Chapter 6: Siberian Dance Battle
In Siberia at night, Sonic, Eve, and Tails are walking slowly against the windy blizzard. Jazz is doing her best to hang on to Tails's shoulder.
"I absolutely cannot find my way. We are completely, totally, unequivocally lost," Sonic shouts through the blizzard.
Eve shouts, "I can't believe that the Compass is hidden in Siberia of all places.
Tails looks at his Miles Electric screen, which flickers.
Tails shouts, "Sonic, in this weather, there's no way we're gonna get any readings on this thing!" and taps on the screen, "Should we go back?"
But Sonic says, "No, no, no. There's a light up ahead. Maybe we can take shelter in there." as he points to a building that shows signs of light.
Sonic looks over a snowdrift and spots some snow gear and clothes hanging outside the building.
"Ahhh. Perfect," Sonic says, and ducks behind the snowdrift.
Tails asks in concern, "Are you sure about this? We don't know who's inside."
"Don't worry. On Earth, people are very welcoming, and love taking complete strangers into their homes," sonic says.
Eve thinks for a minute and asks herself, "Why do I get a sense of Deja-vu from this?"
"Chao?" Jazz replies, confused.
Inside the building, that is actually a bar. It's brightly lit with patrons mingling, socializing, and partying. Soon, the front door slowly opens while the bar patrons' slowly become silent. Everyone turns to see Sonic, Eve, Tails, and Jazz enter the bar, dressed from head to toe in show gear. One patron slowly turns around and glares at them, making them gasp in surprise. Another bar patron slowly pulls out a knife and jams it into the table, and gasps again. Then spot an old lady sitting in a rocking chair and knitting. The old lady looks towards the group, who breathe a sigh in relief. The old lady then reveals that she is knitting a cloth, a skull and crossbones on it, causing the group to scream in fear. The chef in the bar then uses a butcher's knife to chop off a fish's head. The fish head lands in front of them.
The fish says, "Run."
Soon, Tails faints and Eve catches him before hitting the floor.
Then Sonic says, "Table for four, please!"
Sometime later, the four are sitting at the table. A waitress, named Tatiana, brings them a menu for each.
Tatina asks in Russian, "What would you like to order?"
"Three beef stews, and a salad, please," Tails answers.
He holds his Miles Electric, and translates the order in Russian. Tatiana, looking annoyed, takes the menus and walks away.
"Impressive Tails," Eve says.
"Yeah," Sonic says, "Where'd you get all these cool gadgets?"
"I invented 'em. That's kinda my thing," Tails says.
"That's pretty cool," Eve says.
"Yeah," Tails says, "In fact, my inventions are how I discovered you."
Then Tails explains, "Remember that night at the baseball field? Your energy blast reached all the way to my home planet. I saw you both save your whole village from that crazy mustache guy."
Sonic becomes surprised, "Wait, so you've been watching us this whole time? Even in the shower?"
"Ah, that's a trick question, Sonic the Hedgehog prefers bubble baths," Tails says.
"Man, you're good!" Sonic says, impressed.
"That's actually impressive," Eve says. Then asks, "So what do you have on me?"
"Well, you like anime and manga, and some of them inspire you to do archery, sword fighting, combat, and such. You like sewing, mainly clothes, recently started knitting and cooking. Oh yeah, and you secretly My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and Equestira Girl, and Hello Kitty when Sonic's not around," Tails says,
Eve blushes like crazy, "What? How did you..."
"Wait, you actually watch that stuff, and since when did you knit?" Sonic asks, surprised and taking an interest.
Eve says, "I don't see what's wrong with that. I may know how to fight, but I can like cute stuff and girl stuff."
"Heh, even you have a feminine side," Sonic says.
Eve pouts with her arms crossed.
"Sorry sorry," Tails says, "When I learned Knuckles was on your trail, I knew I couldn't just sit back and watch anymore. I had to come warn you."
Soon, Sonic hears a beeping sound, "Oh, what? Hang on one sec."
Sonic pulls out his phone and see that it's from Tom, asking 'How's it goin?'"
