I Know Your Name

Meloetta could slowly be seen waking up, letting out small tired and discomforting groans, but as she was trying to wake up, she couldn't help but noticed and hear the sounds fire burning and small movements, which made her open her soft blue eyes, it took a moment for her sight to be less blurry and fuzzy, but once she was able to focus and see more clearly, she was able to find and look at the source of the quiet sounds, and what she found was a certain God of War sitting before the fire, seeing such a big muscular man, who gave a aura of "Danger" and "Deadly", well, it definitely terrified the musical looking creature, as she attempted to move and fly away from him as fast as she could.

But unfortunately, as soon as Meloetta sat up, she was immediately met with pain, forcing her to fall back and curl up in agony, doing this she realized that she was still injured, but to her surprise, her injuries were covered in bandages, no doubt someone attempted to heal and help her recover.

"Don't move, it would only make the pain worse."
Meloetta tensed up and fearfully looked up to see Kratos standing before her, his face was stoic and stern as always, which didn't really help calm her nerves.

"It's ok, you don't need to be afraid, I'm not here to hurt you."
Kratos was able to see and sense Meloetta's fears toward him, something that made his chest feel tight, but ignores the feeling and tries his best to reassure her.

"I made you stew, it should be light for your small body."
As if to prove that Kratos wasn't here to hurt Meloetta, he offered and placed a bowl of stew in front of her.

"I'm not a great cook, so sorry for the taste."
Kratos then steps back and sits away from Meloetta, to give her space and feel more comfortable.

Meloetta was still suspicious and on guard towards the Ghost of Sparta, though she couldn't but look at the bowl before at her, from the looks of it, this so called "Stew" only had the basic of ingredients, it doesn't even have meat in it, yet despite that, as soon as she saw and even smelled the stew, she couldn't help but drool and have her stomach growls loudly, quickly she grabbed the bowl and started gulping it down without hesitation.

Once Meloetta finished drinking the bowl, she couldn't help but wear a very bright and satisfied smile, which only made the spartan warrior heart ache more.

'She even smiles like my daughter...'
Kratos shakes slightly, momentarily overwhelmed with his emotions, but again, was able to push it down and acted more calm, letting out a tired sigh.

"I will be taking care of you, at least until you have fully recovered from your wounds."
Kratos poured more stew for Meloetta, which she happily accepted and drank some more, this time more slowly so she could savor the taste.

"Mel, Meloetta~"
Meloetta, while still nervous around the God of War, was much more relaxed, and trusted him enough to not be deathly afraid of him.

"And I'm Kratos."
Kratos assumes Meloetta was giving her name to him, and decides to introduce himself to her as well.


"You already told me your name."


"Yes, I know, I heard you the first time."

"Meloetta, Mel, Mel, Meloetta!"

"... You must be suffering some head trauma..."
Kratos grumbles and decides to just give up with correcting and understanding why Meloetta kept saying her name a lot, taking his own bowl and drinks from it as well, a moment of peaceful silence fell between them, only eating their stew, watching the fire and overall accepting each other's company, it was nice and relaxing for the both of them.

"Lycan... Roc..."
Unfortunately, it didn't last long, as the sound of moving bushes could be heard, as well as the sound of a familiar name being said, causing both Ghost of Sparta and Meloetta to look and see what it was.

A large red white wolf, who also calls himself Lycanroc, jumped out of the bushes and attempted to take a slash at the spartan warrior with his claws, though he managed to move away before the claws could hit him, only slicing the pot of stew and destroying the fire instead.

"Stay behind me."
Kratos warns Meloetta as he stands before her, ready to protect her from the Lycanroc.

Lycanroc lets out a loud angry roar as he pounces towards the God of War, before unleashing a flurry of unrelenting slashes from his claws, forcing him to defend himself by using his arms to block the slashes, this did cause the Ghost of Sparta to receive some nasty cuts on his arms, but he was able to bare the pain, not only that, once he saw a opening, he was able to counter attack by backhanding the red wolf away, but when he did this, this, midnight creature was able to both recover from the hit and even shoot out a blast of sharp rocks towards the spartan warrior, startling him a bit before he grabbed Meloetta and avoided all the rock blasts.

'A wolf that can use elemental abilities, hm, I need to take this fight more seriously.'
Kratos, as he was running and avoiding the attacks, all while analyzing the threat he was facing, winced slightly as he felt a slight burning pain on his arms.

'... Without those damn things...''
Once Kratos regained focused, he decided to finally give his counter attack, by breaking a large tree nearby and then tossing it at the Lycanroc, who used his claws to cut it before getting on all fours and suddenly charging towards the God of War, specifically slamming his head into his back, he was surprised by the power of the midnight creature, said power that caused him to fall to the ground and dropped Meloetta, who grunts and hits the ground in pain, the Ghost of Sparta looked concerned and attempted to get up to help her, which gave the red wolf the opportunity to pounce and pinned down the spartan warrior when he got distracted by trying to save the musical creature.

