Percy's POV:
Thank Poseidon that we had smooth seas. When I woke up I decided to take the helm and see what this ship could really do.
Opening the engines out wide with the wind at our backs and the currents helping us along, it would be impossible for a modern navy to keep up. Well unless they are using missiles or planes and this has a large enough radar cross section...well you get my point
Sorry adhd there. Ahh yes besides the awesome speeds this ship can pull made crossing the Atlantic that much easier. Especially since there were no storms and if by my guesses the enemy doesn't have any naval assets properly positioned in the Atlantic, and their Pacific assets were already destroyed.
This made reaching the favorite part of this war all that much quicker. Though future me would wish it would last longer than it did...will...I don't know.
"That's the pillars of Hercules" Jason stated
The Greek demigods and hunters, not including Annabeth, Thalia and Zoë, all flinched when he mentioned the bastard's name.
The legionaries stood at attention, and looked more worried than when they learned we'd be traveling to the ancient lands.
"NōnPlusUltra " Annabeth stated in perfect ancient Latin dialect, not the modern Christianized Latin dialect.
"Nothing further beyond" Jason translated. "Inscribed long ago to warn Roman demigods from leaving the Mediterranean"
"Ironic if you ask me" the son of Mars said, "now the legion has rules against returning to our homeland"
"We should send a delegation to negotiate our passage" Piper suggested. The Roman's agreed but the Greeks were looking at me nervously and forgetting about my goddess sister not to far away radiating the same murderous intent towards that island.
"The hunt and I will go below decks then" Zoë stated bitterly. Though I couldn't tell if it was real bitterness or just an act.
"What's her problem" Jason asked
"If you knew her tale you wouldn't have to ask" Thalia stated, bitterly. "I'll be joining my future sister in laws" Thalia stated and left.
I turned to Annabeth, "since when have the three of us been engaged" I asked because I don't remember
Annabeth just shrugged in response.
"I guess that means I'll go. I'm his brother so he should be friendly to me." The legion raised their shields in support of this while the Greeks were looking at me like I'm an imposter. In truth, I'm just a good actor...sometimes.
"We should send someone who can speak convincingly" Leo suggested. At this all eyes turned to Piper.
"Ok fine I'll go just stop starring please" Piper asked
"It's settled then" I said too calmly for the Greeks to like. "Jason and Piper will go and negotiate our passage"
Jason grabbed a hold of Piper and took to the skies landing on the beech.
"Is it just me or is anyone else surprised Percy didn't go sicko mode yet" I heard Clarisse whispering to the Greek demigods around her. Meanwhile I dissolved into mist and appeared on a tree behind Heracles.
Annabeth's pov:
"I spoke too soon didn't I" Clarisse stated aloud for everyone to hear rather than those in close proximity to her.
"You'd be correct" I stated. Even if I don't know what Percy is planning, I know he wouldn't come here without a plan that would result in Heracles reforming or worse.
"What do you mean" one of the sons of Bellona asked, "Hercules is a great hero"
I let out a chuckle at that, "no he has a good Public relations team" I stated. "If you want the true story ask the eldest of the hunters. They were alive when he was a demigod" I stated, leaving them to head to my future sister in laws and sister wife.
While Percy may not realize it yet, partially because who he was raised by, Thalia and I do love him and find it hard to imagine a future without him in our lives. Even if he is destined to be a god and it seems his trial run of mortality is running out soon.
Percy's POV:
"Hera sent us" Jason said
I mentally facepalmed at Jason's lack of political knowledge on Olympus and I can see Piper do the same.
"Oh so she sent you" Hercules said. "I guess I'll just have to give you a harsh challenge then."
Heracles began thinking for a moment, while Piper tried convincing him to lessen it. Though I could see Her Ike's was ignoring her as he usually ignores women, until they agree to sleep with him but that's neither here nor there.
"You shall take the second horn from Achelous" the brainless, that's not Apollo, one stated.
"No buts. You'll get his horn and give it to me and then you shall have your passage for your crew and ship"
"We'll do it then" Jason replied. A bit bitterly from his usual tone if I'm to believe the Romans and Greeks that know him. I've only known him when he had an eidolon living in his head until yesterday.
Though, I will admit. I'm always skeptical of sons of the king, even uncle Apollo at times. And he's probably the closet male relative I have a relation with.
I have two choices, though at the moment. Trail Jason and Piper and ensure they succeed in their quest...or do the selfish thing and take care of the bastard now.
So I started moving deeper in the woods doing my best to conceal my movement not only from bastard, but also from my questmates.
I watched as they moved closer and closer to ancient Achelous river god's new home. Mom said it was because Zeus wanted to punish him because of the whole Dejanira killing Heracles thing. Though she also said the bastard was placed here by Zeus for his own protection as many on Olympus dislike him and that since he became a god Zeus did 'unofficially' name Heracles his heir.