"Donut Lord is checking in," Sonic says and types a message.
Back at the Mean Bean Cafe, Robotnk has Sonic and Tim's text displayed on the screen, for him, Stone, and Knuckles to monitor.
Knuckles reads, "'Just chilling. Watching TV.'"
Tom begins to reply.
Knuck;es reads, "Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot."
Robotnik and Stone glance back at Knuckles for a moment before looking at the screen.
Stone questions Robotnik, "Doctor, why are we working with this imbecile?"
"Because that simple-minded space trash is the key to something extraordinary," Robotnik answers.
"Something to help you get revenge on the hedgehogs," Stone whispers.
"Think bigger, Stone," Robotnik says, "The Emerald he seeks could power my wildest designs. My genius wouldn't just be recognized on Earth. It would spread virally to every corner of the galaxy, allowing me to harness all the negative forces of the universe and commune with darkness itself."
"Wow. That sounds big," Stone says.
"It's been on my vision board for years. It's the law of attraction. Didn't you see The Secret?" Robotnik says, "Poof. Kaplooey!"
"Kaplooey," Stone says.
Soon, another message appears, Knuckles reads, "'Another boring night at home.' The hedgehogs have returned home!"
"Falsa. Which is Latin for 'wrong-o.'" Robotnik says.
Robotnik hits a few keys on the counter, bringing up a hologram of Earth.
Robotnik explains, "According to my worldwide network cell tower triangulation, he's lying, all the way... from the majestic hinterlands of eastern Siberia."
And then the hologram changes to the Sibrian mountains, with a hologram of Sonic and Eve being moved and landing in front of Robotnik and Knuckles.
"He's a long-distance liar!" Robotnik says, and hits the hologram of the hedgehog.
He then begins poking and prodding at the holograms of the two hedgehogs several times.
"Yeah, there's more where that came from," Robotnik says in a taunting tone.
And then Knuckles slams his fist into the counter, damaging it and dispelling the hologram.
"Tiny magic hedgehog destroyed. Now let's begin our quest," Knuckles says, and takes his leave.
Robotnik follows.
Just then, Knuckles stops them, "Wait. What about your minion? The goat milker."
And turns to see Stone sweeping up the broken fragments of the counter with a sweeping tray.
"There's no room on the ship for Stone. I say we ditch him, ghost him, blow him off," Robotnik says.
"Dishonor!" Knuckles says with a frown.
And Robotnik says, "'Dis' is how I roll."
Robotnik then leaves through the door as Knuckles scowls at what Robotnik said.
Back in the bar, Tatiana arrives and places the four bowls down on the table.
Tails turns to the Waitress and says, "I'm sorry, but I asked for the beef stew."
Tails uses his Miles Electric, and it says in Russian, "Your breath smells like goat poop."
Tatiana looks insulted and asks in Russian, "What did you say?"
The people in the bar begin to form a crowd around the group
[People at the bar begin to form a crowd around Sonic and Tails.]
"Uh, what's going on?" Sonix asks.
"Maybe they think it's my birthday?" Tails suggests.
"I don't think so," Eve says, sounding concerned.
"Chao Chao," Jazz replies worriedly.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of this," Sonic says.
He then stands up on the table and says, "Okay, everybody, take it easy. I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for whatever my friend said or did."
Then the Mile Electric translates in Serbian, "Stand back. I just farted."
The crowd briefly looks disgusted.
Eve whispers, "Um Tails, I think your machine has a few bugs in it."
Just then, the crowd ends up removing the four friends' disguises. Seeing what they really look like, everyone gasps in shock of their real appearance.
Sonic nervously says, "Uh... meow?"
One of the giant Russian men shouts in Russian, "Throw these monsters in the fire!"
Soon, the crowd cheers as he picks up Sonic, Eve, Tails and Jazz, dragging them towards the roaring fire.
Sonic panics, "Oh, no, no. Come on, guys. Take it easy. Let's talk this through. Let's talk this through!"
The crowd soon begins to prepare to throw them into the fire.
