Chapter 9: Labyrinth Battle

Back in Hawaii, after escaping from the basement, Maddie and Eve have Tails placed down against the tree to check on him. And soon they hear something that gains their attention. They turn their heads to see a large pillar of green light visible across the ocean.

"Guys, what is that?" Tom asks.

"A big problem. The compass led Robotnik to the Emerald," Maddie says.

"That's got to be hundreds of miles away," Maddie says.

"You're right. It looks like it's across the ocean," Eve says.

"All right. Huddle up. Let's figure out a plan. Together," Tom says.

However, Sonic begins to walk off, "There's no time for that. I'm the only one that can get there fast enough."

"Sonic, this is way too big for you to do by yourself," Maddie says.

Sonic stops and moves his hand to the unconscious Tails, "You see that little fox over there? He came all the way across the universe to meet his hero. And what did his hero do? I practically got him killed. You know what? You were right. My moment came and I blew it. I'm no hero."

"Sonic, Wait," Eve says.

"No, Eve. I'm not letting you or anyone else get hurt because of me. I'm gonna fix this while I still can," Sonic says, and dashes off.

"Sonic!" Tom calls out.

"Sonic!" Eve calls out.

Soon, Tails awakens to see Sonic running off. "Sonic, wait!"

Tails tries to fly to catch up to Sonic, but due to his condition, he's no shake to fly and falls to the ground.

Eve turns her head, "Tails!"

"Chao Chao!" Jazz calls out.

Eve and the others rush to Tails.

"Hold on. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait. Don't move. Don't move," Maddie says.

"Take it easy, little guy. You're hurt," Tom says.

Jazz flies to Tails, "Chao. Chao Chao." And hugs Tails.

"It's okay, girl. I'm alright," Tails says, and hugs Jazz back.

"Are you sure? What happened was really bad?" Eve asks.

"I'll be alright, but we have to help him. You don't know what he's up against," Tails says.

Everyone soon turns their focus towards the green beam.

With determination, Eve says, "I gotta go after him."

"Eve, are you sure about this?" Tom asks.

"I'm sure. Sonic and I have been getting into trouble together and we've been together for a long time. I'm not going to stop that now. I don't care if I get hurt, I know that my brother needs me," Eve says.

Eve looks at Tom with determined and caring eyes.

Tom sighs, "Alright, just promise to be careful. You and Sonic."

"I will," Eve says.

Then Eve hurries off to catch up to Sonic.

Then Tom and Maddie turn to Walters who is tied up.

"You believe us now?" Tom questions.

Walters nods and lowers his head.

Meanwhile, back at Green Hills, Wade is riding down the streets on a Segway, wearing a helmet with a police light on it.

Wade calls out, "Hey, Bob! Hey, Maria, how you doing? Working on my moves. Just keepin' it green. No need to burn the fuel." as he stops in front of the Mean Bean Coffee shop, "Speaking of fuel..." He tries to walk in, but slams into the locked door, and notices the sign, "Closed? That doesn't seem right."

Wade then peeks in through the window to see Stone working at the computer. His eyes wide in shock and leaves the window.

Inside the coffee shop, Stone is flipping through a new outfit concept for Robotnik, "Close. Yes. Makeover, makeover. Look at you."

Suddenly, Wave bursts through the door and draws a gun, "Freeze! Police!"

Stone soon raises his hands over his head.

"Oh, my god, you got robot hands. You got robot hands," Wade says, shocked to see Stone's gloves

"No, they're gloves," Stone says.

"Get 'em up," Wade says.

Then shouts, "Now spread your fingers! Now wiggle 'em! Wiggle your digits! Yes, like you just finished a big musical number! Good!" and Stone carries the orders out, but to Wade's satisfaction, "

"Why is there a light on your head?" Stone asks.

"'Cause I'm the sheriff for the weekend, pal," Wade answers.

Back at Hawaii, Sonic reaches towards the edge of the island.

Seeing the ocean, Sonic isn't feeling confident, "Water. Why did it have to be water?

Sonic takes a deep breath, "Okay, you can do this."

Gets himself into a track start position, "Gotta go fast."

