Chapter 1: the Princess meets the Sin of Wrath and Vampires

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the first chapter of this story now before I begin Seras and Rajine made a secret with Meliodas about the reader's parents now with that settled let hte chapter begin.

3rd pov

as the morning sun arise to lighten up the fields with a tavern called "the Boar Hat" settles near the town of Cains. in one of the rooms a sleeping black haired young man sleeping soundly in his bed, but his sleep his disturbed by a woman with blonde hair wearing a red outfit.

blonde haired woman: young master~ wake up~

black haired boy: *sleeping tone* ngh....five more minutes Seras....

Seras: if you don't then you'll have to eat Meliodas' food.

black haired boy: *shoots up wide awake* oh god! no! anything but that!

as the young man's eyes were wide open to reveal light purple eyes making Seras let out a giggle knowing her tactic worked like a charm

Seras: now that your awake get dressed master cause we'll need the extra hands.

black haired boy: Seras for the last time just call me by my name. it's weird when you call me master.

Seras: alright Y/n, but still get dressed.

the young man named Y/n then removes the covers off him and fixes his bed as Seras leaves the room Y/n gets out of his sleep wear and get's into his normal clothes which consist a f/c shirt, pants and a jacket.

A/n: this is what your wearing until the revival of the Ten Commandments

as Y/n finished putting on his clothes he then fixes his hair to make it look like that he didn't just got out of bed.

A/n: that's what your hair looks like also I don't own this.

once done Y/n then goes down the stairs to see Seras, a short orange haired woman and a yellowed haired kid setting up the place.

Y/n: morning everyone.

everyone: morning.

orange haired woman: how did you sleep Y/n?

the said young man looks at the orange haired who is currently wearing a black shirt and red pants cleaning some cups

A/n: I know this is Derieri, but this is what Rajine is wearing also her darkness is not active.

Y/n: well I slept well Rajine until...

blonde haired boy: *chibi face* until Seras used my food to make you wake up didn't she.

Y/n: that's right Meliodas.

Meliodas: well let's get this place open!


as they opened that tavern Y/n was handling the giving the customers their drinks and meals with Meliodas while Seras and Rajine were behind the counter filling up drinks or cooking food due to them and Y/n being better cooks than Meliodas. then a freaked out customer enters the tavern telling the other in said tavern that he saw a member of the Seven Deadly Sins which catches Y/n, Meliodas, Seras and Rajine attention with wanted posters hanged on the wall with almost detailed descriptions.

Y/n: [oh boy if only they knew that the leader is right in front of them.]

then the sound of clanging was heard from outside the tavern making everyone stop as they heard the sounds. while a pig starts sniffing the air smelling an odd smell coming their way.

pig: that smells like rust to me.

then the door slowly opens to reveal a person in rust like armor and enters the tavern with their arms out as if asking for help.

rust knight: the Seven Deadly Sins...

customers: it's here!

then they all rushed out of the tavern in a panic until the room was empty with only the knight, Meliodas, Rajine, Seras and Y/n along with the pig who is hiding under a table. Meliodas then hops over the counter to face the knight in rust like armor.

Meliodas: now who are you?

the knight gave no reply as they started to tumble a bit before falling backwards hitting the ground making the helmet come off. which reveals a young girl with silver hair underneath the armor passed out which catches the others by surprise.

Y/n: huh well ain't that convoluted.

pig: this kid is one of the Seven Deadly Sins?

they then helped the girl out of the armor and put her in a bed that is in one of the spare bedrooms. they then got a better look at her and seeing no injurys.

pig: she's a girl.

Seras: *sarcastic tone* oh I wouldn't have guessed thanks Hawk leader of the captain obvious league.

Meliodas: let's make sure

Hawk: huh?!

Rajine/Seras: what was that!

Y/n: say what now?

in that instant Rajine wrapped her arms around Y/n's head making him face plant into her chest while Seras was trying to stop Meliodas as he begins to examine around the unconscious girl's body. then starts groping one of the girl's breast giving it a couple of light squeeze.

Mailodas: yup she's a girl all right!

Rajine/Seras/Hawk: you already knew that!

Y/n: *muffled* um what's happening? Rajine can you let go of my head?

but then the girl starts to wake up and sits up on the bed facing Meliodas who still has his hand on her breast while the Hawk and the other two girls watch with an awkward silence.

girl: umm...pardon me?

