Chapter 1: Scouting Mission
Hello and welcome back to Son of A Intergalactic Tyrant and I hope you're all massively hyped for the newest chapter in this story and it's time to find out what will happen and what in the timeline will change for the better or for the worse once Lord Tundra and his crew interrupt the proceedings of the Vytal Festival and therefore inadvertently stop Salem's plan from coming into fruition, much to her annoyance and rage. Besides this chapter later tonight I'll be publishing the Harem chapter to Omega Level Mutant and the finally the long awaited Boba Fett vs Captain Falcon battle for Multiversal Arena. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tundra POV, Location: Descending onto the Planet Remnant
Tundra: *has a sinister grin on his face, and turns around to face 21* 21, my dear please inform the Ginyu Force that we'll be landing mere minutes from now. *narrows his eyes* Tell them to prepare for anything, we don't know what down there truly causes that power level of 35,000. It could simply be a barbaric and brutish wasteland down there or it could be a highly technological advanced society that could kill their enemies by merely atomizing them!
21: *her eyes sparkle* Atomization! *she screams in delight* Oh I do hope above all else this society has some impressive technology or beings to collect DNA and experiment on! *yells* They may be the source to our current energy problem my lord! If they're somehow technological advanced enough, they very well had to think of some clean and limitless energy source! *she sprints out of the room with pure excitement evident as she goes to inform the Ginyu Force of their impending landing onto the planet's surface*
Lemo: *shakes his eyes* Sometime 21 is just an exasperating handful. Her passion at times sure can get annoying at certain intervals.
Tundra: *chuckles* Her passion for her craft is what makes her unique and special to this crew, without it she would just be a carbon copy of yourself Lemo, *shivers with that mental image* personality wise I mean. Additionally you better hope she didn't catch that demeaning remark, she may very well make you one of her "experiments". I heard she has several exciting theories she wishes to test out on some subjects on the planetoid, but perhaps if she were to hear your statement she would most certainly pick you over any of those worms.
Lemo: *pales while sweat falls down his forehead, much to the delight of a laughing Cheelai in the background* I-I-I-I-I didn't mean to say such a thing my lord!
Tundra: *laughs sinisterly* Just be glad it wasn't me you were insulting, otherwise your trip would end here. You should really work upon thinking before speaking Lemo and curving your tongue on certain topics, otherwise you might very well be killed by someone with a loose temper....Or someone with a special attack that'll literally turn you into candy!
Lemo: *gulps* Yes, my lord! It won't happen again!
Tundra: *smirks* You better make sure of it.
Cheelai: *in a mocking tone* Otherwise you'll end up as some hideous abomination!
Tundra: *turns to Cheelai* Don't think you're exactly off the hook either Cheelai. Don't let your sassy attitude get the better of you, otherwise 21 will gladly concoct a brand new experiment just for you and you alone. *smirks* And we all know how much you love being 21's little guinea pig.
Cheelai: *gulps in fear, staying silent knowing that any kind of back-talk in this scenario wouldn't benefit her in any way*
Tundra: *looks at the planet, his own personal scouter still showing the heavily potent 35,000 power level, well above the singular power level's of Vegeta, Nappa, Zarbon, or Dodoria* It's still unthinkable, nay inconceivable that in a miserable and powerless sector of space such as this would house even one incredibly powerful planet! Something like this should never happen! Yet this one planet triumphs over all the others in this sector by a galactic mile! Lemo, you said all other planets had power level's of 1,000 through a singular 10,000 correct?
Lemo: *stutters* Y-Y-Yes, my lord. No other systems in this singular sector can even compare to this planet. I have no idea what to tell you, since I'm just the ship's mechanic not the head scientist....But perhaps this planet does indeed have the powerful warriors you're looking for? Either that or maybe they have advanced technology would could pillage and take for 21's research and create mighty Androids or robots to help further your grand conquest my lord?
Cheelai: *speaks up* As long as this seemingly pointless "glorious" quest of ours is truly finished, I'm fine with this being a planet of uncivilized and illiterate brutes or a high snobbish society where advanced and planet-changing technology is plentiful! *cracks her knuckles* I really hope it's the latter, I want to give those wealthy and entitled snobs' a piece of my mind!