Finally they found Achelous' home. I was beginning to think the jerk was intentionally interfering to not let them find it.
An: the battle between Achelous and Jason and Piper happen the same as it does in canon
I watched their battle and chose not to interfere as despite my dislike to what Achelous tried to do with Piper, attempt to convince her to become his wife, I am also trying to repair my relationship with my sperm donor and I don't think causing troubles for him with river gods will help all that much. Especially with the most powerful, but also most depressed river god.
Though I will admit I almost stepped in when I realized what Piper's plan was. To get the horn but also to not give it to Heracles. Pure genius from the daughter of Aphrodite if you ask me. But if you ask Thalia, Nico, and I, Jason wouldn't deserve little big three membership after this. A prerequisite is to annoy gods while also not getting yourself killed. Hera favors Jason, so he doesn't get the default annoy Hera and still be alive that most children of the king have.
I saw them start to make their way back and Piper begin to IM Leo. Didn't the bastard specifically say not to IM them.
I dropped down from the trees behind them landing with a quietness only my mother and Zoë can beat.
"So Leo we need you to prepare the ship to fly away. Can you do that" Piper asked while Jason was wading nervously besides her.
"Yea" Leo started but then saw me and froze, as he and the rest of the crew realize exactly where I went.
"Belay that order Valdez" I stated, causing Jason to jump ten feet in the air and Piper to nail me with a cooked turkey to the stomach.
"Sorry Percy I" Piper started
"It's fine Pipes. Good reflexes" I stated holding my stomach and looking sadly at the wasted turkey. What they taste amazing when cooked right and from the smell I can tell it was cooked perfectly.
Jason came down from the tree branch he landed on, a bit loudly for a great user of the winds if you ask me. "What are you"
"Doing here" I finished. "Well I came to test your half brother. He failed to epic proportions, and I decided to see if you all would need help with your task or not. And you didn't"
"Jason almost drowned" Piper deadpanned
"He didn't. I kept count of how long he was under and made reasonable presumptions of how long he could hold his breath. Anyway Jason has my trust in combat now. But trust as a big three kid is different." I explained to Piper, while Jason made something that sounded like an offended "Hey"
I cut the connection of the IM. "Now you two will head back. Piper continue with your original plan and I'll deal with no dick." We started moving back towards the beach.
"But he has" Piper started
"Will have had" I corrected
Jason moved a hand down to his crotch. "I don't do that to those fighting by my side Jason. Though should you betray aunt Hestia I'll have no choice." I stated
"And your sisters" he asked nervously
"Don't flirt with them like an idiot would" I stated
"Are you calling Leo and idiot" Piper asked
I did a double take. "He flirted with them and lives"
"He flirted with the one called Lady Zoë"
"She didn't kill him" I asked shocked. Moving about ten times slower than my usual walking speed in the forest.
"No but she did hurt him. Something about their lady forbidding them from killing them" Piper stated
"Oh" I said, "well that makes a ton of sense." I finished doubling my speed. I had to remember I was not with my sisters or Annabeth and Thalia who are used to moving fast through the woods.
"How do you move so easily through the woods" Piper asked swatting away at what I'm presuming was a spider web.
"Raised by the hunt" I said. "The woods is more my home than the sky is Jason or Thalia's." Though milady would say camping in the woods is most certainly not an established and rooted home. She even thinks that Artemis's and a few others more free spirited non root like nature is why Olympus can move to different nations.
Sorry getting distracted again. I lead Jason and Piper almost back to the wood line where I can still be unseen to the god if he was looking this way. "The way out is that way" I whispered pointing to the end of the woods. "Im taking to the trees again" I finished climbing up a tree faster than Jason could jump up into one when startled.
"Well you ready Piper" Jason whisper asked as they approached the woodline.
"Let's do this" she said back to him normally causing Heracles to turn his attention to the woodline and off the ship of staring legionaries and nervous Greeks. Though he probably thinks the Greeks are nervous because of him.
I perched in my tree watching and waiting for the perfect moment to intervene.
"As you can see we obtained the horn." Piper stated. "Does our ship and crew have permission to pass?" She asked in the nicest yet most fake Aphrodite child voice you will ever hear. In time I think she'll even give Silena a run for her money and she's the strongest demigod with charmspeak I know.
"Yes yes you all can pass" Hercules stated
"Good. Bye bye" Piper said grabbing Jason by the hand and dragging him away towards the ship.
"Wait give me the horn" Hercules shouted
"You already said we can pass" Piper reiterated. "Now you want the horn I got after the fact"
"The deal was you give me the horn for safe passage"
"Which you already granted having not taking possession of nor asking for possession of the horn" Piper said. "Like I said bye bye"
"I WILL DESTROY THAT SHIP" Hercules shouted. Ahh yes. Now I have his declaration of betrayal to Olympus. Now I get to kill him without consequence. Don't you love when the people you hate make the mistakes you want them to make.
