Chapter 8
"Do you need anything else, Lord Byte?" Appule asked as Naruto shook his head
"No, that'll be a- wait, you take Konohamaru home," Naruto said as Appule bowed
"Yes, sir!" Appule replied as he dropped Sasuke and looked at Konohamaru, "come on, kid, where do you live?" Appule asked as they left. Sasuke lifted himself off the floor as Naruto extended a hand "I don't need your help," Sasuke said
"Alright, emo," Naruto said as he pulled his hand back
"So, mind telling me why am I here?" Sasuke asked as he brushed himself off
"I wanted to see how you were doing,"
"And you couldn't just walk? Real smart of you, dope,"
"Hey! My father wouldn't let me,"
"Father? You're an orphan!" Sasuke said as he now just saw Naruto's tail. Looking at it for a few minutes, he then opened and closed his eyes repeatedly and said: "I must still be in the hospital. I'm currently in a coma after I shoved my Chidori through your chest when you increased the power your Rasengan and missed like the stupid idiot you are,"
"I'm not an idiot!" Naruto shouted
"Then what the hell was the purple glow!?"
"Hell if I know!" Naruto screamed as Sasuke took a deep breath and turned around, "Where are you going?"
"Back to the hospital, I need to plan my escape," Sasuke said as he whispered the last part
"*Sigh* Okay, see you later?" Naruto asked as Sasuke walked out and the door closed behind him. When he took his third step away from the door, Sasuke felt something go through his stomach.
(Play Music, Loop as Needed)
Sasuke could barely even process what was going on when he suddenly found himself outside "H-how the h-hell did I get here?" Sasuke asked as he felt someone stomp on his wound
"My, my, my, so you're the great Sasuke Uchiha. Must say, that hair of yours really suits someone like you," Frieza said as he ground his heel into the hole he blasted into Sasuke
"W-who the hell are you?"
"Oh ho ho ho! So they haven't told you yet? Figures," Frieza said as he bent down, "I'm Frieza, your new emperor,"
"B-bullshit!" Sasuke grunted as he felt Frieza send another blast through his body "GAH!"
"I would change that tone of yours, boy, before I kill you,"
"Y-you can't k-kill me! T-the council will h-have your head!" Sasuke threatened as Frieza laughed
"Hahahahahaha! You think your pathetic council has any power over me? You're more of a fool than I thought," Frieza said as he snapped his fingers. One of Frieza's men then appeared with a council member, both their hands tied behind their back and both their feet cut off "Take a good look," Freiza said as he pointed his finger at the two
"L-Lord Frieza, what ar-GAH!" the soldier shouted as both he and the council member were killed with a single death beam, the council member being shot through the head and the soldier being shot through the heart. Sasuke looked on in shock as Freiza smiled "Y-you killed y-you own soldier," Sasuke said
"Hard labor comes cheap, kill one and 10 more pop up to take his place," Frieza explained, "but that's not important. You see, I'm a little... livid, at what you've done to my son,"
"S-son?" Sasuke asked, "I-I've never seen anyone l-like you?"
"That's because his appearance was altered. I'm sure you've seen his tail, yes?" Frieza asked as he moved his tail around Sasuke's neck
"If that's the name he was given here on this back-water planet then yes, my dear eldest son; Frosbyte," Frieza explained
"L-look, I-I'm s-GAH!" Sasuke said as Frieza started to choke him with his tail
"I'm only going to say this once; So you better listen, pest, if you know your place," Frieza said as his hold on Sasuke got even tighter, "I heard your conversation with my son, shoving a Chidori , or whatever it is, through his chest? That's something I can't have happening again now, so here's what I'm going to say. You're gonna give me everything you know about this planet and more! I also want you to take me to your master, or whoever you were running away to... so I can thank him personally. Gag twice if you understand,"
"Glad we came to an understanding," Frieza said as he kicked Sasuke through a tree, "that was a nice chat... have a nice day," he continued with a smirk as he walked back to his ship. Sasuke was lying on the ground as he coughed up blood. Soon, an ANBU appeared near Sasuke and picked him up "Wounds have been cauterized and it looks like you've been choked out," the ANBU whispered as Sasuke looked up at him and coughed up blood, "and internal bleeding,"
"W-what are you waiting f-for? G-get me to-to the hospi... tal," Sasuke said before passing out
"Thank kami, now I don't have to listen to him," the ANBU said as he vanished.
