.
"I don't know. One of them is a fast-talking blue freak. And the other freak is black with red stripes. I took care of them," Lindsey says.
The voice over the phone says, "The creatures matching those descriptions would be... of interest to me. I'd be willing to pay extra to make sure they get delivered to me in one piece."
"I can deliver them to you, but an extra half million crypto better make its way to my wallet, and your extraction plan better be here asap," Lindsey says.
Soon, the vault door begins to close as the two hedgehogs are still unknown from the electric shock.
Sonic slowly opens his eyes and mutters, "Wait... who is that?"
Eve groans as she slowly opens her eyes. Before the vault comes to a close, Eve sees a familiar glove on the man's hand. Soon, the vault closes, trapping the two hedgehogs inside.
Flashback Ends:
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