"Umm I think not" Piper said and blasted him with the cornucopia.
If I wasn't about to head down there to kill the bastard I would be laughing my ass off. The 'great' Heracles, defeated by a teenage daughter of Aphrodite. I swear not even Aristophanes nor Euripides could write such a fine play like that.
I quickly got control of my emotions and jumped down from my tree landing somewhere near the god buried in food.
"Aaaaahhhhhhh" he screamed and began moving his way out of the food.
When he was finally out of the mountain of food, which I'm going to title Mount Food, he realized he wasn't alone on the beech.
"Who are you" Hercules stated angerily grabbing a piece of food.
He chucked the food at the boat, which I cut down with riptide. "It is treason then" I stated only for Hercules to look confused.
"I've done no such thing" the god shouted summoning his famed club.
"For your crimes of the past, for violating your past oaths, and ultimately for declaring your intention to destroy and kill the Greco-Roman war party to face the giants. I, as the champion of the Olympian hearth, hereby declare you a traitor to Olympus" I declared looking directly at the god.
He studied me, as any warrior should, but then he laughed. "Yeah right Hestia hast never taken a champion"
I decided to do a bit of theatrics for the son of grandpa the drama queen. I bursted into flames of the hearth and sent them flying 30 feet into the sky, and summoned something I've never really used in combat before. The armor of the champion of Hestia, and also taking off the weighted training bracelets. I'm certainly not giving him any advantage I can control.
You see each Olympian god and the eldest gods have armor for their champion. Each god knows this and knows what that armor looks like. So every god know exactly how fucked they are when dealing with the champion of the peaceful one.
When the flames died down, Hercules glared at me in disbelief, and I could sense Clarisse readied the ship for shore bombardment.
"Impossible" Hercules stated
"Surrender yourself Heracles. Or face death where you stand" I declared returning Riptide to its pen form and summoning my spear I made with Zoë for this fight.
Heracles just laughed. "As if I will be worried about that harmless goddess's champion" he continued laughing.
I'll admit I may have lost my cool as I summoned sun light and moon light, from within myself, and blasted the god with it sending him flying back through a tree landing at the tree line.
He got up a bit shakily. "YOU DARE ATTACK A GOD BOY" Heracles bellowed and charged.
I began running at him but threw my spear at him when we were 20 yards a part and instantly redrew Riptide and summoned Blackbeards cutlass. I don't know why but the two swords thing grown on me.
Heracles deflected the spear with a swing of club but did not have the time to re-ready his defense in time before I covered the remaining five yards between us and put a couple of nasty slashes across his gut.
Golden ichor began to flow from the wound but by no way in a fatal amount. 'Zoë prevent him from teleporting now' I prayed to my sister, even if teleporting away while in combat is against one of the most ancient laws.
"You won't get away with this demigod" Heracles stated and tried teleporting away but only ended up flickering to his true form and back.
"What why isn't this working" He stated baffled he couldn't teleport away.
"You're engaged in combat Heracles. You know the ancient rules established by Lady Chaos herself" I said and a very powerful presence, more than even all the Olympians combined passed over the battlefield. So the creator lives. That's good to know. I hope she won't be to mad about us putting her eldest kid back to a deep sleep.
Heracles looked at me as if I was insane for invoking the creator's name, and then worriedly as the presence overtook the island.
"It doesn't matter I will still kill you and when I'm done I'll destroy that ship and your crew." He boasted
"Even if you kill me I doubt you can kill it's crew" I stated, charging back into battle with my two swords. I know I won't be able to stop or even parry his club. After all he and my sister do share the domain of strength. Though if you ask me Zoë also includes mental strength in her domain.
Heracles ready his club to swing it at me like a baseball bat and when he began his swing I slide down underneath him like a base ball player and slashed his ACL and LCL on both knees.
The god fell to his knees in pain losing fifty percent of the tendons that keep the knees together on both legs and one of the most important ones for leg function.
I got up behind the enraged god dropping my swords and pulling out my hunting knives. I drove my knives down into his shoulder sockets and moved them until I heard the distinctive pop of his arms becoming dislocated.
Heracles let out a torturous yell of pain that I'm sure Apollo and Asclepius both found hard to ignore. Even if Apollo hates Heracles almost as much as he does Orion.
I, however, grinned at the bastards pain and grabbed his wrists. I placed a foot in the middle of his shoulder blades and pulled back as hard as I could only for the screams of pain to grow that much louder...and pleasurable to my ears considering whom they are form.
"NOW ZEE" I yelled and prayed to my sister.
A flash of silver later, the oldest of my sisters and Zoë appeared on the beach.
