7 - This Can Only Go Too Far

"Sammy you good?" Dean asked Sam, who was fiddling nervously with the backstage pass.

"On one hand I'm about to meet one of my favourite bands," Sam muttered. "On the other, Gabriel is going to hit on me."

"Just ignore him," Dean said, shrugging. "He thinks it's a game."

"Hey Dean!" Charlie came running over. "And Sam, hey." Kevin and Jo followed close behind. Ash was too lazy to come

"I wonder what it's like backstage," Kevin said, looking at the door they were waiting to be let in through.

"It's hell," Crowley said as he opened the door. "Literally. And I am the King. Welcome."

"Their manager is a bit weird," Charlie said quietly as they walked in.

"I heard that," Crowley said. "Now, the band is probably in the green room, and you are free to look around." And he walked backwards into the shadows.

"Ooo free rein," Charlie said, before running off with Kevin and Jo in tow.

"Okay, let's explore," Dean said, before walking off with Sam closely behind.

There were a few people running around packing up equipment, and some just running around for unknown reasons. Maybe it was fun.

They looked around at everything because backstage was interesting, and eventually came to the bands entrance to the stage.

"Are we allowed on the stage?" Dean asked.

"You've already been there," Sam said, rolling his eyes.

"True," Dean said. "Hey let's go find the band." Before Sam could object Dean was already walking off.

Eventually they came to a random door that had a sign saying "Heaven's Grace" on it.

"This is probably it," Dean said.

"Nah this is some other band," Sam said, rolling his eyes.

"We should go in," Dean said.

"Dean noooo," Sam whined. "We could just look around and then leave..."

Dean pouted. "No. We will talk to the band. You will get over your fear of Gabriel."

"I'm not scared of him," Sam said.

"Then knock on the door," Dean said. Sam glared and didn't move.

"Alternatively, we could open the door because we're nice people and can hear you." Sam and Dean both turned to see Michael standing at the open door. "Gabriel found that quite amusing."

Sam looked past Michael to see Gabriel sitting there, smirking. He sighed internally. Michael opened the door to let them past, and they both walked in.

"Hey Deano!" Gabe said. "You don't want to murder us do you?"

"No of course not," Dean said. "Dude, you let me on stage with you."

"Ah but you could've hated it," Gabe said. "Angel sure loved it." Angel looked up from where he was on his phone, trying to look distracted.

"Hello Dean," he said, smiling softly.

"You still have make up on," Dean said. "Don't you ever take that off?"

Angel shrugged. "Generally after a show. But it just ended, I haven't had time."

"Suure," Gabe muttered, rolling his eyes. Dean didn't notice but Sam gave him a confused look. Gabe noticed and just shrugged at Sam.

"So this is what your backstage room looks like," Dean said, looking around the room. "Actually a bit more plain than I thought it'd be."

"Yeah not one of the best we've had," Gabriel said. Dean's gaze settled on something in the corner.

"Who's guitar is that?" he asked, walking over to it and going to pick it up before thinking better of it. Angel walked over and picked up the guitar. It was the one with the anti-possession symbol on it.

"It's uh..." Angel said, before holding it out to Dean. "It's actually for you. From Castiel."

"Oh boy, here we go," Gabe muttered under his breath so no one could hear him.

"Oh wow, really?" Dean asked, taking the guitar carefully with wide eyes. "How'd he afford this..."

"Look at who his family is," Angel said, gesturing to the band. "He's kind of shy so left it here for me to give to you."

Dean smiled fondly. "I'll have to text him later about this..." He played a chord, and winced at the tuning. "Out of tune though." He started tuning the guitar, and Angel sat down to watch him with a smile.

"So," Gabriel said, smirking as he looked at Sam. "How are you Samantha?"

"Fine," Sam said, through gritted teeth. "How are you Gabriel?"

"I don't know," Gabe said. "I have a bit of a problem, but I think you could help me out..."

"No," Sam said. Gabe pouted.

"Oh you can't get rid of me that easily," Gabe said.

"Good thing we're leaving in a few days then," Sam said, smirking slightly as the surprised look on Gabe's face.

"You should stay a bit longer," Gabe said, sounding genuinely sad. Sam just rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, I've got better things to do than get hit on by someone I have no intention of sleeping with," Sam said.

"Oh don't worry Sammy, I bet I could change your opinion of me," Gabe said.

"Well Gabriel, you have three days," Sam said. "I'd wish you luck, but I know it's not going to help you."

"Oh that's what you say now Sammy," Gabe said, smirking. "You'll see..." He walked off ominously. To the other side of the room, because there wasn't really anywhere else to go.

"So," Michael said to Sam. "I apologize for him."

"It's okay," Sam said. "I can handle it."

"Oh but unlike normal idiots, Gabriel doesn't give up," Luci said. "You're doomed." Sam sighed.

"I'll manage," he replied. "So...hi."

"Very smooth," Luci said. Michael shoved him.

"You should come to karaoke," Michael said. "Or at least get Dean too. If Cas didn't already try."

"Cas?" Sam asked, looking over at Angel. "Wait, is—"

"No," Luci said. "They're twin brothers. Cas goes to our karaoke nights sometimes."

"Oh okay," Sam said. "I might show up. Dean will. When is it?"