Later That Night:
Frieza sat in his hover pod with Naruto and Kuriza by his side. They were in the middle of Konoha as hundreds gathered around. A full moon was out tonight as Tsunade and Rookies and their sensei's stood in front of the trio "Alright, you got us here, now what?" Tsunade asked as Frieza smirked
"Oh, you'll see," Frieza replied as he looked at Naruto, "Byte, have you ever seen fireworks?"
"Yes?" Naruto asked questionably as Freiza gained a questionable look on his face
"And why did you say it like that?"
"Well, I was usually being chased whenever they go off... so fireworks aren't really my thing," Naruto stated as Frieza sighed
"I see. Well tonight, you'll see fireworks for what they are to be seen as... enjoyment!" Freiza explained as Kuriza started clapping
"Yay! Fireworks! When are we going to see them papa, when, when?" Kuriza asked as a large smile was on his face
"Calm down now, Kuriza, you'll see them in time,"
"So... fireworks? That's what you brought us all here to see?" Tsunade asked as Frieza nodded with a sinister grin
"Well then, I guess we have nothing to worry about," Kakashi said as he pulled out his orange book
"Oh, yes. These are going to be the biggest fireworks you've ever seen!" Frieza exclaimed as he raised his finger. A small orb formed over his finger as he raised his arm into the air and the orb got bigger "W-what are you doing?!" Asuma shouted as the ground began to shake
"Witness my power! And bow to your master!" Frieza shouted as the ki orb on his finger grew to the size of a small house and launched it at the moon. It zoomed through the sky as the orb struck the moon and in a few short seconds, it was gone in an explosion of fire and molten rock "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Look at it, my sons! Look at the fireworks! Isn't it splendid? HAHAHAHAHA!" Frieza shouted as he laughed
"Hahahahahaha! Again! Again!" Kuriza shouted as he bounced up and down
"W-what the hell?" Naruto asked as he looked at Frieza, "Y-you blew up the moon,"
"That I did, but did you enjoy the show?" Frieza asked
"I-I don't know... I-I guess I did," Naruto replied with a small smile
"But I have one question,"
"Will I be able to do that?" Naruto asked as he pointed up at the sky. Frieza grew a large smile on his face as he nodded "Yes and much more! But that won't happen until we fix you, speaking of; TSUANDE!" Frieza shouted as Tsunade looked at him
"Y-yes?" Tsunade asked
"Yes, what?" Frieza repeated her as Tsunade gritted her teeth and bowed
"Y-yes, Lord Frieza?" Tsunade corrected herself
"That's better... now then, have you found out a say to fix my son?"
"Yes, the person shall be here shortly,"
"That's good to know. Come along, Kuriza, Byte, we need to get some rest,"
"Coming, papa!" Kuriza said with a smile
"Coming!" Naruto said as he looked at them and back at Tsunade, "Granny, I'm s-"
"Don't be sorry, Naruto... we've had this coming for a while," Tsunade said, "at least you've got a family now,"
"Y-yeah... I guess,"
"NII-CHAN! COME ON!" Kuriza shouted as he waved back at Naruto
"Gotta go and I'm sorry," Naruto replied as he ran back to them. When he was gone, Tsunade and everyone looked up at the sky and the missing moon "Did you really mean that?" Kurenai asked, "about us?"
"Every word... this village has gone to hell... and now we're in purgatory,"
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter]
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