Previously on "the son of Twane"
Kid Flash:Wait!
Reverse Flash stops and turns around seeing Kid Flash approaching him abs Elongated man went to check on Firefly
Reverse Flash:What?
Kid Flash:What did you mean Flash caused your rise and why did you kill Firefly?
Reverse Flash:For the first question you can ask Flash that has for the second one*sigh*look I get that your jobs has heroes is to basically save people especially save villains from themselves but people like Firefly and many others don't want to be save so if they don't want to be save then I guess I'll have to put them down for good
Kid Flash:But wouldn't that make you worse has them
Reverse Flash:hmmm I mean you could say that but unlike them I'm doing it to keep people safe not to kill them every time they escape jail
And with that Reverse Flash runs off leaving a surprised Kid Flash to think has Elongated Man approaches him
Elongated Man:Firefly's dead he ain't coming back from that and I don't think his Phoenix so his not going to rise up again
Kid Flash doesn't answer which makes Elongated man worried of the talk he and Reverse Flash had has he places a hand on Kid Flash shoulder getting his attention
Elongated Man:Hey you okay dude
Kid Flash:Yeah just thinking what trouble Barry has gotten himself into now
Has the police and ambulance arrive Reverse Flash is seen on top of a building looking down at them has he turns around and runs off into his next journey———————————————————————————
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Reporter Phil:Breaking news everyone! and probably one the most shocking one's yet
Beside Phil appeared and image of Y/N in his Reverse Flash suit pushing the villain known has Trickster in the face below the image it says "Reverse Flash turning good?"
Reporter Phil:Like you see it here champs the Reverse Flash a.k.a Eobard Twane or that's what it's lead to believe has returned but in another shocking turn of events his turned good or has he? his some footage we have successfully been able to see of this new mask vigilante
Reporter Phil's screen is gone and we are then taken to the streets of Mustutafu has we see the brother and sister villains Mammoth and Shimmer has Y/N the new Reverse Flash is seen running around them with Mammoth trying to smash him Shimmer tries to blast him but all attacks fail so we then see Shimmer get pushed away from her brother and then get a bunch of punches to her before Reverse Flash grabs her and throws her to wall which she crashes into and falls unconscious Mammoth gets angry because of that has he charges at Reverse Flash who goes begins him and fires a speed blast that hits Mammoth sending him flying forward and knocking him out and so after finishing them Reverse Flash runs away—
—the next set of footage shows Reverse Flash now fighting a hero who can fly and fires lasers from his hands has the hero did that Reverse Flash moved around him and because of the heroes non stop blast his hitting stores cares and has almost hit citizens who are there so seeing enough of this Reverse Flash begins to run full speed around the hero making a tornado with him in the center and after at least five minutes the tornado disappeared and Reverse Flash stood on top of the fallen hero vibrating at fast sports has he says something
Reverse Flash:*in the video*Is the hero that you want! one that has no care for the lives that around him! one that destroys everything to just get the job done!! is this what you truly want!*turns around and speeds on out of there*
The footage ends and we're taken back to reporter Phil
Reporter Phil:His words hit the brain very deeply everyone because while this might be a villain he just said some valid points there but here's a more close up look at this new Reverse Flash
Reporter Phil screen changes to that of camera man's screen that is chasing Reporter Rachel who's holding the mick they run and run until they stop and hid behind a wall
Reporter Rachel:*whispers*Come on! peek out
The camera man did has he was told and peek the camera out a bit showing the New Reverse Flash dodging a white blast of light the negative speedster runs to the left and then Dr.Light appears flouting in the air has he continued to fire at Reverse Flash
Dr.Light:You absolute worm! why can't you just stay still!*fires smithed blast from his hands*
That's when the camera then shows a red blurr tackling Dr.Light in the air making them fall to the other side Rachel then moves forward hiding behind the next wall she motions for the Camera man to follow and he does he peeks out again and sees Reverse Flash standing over Dr.Light holding him by the collar has his vibrating right hand is seen getting close to him
Dr.Light:Please mercy! mercy! I'll stop doing my crimes I'll stop I'll stop!!