Meliodas: *removes his hand* your heart beat is just fine!

girl: oh uh t..thank you very much for that. where am I? um, excuse me why am I doing here?

at this point Rajine let's go of Y/n's head as he moves away from Rajine with a confused expression on why she did that, but returns his attention to the now awaken girl.

Meliodas: oh yeah you walked into my bar then you passed out cold.

girl: your bar?

Meliodas: yeah the Boar Hat. it's my tavern.

girl: hold on...your...the owner?

Seras: yup he is.

Meliodas: is that so weird?

girl: well...I mean I just saw that sword on your back so I just assumed....

Meliodas: *looks at his sword* oh this?

he then unsheathes the sword as it makes a sound from being unsheathed making the girl flinch and closer her eye for a moment. but then opens them to see that it's just a broken sword hilt making Meliodas and Y/n chuckle a bit.

Meliodas: did I scare ya? if all you see is the handle I guess it looks pretty intimidating doesn't it?

Y/n: it make sure that our patrons think twice before skipping out on their bill or tabs.

Hawk: at least the customers don't have to be subjugated to your cooking except the girls and Y/n.

as soon as Hawk opened his mouth the girl looks at Hawk surprised getting Hawks attention then runs to him laughing hugging him.

girl: it's a talking piggy! so cute!

Y/n: [huh talk about turning a one eighty in personality, but still cute for her to act like that.]

Hawk: the name's Hawk. nice to meet ya.

girl: long time ago I pestered my father to give me one as a birthday present!

Meliodas: so did you like having a pet pig?

girl: huh? didn't get one.

Meliodas: hey you feeling hungry? if you want you can have a bite to eat.

girl: do you have a ham hawk?

Hawk: watch it alright!

Y/n: *laughs* it's fine Hawk we're just messing with ya.

Rajine: *chuckles* anyway I can cook you something better than *points to Meliodas* his cooking.

Meliodas: *chibi face* now that's just rude.

Seras: but true.

Y/n's pov

after that little event we make our way down stairs as Rajine goes to the kitchen I see the girl stop in front of the wanted board with the pictures of the Seven Deadly Sins on it.

Meliodas: come and get it!

which draws the girl's attention to us at he counter and walks towards us as Meliodas places the food that Rajine made which surprises the girl at our generosity.

girl: first you nurse me back to health and now your feeding me? how can I ever thank you?

Y/n: eh don't worry abut it.

the girl then took a bite of the food, but tensed up for some reason as Meliodas has a smile which I just shook my head knowing one thing.

Y/n: did you really have to use your cooking?

Meliodas: ah what's the harm *to the girl* what you think? awful isn't it?

girl: yes...

everyone: knew it.

girl: *tears up a bit* but's delicious. more than I can say.

Y/n\Seras\Rajine: huh?!

Meliodas: so what excatly are you doing walking around in that armor?

girl: I'm on a personal quest to find the Seven Deadly Sins.

this shocks not only me, but Meliodas as well which is making me curious why this girl is searching for the Sins in the first place.

Hawk: but why would you do that? nobody knows if they're alive or dead. their also serious villians.

then a knock is heard from the door which catches our attention wondering who is at the door now.

????: open up! we've had a report from some villagers!

Melodas: are you here for the cocaine?

????: now we're not- holy shit they have cocaine here?


Y/n: I'll get it.

I walk to the front door while Seras and Rajine went to get the armor to put it on Hawk while Meliodas instructs the girl to the back door. once I opened the door I see five knights four of them wearing helmets while one doesn't have one on.

Y/n: yes hello how can I help you?

helmetless soldier: we are the order of the Beard Mountain Cat. who are you? are you the owner of this bar?

Y/n: no I'm just one of the workers so what do you guys want?

helmetless soldier: the wondering rust knight was here. send him out.

Y/n: *looks behind him* alright better come out.

just then Hawk comes walking by with some of the armor on him trying to be intimidating. of course I wanted to laugh, but I had to play it cool, but the looks of the soldiers is priceless.

big nose: so...this pig is one of the Seven Deadly Sins?

helmetless soldier: well of course it isn't!

Hawk: how about a little respect! I'm the captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal!

helmetless soldier: there is no such Order!

