Chapter 4: Robotnik's Return, Meet Knuckles, Tails, and Jazz

Later in the night at the Wachowski house, Sonic, Eve, and Ozzy are watching television and the two hedgehogs are eating the popcorn.

"All right Ozzie, its movie night at Casa de Hedgehogs and your turn to pick. But I am not watching Snow Dogs again. That movie is the..." Sonic says, and lets out a singing tune, "wo-o-o-oooorst!"

Unknown to the hedgehogs and the dog, a Ring Portal opens just outside the window. And suddenly, the lights shut off.

"Ohoho! Blackout!" Sonic cheers.

He then zooms away and returns, turning on the flashlight to reveal him in a blanket.

And Sonic makes spooky noises, "Oooohhh... Oooozzzziiiee..."

But Ozzy whimpers and runs off.

"Oh, sorry buddy. Everything's okay," Sonic apologies.

Suddenly, the TV screen turns on and shows a static screen, startling the two hedgehogs.

"Uh, what was that?" Eve asks.

"I have no idea," Sonic says.

The two hedgehogs get off the couch and begin to leave the room.

Sonic nervously calls out, "Um, excuse me? We did not order a poltergeist..."

Sonic and Eve leave the living room, lightning flashes to reveal a shadow. Soon, Sonic and Eve walk out of the window.

Sonic then makes his way to the door, "Um, if this is the pizza guy, this is really unprofessional."

Sonic then gently presses against the door.

"Anything?" Eve asks.

"I don't think so," Sonic says.

Sonic reaches the door, but soon sparks surround it, making Sonic and Eve back away. Soon, the door knob falls off, and the door slowly opens to reveal Dr. Robotnik, with the pointed finger of his control glove glowing like a taser.

"Eggman?" Sonic says, shocked.

"Dr. Robotnik? Bu-but how?" Eve asks, shocked.

Robotnik blows out the taser finger like a candle and looks at the hedgehogs, "Hello, hedgehogs. Did you miss me?"

"I don't know how you got back, but you made a big mistake coming here," Sonic says.

"Oh contraire mon frere! The mistake was thinking that you've won. But that was just a prelude, an d'oeuvre, an aperitif, an Amuse-bouche-" Robotnik says.

"We get it!" Sonic and Eve tersely.

Robotnik chuckles as he walks forward wagging his finger, "I don't think you do. But you're about to. And so will that idiot sheriff and his wife."

Sonic soon makes a fist with his energy building up.

And Robotnik adds, "And your little dog, too!"

Sonic then rushes up and prepares to punch Robotnik in the face. But then, Robotnik moves and backs away to reveal Knuckles leaping right at him, catching Sonic by surprise. Before Sonic can react, Knuckles punches Sonic right through the wall, destroying the TV and makes him land on the couch.

"Sonic!" Eve cries out and rushes to the dazed blue hedgehog.

Eve kneels to him, "Sonic are you alright."

"I'm fine," Sonic says.

Sonic and Eve turn to see the red Echidna looking at them through the wall.

And he says, "Pitiful."

The red Echidna then walks through the hallway as Eve helps Sonic up.

"Uh, what... Who are you?" Sonic asks, still shocked.

Then Robotnik sticks his head through the hole and says, "Where... are my manners?" And walks through the hallway and stands right behind the echidna, "Sonic... Eve... meet Knuckles. My new BFFAE. Bestest friend forever and ever!"

Sonic then grabs the bags of rings and puts it on, "Look, Robotnik, I don't care who you brought to help you. You're never going to get our power."

"Do I look like I need your power?" Knuckles says, and raises his fist, revealing a powerful red energy.

Sonic then dashes to Knuckles, only for Knuckles to punch him right through the wall, and fall backwards. Sonic soon regains consciousness and looks to Knuckles, standing across from him. Knuckles then pounds his fists together.

Robotnik then appears in the scene eating popcorn, "So nice when diabolical evil lives up to the hype!"

Sonic quickly gets up to stand his ground.