Tundra: *smirks, seeing the planet's atmosphere come into view while 21 and the Ginyu Force walked into the bridge* Well, gentlemen and ladies, we're about to find out what kind of society this planet has.....And we'll find out how easily it can be influenced and controlled under our boots! I do hope they aren't stupid and try to resist my rule by trying desperately and futilely to create some kind of miserable rebellion!
Captain Ginyu: There's no worries, my lord! Even if the inhabitants of this planet wish to overthrow you or even not follow your orders, we'll sort them out for you! With a measly overall power level of 35,000 no one on that planet could ever hope to take down any of us!
21: *giggles* Or better yet....I can use those unwilling sacks of waste in my more, dangerous and expendable theories and experiments. Why waste those ill-tempered fools, when they can serve a better purpose furthering my own research! Even as you said my lord, my experiments should only be left for enemies of the empire and any rebellion leaders do in fact seem like enemies to your empire.
Jeice: Oi! 21 brings up a good point Lord Tundra! No bloody fool in their right mind would ever want to be apart of 21's outlandish and brutal experiments! So why not get some troublesome buggers and subject them to 21's unending torture?
Tundra: *thinks, before a sinister smirk appears on his face* You're right Jeice. clever thinking, even if me and 21 already came up with the idea. However your version of it does seem more....Colorful. I can most certainly assure all of you, there will be some abysmal and worthless worms digging and hiding beneath the dirt, planning their rebellions and their pathetic little uprisings. And it's our duty, no our right to make sure we stomp, crush, destroy, and absolutely pulverize any and all signs of rebellion, wherever they may spring up! *chuckles* I'm a nice emperor, I allow certain freedoms and exceptions unlike father and grandad....But one thing I won't take is abusing those freedoms I allow and using them to create a rebellion to try and overthrow my rule. *yells* I don't like insubordination in the ranks! Those miserable worms taking the freedoms I allow them and pushing them past their limits, therefore creating their horrid insurrections to try and end my reign! I won't allow such a thing to happen on this planet, there's a still a civil war happening on one of the planets under my mini-empire....Thankfully my loyalists are winning, but this planet won't become that one. If you see any and all kinds of resistance or insubordination....*chuckles sadistically* You're all to remove them from the equation. Or make the remaining moments or even years of their lives nothing but unending and unimaginable pain! Anything to crush *balls his hand into a fist for emphasis* signs of rebellion. *takes a breath to cool himself* There I go ranting and raving again just like father and grandfather, for right now I'm thinking too far ahead, for the time being we need to land somewhere on this planet and scout it out first, before planning any kind of surprise attack or message. We need to know who or what has the most power on this planetoid, what the environment is like, how advanced their species is, and any other such factors that may either give us an advantage or disadvantage when facing these worms.
*Everyone salutes at Lord Tundra's words, before the sadistic alien smirked turning back towards the planet's atmosphere and noticing the signs of a forest in the view. With his smirk becoming even wider seeing the woodland grow bigger and bigger, Tundra narrows his eyes and spotting a clearing in a dense part of the woodland area, pointing to Lemo and Cheelai where to land within the protection of the dense forest and not before long the ship had landed and the ramp had been opened allowing Tundra and his crew to step out and hear the obnoxious and unrelenting sounds of nature. Oh how it made Tundra's skin crawl hearing all of these forest noises such as owls hooting and other noises that made him grit his teeth, being used to the mechanical hums, whirling, gears clanking and grinding against one another, and other such loud and strangely comforting mechanical noises back on Cold Planet 1....But on the other hand it was rather soothing and relaxing, perhaps he wouldn't reduce this area to ash, but then again it was too early to tell what would possibly happen once Tundra had finally gotten control of this planet and subjugated all of the worms underneath his influence.*
Tundra: I don't know whether or not to reduce this area to ash, these noises make me want to shoot death beams in every single direction, *narrows his eyes* without regard for whom or what I hit. It's so......So foreign and strange. Almost like I've landed on some kind of backwards planet. It's completely different from my birthplace on Cold Planet 1!