I couldn't see it but I'm sure Heracles's face went from holy Hera who is this demigod kicking my ass to please demigod kill me before she gets close to me.
A shame really because even if that was his face and what the sounds of pain coming from him meant he doesn't realize that Zoë and the hunt are my sisters and I wouldn't even dare betray them when I'm delivering their second most hated prey to them, except in Zoë's case then it's most hated.
"Too imagine. The almighty powerful and great Heracles. Defeated by my dearest brother" Zoë stated, rather evilly. "Oh how comedic this is. If it weren't for Zeus banning us from hunting you we would have done so. But alas now you've been declared a traitor to Olympus and the Olympians for threatening to destroy the ship sent to defend the roots of the gods and kill the giants." Zoë smirked.
Heracles started struggling to get out of my grip and I only applied more pressure to his dislocated arms causing him to make more sounds of pain.
"Did you hear that Zoë. I think he's asked to be castrated by your castration knives" I sassed.
Heracles started struggling more, as even he knows of the famed castration knives my mother made and has only given to herself and her lieutenants, and me but that's not known to anyone but Zoë, mom and I. Even milady doesn't know I possess a set...yet.
What makes these castration knives so special you might ask. Well you see after the Black Death my mother made the first set of castration knives and Apollo voluntarily offered to be the test subject considering he was tired from fixing the Black Death. Well you see when he got castrated he thought he would just do his standard thing when mom would castrate him and just reattach it with his healing magic. That didn't work. Than he though he would just regrow them instantly with godly magic. That too didn't work. The next 100 years was spent with Apollo painfully regrowing his reproductive organs and mom thinks it only took 100 years because of his healing domains. Any other god would take longer. Though after Apollo no other dared volunteer.
"I think that's a beautiful idea little brother" Zoë stated with a malicious smirk and causing the rest of my older sisters to smirk alongside her.
Zoe drew the feared blades and moved toward Heracles. She placed the knives crossing one another at the base of where Heracles member is and then crossed the blades the opposite way in one fluid motion causing a small member and two balls with a small piece of fabric to hit the sand.
Zoë just smirked. "I don't think Heracles the Castrated has had enough, my sisters. Perhaps the resultant of to the pain is needed.
Phoebe smirked evilly as mom may or may not have told the hunt to never duel anyone to the pain. But never banned us from making the end results that.
The older hunters stepped up and in between Zoë and Heracles. Two of my sisters cut off his feet at the ankles. Atalanta and Siproites cut his hands off at the wrist. And Phoebe. Well she cut his ears off, tongue out, and blinded the god with a poisoned knife slashed across his eyes.
Heracles's sounds of pain only increased during this, but the hunt is finally having its revenge on Heracles.
"Eww what is that horrible ugly wretched creature" Zoë mocked taking some form of the line from the princess bride.
"Some one should certainly kill it. Put it out of its misery" Phoebe said
"I'll do it I guess" I stated. I grabbed the cloth that turned gold from blood from when Zoë castrated Heracles and used it to pick up the serverd member of Heracles.
"Do you think mom will say this is cruel and unusual" Phoebe whispered to Zoë.
"Unusual yes but not sure about the cruel part" Zoë replied in an equally quiet tone.
I grabbed Heracles's mouth and forced it open revealing a bloodied mess from the tongue removal. I didn't see them but it appears Phoebe also removed most of Heracles's teeth as well.
With my hand that held the severed member of the god before me. I shoved it into his mouth and down his throat for him to choke on his own member before removing my hand from the dead gods mouth.
Chaos's POV:
Note to self DONT piss off Artemis's kids. They take revenge to extreme and beyond. Hmm. Oh I know. I'll create a new word for this kind of death and for the level of revenge past extreme revenge next. Now what should they be and sound like.
Percy's POV:
I watched as the life of Heracles left the god's eyes and his body dissolved like Pan's did. Except his essence only went straight down instead of dispersing into those gathered around. I wonder if that means he went to Tartarus or has faded.
I looked around the beach. A lot of it has been painted gold with the ichor of Heracles. But what surprised me is that his club remained. "Do you think I could gift this to Tyson without any consequences" I asked
"Without consequences" Zoë asked, "we'd be lucky to get away with killing Heracles the way we did" she stated in a much more normal tone for my sister.
I shrugged and picked it up. "Well it's the finest stick I could find" I stated remembering how my dear cyclops brother referred to this type of weapon.
My sisters chuckled.
"So where's Thalia and Annabeth" I asked
"Comforting the little ones with Bianca." Zoë stated. "They were nervous those screams were yours which I can only imagine weren't settled when I left."
"Cool see ya slow pokes back at the ship" I said dissolved into mist and reappeared on the ship.
"PERSEUS" Zoë yelled from the island. Causing the legionaries and Greeks to look at me as if I was a dead man.
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