Chapter 15

4 Days Later, Deep Space:

Turles sat in his captain's chair, tossing the fruit he had in his hand up and down with a smirk on his face "Just 2 more days and I'll finally have the power I need to rule the universe, not the stupid lizard... Frieza," Turles whispered when something started beeping, "what's that racket?"

"Turles, sir, we've seemed to have something on the radar," said a man wearing armor and jewelry around his neck

"Bring it up, Diaz," Turles said as a picture of a few asteroids were coming toward them, "it's nothing but a bunch of rocks, what's the problem?"

"It's not the rocks, sir... t-there's a life signature, from the middle!" Diaz said as he zoomed in the picture. Floating in the middle of space was a woman in white, with horns on her head and white robes. Turles eyes widened as he gained a wicked grin and started to chuckle "My, my, what do we have here?" Turles said as he stood up and looked at the screen, "Bring her in,"

"A-are you sure?" Diaz asked

"Very much so, I wish to see if my assumption is correct," Turles stated as Diaz nodded

"Right away,"


Turles looked down at the woman on the table with a smile "Just as I thought... an Otsutsuki," Turles said

"Excuse me, but what's an Otsu-tu-ki?" Amond asked

"It's Otsutsuki, and they are said to be a power race' destroying planets to extend their lives using 'God Tree's', a similar process much like that of the Tree of Might. But instead of a huge power boost, it just extends your life," Turles explained. He clicked the scouter on the side of his head as he looked down at the Otsutsuki clans-woman and frowned "This is something, she's just a few hundred power-levels below me... *sigh* disappointing, regardless, she is still a valuable asset. Keep her alive, she may help us," Turles ordered

"At once," Diaz stated, making Turles smile.

With Naruto:

Naruto was sitting at a desk as his father stood in front of him. Naruto was looking at Freiza as the ladder said: "Son, as much as I love you... this has to change,"

"What's gotta change?" Naruto asked

"That," Freiza said as he pointed at Naruto


"That! Your dialect! The way you talk! You sound like a backwoods inbred!" Frieza said

"Well excuse me for speaking like everybody I've ever known!"

"And that's why I'm going to be giving you a crash-course on speaking like a proper prince," Frieza said as he turned the board behind him. The board flipped to reveal 'Lord Frieza's Speech/Language Crash-Course' as Freiza pulled out a laser-pointer and some chalk "We'll start with basic nouns and pronouns," Freiza said as he flipped the chalk-board again and began writing, "now, as we both know; a noun is a person, place, or object with a certain name. Such examples are Kuriza, Planet Brench, also called Space Australia, and Scouter," Frieza explained as he turned around to see Naruto sneaking away. He frowned as he shot a ki blast near his feet and said: "Where do you think you're going?" as Naruto shivered

"N-nowhere, j-just to the bathroom," Naruto said as Frieza shook his head

"That's another thing we're going to have to work on... your lying, tone, and posture," Frieza said, "now sit back down before I make you,"

"YES, SIR!" Naruto shouted as he seemingly vanished and appeared back in his seat. Frieza coughed into his hand as he started writing again, "Now then, a pronoun is a-" Frieza began as Naruto cried on the inside

'Kami, why have you abandoned me?' Naruto thought as he continued to listen to his father's lecture.

With The Ginyu Force:

"Why do you guys have chairs?" Dodoria asked as he looked at the Ginyu sitting in front of him with lawn-chairs and drinks, "Also, what's with the guy in the green spandex?"

"My name is Might Guy! And I'm here to see my student become one of the Frieza Force Soldiers!" Guy said with a smile

"And a show!" Guldo said as he used his scouter and looked to his right, "OH! He's coming!"