21: *looks up for her tablet, recording and writing down all of the sights, sounds, flora, and fauna she had spotted* You mean bizarro my lord? Even I have to agree, this planet does hold a mysterious aura. Something just doesn't feel right compared to the other woodland planets I've visited....Which in reality isn't many at all.
Tundra: Exactly. Plus we don't know if this planet is simply a "woodland" planet. It could be a planet with different and varying places and locals such as tundra's, deserts, oceans, bustling cities, tiny villages, badlands, and more......Or it could just be a simple woodland planet, either or really. That's why we need to commence the scouting mission sooner rather than later! Lest we lose our element of surprise we currently possess! We don't want that advantage to slip through our fingers like sand!
Burter: I must agree, this place is rather bizarre. Yet, it has a strange quality to it. Almost a vaguely simplistic quality in a weird way. It's rare I get to visit planets such as this one.
Jeice: Oi Burter, you can say that again! Kinda reminds of my home in a weird way, very quaint and peaceful. It reminds me of my childhood days before joining the force!
Recoome: *with a wide grin on his face* Recoome has never been to many woodland planets before, especially none as beautiful as this! Recoome thinks perhaps this'll be the perfect time to take in all of the sights and sounds before our invasion commences!
Captain Ginyu: Now's not the time for sight-seeing men! I-I mean unless Lord Tundra wishes it to be so! But besides that, we got a mission to complete before we can commence any sight-seeing!
Guldo: The scouting mission captain?
Captain Ginyu: Exactly men!
Guldo: Um....Captain, I don't think with my appearance I should go. We have no idea if the locals have ever encountered or seen extraterrestrial life before! We may raise some red flags from our appearances alone!
Captain Ginyu: He's right Lord Tundra! It would be wise and raise less suspicion for some of our more....humanoid crew members to scout the area first before the likes of you, me, Guldo, and Burter! Why ruin this element of surprise we now have over this society, when we could instead take further advantage of it before thrusting the dagger into their collective hearts?
Tundra: *grins* Excellent advice, Captain Ginyu! We'll send out some of our "normal" looking crew mates as it would ruin the entire element of surprise we've built up, just to waltz out onto the public street and have people screaming and running away from us due to our....Less than appeasing physical features. And I won't have this mission become a failure simply due to people not understanding there's life well outside their own dim view! Let's not break the perfectly crafted balanced this world has to offer....For the time being.
21: I mean, we could still conquer them. It would just take a longer war instead of the sneaky corruption or quick punch to the gut you're hoping for my lord. And with the civil war you mentioned back on the ship, I doubt you would want to enter a full scale warriors with these lower lifeforms, especially when we know next to nothing about this civilization and what they've been able to achieve all on their own. *smiles* But not to fret my lord me, Cheelai, and Recoome will go out and get some information on these people and their culture for you!
Tundra: *raises an eyebrow* Wouldn't Cheelai count as "not looking normal"?
21: *chuckles* Not at all my lord, you see if any local decides to get inquisitive and ask what's wrong with her, I'll just say she was born that way. You know, a simple skin mutation when she was a little toddler, leaving her skin pigment a healthy yet unique lime green! That should help avoid any curiosity Cheelai might get because of her skin color. I mean unless green is somehow a normal skin color on this planet, it might be but I highly doubt that until I see otherwise.
Tundra: Go ahead. The rest of us will make sure no creature or even less likely a human being from this planet finds or makes their way onto this ship. Just make sure you get some good evidence from this little endeavor of yours. We can't afford to be sending scouting party after scouting party every few hours just to get only a few snippets of information and their culture.
Recoome: Don't you worry Lord Tundra, Recoome won't fail you! Our scouting party will be a complete success!
Tundra: *smirks* I like your optimism Recoome, now it's time to find out if it's well placed or not. Go find some useful information about this planetoid and you better find something good, otherwise their will be hell to pay!