Knuckles demands, "Where is it?"

"Oh you want it? Here it comes!" Sonic says, and builds up his energy and prepares himself to fight.

Knuckles then says, "I was expecting more of you. You're unskilled... Untrained... And unworthy!"

Meanwhile, Robotnik gobbles Sonic's popcorn into his mouth

"You forgot one. Unstoppable!" Sonic says.

Sonic then zooms right at Knuckles, resulting in an explosion. However, Knuckles is able to put Sonic in place as the hedgehog performs his spin dash attack. Knuckles walks forward, raises his fist, and pummels Sonic into the ground, creating a massive explosion of energy, and a huge crater. Robotnik drops the bowl. Knuckles then grabs Sonic by the throat and pins him against a tree.

"It is my destiny to do what my ancestors could not. To restore the ultimate power to the home of my people," Knuckles says.

Sonic doesn't understand, "Ultimate power? I don't know what you're talking about! You got the wrong guy!"

That has Robotnik interested, "Ultimate power? Now you're speaking my language."

Knuckles presses Sonic harder, "Don't play dumb with me, apprentice of Longclaw!"

"You knew Longclaw?" Sonic asks, shocked.

"Longclaw and her people were the sworn enemy of my tribe, the echidna!" Knuckles says, and charges his energy into his fist, "We fought and died at their hands, and now you will die by mine."

"I don't think so!" Eve calls out.

Soon, Eve spin dashes out of the house, swerves and strikes at Knuckle, making him let Sonic go, but Eve spin dashes him hard and makes him crash at the fence. Knuckles quickly regains himself to see Eve standing before him with red energy around her body.

"Don't you dare threaten my brother!" Eve angrily says.

Sonic soon regains himself and looks to see Eve is ready to fight, "Eve, what are you..."

"What does it look like, I'm going to fight this Echidna punk," Eve says, and cracks her knuckles.

"Hmph, is that a challenge?" Knuckles questions, ready to fight.

"Challenge accepted," Eve says, energizing her powers as her eyes glow red.

Eve and Knuckles then charge at each other and grab each other's hand causing them to stand still. Energizing his fist, Knuckles slams it down towards Eve, but she blocks it, and gives him a kick under the chin and throws him back. Knuckles charges and soon he and Eve begin to throw hard punches and kicks at each other. Soon, the two push each other back. Eve then performs a powerful spin dash and strikes at Knuckles and sends him back. Eve bounces back and lands on her feet. Knuckles falls to the ground, but quickly picks himself back up. Eve then performs a spin dash again, but this time, Knuckles is able to stop Eve with her bare hand and throws her into the houses, causing her to crash into the wall and fall to the ground in the living room. Before Eve can get up, Knuckles grabs her shirt and has her pressed down on the ground. Knuckles is about to punch her, but Eve intervenes with her own hand. Eve then uses both her legs to kick Knuckles off of her and throws him out. Eve then tries to throw a punch at Knuckles, but he grabs her by her wrist and throws her at the tree outside, and Eve falls.

"Eve!" Sonic cries out in shock and rushes to her.

Eve groans and grubs as she slowly is able to use her hands to push her back to sit up.

"Eve, are you okay?" Sonic asks.

"I'm fine, but that guy is really tough," Eve says.

Sonic helps Eve up as he glares at the echidna.

Knuckles says, "She has a heart of a warrior, compared to you, Apprentice of Longclaw."

Suddenly, a police car crashes through the fence and heads towards Knuckles. Before Knuckles can attack, the car hits him and sends him into the greenhouse, startling Robotnik of the ordeal.

Tails sticks his head out the driver's seat window, "Come on! Get in! I'm on your side!"

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Sonic asks

The two hedgehogs turn to see Knuckles regaining consciousness.

"Doesn't matter, let's hurry before he crushes us," Eve says.

"Yeah," Sonic says.

He then helps Eve up and they quickly get into the car, only for Robotnik to leap at the windshield, making the group scream in terror.

The Chao, Jazz screams, "Chao!"