"Who's co-"

"DYNAMIC ENTRY!" shouted Lee as he struck Dodoria in the head. Lee's skin was red as Dodora was sent flying into a near-by tree "Did I just get hit by a bowl-cut?" Dodiora asked as he stood back up and saw Lee standing in front of him

"LET THE SHOW, BEGIN!" Burter said as he pulled out a bag of popcorn

"How long do you think the kid's gonna last?" Recoom asked

"20 says he makes it out alive," Jeice said

"50 if he dies!" Guldo said as they saw Lee launch another attack at Dodoria. Dodoria was prepared for it however as he grabbed Lee's foot and slammed him against the ground. Lee bounced as Dodoria hit him with a ki blast and was sent flying into the sky "Let's see what else this kid's got," Dodoria said as he saw Lee flip in the air and land back on the ground

"4TH GATE! GATE OF PAIN! OPEN!" Lee shouted as he rushed back at Dodoria, "DYNAMIC ENTRY!". Dodiora moved to the side as he elbowed Lee into the ground and kicked him "You should really not announce your attack, kid," Dodoria said as he picked Lee up, "now what are you going to do now?" Dodoria asked as Lee wrapped his legs around Dodoria's arm. He then proceeded to suplex Dodoria, but the pink alien countered by using his open arm to catch himself and flip. Dodoria then struck the ground with Lee, dragging him through the dirt. Dodoria then smirked as he dragged Lee upwards and flew into the sky "Prepare to pay that 50 zenni, Jeice!" Guldo said

"LEE!!!" Guy shouted as Dodoria and Lee continued to go higher into the sky. Dodoria then plummeted back down with "Get ready to die, kid!" Dodoria said as he put his hand out

"OPEN! 5TH GATE! GATE OF CLOSING! OPEN!" Lee screamed as his face was covered by Dodoria's hand. He then got out of Dodoria's grip and started to punch Dodoria. First in his ribs, then his arms, and his legs, each time wrapping cloth around Dodoria until he looked like a mummy "W-what the hell?!" Dodoria said as Lee appeared behind him

"PRIMARY LOTUS!" Lee screamed as they began spinning in the air


On The Ground:

"Huh, seems like the kid is actually doing something," Burter said

"HAHA! That's it, Lee! Good work!" Guy shouted as a shadow was starting to cover Guldo

"Huh, did any of you get an umbrella or something?" Guldo asked as he looked up, "Wait a minute... what's th- *SPALT* NOOOO!"


A huge cloud of dust appeared in front of the group as Lee was on the ground, taking several deep breaths as he tried to stand up "T-that w-was my a-all," Lee whispered as he started to hear some popping

"You managed to get rid of the creak in my neck!" Dodoria said as he came out of the dust cloud, rubbing his neck

"B-but how?" Lee asked as Dodoria walked over to him

"You are something else kid, strong too... fine then, welcome to the Frieza Force!"

The Next Day:

Naruto was laying in bed as he looked up at the ceiling. He was mentally tired from the lectures Frieza had given him when he heard a knock on the door "Who is it?" Naruto asked

"Lord Byte! It's me, Dodoria," Dodoria said, "I've come with a new recruit,"

"Alright, I'll be right there," Naruto replied as he hopped out of bed and opened the door to see Dodoria... and Lee in basic armor with a green scouter on the side of his head. Naruto blinked several times before he rubbed his eyes "Lee? What the hell?" Naruto asked

"Lord Naruto! I've come to assist you!" Lee said with a bow as Naruto sweat-dropped

"Please, just call me Byte," Naruto said

"Yes, Lord Byte! I've come to help you and get stronger! By joining the Frieza Force with Guy-sensei's permission, I've learned so much in such a short amount of time! I've already healed from my battle yesterday thanks to a 'Healing Pod'," Lee said as he stood up straight

"I'll also be the one commanding him, but since he's your... 'friend' I thought it would be a good idea for him to guard you with Appule," Dodoria said

"Okay," Naruto said

"What's my first order?!" Lee asked as Naruto rubbed his eyes

"First order... bring us some breakfast," Naruto said as Lee nodded

"YOSH!" Lee said as he ran in the opposite way of the cafeteria

"This is gonna be a long day," Dodoria said

"Agreed," Naruto replied

[Hope you all enjoyed the new chapter, sorry if it's a bit late]

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