Chapter 3: Averte

Fredrick's POV:

It didn't take me long to drive to our designated parking for the site. The kids took to the hiking quickly, even with everything they had packed on their backs, but I suppose that's the life of a demigod. 

"They make you walk all this way?" Gwendolyn asked. 

"Yes, we worried about how large this site could be. We decided parking should be quite a bit away to minimize potential disturbances and walk the rest of the way."

The two shrugged. "Wish I could have been here to see mortals carrying all their equipment this way," Malcolm said. 

"The heavier stuff was deployed via a helicopter," I answered.

"So, no entertainment," Malcolm said in mock shock. "That's a shame."

"What's his problem?" I whispered, asking Gwendolyn.

"I know how you treated my sister. Plus, mortals tend to be assholes not just to us but to each other as well; why should I care when you all are already set to destroy each other?"

"Malcolm," Gwendolyn exasperated.

Malcolm sighed. "You know why, Gwen," he said, continuing the hike.

"I know, but that's not Dr. Chase's fault," she said, so I am going to guess something happened in his personal life recently that caused such hatred other than how I was as a father. 

"Dr. Chase? Is that you?" I heard one of the doctorate students call out.

"Yes, I am with two translators," I said in response. 

"Think they'll be able to translate that old plank we got earlier?" The voice of the Oxford professor who came here spoke out. 

"I don't just think. I am certain they'll be able to," I responded as we entered the camp. 

"Plank?" Gwendolyn asked. 

"Pulled it off from the door not too long ago. We just took surface-level scans, but they didn't show anything. We're about to take deeper scans to see if we can pull anything from those."

"Well, take me to it. If it was a plank, regardless of the temple's age, it's more likely than not that it is Latin." Gwendolyn stated.

"But you're," another professor started.

"Yeah, I am 19, and I've been fluent in Latin since I was 5, as my father was fluent and preferred speaking our ancient tongue over this modern monstrosity called English," she said, looking thoroughly pissed. Honestly, it reminded me a little bit of Athena when I had to ask her to help me study for some of my finals, but it was also something completely different from Athena as well. 

"English is not a mon..." A few of my British colleagues began defending the English language before they caught her glare. 

"So this plank," Gwendolyn started, seeing their silence, "take me to it."

The British contingent at our site started leading her to the tent where the scanners were. "I never thought I would see a British man shut up if not for the presence of his Queen," my old professor from Harvard said.

"Oui," agreed a French college. 

"Ja," a German college also agreed.

"A German and a Frenchman agreeing on something. Fredrick, have I died," joked my old professor. 

"I do not believe so yet," I answered as Malcolm wandered off to the temple itself.

"So those two translators," my French colleague spoke with heavily accented English. "They're young. Students of yours?"

"No, I don't do well in languages outside English. I mean, I can speak broken European languages from my work on the Sopwith. But this is my daughter's half-brother and a friend of hers. Her half-sibling, like my daughter, speaks Ancient Greek, which they get from their mother."

"And ze friend"

"Well, I've never met said friend before today. I haven't been a good father, and she's been with her mother's side of the family for the most part since she was seven."

Thankfully, my French college dropped the matter. Which allowed me to go see Malcolm as I trusted that Gwendolyn could handle herself. 

I sat on the ground next to him with my legs in the hole, which allowed me to access the temple. I noticed that he was drawing in a book without even looking at the book. "So," I drawled on, "what have you noticed so far?"

"It's a work of my sister," he said lowly, as not many were around us, but it helped to be careful. 

This only made me worry as if this was my daughter's work, then the gods were up to something, and I'm not sure if I wanted to risk that. 

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"The Greek on the temple. It's not just a dedication, but I can see her...signature, to say the least." 

I squinted my eyes, and sure enough, from here, I could just barely make out the Greek that ran along the roofing base support. However, I had no clue what it actually said except for what Malcolm told me. 

"Dr. Chase, I am going to tell you this now, but my sister really didn't like that you discovered this temple. In all honesty, I can't guarantee your survival, and she only told me that you shouldn't have to worry about it, but...well, let's just say if you weren't her father, you'd probably be killed upon opening this temple."

"You know the god this temple is dedicated to, don't you?" I asked.

He circled a Greek word that was on the top of the temple in his drawing and wrote Artemis in English, drawing a line to the goddess's name and the circled word. 

"So it's dedicated to Arte..." I began to ask, but he threw a hand over my mouth.

"One, names have power," he whispered scoldingly. "Two, no. It's much worse for you than her if the rumors from the hunt are true."

I find it hard to believe that many can be worse than the Goddess Artemis if you're a male like myself. But the way in which Malcolm said it, almost as if he'd prefer being in the company of the goddess rather than whoever this being is instead, given my situation. 

"Dr. Chase," the youngest of the British doctorate candidates called, walking up. "The girl was able to translate the plank."

Malcolm sighed, standing up, only to walk off to the tent where the plank was.

"I see. Thanks for informing me," I said, getting up myself.

"Uhh sir, these kids...they don't seem to like you all that much."

