Chapter 13
"Alright! Let's get started!" Jeice said as he faced Naruto and Sakura. Naruto was looking at Sakura, who was holding a box of sweets "Can you put that down?" Naruto asked
"It was empty anyway," Sakura said in a sad tone as she tossed it away
"Don't litta!" Jeice shouted as he blasted the box, "The Ginyu Force is supposed to be the elite of the elite! Which means we have an appearance to keep! Now, let's start with stretching!"
"Stretching?" Sakura asked
"Yeah, stretching! Just follow my moves!" Jeice said as he sat down, "We'll start with the butterfly stretch, an easy one,". Sakura and Naruto sat down as Jeice started to explain "Okay, now bring your feet together and grab ya feet and ankles and slowly lean forward, keeping your spine straight," Jeice instructed as Naruto and Sakura slowly did as they were told
"Like, this?" Naruto asked
"Yup, how ya doing, pinkie?"
"M-my back kinda hurts," Sakura said as Jeice sighed
"Well, at least we're doing stretches first. Now we hold this for the next 30 seconds, starting the tima... now!"
With The Ginyu Force:
The Ginyu Force were walking into the Hot Springs as Ginyu looked at the signs "Well, looks like we're gonna have to leave the drinks outside," Ginyu said
"Aww, but I wanted to get brick-faced," Burter said. He was wearing a white-sleeveless shirt with brown shorts that barely went past his knees, "Who cares? I don't," Guldo said, "I only care about the... women," he continued to say with a giggle
"I just want to relax, doesn't matter how," Recoome stated, "besides, not like anyone's gonna steal from us,"
"I guess you're right... excuse me!" Ginyu said as he walked up to the front desk. The person standing there was shaking in fear as he said: "Y-yes? H-how may I help you?"
"We need a place to store our drinks! Know anywhere?" Ginyu asked
"I-I can keep them up here, i-if you want me too?"
"That'd be fine, also, we need to get into the hot springs, how much?"
"H-how many are there?"
"Including me, let's see here," Ginyu said as he started to count on his fingers, "there's me, Recoom, Guldo, Burter... 4! 4 entries, all male!"
"A-alright, that'll come to-"
Back With Naruto, 2 Minutes Later:
Naruto was shaking as he was doing the splits and was leaning forward, stretching out his arms while doing so. Sakura was shaking even more as Jeice was having do trouble doing the stretch "H-how much longer?" Naruto asked
"Just a few more seconds, Lord Byte," Jeice answered
"M-Make the pain stop!" Sakura screamed as Jeice had an alarm go off in his ear
"Done!" Jeice said as Naruto and Sakura collapsed to the floor
"E-everything burns,"
"Of course it does, you haven't done any stretches. How did you even become a ninja anyway?"
"S-she had good grades," Naruto said
"Good grades?! Why kind of place is this? If ya can't even fight in a physical battle, then what's the bloody point?" Jeice said as he sighed, "Anyways, now that the stretching is done, we can get to the main event!"
"Alright! Learning to fly at last!" Naruto said as he jumped up from the ground
"Calm down, we're just gonna start off easy like, ya know?"
"Okay, what do we do... sensei?" Sakura asked
"Sensei? What's that mean?"
"It means teacher," Naruto said
"Teacha? I'm more of an instructor meself, but I can get behind it. Anyways, you're supposed to feel something at the ends of your feet and then you push it off,"
"So, like walking on trees?" Sakura asked
"Ye- wait, what?" Jeice asked. Sakura then walked up to a tree and climbed up it with only her feet. Jeice was stunned as Naruto brushed it off "So, like tree climbing?" Naruto asked
"H-how the bloomin' bloody hell did she do that?!" Jeice screamed
"We push chakra to our feet and use it to attach ourselves to the tree, we can do that same thing on water, too," Sakura explained
"Well, what happens if you fail it?"
"Too much will send you off it, too little won't even let you attach yourself to it," Sakura said
"Well put more into it! The idea is ta send yourself flying, like this!" Jeice said as he flew up into the air. Naruto watched Jeice for a while before he closed his eyes and focused on his feet. He felt a sensation like from when he fought his father and when he looked down, he was floating "You're doing a good job, Lord Byte! Now you, sheila!" Jeice said as he looked at Sakura, who was gulping.
Sakura rammed into a tree as she bounced off it and fell to the ground "OW!" Sakura screamed as she rubbed her head, "This hurts! Why didn't you tell me flying was dangerous?!"
"Don't go crook on me for getting crook, sheila! That's ya own fault!" Jeice said
"Can you please speak normally?! I don't know what the hell you're saying!"
"Well if ya stop being a drongo, than I don't have to be such a yabber, now try again! Why can't ya be more like Lord Byte?" Jeice said as he pointed up at Naruto, who was flying high into the sky and passed the clouds. Naruto flew even higher into the sky as he suddenly stopped. He took a deep breath and started to fall. Sakura looked in horror while Jeice smirked: "You need to help him!" Sakura said
"Naw, he's fine," Jeice said as he saw Naruto spin in the air and continue flying, "see?"
"Y-yeah, I saw," Sakura said as she sighed, "I'm never gonna be able to do that,"
"Oh, don't be such a downer, how about this? You reach the clouds in the next hour... and I'll buy ya another box of lollies, deal?"
"DEAL!" Sakura shouted as she instantly started to fly around the trees
"Huh... must be blood week for her,"
With The Ginyu Force:
Ginyu was sitting in the water with a small smile on his face "This is nice, we should come here whenever Lord Frieza gives us more time off," Ginyu said
"Tell me about it, that was the first shower I've had in days, glad I brought soap," Burter stated as he leaned back
"This place is great! My body has never felt so good before!" Recoom said through the towel on his face
"Yeah, too bad Jeice can't be here. But duty before pleasure," Ginyu said
"Or in our case, our duty is our pleasure," Burter commented
"Yup... hey, where's Guldo?"
With Guldo:
Guldo was peeking over the women's stall as with a blush on his face. He looked inside with a smile as he said: "Aww, the women on this planet have such beautiful bodies,"
"You can say that again," said a voice next to Guldo as he looked to his right and saw Jiraiya, "just look at them, their breasts could just fit perfectly into my palms,"
"Yeah... hey, look at that! She's a brunet!"
"She has lovely skin, don't you think?" Jiraiya asked
"Oh yes... wait a minute, who the hell are you!?
[Sorry this chapter was short, but hope you enjoyed!]
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