Lycanroc fangs and jaws suddenly get covered in some kind of dark energy, before using his dark fangs to then take a bite and crunch at the God of War, who only had enough time to used his arm to block the attack, but even so, he still yelled out in pain, not only from the bite force, but the dark power that dealt him with extra pain, this cry in pain was enough to wake Meloetta from her fall, and see the danger that the Ghost of Sparta was in.

After Meloetta saw this, she refused to just sit back and allow it to continue, so, with whatever strength she had, she summoned some kind of psychic like power and then used it to attack the Lycanroc, who was hit hard and knocked back by a odd unforeseeable power, as well at make him flinched and hesitate to attack back, the musical creature took this opportunity to stumble run towards the spartan warrior and help him up.

"Thank you..."
Was all Kratos could say, honestly he was just getting more surprised and surprised by the second, of course it wasn't the first time he messed with a superpowered creature, but such power from simple animals or tiny life forms, it was knocking him off balance.

"But I'm fine..."
However, Kratos was now more prepared, more ready to deal with more surprises, gently pushing Meloetta behind himself for safety and glared harshly at the Lycanroc, who glared back and growls in response, both would were doubt ready to continue fighting, and both weren't planning to stop until one of them is dead, at least, that's what the God of War assumed.

But the sounds of howling caught everyone's attention, specifically from Lycanroc, who glanced back, rage turns into conflictions, clearly he wants to continue to fight, but the sound made him want to leave and see what was wrong, he struggled with the choices a bit, but in the end, he chose to follow the sounds and leave, though not after shooting one last hateful glare at the Ghost of Sparta, which he couldn't help but notice something when the red wolf did this.

'Are those, tears?...'
Kratos was given one last surprised, that being that the Lycanroc, despite expressing such hatred, was also showing absolutely sadness, a expression he couldn't but, "Understand", though he wasn't really given a chance to understand it further, as the midnight creature ran off and disappeared into the night, leaving behind both him and Meloetta.

Meloetta, now with the danger gone, was able to get a chance to look at the spartan warrior injuries, and what she saw made her express great worries and concerns.

"I'll be fine."
Kratos attempted to reassure and let Meloetta know it was ok, but she refused and desired to help him.

"Mel, Mel, Mel, Meloetta!"
Meloetta place her tiny hands on the body of the God of War, as she the used whatever psychic energy she had left to use some kind of powers that was able heal any and all the injuries that covered his body from his body, even the blood went away, leaving him good as new, but accomplishing such a thing was a huge struggle and caused the musical creature so my strain, so much so that after she was finished, she then fell over, as if all the strength she had left was sap away, luckily the Ghost of Sparta was able to catch her before she could hit the ground.

"You should've used it on yourself, why use it on me?"
Kratos was beyond confused and even questioned why Meloetta would waste such power on him instead of herself.

Meloetta of course said something that the spartan warrior couldn't even understand, before she gave him a warm smile before passing out into his arms, now finding herself into deep unconsciousness and heavy sleep, Kratos could only sigh and shake his head in response, as he then stand up to his feet, using wraps to cover the musical creature before walking away with her resting in his arms, though as he does this, a single thought couldn't help but invade his mind and memories, enough so that a single tear ran down his cheek.

"... You're just like my daughter..."
The reason that Kratos struggle with Lycanroc is 1: He was just surprised to see animals use powers, 2: Kratos was protecting Meloetta, 3: Kratos was refusing to use his blades, and 4: He doesn't know what he was fighting was a Pokemon, once he is used to his new environment and all that, he'll be able to handle them pokemon more easily.
(BTW, here's a list of Pokemon that the God of War character will have, let know if you think they sound fitting or not)

/God's And Others Pokémon Ideas\
Kratos: Meloetta and Giratina.

Atreus: Shaymin, Wyrdeer, Ursaluna, Basculegion, Sneasler and Hisuian Braviary.

Mimir: Mewtwo.

Brok: Aegislash, Doublade, and Honedge.

Sindri: Armarouge and Ceruledge.

Freya: Xerneas, Spectrier and Glastrier.

Tyr: Rayquaza, Groudon and Kyogre.

Jörmungandr: Wife Serperior, Son Servine and Daughter Snivy.

Baldur: Kyurem, Zekrom and Reshiram.

Heimdall: Zacian and Zamazenta.

Thor: Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus.

Freyr: Calyrex.

Fenrir/Garmr: Husband Lycanroc and Adoptive Son Rockruff.

Odin: Dialga and Palkia.

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