Eve cries out, "Tails, do something!"
"Chao Chao!" Jazz cries out.
Tails uses his Miles Electric to access the data, "Oh, come on, come on! Scanning Siberian customs. There's got to be something in here.
"Tails, whatever you're doing, do it fast," Sonic says.
Soon, Tails finds the information he's looking for, "Ooh! I think I got it!" and calls out, "Pivonka! Pivonka! PIVONKA!"
That causes the crowd to come to a halt.
And someone says, "Pivonka?"
The crowd then places the two hedgehogs, the fox, and Chao down. Then they part and give way to a burly man wearing an ornate red robe with the word, 'Champion' on its back in Russian. The man leaves his seat and walks towards the group
The man declares, "Da. Pivonka!"
"Tails, what's a 'pivonka'?" Sonic asks.
Tails reads from his device, "It's a Siberian custom to resolve disputes. If we win, they let us go. If we lose..."
And the fire from the fireplace flares up.
The crowd moves away the furniture from the center of the bar and creates an opening area.
"Okay, we have to grab the map and get out of here. Where's the map?" Sonic asks.
Tails realizes, "Oh, no. I left it on the table!"
Jazz points out, "Chao!"
The group looks to see the bartender grabs the map and puts it on the plate with the other objects. Then the champion takes off his robe, revealing a tattoo of himself with his arms spread open.
"What?" Sonic says, confused.
Eve asks, "What kind of Siberian custom is Pivonka?"
Just then, the champion calls in other people as the band starts playing music. Soon, The Champion begins to dance to a Siberian tune. The crowd clap as they finish their first round of dancing with a flourish.
"Oh, my god, it's a dance fight," Sonic says, shocked.
"Uhh... guys, what do we do?" Tails asks.
"I don't think we have a choice, but to dance," Eve says.
"And if we dance... we get the map," Sonic says.
Soon, the Siberians stand and watch to see what they do.
"Here we go," Sonic says.
Soon, Sonic and Tails try to dance like the Siberian champion's move, but steps on Tails' tails.
Tails yelps, "Ow!"
The Siberians aren't impressed as Sonic and Tails try to dance again.
"Okay, now let's do. No, we're gonna go..." Sonic says.
Then Sonic and Tails collide with one another and fall over. Soon, the Siberians begin to dance again. Then Sonic and Tails try to mimic their moves. However, Sonic and Tails see that their dancing isn't good. Eve is concerned and wonders if there's anything she can do. Just then, the bartender notices the map stuck under the bottom of his cu[ and tosses it without a second thought.
"Okay, this is not going well. Channing Tatum makes it look so easy," Sonic says.
Tails notices, "Wait, Sonic. Look!"
The group soon notices the map has gotten stuck under the champion's boot.
The crowd cheers, "Pivonka! Pivonka! Pivonka! Pivonka!"
"The map!" Sonic says.
Eve says, "Let me grab it!"
Eve rushes to grab the map, but the Champion picks it up and holds it over his head.
The Russian Dancer says, "You want? Come get." And places the map into his waistband for security.
Then he says, "Freaks!"
Soon the crowd begins to shout, "Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks!"
Tails soon begins to panic, seeing everyone mocking them, even the old lady is laughing at them.
Sonic snaps Tails out of it, "What's wrong, Tails?"
"Come on, Tails. We need you!" Eve says.
But Tails says, "I can't do this, guys. I'm not brave like you. My gadget got us in this mess, and I lost your map, and we're gonna get tossed into a fire!"
Just then, Sonic notices the device playing the music. Sonic soon has an idea.
He then dashes to the play system, "Ah! New DJ coming in!" and then plugs his phone, causing it to play 'Uptown Funk.'"
The Siberians look confused to the music to hear a new song being played.
"Come on, guys. I got an idea," Sonic says.
Soon, Sonic begins to dance.
Eve grins, "I see what you're going."
"Come on sis, let's do it," Sonic says.
Soon, Sonic and Eve begin to dance together.