Reverse Flash:You've said the same thing to others but this time things are changing Doctor am going after all of you villains who have been given the chance of redemption but never took it while I'll leave some live for........other reason the rest of you can just go heck
Dr.Light:Don't you mean—
Reverse Flash:*stabs him*I know what I said
The camera moves back after seeing that and both Rachel and the Camera man are really hoping they weren't spotted
Reporter Rachel:*whisper*Alright let's move
Has they we're about to leave Reverse Flash appears out nowhere Reporter Rachel was going to screen but Reverse Flash placed his hand on her mouth stoping her from screaming while the camera man just recorded this seeing the new Reverse Flash's vibrating figure
Reverse Flash:Sssshh sshh don't worry I won't hurt you just wanted to see who's back here*removes his hand from her mouth*so what can I do for you reporters this day
Reporter Rachel:O-oh yes you see m-mis—I mean! Reverse Flash we just want to ask you m-maybe sone questions
Reverse Flash:Hmm answering question huh well let me get comfy with you*stops vibrating* There now this should be better right
The camera shows the new Reverse Flash suit and then zooms a bit on his face before pulling back and showing Rachel beginning to calm down actually
Reporter Rachel:Yes that works Phew nod to the question well the one people are probably asking themselves right now ¿why is it that now a villain that for years has been targeting Flash for years just decided to become a hero of sorts?
Reverse Flash:Hmm well you see Rachel can I call you Rachel*sees her nod*well you see Rachel I'm not doing what my father did back then no I'm doing something that will benefit all of us I'm taking down all does who don't deserve any more chances and taking down heroes who don't deserve what they have because let me ask you this actually no*turns to the camera*let me ask the hole world ¿do you think that heroes of now are doing things for your safety?
Reverse Flash looks out and the Camera man follows has we see a familiar scarlet speedster running straight towards them has Reverse Flash smirks
Reverse Flash:*chuckles*Get a load of this guy*points at him and smiles at the two*until next time you two
Reverse Flash runs off and the Flash just runs pass the two reporters not really going back to check on them has the camera man looks put and sees that they are both gone so the footage stops has we return back to Reporter Phil
Reporter Phil:What you think guys "do we think the heroes of now are doing there jobs right" is Reverse Flash a savior of some sorts now because we have gotten reports of him saving people from burning buildings, evacuating citizens from villain fights, saving cats from trees and even belong old lady walking across the street so what's next for this possible new hero
And with that the TV turns off and we are taken to room a red room with hush table that has many sits has we see villains like Y/N's father Eobard Twane now codenamed Professor Zoom, Gorilla Grod, Lex Luthor, Sinestro and four other villains
Professor Zoom:Good his earning they're trust
Gorilla Grodd:That he is
???:But is he truly trust worthy
Black Adam a.k.a Teth-Adam
Professor Zoom:*glares at B.A*And what might you be talking about Adam are you saying my son can not be trusted
Black Adam:He may be your son and yet we trusted Black Manta's son and look how that turned out
Black Manta a.k.a David Hyde
Black Manta:Hmph! don't remind me of my failures Adam because while you may say that your trust is also questionable seen's you were one's a hero that's until you saw reason
Black Adam glared at Black Manta who equally glared back at him behind the helmet has almost both seems like they were about to start something that is until one the other villains stopped them
???:Now now gentlemen we must not fight amongst ourselves
Queen Bee a.k.a Zazzala
???:La Reina tiene razon you two are fighting like niños we are supposed to be fighting them not each other
Bane a.k.a Diego, Antonio
Bane:*looks at Black Adam*I see your worries Black Adam but I see promise in this young man and with the Professor vouch I see no problem
Queen Bee:Yes and he's time here has made him trust us and some of our members have grown to trust him plus his brought in and let life our members
Sinestro:Indeed the boy may be doing his heroics but his actions are to be against the society of heroes
Black Adam*crosses his arms*Hmph! words do not prove anything to me but actions do so I'll be the judge of his loyalty
Professor Zoom:Hmmm fine but be careful with what you do Adam because if you hurt him*eyes turn red*I will make you suffer a fate worse than death
Black Adam doesn't feel intimidated has he and Professor Zoom stare at one another the others watch has Lex Luthor and Gorilla Grodd just shake there heads at this but speaking of Y/N where is he right now you wonder well—
—Inside a closed bank vibrating with his hand on his chin has he stares at his opponents who open fire at him but he dodges
Reverse Flash:You know you guys a really really bad at this you know
He dodges two more bullets and then charges at the goons that wear black and white suits hitting all of them at one's knocking them out quickly has he can has Reverse Flash starts running around the bank taking down henchmen after henchman that until he returned to the center of the bank
Reverse Flash:Well that's taken care off right?
