Chapter 11

2 Days Later:

Naruto was sleeping sound asleep in his bed while Frieza watched from the door. He could only smile as he closed the door behind him and made his way back to his room. As he entered, the Ginyu force was bowing in his presence as he walked up and stood in front of Ginyu "What do you wish of us, Lord Freiza?" Ginyu asked

"I need you to bring me Sasuke Uchiha. He had the hair-style of a duck's ass and the complexion of a porcelain doll. You may find him at the hospital," Frieza said

"At once, Lord Frieza!" Ginyu said as he turned around, "You heard him, men! Let's find Sasgay Uchiho at once!"

"Uh, sir, I think it was Sasuke Uchiha," Burter said

"Oh, thank-you, Burter for correcting me. Let us go!" Ginyu said as they all vanished. Frieza stayed in his room and waited, all the while, thinking about his conversation with Kushina Uzumaki.


"W-what do you mean Naruto has been through hell?" Kushina asked

"Are you deaf? I said, my son, has been tortured both physically and mentally by this backwoods village on this sewage infested planet. You should be grateful that has a heart and convinced me from blowing up the sun and letting you freeze to death!" Frieza stated

"T-that can't be true! The people of Konoha wouldn't do such a thing!" Minato said as Frieza shot a ki beam through his shoulder

"MINATO!" Kushina screamed

"Don't cry weep for the stupid, women, you'll be crying all day," Frieza said

"W-why did you d-do that?" Minato asked

"You lied to me, and I don't like being lied to,"

"B-but it's the truth!"

"Then you're a gullible fool! I sent my son to this planet for his safety!" Freiza shouted


"I was hoping that my son would be safe if I sent him here. The power levels on this planet were low, and the technology was even more so... and yet it was a mistake,"

"H-how was Naruto in danger?" Kushina asked

"His name is Frosbyte, and I sent him here for one reason... a bunch of savage monkey's," Freiza replied

"A bunch of monkeys?" Kushina asked

"They're a race called Saiyans, and they were once my servants,"

"So you feared an uprising?" Minato asked

"No, I feared the aftermath... you see, 17 years ago, I blew up their planet with only 4 survivors,"

"But what's so scary about 4 people?" Kushina asked

"They're animals. I let a bunch of wild animals into my army, and once a wild animal starts to get comfortable, it'll end up biting the hand that feeds it,"

"B-but still, 4 people," Minato stated

"And all can blow up a planet with ease! Though a doubt Raditz could, maybe a large moon, yet that's beside the point. 3 of them I had under my thumb... yet the one, Turles, he was as wild as the same beast he descended from... he managed to defect, and I've been trying to obliterate him ever since,"

"So... you sent Frosbyte here hoping he wouldn't be put in danger?" Kushina asked

"Yes, but my dreams have been dashed across the craggy shores of your ignorance... but I must thank-you," Frieza said

"F-for what?" Minato asked

"For finding my son, though I must ask... how long did you care for him... before you ruined his life?"

"W-we had him for a week... he was a happy baby from what I remember, smiling whenever we looked at him. He would always grab my hair too, I think he liked the color," Kushina said as she slowly brought her hand through her hair

"I see... It's been quite the... interaction. Good-bye,"

End Flashback:

Frieza was brought out his thoughts when the Ginyu Force came back with Sasuke tied up and Guldo holding an IV drip, "What the hell is this?" Freiza asked

"He's sleeping," Recoome said

"I can see that, why haven't you woken him up yet?!"

"Oh, that's what we were supposed to do. I knew we were forgetting something," Jiece stated as Burter chopped Sasuke in the throat. The Uchiha woke up in pain as he clenched his throat "About time you woke up... now about our deal," Frieza said as he rested his head on his hand

"W-what a-are y-"

"Oh, you don't remember? I specifically remember shooting you twice in the stomach saying that you'll take me to the man you work for... or do I have to remind you?" Frieza asked as he pointed his finger at Sasuke's bandaged stomach. Sasuke quickly shook his head as Frieza lowered his hand "Good worm... Ginyu, I want you to help the Uchiha escape the village, return to me after you're done," Frieza ordered

"By your word, Lord Frieza. All right, men, you know what to help! Help the Uchihhoe get out of the village at once!"

"It's Uchiha!" Sasuke said as Guldo punched him in the stomach

"Don't disrespect Captain Ginyu, low-class trash!" Guldo said as Sasuke held his chest in pain

"But he does have a point, Captain, it's Uchiha," Jeice said

"I see... when we return, I wish to have a book containing the names of everyone in this village!" Ginyu said

"I can make it happen," Frieza said, "but I still see idle hands,"

"We're going right now, sir!" they all said as they dragged Sasuke by the hair out of the ship. Frieza smirked as he leaned back into his chair and took a nap.

20 Minutes Later:

Frieza woke up to the sound of the Ginyu Force dancing as he slowly opened his eyes and saw them doing such. He sighed as he sat up in his chair "So, did he make it?" Frieza asked

"In one piece!" Ginyu confirmed

"Good, now we wait," Frieza said

"For how long?"

"Until now,"


"Follow him to his master and kill him... and make sure it looks like the Uchiha is killed in a crossfire... an accident," Frieza said

"Uh, are you sure that's a good idea?" Jeice asked

"And you're stepping out of line,"

"I-it's not that I disagree with ya, Lord Frieza, it's just... wouldn't Lord Byte be upset? I remember the ankle bitter saying-"

"Excuse me, who?"

"I-I mean Lord byte, saying that the Uchiha was his best friend?" Jeice corrected himself

"Tell me, if Ginyu tried to kill you, would you still call him your friend?" Frieza asked. Jeice then looked at Ginyu as he looked back... and he didn't know what to say. Jeice gulped at the thought as he turned back to Frieza and said: "I-I don't know,"

"Exactly, so I'm going to fix it. My son still sees the worm as a friend, even after he almost killed him. My plan is to kill the Uchiha and have Byte not worry anymore about him being friend or foe," Frieza explained

"I see, yes... it just might work! Lord Frieza, your intelligence knows no bounds! Alright, men, let's start our plan to assassinate the Uchiha, let's go!" Ginyu said

"You said it right this time," Burter said as they all left.

In Deep Space:

In space, a ship was floating without a care in the world.

Inside was a man wearing blue-gray and black Battle Armor. He had a red-scouter on the side of his head and a monkey-tail around his waist. 

In his hand was a small red fruit. He tossed it up in the air and caught it, repeating this over and over until something came up on the screen "Well, well, what do we have here?" he asked as a man with red skin walked up to him.

"Mighty Turles, we found a planet perfect for the Tree of Might," he said

"Nicely done, Amond, how long will it take us to get there?" Turles asked

"6 days, a week at most,"

"Perfect, that gives us time to prepare," Turles said with a smirk as he stood up, "start your stretching boys, we got a planet to destroy,"

[Hope you all enjoyed the chapter]

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