21: *smiles* No need to worry my lord, with the three of us we're certainly go to find some useful information. Be it straight from the horse's mouth or perhaps something like a newspaper or poster.
Cheelai: Come on! Let's go already!
Burter: She's rather excited about this scouting mission. It's weird hearing actual excitement come out of her lips that doesn't pertain to harassing Lemo in any way, shape, or form.
Jeice: You got that right Burter! I haven't seen the bloke this excited in blooming ages! Something's clearly her panties in a proper twist!
Cheelai: *yells* Hey! I heard that you Space Aussie!
Jeice: Oi, don't get your panties anymore in a twist! Otherwise you might cut off some circulation through your body!
Cheelai: *grits her teeth in seething anger, before 21 places a hand on Cheelai's shoulder causing her to calm down in fear of 21* Ok.....I'm better now. I'm simply excited since we're on a new planet and I've wanted to stretch my legs for ages. We've been forced to live and walk around that spaceship for days, and it's fantastic just to be able to walk around! So excuse me for my apparent excitement!?
Guldo: *chuckles* How ridiculous. I mean some of us have been on that spaceship longer than you have, yet you don't see any of us complaining about wanting to "stretch our legs".
Cheelai: *her eyes narrow in rage* I would watch where you're going with that tone frog. Otherwise you might find yourself skinned and served as a dinner.
Guldo: *gulps* Your thinly veiled threated don't s-s-scare me! My power level is well beyond yours!
Cheelai: *says in an ominous tone* But was it a threat? Or a promise? And who says I need to "fight" you in order to skin you?
Guldo: Eek! *runs from Cheelai's line of sight*
21: *coughs, getting everyone's attention* If you will, while I would love to see Cheelai's "dark side" we go have pressing matters to get on with. Such as the scouting mission to see what this planet is like and what kind of people or creatures we're dealing with.
Recoome: Yeah let's get going! Recoome can't wait for what the people look like on this planet! Maybe they'll be tiny bugs and Recoome can squash them!
Cheelai: Let's just get this over with. I have a frog to skin later. *shoots a death glare at Guldo, who lets out another shrill "eek"*
21: We're not going to be doing any killing for right now Recoome, this is simply a scouting and observing mission. Not killing any citizens....No matter their size. We're just going around to get some information about this planet and nothing else. However, if we would need to act in self-defense I would allow some minor maiming onto those who dare try and attack us!
Recoome: *smiles like a kid at a candy store* Recoome can't what to grind some bones into powder!
21: *smiles* Now there's the optimism I was looking for!
*21, Recoome, and Cheelai walk off into the dense forest, trying to find any source of civilization and therefore find something to report back about, leaving behind Lord Tundra, Captain Ginyu, Burter, Guldo, Jeice, and Lemo behind to defend the ship from any unwanted guests and secure a makeshift camp for the night. 21, Cheelai, and Recoome's journey took them a few hours to escape the thick brush of the forest and find any kind of lights, emanating from some of lavish city...Well at least lavish in the eyes of the three travelers, after all intergalactic conquering and the occasional planet destroying didn't leave much for visiting and exploring cities before they were destroyed or reduced to mere brick and ashes. It was almost breathtaking how lively the city looked compared to some other places they had visited and conquered, certainly a place they would think twice about completely destroying once the invasion had begun. Walking into the city, avoiding any prying eyes that would deem it weird three complete strangers were walking out of a dense forest they had entered the city and began to look around for any indication about any useful information about this society or some kind of huge public gathering in which they could spring their attack.*
21 POV, Location: City of Vale
Cheelai: Now this is a city alright! This is certainly a swanky place! Much better than most of places in this miserable sector.....Which were nothing more than mud huts, wooden villages, or nothing at all due to the planet being uninhabited.
Recoome: Recoome agrees! This place is wonderful! Recoome will certainly rethink destroying this place when the in------*21 immediately shushes him before anyone could hear what they were planning*
21: *in an aggressive whisper* Shut it you big idiot! Do you want everyone with functioning ears to know about our plans and immediately alert the higher-ups, police, or even the military to our existence before the plan is completed! Don't go yapping about our mission out loud for everyone to hear! Otherwise our entire plan will crumble into ruins and Lord Tundra will have our heads!