"I wasn't a good father to my daughter," I admitted sadly. "I...I should have done better, but I didn't...and now it is only history for which I do not know why my daughter still aids me despite not deserving her help."

I silently walked to the tent to check on the translation that Gwendolyn was able to make. "So Gwendolyn?" I asked, "What did you get for that translation?"

"Oh, just one word. Written rather largely," she said.

"And?" I asked.


"Which means?"

"Well, it is practically as if I was yelling at you to go away or turn back. To put it simply," she explained. "So whoever put it there wanted this place to be forgotten and most certainly left alone."

"Well, that makes me feel better," I half-joked and winced. So, the gods probably don't want this place to be discovered. Yet, here I am with my daughter back in the States, who is supporting me in continuing my research. I know that if I didn't know what I learned about the gods, I would have just thrown that warning straight out the window and continued trying to get in.

"Yes," Gwendolyn said. "Malcolm tells me, however, that you all are having trouble breaking the chain to get in."

"Yes," I admitted. "So far, everything we've tried using to bust the chains has broken."

"I suppose Malcolm and I should take a look at it. By the way, Malcolm finished the translation written above the entryway for you," she said, dragging Malcolm off and leaving Malcolm's notebook in the tent. 

I looked at it again, except this time, the drawing of the entryway was complete to almost a picture-like quality, and above it was a sentence written in English, partitioned by circles with a line connecting them to one or multiple of the Ancient Greek words. 'Beware those who harm his charges, for here lies the temple of the Adopted Son of the Great Lady Artemis, the Champion of the Great Lady Hestia, The Protector of Children, Brother of the Hunt, King of Demigods.'

Well, I don't know if, knowing this, I want to continue or not now. Artemis has a reputation for being brutal towards men and very unforgiving of any slights or offenses. This temple is dedicated to a male that was raised by her, which means likely raised from birth and Hestia...well, she is called the peaceful one, not the harmless one, so I do not want to test that avenue. All that is not even mentioning the other titles listed above the temple. Heck, I almost want to find a bunch of children, train them, and have them enter and tell us what's inside and what they can bring out. Though I imagine using children for labor, adults should be very well capable of doing would be heavily frowned upon by a god with the title protector of children.

Bonus: Coffee cup cold and black, Wish you had a little shot of Jaaaa... Oh, Hello, frens. Fourteen told me about this drink called a Jack and Coke that she was having. I asked if I could have some, but she said she couldn't afford me to go to AA...Can you all tell me what AA means? She said I'm too young for that. Pwease Frens. You know what? I'll give you more story to sweeten the deal. Pwease tell me frens.

"Breaking News!" shouted the Hephaestus TV that was on in the living room. I wondered what the mortals were worried about this time. 

"The first translations of the Latin and Ancient Greek on an ancient temple entrance discovered by Dr. Fredrick Chase and his family while on vacation have been released to the public. Dr. Chase is currently on leave from Westpoint, where he teaches American and Allied Powers Military History while overseeing the excavation and study of the ancient Greco-Roman site not too far from Slovenia's capital city. Some of the other overseeing professors at the site include contingents of numerous professors from across Europe's top Universities and Dr. Chase's former professor at Harvard, who oversaw his thesis for his master's and doctorate degrees, one of which was on the Greco-Roman styles of fighting. While we will leave it to our viewers to see the direct translations for themselves. The warnings that are written on the temple and the fact that the temple door was chained shut with a singular Latin word, 'Averte,' meaning to avert or avoid, leads to an ongoing debate on whether or not this temple should be left as it is and forgotten or if exploration and discovery should continue to deepen our understanding of ancient western civilization cultures."

Well dam. I didn't expect that they'd actually release the translations already, as I read the scroll bar where the translations were actually being displayed, as the news commentators went on to converse with historians and religious zealots about my temple.

"So what did Annie end up putting on the outside of the temple?" Thalia asked as she plopped herself down next to me, wearing one of my t-shirts, and started cuddling me. 

"Just my titles and that the temple was dedicated to the Adopted Son of the Great Lady Artemis and Champion of the Great Lady Hestia."

"Really, she called them great?" Thalia said as Reyna entered the room. 

"Yeah," I answered. 

"Of course she did," Reyna said. "How else was she gonna sell an extremist cult that protected children in ancient times? Have it be dedicated to your father or, worse, your stepmother?" Reyna teased.

"Fair point, love," Thalia said, reaching up and giving Reyna a kiss. 

"Thalia, no, we aren't doing this again. I am just starting to walk normal again after last night and this morning," Reyna scolded.

"But Percy cooked us food after this morning, and it was amazhang," Thalia whined.

Reyna sighed. "Percy, will you cook us dinner tonight?" Reyna asked.

"Yes," I answered. "What would you like?"


"I don't have time for normal when I'm this way," Thalia countered and started to rub my chest with her hands.

"I can't believe you. Just don't do it on our couch, please; get a bedroom at least," Reyna said, walking off.

"I still don't know what you want me to cook for dinner," I called after her.  

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