Sonic takes a deep breath and speeds across the water as fast as he possibly can. Soon a wave starts to pick up. Sonic struggles to keep balance and himself above water. Sonic continues to struggle as the waves get bigger and rougher. Suddenly, Sonic hears something and turns his head back to see a familiar red light heading straight towards him, as he begins to lose consciousness, and blacks out.

Suddenly, Sonic hears a familiar voice, "Sonic... Sonic..."

Sonic soon regains consciousness and wakes up to see Eve.

"E-Eve...?" Sonic softly says.

Soon, Sonic regains consciousness fully to see her.

Eve smiles and says, "Morning sleepy head."

Sonic quickly gets up in shock, "Eve?! What are you doing here?! It's too dangerous for you to go with me! I let Tails get hurt and I can't risk the same to you!"

"Sonic the Hedgehog, I've been with you for ten years and we've gotten into a lot of trouble again. And you're right, it is dangerous, dangerous for you to go alone. And I refuse for you to do this by yourself. We've been through too much together to separate ourselves now," Eve says.

Sonic sighs, "You are one stubborn hedgehog. As stubborn as I am."

He then smiles and says, "Thanks for coming after me."

"No problem. What are siblings for," Eve says, and helps Sonic up.

Soon, the two begin to explore the island and soon find the path that leads to the Labyrinth.

Alright inside, Robotnik and Knuckles are already ahead and trailed by several of Robotnik's drones. Running through the maze, Robotnik and Knuckles already know that the Labyrinth is full of dangerous surprises. Arrows flying out of the wall, walls of spikes blocking their path, large spike balls swinging between them, and a spike ball rolling towards them. And during the time, Robotnik Drones crash or get crushed.

As they run from the spike ball, Robotnik screams, "I don't want to die like this! It's derivative!"

Up ahead, a heavy stone begins to slide shut.

Robotnik cries out, "Make room for daddy!"

Knuckles quickly catches the door and holds it in place long enough for Robotnik to slide under it. Once Robotnik is through, Knuckles dive from under the door as the ball smashes into it.

Robotnik counts his legs, "Two and two. Great! We're still bipedals, more or less."

Robotnik and Knuckles stand up, and look around the moment.

"Fire in the hole!" Robotnik says.

Robotnik and Knuckles duck in time to avoid a flame throwing trap.

"I've solved it. There is a booby trap every seven seconds..." Robotnik says.

Soon, a swinging blade trap just barely misses Robotnik's mustache, and slams the wall.

"That was a little early. So glad it didn't cut off my mustache," Robotnik says.

And turns to Knuckles, "Hey, Little Red Wrecking Ball. I know you're dying to get your Emerald on, but can we be a little bit more mindful of our surroundings? May I?"

Robotnik then presses the buttons on his glove, and a small drone comes out to scan the area.

"In 30 feet, turn left," The drone says.

"Work smarter, not harder," Robotnik says.

Then the two continue to explore the labyrinth. Back at the entrance, Sonic and Eve slide down a water slide and soon land in front of the maze.

Sonic groans in pain, "Argh... my pelvis."

"My back," Eve says in pain.

The two siblings stand up to see the Labyrinth before them.

"Okay, secret temple, let's see what you've got," Sonic says.

Soon, Sonic and Eve start running through the labyrinth, barely avoiding the traps along the way. Eve also brings out her sword and uses it to slice and dice some of the traps.

Up ahead, Knuckles punches through a stone doorway, allowing him and Robotnik.

Robotnik scans the area and says, "You have arrived at your destination."

""Wow. That really opened up the space. I can't even picture it with an impenetrable wall now. And the rubble is always a nice touch," Robotnik says.

Robotnik and Knuckles look to see the wide open room, and a stairway leading to the Master Emerald, which is being held by a stream of green light stretching into the sky

"At last. The Master Emerald," Knuckles says.

"Ultimate power," Robotnik says.

"Soon, order will be restored. All because of what we have done together," Knuckles says.

"Such a lovely sentiment, Knuckles. I think I feel a single tear forming. Sadly..." And Robotnik secretly uses his glove to make a taser, "You're as useful to me now as a backstage pass to Limp Bizkit!"

Before Robotnik can taser Knuckles with his glove, they both hear screaming and crashing sounds from above them. Soon, the two hedgehogs crash through the ceiling and land on the ground

"Nailed it," Sonic says.