Sonic cries out, "Get us outta here! Go, go, go, go, go!"

Tails presses a button on his decide and a small magnetic gadget on the pedals making the car go in circles. Robotnik barks like a mad dog as he claws at Sonic's side of the windshield

Sonic screams, "Aahhh! He's gone rabid!"

Robotnik snarls and licks the windshield.

"Eww! Gross!" Eve says in disgust.

"Gross! Is he licking it?!" Tails questions, disgusted.

Then Tails makes a left turn. "See ya!" and Robotnik is tossed into the bush and the car drives off.

"Make sure to get your shots, Eggman!" Sonic calls out.

Eve calls out, "See you never, Robuttnik!"

Robotnik gets up and looks at the leaving vehicle. Soon, Knuckles gets and growls in anger that his eyes glow red. Then proceeds to chase after the police car. Up ahead, Tails continues to drive the car down the street as Sonic shouts in fear. Then looks back to see Knuckles is on their tail.

Soon, Tails says in excitement, "Wow. Okay, let me just say, it is an honor to finally meet you, Sonic. Is it okay if I call you Sonic? Oh, and it's very nice to meet you too, Eve. My name is Miles Prower, but everyone calls me Tails. You're probably wondering why."

"Let me guess. Because of the extra tail?" Sonic replies, bluntly.

"That's right! I should've known you'd get that," Tails says.

"Chao Chao," Jazz replies.

"Oh, this is Jazz. She's Chao. A Dark Chao to be exact," Tails says, "She actually looks a lot like your sister now that I noticed," Tails says.

"Cool," Sonic replies.

And asks in shock, "Also, what is going on?! Robotnik's back?"

"And who is that Echidna that attacked us?" Eve asks.

"That's Knuckles. The last of the echidnas, and the most dangerous warrior in the galaxy," Tails says, "He's obsessed with finding the Master Emerald and the sword containing some of its power."

"The Master Emerald?" Eve replies and turns to Sonic, "Didn't you tell me about that when we were younger?"

"Yeah, but Master Emerald and the Master Emerald Sword are just a bedtime story," Sonic says.

"Well, he believes it's real, and he must think you're the key to finding it," Tails says.

Sonic looks to see the red light and panics, "Red light! Red light! Give me the wheel!" and begins to push Tails away.

"Hey! What are you-" Tails asks.

But Sonic continues to get in the driver seat, "Move your foot!"

Sonic drives and swerves past the Splash Hill water gallon truck and looks to see it's blocking Knuckles trail.

Sonic sighs in relief, "I think we lost him."

But Knuckles dashes right through the truck and leaps on the roof of the police car, ripping the siren lights and punching right through the roof, making the group inside scream.

"We did not lose him! We definitely did not lose him!" Sonic panics.

Then Knuckles rips the car door off as the car heads for the cliff road. Tails look down to see the dropping ground as they head towards a turn in the road.

Then Tails has an idea, "I got an idea! Do you trust me?"

"Of course not! I literally just met you!" Sonic says.

"Just let me-" Tails says as he grabs the wheel

"What are you doing?!" Sonic panics.

Tails drives the police car right towards the turn. Soon after, they drive off the edge of the clip. Tails grabs Sonic and Eve by their hands and uses his twin tails to fly them out with Jazz flying from behind. Knuckles leaps off and slams the spikes on his gloves into the side of the cliff as the car explodes against the ground below.

Back with Sonic, still hashing his eyes closed, screaming.

Eve rolls her eyes and says, "Uh, Sonic, you can look now."

Sonic opens his eyes and gasps in shock, "We're flying. Uh, did your butt just turn into a helicopter?"

Tails laughs, "Ha ha ha! A butt-copter! Only Sonic the Hedgehog can come up with something like that."

Then Tails flies away with the two Hedgehogs in tow and the Chao flying from behind. Soon enough, Robotnik arrives, riding on the mower. He climbs off and kicks the mower to see the drop off.