"Tuesday," Michael said. "You leave the day after."

"Yeah we're going Sammy!" Dean called out from the other side of the room. Angel was just smiling next to him. Sam glanced between Angel and Dean.

"Uhh..." he said.

"Oh yeah Angel has a thing for Dean," Luci said.

"But what about Cas?" Sam asked.

"Don't even start," Michael said.

"Yeah even the author is done with those two," Luci said. Michael glared at Luci.

"We're not supposed to break the wall yet," he hissed quietly. Luci just shrugged innocently and smiled. Michael rolled his eyes.

Dean started playing a song on the guitar, and Angel smiled brightly as he watched.


(Oh also my friend Juliet says hi.)

You know what, let's cut to our weekly Michifer flash back.

"Okay but what if," Luci said. "We record over it?"

"That just doesn't seem professional," Michael said. "We don't have enough instruments to play our own songs."

At that moment, Castiel opened the door, holding a keyboard. He put it down and set it up, before standing there looking at Michael, Luci and Gabriel with his arms crossed.

"I'm part of the band now," he said, looking at them all as if daring him to challenge him.

Gabe shrugged. "Okay. We needed another instrument anyway. Think you could play along to us?"

Cas shrugged. "Probably."

"Uhh..." Michael said.

"Oh right, Michael this is our little brother Cassie," Luci said. "Don't worry, he's great."

"Ah the only compliment you'll ever receive from Satan," Gabe said. "Anyway." And so they started playing a song, and Cas managed to play along pretty well by ear, and thus the full band was born.

Luci drove Michael home after practice that day, with intentions of probably lazing around at Michael's house. They ended up lazing around and playing Wii.

"Do you think we could ever become an actual band?" Luci asked randomly.

"Aren't we already an actual band?" Michael asked.

"I mean like, produce music and have fans and all that," Luci said. Michael shrugged.

"I think we could if we work for it."

There was a moment of silence. "Would you want to?"

"What do you mean by that?" Michael asked.

"Well," Luci said, looking over at Michael. "You're smart. There are so many things you could do with your life. Do you really want to spend all these years with us?"

"Luce," Michael said. "Try to think of a reason why I wouldn't want to."

"Because you secretly hate us?"

"What? No. I would be happy to spend years putting up with you guys."

Luci smiled. "You're committed now, you're stuck with us."

Michael chuckled. "Honestly, so long as you're there I think you'll have trouble getting rid of me." Luci didn't reply, but was smiling as he looked at the screen and defeated Michael in the game they were playing.

"I say this nice thing and this is how you repay me?" Michael said, throwing down the controller. "Why am I friends with you?"

"Because you love me," Luci said, smirking. Michael just chuckled, picking up the controller again. He never denied it.

(God that's starting to sound like A Summer Dream. It is different, you'll see. I have plans)


Dean saw Cas sitting on a bench waiting for him, and ran over smiling. "Heya Cas."

"Hello Dean," Cas said, smiling shyly. "I heard you talked to Angel..."

"And I heard you bought me a guitar," Dean said. "Dude I don't even...I have no words. Thank you."

Cas smiled. "You needed that guitar, I was doing the world a favour." Dean chuckled, sitting beside Cas.

"Why'd you get your brother to give it to me though?" Dean asked.

"I actually just accidentally left it with him," Cas said kind of sheepishly.

"Oh he said you told him to give it to me," Dean said. Cas sighed but he didn't seem too surprised by that. "Hey so wanna go get lunch or something?"

"Sure," Cas said, smiling. Dean stood up and held a hand out to help Cas up, even though he didn't really need it. Dean didn't let go of his hand as they started walking off in search of somewhere to have lunch.

"I have no idea where we're going," Dean said after about ten minutes of walking.

"I was following you," Cas said.

"Well damn," Dean said, chuckling. Cas laughed, and they got some strange looks from people walking past.

"I know a good place," Cas said, and started pulling Dean off in the opposite direction, still holding hands. Dean chuckled and followed Cas along. "Hey what do you think of Angel?"

"That was a very sudden question," Dean asked. "Why?"

Cas shrugged. "He seems to like you. A lot."

"Got a problem with that?" Dean asked Cas, smirking. "Jealous maybe?" Cas shoved Dean, hiding his blushing face. And well he couldn't really get jealous of himself could he? "And well, he seems really nice...so do you. And I mean, he's kinda a celebrity, that wouldn't end well." Cas watched Dean for a moment.

"Yeah you're right," Cas said. "I think he finds it hard sometimes..."

"Understandable," Dean said. "I mean, how many people even know his name?"

"Barely anyone," Cas muttered.

"But hey, he's got you," Dean said. "You're twins, you guys must be so close."

"Yeah, I guess we are," Cas said, shaking his head to himself at the situation. Because this could get very out of hand very fast.


The title refers to Sabriel too. And Michifer as well actually. My god this is just a story where they're all idiots for not getting together. And then there's Cas. He wins the idiotness.

I'm quite sleepy xD Also I saw a Shakespeare play last night, Twelfth Night, and it was soooo good :D

I think I did okay at my audition for the school production but I'm not really expecting a big role. Maybe I'll just get chorus. Yay?

*Gives everyone marshmallows*

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