And the Spike Ball crashes down behind them.

"These guys are always trying to spoil a bad thing!" Robotnik says, irritated.

"Ah, you guys are here, too? Took the long way, huh?" Sonic says, and turns to Eve, "And my sister uses her new fancy sword to make an exit."

Eve rolls her eyes, "You and your jokes."

"Is everything a joke to you? Why must you constantly interfere with my destiny?" Knuckles demands are irritated.

"Because my destiny is to protect my friends and family," Sonic says, determined.

"I think I just threw up in my mouth," Robotnik says to himself.

"And if you want that Emerald, you're gonna have to go, through, me," Sonic says.

His eyes glow blue, as he charges his energies. Robotnik swallows his throw up. Then Sonic dashes up the stairway. Knuckles builds up his own powers and dashes across the wall from Sonic. Sonic notices and leaps to the wall across from Knuckles. The two then leap towards each other and collide midway, exchanging punches and kicks.

"The Echidna's taking no prisoners today! Sonic has heart, but will he lose the quill to live?" Robotnik says.

Eve watches in concern as Sonic and Eve land on the ground and slides across from one another.

"I don't want to fight you, but you're not giving me, much, CHOICE!" Sonic says, determined.

He then leaps towards Knuckles, but Knuckles punches him into a waterfall draining from an owl carving.

"Sonic!" Eve calls out.

"Too easy. Let's do this," Knuckles says, and walks up the stairway towards the Master Emerald.

But Sonic cuts him off, who slices through the stairway and makes Knuckles fall backwards. Sonic runs across the temple and right above Knuckles. He then spins dashes and pounds Knuckles into the ground. Sonic eventually gets out, but Knuckles leaps out and rapidly punches Sonic, but Sonic dodges every hit.

Knuckles continues to throw his punches, "Why - don't - you - stand still - and die - WITH HONOR!"

"Let me think about it. Okay, I thought about it and, I, pass," Sonic says.

Eventually, Knuckles hits Sonic so hard that he sends Sonic hurdling right outside the entrance to the room. Eve then rushes to Sonic to his aid. Meanwhile, Robotnik makes his way to the Master Emerald.

He looks at the emerald and says, "Hi there, beautiful. You're the real deal, aren't you?" and says in Italian, "'Where have you been all my life?'"

Sonic regains consciousness as Eve helps him sit up. They soon look to see Knuckles holding a massive chunk of stone in his hands.

"Say goodbye, hedgehog," Knuckles says.

But before he could, Eve quickly gets in front of Sonic to protect him, "Knuckles stop!"

Knuckles stops to see Eve standing in front of him.

"Oh, it's you again," Knuckles says.

"Um yeah," Eve says. She calms herself and says, Listen Knuckles, you really don't want to get involved with Robotnik. He's, well, crazy."

"And totally evil," Sonic says.

"Sonic," Eve says, annoyed.

"It's true. That guy attacked us, tried to destroy us, and the guy's a quack," Sonic says.

"I get it," Eve says. Then turns to Knuckles, "Still, you shouldn't trust Robotnik. He's just using you."

Knuckles then places the stone down and crosses his arms, "Why shall I believe your word."

"Well, you can't. You just have to trust me on this," Eve says.

Soon, Sonic and Eve notice that Robotnik is about to grab the emerald

"Knuckles, stop! Robotnik's stealing the Emerald!" Sonic calls out.

"Pardon?" Knuckles says, confused.

Eve calls out, "Knuckles, look!"

Knuckles soon looks behind him to see Robotnik is reaching for the Emerald.

"Mine," Robotnik says, and reaches towards the Emerald.

Knuckles shouts to alert him, "WAIT! That wasn't the deal!"

"You poor, naïve creature. It's not your fault. A more advanced intellect would have seen this move coming a mile away. Or 1.6 kilometers," Robotnik says.

This makes Knuckles angry, "But I trusted you! You were my friend!"

Soon, Robotnik begins to chuckle. He then laughs, and then cackles a bit, "'m sorry. That just hit me funny. Let this be my final lesson to you, you dim-witted celestial skin tag! Friends are open, honest and vulnerable with each other. Which means x squared times the hypotenuse of y squared, divided by the absolute value of friendship, equals DOOKIE!" and reaches for the Emerald.