Y/n: well I can stew or grill this pig if you guys want to?

Hawk: give it a rest will ya!

just then the helmetless soldier then grabs me by the collar of my shirt clearly ticked that he feels like I'm mocking him. so I Gave him a slight intimidating look causing my eyes to glow red slightly and grabbed his wrist.

Y/n: if you don't let go of my shirt...we're going to have a problem.

just then one of the knights noticed something pointing it out as I look to see the girl running into the forest which the knights chase after her. then Meliodas comes out from the tavern.

Y/n: you get the girl I'm going to get my sword.

Meliodas: *smile* you got it!

3rd pov

as the girl was running away from the knights chasing her what shocked the knights is that Hawk was attacking them by ramming into them one by one. until the helmetless one was the last one and stops just before he could fall off the cliff, but wondered where the girl went, but his thoughts were cut when Hawk knocks him off the ledge as Meliodas, the girl and Hawk are over such ledge viewing the landscape.

Meliodas: so why are you searching for the Seven Deadly Sins?

girl: I want to ask them to help stop the Holy Knights.

Hawk: stop the Holy Knights? from doing what? Holy Knights are the King's men. their the Knights who protect Liones! their heroes!

girl: but...what if they were preparing to start a war in this country? the other day, the entire royal family except the king was arrested by the Holy Knights.

Hawk: does that mean the king isn't laid up in bed sick?

girl: *shakes her head* that's just a cover story that Holy Knights have been circulating. I don't know what they are intend to accomplish by starting a war. but they're conscripting people from the kingdom Nd surrounding villages making preparations slowly but surely. their reach will probably extend to this area soon.

Hawk: that's not good.

Meliodas: yeah tough break huh?

Hawk: you never take anything seriously.

Meliodas: so how does this tie to the Seven Deadly Sins?

girl: if even there is a slightest bit of hope of preventing the Holy Knight doing this. *turns to Melodas* I know their the only ones who can.

Meliodas: just checking here. your trying to find those guys even knowing what kind of people they are?

girl: The Seven Deadly Sins... the most mightiest, most vile order of knights in the kingdom ever produced. composed of seven terrible criminals each with a mark of a beast branded on his body. ten years ago they were attacked with full force of all the knights of this realm on suspicion of attempting to overthrow the kingdom and were scattered to the four winds.

Meliodas: well if you believe the rumors they each die a long time ago.

girl: such amazing people wouldn't die that easily!

Meliodas: but they are criminals aren't they?

girl: the Holy Kinghts are the ones causing the suffering of the people right now! long ago when I was 5 or 6 years old my father would told me stories about them all the time. that's when I learned they were the most powerful knights that-

just before she could finish the ground under them suddenly starts to fall and crumble down the beneath them. as they all fall Meliodas simply had his arms crossed with a straight face as he falls. back on the hill a large man with armor with his sword drawn out watching the group of three fall.

large man: oh dear I forgot to confirm that they were the people in the report. conclusion. two people of unknown origin dead. *looks at the knights behind them* what you think men sound about right?

big nose: but sir! Allioni was at the foot of the cliff!

large man: we'll simply put three fatalities in the report.

tall soldier1: but sir Twigo! that's too far even for you!

Twigo: how about seven fatalities then?

????: now that's just cold! man it's got to suck to have you as a boss.

the group of knights turn to see Y/n who is looking down at the cliff with a calm expression as Twigo goes for his sword.

Twigo: you. your the one who was making the Knights as a joke. conclusion. your sentance is death!

he then unsheathes his sword making a striking motion even at a distance, but Y/n simply turn to face them and grabs to then seems nothing and swings his arm up to the sky then back down to his side. which surprises Twigo as he seems to see that his attack did nothing to Y/n.

Twigo: what did you do?

Y/n: eh easy answer nukes, nukes, bombs, bombs. nothing now...

y/n's right arm then reaches his back grabbing the sword on his back as the sword's blade simply phases through it's sheath. then Twigo then sends another strike at Y/n, but he places his in front of him flat side with his other arm at one end of the blade.

Y/n: empty sky form...

as soon as the attack connected Y/n vanishes into nothing as Twigo was pushed back a sudden force. once Twigo made a complete stop he sees Y/n in front of the spot he was in.

Y/n: winters riposte.