Robotnik says, "Hmhmhm. Foxy move..." He raises his control glove, and begins tapping on it, "Want something done right, you'll have to hire someone you can push around. All-caps."

Meanwhile, at the Mean Bean Coffee Cafe, Agent Stone is preparing a latte. He then takes out two thin pencils and sketches something late. When he's done, he made Robotnik's face.

"Doctor, where are you?" Asks himself.

A customer in the cafe stirs his drink with the image

Then says to him, "Freak." and walks away.

Just then, Stone hears a ding, and looks at his watch to see a message that reads, 'PREPARE MY LATTE'. Stone is in shock by this and knows what it means.

Stone then calls you, "Oh! I... uh... I'm sorry folks, I-I have to close early. Everybody out! Thank you for visiting the Mean Bean! Alright, good night! Good night."

Hearing that, all the customers proceed to leave. Once everyone is gone, Stone flips the sign from open to close, removing the passing health inspector grade to an F-. He then runs to one of the boilers, and a temperature gauge on it, and it transforms into a scanner and scan's Stone's eye. Then it reveals a red button on the spill guard of the drink machine. Stone then presses the button.

In outer space, above earth, a white satellite starts lighting up.

Back in the cafe, Stone is surprised and yet, beaming in excitement, "He's back. HE'S BAAAAAACK!"

Back to space, a large egg-shaped pod detaches from the satellite and heads down to earth. Soon enough, it lands at Robotnik's location, and the scientist puts on his goggles. Once the machine lands, it opens a panel on it to reveal a storage for his machines, including his Egg drones and Buzz Bombers. Robotnik then steps inside the pod, cleans himself up, puts on new clothes while the tiny drone cleans out his nose hair, fixes his mustache, and quietly mouthwash into his mouth for him to rinse and spit. Robotnik emerges from the pod with his arm of drones.

"That's more like it... I've been..." Robotnik says, and inhales, "Re-hatched!"

Meanwhile, Knuckles is scaling up the cliff, using his own fist to hoist himself up, but a laser blaster stops him in his tracks. He turns to see a squad of Robotnik's drones surrounding him.

Robotnik looks down to him, "So, my... massively metacarpaled friend. You mentioned-" He lets out a howl, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuultimate power... back at the house?"

"The Master Emerald? Knuckles, "It does not concern you! I got you off that planet and you brought me to the hedgehog. We have no more use for each other!"

But Robotnik says, "Well, I hate to be a contrarian but, I think we might." and presses a few buttons on his hands.

Soon, the Drones are closing in on Knuckles.

"You think these machines are a match for me? I will shatter them like the bones from a fallen-" Knuckles says, ready to fight.

However, he looks and sees that they have made a staircase for him, "Oh. They are stairs."

Knuckles steps down off the cliff and walks up the drone staircase to Robotnik.

"You see... Earth, is my turf, G," Robotnik says, and do the floss, "If ya don't know how to floss, you'll be lost without me."

"I understand nothing of what you just said," Knuckles says.

"I help you retrieve the Emerald, and you use it to" Robotnik says. He inhales and swipes his hand rapidly, "destroy the HEDGEHOOOOOOOOOOGS!"

"You're suggesting an alliance?" Knuckles questions.

"Around here, we simply, grip each others hands tightly," Robotnik says, and lowers his hand for a handshake.

Knuckles then grip on Robotnik's hand, but it's tight enough to hear bone cracking.

Robotnik quickly gets his hand out and feels the pain, "You truculent space bumpkin! You crushed my favorite hand!"

"Really," Knuckles questions, "My hand is uninjured. But I am now convinced of your commitment."

"Oh goodie. He exclaimed, as he relocated two of his knuckles-" Robotnik says and relocates his knuckles, and feels the pain from it, "Ayyyyy...'m delighted... to be... on the same... team."

Once he fixes his knuckles, he presses a few buttons on his control glove, and makes the Egg Mobile come out of the pod and lower itself down to him and Knuckles.

"Road trip!" Robotnik calls out, and says to Knuckles, "I'll let you stick your nose out the window."

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