Chapter 16

2 Days Later, Deep Space:

Turles looked at the blue planet with a smile on his face. He then looked down at the fruit in his hand and crushed it. Releasing his palm, all that was left was a seed "We've arrived on time, perfect," Turles said when Amond walked up to him

"Sir, the woman has awoken," Amond said, causing Turles to chuckle

"Well, my day just keeps on getting better and better... bring her to me," Turles ordered. When Amond came back, with the woman by his side, Turles managed to get a full look at her. She had white clear eyes and her eyebrows were cut very short and round with a red shade of lipstick on her lips. She also wore a high-collared hime-kimono which has tomoe running down the center and edges of the gown. But what he noticed the most was the sour look she was giving him.

"My, my, what's wrong... princess?" Turles asked

"How do you know that?" the woman asked

"Simple, members of the Ōtsutsuki race have a select set of features pertaining to royalty, much like that of the Saiyans. The rounded eye-brows are a dead give-away," Turles said as he pointed at her

"What do you want with me?"

"First, I would like your name," Turles asked

"Kaguya... Kaguya Ōtsutsuki,"

"Turles, now, tell me, does that planet look familiar to you?" Turles asked as he pointed at the planet on the screen. Kaguya looked at it as she nodded "Yes, it's mine," Kaguya said

"Your's? Haha, this will make things much easier then," Turles said as he vanished and punched Kaguya in the gut. She doubled over in pain as Turles grabbed her by the hair and kneed her in her face "This planet is mine now, understood?" Turles said as Kaguya wiped away the blood flowing from her nose. She raised her hand to attack, but Turles quickly grabbed her arm... and broke it "GAH!" Kaguya screamed as Turles then struck her in the face, sending her to the floor

"I'm going to destroy this planet, and I don't want anyone getting in my way... If this is the strongest this planet has to offer, then I guess this is gonna be easy," Turles stated, "take her away to the cells, she might provide... entertainment for when this planet is gone,"

"Yes sir," Amond said as he dragged Kaguya away. As Kaguya was being dragged away, Turles continued to look out at the planet, chuckling to himself "Soon, the power of the demon realm will be mine and I'll be the king of the universe, not that stupid lizard, Freiza," Turles said as his ship continued to go towards the planet.

2 Hours Later:

(Play Music)

Turles's ship landed on the planet on top of a bunch of rocks. Turles and the Turles Crusher Corp. stood on the edge.

They all looked down at the village below. A village made of stone and rocks.

"This is gonna be easy," Turles said as he turned to his men, "you stay and take care of the locals, I need to find the perfect place to start my gardening career,"

"At once!" they all shouted as Turles started flying away. Pretty soon, a bunch of people showed up. Each one wearing red clothes and armor with headbands around their foreheads. But three stood out. An old man who looked to be very short, a tall, big-boned man, and a woman with a stern look on her face.

"Who are you and why are you here?" the old man asked

"We're the Turles Crusher Corp. and we're here for your planet," said Amond

"What are you going on about?" the woman asked as Daiz popped his knuckles

"Simple, like this!" Daiz shouted as he vanished. The woman then coughed up saliva as Daiz's fist was in her stomach "Kurotsuchi!" the large man shouted as he watched Diaz kick her in the head and send her flying through the air

"KILL THEM!" the old man ordered as the pink-man with armor quickly moved in front of them and his armor opened up.

Ki blasts were fired from the holes as all of them were killed. Only the old man and the large man were left as Diaz gave the pink man a thumbs-up "Nicely done, Cacao," Diaz said as the Cacao nodded

"Akatsuchi, when I say run, get everyone in the village to safety and find Kurotsuchi," the old man whispered

"L-Lord Tsuchikage, what are y-"

"RUN! PARTICLE STYLE: ATOMIC DISMANTLING JUTSU!" the old man shouted as a small pyramid formed in his hands and the attack was launched at the Turles Crusher Corp. The Crusher Corp. dodged the attack as the two small aliens appeared at his side and elbowed him in the ribs at the same time. The old man gasped as Diaz then appeared and punched him in the nose, breaking it "GAH! You punks!" the old man screamed as Amond appeared behind him and raised his hand to his head

"You're not really worth a lot of my time... so goodbye," Amond said as he fired a ki blast at the old man's head. As the dust settled from the blast, in place of the old man was a small boulder that was blown to bits "Old man has some tricks, spread out! Find the old coot and get the fat man!" Amond ordered

"Yes, sir!" they all replied as the vanished. But behind a rock, the old man was holding his bleeding nose as he tried his best to not moan in pain "I-I need to inform the entire Nation," he whispered as he weaved hand-signs. A small rock golem appeared from the ground as he started writing on its back "Go! Give this message to the Raikage!" the old man said as the golem nodded and started running "Onoki, what have you gotten yourself into?" he whispered as he heard an explosion from the village "Damn-it! I wasted time as it is!"