Y/n then swings his sword to the side as if flicking it then jumps back to his previous position as the knight's see the sword once it was fully drawn.

just then Meliodas appears back at the top of the cliff with the girl, Hawk and the helmetless knight known as Allioni.

Twigo: you there! how dare you lot survive without my leave! *points to Y/n* and you! where did you get that sword!

Y/n: glad to see your alive.

Meliodas: thanks. *to the girl* hey you okay?

girl: oh! y...yes...

Meliodas: okay when I give the signal run towards the forest. got that?

girl: alright * gets off*

Twigo: tell me which one of them is the likely member of the Seven Deadly Sins? neither bears any resemblance to the wanted posters.

then Twigo sees a blue earing on the girl's left ear with a symbol on it with catches Twigo by surprise then returns to his previous expression.

Twigo: aha! fate is smiling upon me today! the crest on that earing is that of the royal family which means that you...conclusion! are Princess Elizabeth!

Meliodas: hold on your a princess?

Y/n: now way...

Hawk: wow wait! are you really Princess Elizabeth!? your the third Princess in the royal family!

Twigo: a decree was issued on your whereabouts. the order was to capture you alive, but...if you died in an accident that would be regrettable.

Meliodas: go now!

the group them makes a run for it into the forest as Twigo then slashed his sword out from his sheath making a slice wave heading towards them and cutting down all the trees barely missing the tavern. but lucky for them they ducked under the attack as Meliodas protects Elizabeth with his body on top of her.

Meliodas: you guys okay?

Y/n: I'm okay here! *gives a thumbs up*

Hawk: seriously! I feel like a seared pork on a stick. you call this okay?! mommy!

he then runs back to the tavern just passed Twigo oh was slightly surprised by the talking pig, but returns to the three in front of him. then Elizabeth stands up as Meliodas and Y/n look at her curious to what she's doing.

Meliodas: Elizabeth? hey what are you doing?

Elizabeth: there is no escaping him.

Meliodas: wait hold on you just said you couldn't afford to get caught or give up.

Elizabeth: maybe if I surrender myself peacefully he'll agree to take me back with him and your lives would be spared.

just then Twigo swings his sword up as a wave was coming right at her, but Y/n get's in front of her and block the attack just before it could hit her.

Y/n: yeah I think he doesn't plans on no one getting out alive.

Elizabeth: why? *starts to cry* I was so happy when I met you...I set out to search for the Seven Deadly Sins all by was hard traveling by myself and I felt so scared! walking around in that rusty armor hoping no body will recognize me. but there wasn't anyone I could turn to for help and now you, the owner and the girls showed so much kindness to someone you never met before...I don't want to see any of you hurt. that's why I don't want to involve any of you in my problems any further. not when I don't know any of your names!

Meliodas who was standing right next to her get's a quick flash in memory of someone with pink hair then gives a small smile as y/n closed his eyes smiling as well.

Meliodas: Meliodas. that's my name.

Y/n: and the name's Y/n nice to meet ya.

then Elizabeth eyes widens as she remembered looking at the wanted poster of Meliodas and turns to Y/n with the same expression. as Twigo get's closer he swings his blade again expecting to finally kill the three in front of him, but the side of his face get's cut surprising him as he felt another sudden force knocking him back again with Meliodas in front of him.

Twigo: how is this possible? my technique was flawless. I'm certain my blade struck him! but the one who felt the blow...was me?! *sees the broken sword* and what is that?! a broken sword?

as Y/n watches with Elizabeth next to him he sheaths his sowrd back on his back which confused Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: what are you doing?

Y/n: don't worry. this battle is already over just watch.

Twigo: wait a minute your faces are starting to look familiar...but if you are him, how can you look exactly the same as you did that day?! * looks at Y/n* and you that makes

Meliodas: alright times up. figured it out yet?

Twigo: no it can't be! it truly is you!

as Twigo then swings his sword again trying to hit Meliodas, but the said person swings his broken blade making the large man get knocked in to the air from the impact being relfected right back at him with Meliodas as the victor.

Meliodas: The Seven Deadly Sins: the Sin of Wrath. the dragon Sin Meliodas!

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter please let me know in the comments. now for each Sin that the reader meets they will act differently to him like Diane will be like a sister figure, Ban a brotherly figure and so on please let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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