???:Not quite yet newbie!
Reverse Flash:Hmm?
Turns around and starts vibrating has he dodges another set of bullets that are fired at him from the second floor of the bank the yellow speedster moves back left and right dishing the shots from the villain with two faces
Two Face a.k.a Harvey Dent
Reverse Flash:Well if ain't two face the man who's been given more chances to be good more than one's yet his villainous nature always returned
Two Face:What I am it's what I wanted to be and no one's gonna tell me what I can and can't be!!*ails his pistol and continues to fire*
Reverse Flash:Is that*dodges some bullets*so*dodges the other three bullets*
Reverse Flash dodge four more bullets and saw Two face beginning to reload so he quickly runs up the stares and gets in front Two face
Reverse Flash:So what's your next master plan am very eager to see it
Two Face:Alright then take this!*brings out a shotgun*
Two Face tried to surprise attack him but failed has Reverse Flash moves out the way dodging the shotgun blast and then punches Two Face in the face pushing him back
Two Face:*stumbles back*You bastard I'll kill you for that punch*shoots at where Reverse Flash is but he dodges shoots at where he is now but R.F dodges again*
This continues with Reverse Flash dodging three more shots before starting to run around Two Face who tried to shot him there but after images of Reverse Flash appeared all around Two Face
Reverse Flash:*distorted echoed voice*Whats wrong Two Face can't keep up I'm sure this a much easier way to shoot me I mean I'm standing right in front of you/behind you/beside you
Two Face:Gggrrr Aaaaaaahhhh!!!*fires his shotgun all around him*
Two Face fired all around him shooting every after image of Reverse Flash to no avail has all he could here were now the maniacal laughs of the yellow negative speedster who is just enjoying this
Two Face:Why won't you die!!*fires another shot*
Reverse Flash:hahahahaha oh that's simple really your just—*the real one runs out the circle and charges at Two Face*
The real Reverse Flash kicks Two Face three times very quickly has the last kick made Two Face fall back and let go of his weapon that Reverse Flash then catches
Reverse Flash:*points the shotgun at Two Face well faces*Slow and now the man has been pleaded and proven guilty he has been sent to death row
Two Face:What!
Reverse Flash:I shall be your executioner today mister Dent so I do hope you do well on the other side
Two Face:Waitwaitwait Wait!
Reverse Flash:*drops the shotgun and walks away from the dead body*Alright that's another crazy man out the picture I think a bit of rest would do me good right now
???:Your not getting away this time
Out of nowhere Reverse Flash catches a fist and pushes the person he blocked back has he sees two figures one he was already all too familiar with The Flash but beside him was someone new to him a short girl with dark Purple and white costume
XS a.k.a Nora West Allen
Reverse Flash:Flash you've arrived a bit too late and you even brought a friend with you that's nice
Flash:Stand down Y/N we don't have to continue this
Reverse Flash:Oh but I can and I will and one's I'm done with this*points at dead Two Face*types of villains am going after you and your little group that ruined my life
XS:And who says we're gonna let you continue
Reverse Flash:I did
Reverse Flash runs of has Flash and XS go after him has another battle was about to commence between the children of two rivals
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