"Oh, no," Sonic says in a dreadful tone.

The moment Robotnik touches the Master Emerald, it glows an extremely bright light and sends a powerful shockwave out, knocking Sonic, Eve, and Knuckles back. The light soon dims down to reveal Robotnik holding the Master Emerald in his hands, and his red suit begins to change to black with green outlines.

Robotnik shouts, "Chaos! Is! Powerrrrr!" and his voice becomes distorted and teleported out of sight.

Soonm the entire labyrinth starts to crumble and begins to flood with water.

"Let's get out of here!" Sonic says.

Sonic and Eve make a run for it. But before Knuckles can get a way, a column falls on him. Sonic and Eve soon climb up to higher ground to see the water completely covering Knuckles up, and the Echidna soon falls unconscious.

Sonic calls out, "Knuckles!"

"Knuckles!" Eve calls out.

But there is no response.

"I have to go to get him," Eve says.

"Be careful, Eve," Sonic says.

Eve then dives down into the water and swims to where Knuckles it to see he is stuck under the column. With all her strength, Eve lifts the column up, barely enough to use her ability to get Knuckles out of the way. Eve notices that Knuckles isn't moving and fearing Knuckles might be running out of time. In desperation, Eve places her lips against Knuckles and gives him some oxygen before passing out herself. Knuckles soon regains consciousness and realizes what Eve has done. He quickly grabs her and swims her back up.

Back on the surface, "Knuckles! Eve!"

Sonic grows worried and wonders what could have happened. Soon, Knuckles rises to the surface with Eve in his arms, much to his relief.

Moments later, Sonic and Knuckles return to the beach and Knuckles places Eve on the ground. Soon, Eve regains consciousness as she coughs out some water and such in the air.

Sonic holds Eve, "Easy, sis. Easy."

"Thanks Sonic," Eve says.

Sonic shakes his head and says, "Thanks Knuckles. He's the one who got you out of there."

Eve turns to Knuckles, "Thanks Knuckles."

Knuckles sighs as he says, "Please. Don't talk to me. I'm not in the mood."

Sonic then throws a ball of sand at him.

Knuckles gets up his feet, "How dare you attack me in my hour of sorrow!"

Sonic throws another sand ball, hitting him in the face.

"Why did you save her?" Sonic asks.

Sonic prepares to throw another sand ball, but Knuckles throws a large sand ball at Sonic, burying him in the sand. Eve giggles in response.

"Because she saved me first, which clearly gave you a tactical advantage I do not understand," Knuckles says and makes another sand ball as Sonic emerges from the sand.

But Eve says, "It wasn't a tactic. I couldn't just let you die."

Knuckles becomes confused and asks, "Why? I've been trying to destroy you and your brother since the moment we met."

Sonic sits next to Eve and says, "Because being a hero isn't about taking care of yourself. It's about taking responsibility for other people."

Knuckles soon sits down next to the two hedgehogs, "Wise words. An ancient earth proverb?"

"No, sir, that's a Wachowski family special," Sonic answers, "I got it from a guy in a rowboat. Someone who means a lot to us."

Soon, Sonic looks up to hear something, "Wait a second. What's that sound?"

Sonic and Eve look up to see Tails piloting the plane heading for them, with Jazz sitting next to him.

Tails smiles, "Only Sonic and Eve the Hedgehogs need rescuing this much."

"Chao Chao!" Jazz happily cheers.

"Tails! And Jazz!" Eve says, amazed.

Sonic laughs, "That sly little fox!"

Sonic and Eve stand up.

And Sonic turns to Knuckles, "Come on, Knucklehead. We're not beat yet."

Soon, Sonic says, "On the mountain, you told me you'd lost everything. The way I did. But you seem so hopeful and free. How did you move forward despite failing again? And again. And again. And again. And again-"

Sonic gets annoyed and says, "Okay, I didn't fail that much. But I didn't do this all alone. I found a new family. New friends. And you can too." and reaches his hand out to Knuckles.

"Sonic's right. You don't have to be alone anymore," Eve says, and does the same.

Knuckles looks at the two hedgehogs and eventually grip both their hands. However, Sonic's knuckles are the only one dislocated.

Sonic screams, "Ow, ow, ow, ow! Are you kidding me with that handshake?!"

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