With Turles:

Turles was flying through the air as he looked down at the seed in his hand "I need to find somewhere perfect for you... ah! That'll do," Turles said as he was approaching a forest. He landed in it as he looked around "This place seems alright, now to start planting," Turles said as he kicked the ground, creating a small hole. He dropped the seed in the hole and covered it "Now if I remember correctly... I need a sacrifice," Turles said

"Hold it right there!" said a voice as Turles turned around to see a Konoha Chunin, "Who are you?"

"Who I am is none of your concern, but since you're here, mind lending me your blood?" Turles asked as he vanished and grabbed the Chunin by the throat. He snapped the Chunin's neck and tossed the body over the seed. Turles then waited until a small tree grew out of the corpse a few minutes later, "Let the destruction of this planet begin... and the reign of Lord Turles begin! Yeah, I like the sound of that, LORD TURLES! HAHAHAHA!" Turles laughed as he continued to watch the tree grow.

Later, With Naruto:

Naruto was mentally tired as he walked through the ship. He had just finished his lessons with his father when Appule ran up to him "Lord Byte! I-I have important news!" Appule said with a salute

"What is it? Can't you see that I'm exhausted?" Naruto replied as struggled to stand-up straight

"Scouts have reported that there have been several attacks to the North-West, near the country this planet has called 'The Land of Earth!" Appule said

"Okay? And?"

"There are several power levels over 5,000 approaching us! Scouts have either come back half-dead and saw that there's nothing but fires and destroyed towns!" Appule shouted

"Why haven't you talked to my father about this?"

"He said not to disturb him," Appule said

"And what about the Ginyu's?"

"I-I have no idea where to find them," Appule deadpanned. Naruto rubbed the bridge of his nose as he rolled his shoulders, "Okay, let's deal with this as quickly as possible," Naruto said as a soldier came up to them

"Lord Byte! Commander Appule! You've got to see this!" the soldier said

"What's going on now?" Naruto asked

"T-The plants! They're dying at a rapid pace!"

"What?!" Naruto shouted as he and Appule followed the soldier outside to see dead and dying trees, grass, and some small animals on the ground "What's going on?" Naruto asked as he looked to his left and saw the problem. A very large problem, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"

"That's a tree, sir," the soldier said

"Yeah, I understand it's a tree, but why is it so big? How the hell did it get here? How did it get so big?!" Naruto asked

"We have no clue, sir! I-It just showed up!" the soldier replied

"I'm going to find out what the hell is going on! Find the Ginyu's and tell my father, make sure Dodoria and Zarbon are informed too!" Naruto said

"B-but, sir, what abo-"

(Play Music!)

"DON'T ARGUE WITH ME YOU SIMPLETON! GO NOTIFY MY FATHER AND THE GINYU'S! NOW!" Naruto screamed as he flew out of the ship. Naruto flew through the sky as he headed towards the giant tree. As he flew through the sky, he was looking down at all the plants and animals seemingly dying below him "Whatever this thing is, it's killing the planet and I need to get rid of it," Naruto said to himself as he saw a ki blast heading towards him. He dodged it as was then kicked in the face, sending him into a tail-spin. He crashed into the ground as he looked up and saw a barrage of ki blasts coming toward him. He quickly got up and moved out of the way of the ki blasts "Hiya, bud," said Diaz as he appeared behind Naruto

"Who are you?!" Naruto shouted as Diaz went to punch Naruto. But Naruto blocked it and kicked Diaz in the chest, shattering the armor he was wearing "I-Impossible!" Diaz gasped as Naruto was then hit in the back with a bunch of ki blasts

"He seems to be strong, what's his power-level?" Rasin asked as the purple, goblin-like alien looked at his twin

"Let's see h- IT CAN'T BE!" Laksaei shouted

"What is it?"

"I-IT'S OVER 9,000!!!!!" Laksaei screamed


"We can't take him like this, CACAO! COVER US!" Rasin shouted as Cacao appeared in front of them and started firing at Naruto. Naruto felt a slight sting from each blast that struck him as he looked down at Diaz, who was still gasping. He picked Diaz up and used him as a live-shield. After Diaz was hit by a few dozen blasts, Diaz took a deep breath and shouted: "STOP FIRING YOU IDIOT!" causing the ki blasts to stop. Naruto then kicked Diaz toward them as he flew at Cacao and struck him in the side of the head with a kick. Cacao did several spins in the air as he was sent through several dead trees. Naruto then appeared on top of Cacao as he grabbed the pink alien by the armor "What's with the tree? Why's everything dying? Are you responsible for this?!" Naruto shouted as he was struck by a ki blast in the back again, "WHO THE ABSOLUTE HELL IS SHOOTING ME IN THE BACK?! YOU DID THIS MULTIPLE TIMES AND IT'S STILL NOT WORKING!"

"Hmm, you've gotten weaker, Frieza, since we last met," said Turles as he descended from the clouds, "I'd also appreciate it if you let go of Cacao, it's hard to find good men these days,"

"Are you the one behind this?" Naruto asked

"Oh, this? You can't seem to appreciate my green thumb, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a perfect spot to plant a demonic tree?" Turles said as he raised his hand, "Now I think it's time I put you down while you're at your weakest... DIE!"

[Sorry if this chapter was sloppy, but I also hope you enjoyed it!]

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