Sonic says, "They called us freaks, so let's get freaky. Just follow my moves. You'll be fine."
"Come on Tails," Eve says.
Soon, Sonic and Eve extend their hands to Tails. Tails then grab both hands. They both begin to dance in synchronization as they follow the beat to their music. Soon, the crowd begins to applaud at the break dancing as well as funk dancing. Tails then brings out his Miles Electric and uses it to create holographic images of himself dancing as well.
"All right! Backup dancers!" Sonic says excited.
The Champion soon grows nervous seeing this as the performance continues and covers the two hedgehogs.
"Here we go!" Sonic says.
The two hedgehogs then jump up and strike their poses. Tails then takes flights and lifts the two hedgehogs in the air. Then holograms of Sonic and Eve are created, being lifted by the hologram Tails.
"There's a lot of us up here!" Sonic says.
The Champion tries desperately to outdo the hedgehogs' dance with his own. Tails tosses the two hedgehogs onto a chandelier and they both begin to swing on it.
"I love pivonka!" Eve cheers.
"Me too!" Sonic says.
Soon, the Champion grows very tired, and is unable to keep up with them anymore.
"And big dismount!" Sonic says.
Sonic, Eve, and Tails land on the ground as all the holograms disappear into glimmering 'fireworks.' Finally, the Champion falls over, and the crowd cheers.
"Yeah! I'll take that," Sonic says, and takes the map back.
Soon, the crowd lifts Sonic, Eve, and Tails up as the victors of the Pivonka. Jazz happily cheers and flies to Tails, giving him a hug.
Tails cheers, "Woohoo! We did it!"
"That was amazing! Way to go, Tails!" Sonic says.
"Yeah. That was awesome, Tails!" Eve says.
Sometime later, the group of friends are lying on the bar table. Many of the remaining bar guests are asleep.
Tails happily cheers, "Ha! Wow. Only Sonic and Eve the Hedgehog could win a dance battle that epic."
"Well, stick with us, pal. Earth can be a scary place, but we know everything about this old pale blue dot," Sonic says.
"Do you really mean that?" Tails asks.
"Well, we don't know everything on earth," Eve says.
"That's true, but we watch a lot of Discovery Channel and..." Sonic says.
But Tails says, "I meant about me being your pal."
"Of course, buddy," Sonic says.
Then Tails give Sonic and Eve a hug.
Sonic is caught by surprise, "Woah-ho-ho! Comin' in hot."
Then Tails lets go of them.
Eve smiles and says, "You're very sweet."
"Growing up, I didn't have any friends. Everyone in my village thought my two tails were weird," Tails says.
"Hey, I know that feeling," Sonic says.
"Believe me, we know," Eve says.
"Chao Chao!" Jazz calls out, and hugs Tails.
Tails laughs, "And sometime later, I met Jazz, and she liked me despite me having two tails. She doesn't care who I look at and she's very nice to meet," Then turns to Sonic and Eve, "But then I saw you, the fastest creatures in the galaxy. You were weird too. But you were legends. That made me think, maybe being weird isn't so bad. You inspired me to leave my village, to find you and help you in your mission."
"I'm really glad you're here, Tails," Sonic says.
"Me too," Eve says.
Tails smiles and says, "I'm glad I'm here too, guys."
The group jumps off the desk and heads towards the fireplace.
Sonic then yawns, "Well, might as well get some sleep. This feels like a good place to spend the night." and then grabs a blanket, "You'll be able to get clear readings on your gizmo thing once the storm is over, so we..."
Sonic stops to see Eve, Tails, and Jazz have already fallen asleep for the night. Sonic simply places the planet over Eve and Tails.
"Goodnight, Tails. Goodnight, Eve," Sonic says and falls asleep.
Then Tails moves his tails over so as to cover Sonic. Jazz then snuggles against Eve and uses one of her dreadlocks as a blanket.
The next day, Sonic wakes up and yawns. He soon notices the old lady from the bar is sleeping directly beside him, and clinging on to him
Sonic quietly says, "Eve. Tails. We have a situation."
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