Cheelai: *scoffs* Not even that! He'll vaporize us....Or well me and Recoome on the spot! He's a nice boss and listens to our advice more times than not, but if we fail him we'll certainly be reduced into ash for such a transgression!
Recoome: *looks down, ashamed* Recoome apologizes for his lose tongue! It won't happen anything, Recoome promises for his mistake!
21: *her deadly expression returns to a normal one, with her voice returning to a somewhat normal from the aggressive whisper from earlier, after all she had to make sure someone still wasn't listening* It's alright Recoome you just need to practice what to say when you speak. We can't go telling every single stranger on this planet about our plans, it would ruin everything we have as of right now! Remember we still have the element of surprise and that's not something we want to lose at this crucial moment in time! One lose slip of the tongue and we could have all of this planet's forces come down on top of us and slaughter us all! *she breathes in before exhaling, trying to stop herself from going into her Majin form, hearing the sadistic laughter echo throughout her mind and for a spilt second her eyes change from white with blue pupils to pure blackness with blood red pupils lighting through the darkness* Ok, let's just keep looking for some useful information before anything terrible happens, I don't want to lose myself to....That side of me.
Cheelai: Whatever you say 21, I hope we find something actually useful. This place seems like a ghost town right now for a place so comfy. It's almost like some kind of big social event or gathering is going on!
Recoome: *spots a local vendor* Why don't we ask him where everyone is?
21: *looks over to see the local vendor marketing items such as shirts, jackets, snow globes, and other knick-knacks from his little cart* Genius idea Recoome! He'll be able to tell us where everyone has gone or at least give us an idea where everyone is at this hour!
Cheelai: *chuckles and smiles* Yeah good job ya big brute!
*All three members walks over to the street vendor, with said man looking at their direction and nearly pissing himself at the sight of Recoome....Not even Cheelai's lime green skin was concerning or even struck his mind since he immediately thought she was some kind of Faunus, but he had never seen a man that big before, nay he was a hulking figure compared to any other men that he had spotted or had bought anything from his cart. All he could do was stand their slightly shaking in his boots while watching these walk up in front of his cart...All having a deadly, mysterious, and dangerous aura around them, something that made him even more afraid if they turned out to be vandals, deviants, or hooligans coming to wreck his cart and way of living.*
Street Vendor: *in a nervous tone* M-M-M-M-May I help you?
21: *smiles* Hello sir, we're just passing travelers and we were wondering, for such a big and sprawling city such as this, where is everyone? I mean it's a wonderful day, yet this play seems like nothing more than an abandoned ghost town.
Street Vendor: *gives 21 a look of disbelief, almost like she was an absolute idiot* Um......Miss do you not know about the Vytal Festival? Everyone and their mother is there right now to be apart of the celebrations!
Cheelai: What's a "Vytal Festival"?
Street Vendor: *is in complete shock about their lack of knowledge* Are you weirdos telling me you know nothing about the Vytal Festival and how important it is to Remnant as a whole?
*21, Cheelai, and Recoome all shake their heads much to the vendor's shock and overall chagrin as he begins a lengthy rant about what they're missing*
Street Vendor: Well if you've been "traveling so much" the Vytal Festival is basically a celebration due to the outcome of the Great War where the kingdoms of Vale and Vauco fought against their eastern counterparts Mistral and Mantle. The war was brutal and vicious, with thousands if not hundreds of thousands of lives being lost on both sides. However at the end of the war a peace treaty was reached on a neutral ground island known as Vytal and that was the turning point for the Remnant we now have. And that's why we celebrate that important milestone in our great history every two years by holding a massive festival filled with games, excitement, amusement parks, and of course the Vytal Tournament! If you mooks don't get that essentially it's essentially a massive well tournament between each of the four Hunter academies in each of the four regions to prove superiority over the other three. Symbolically the tournament is supposed to represent a reminder or something to always strive excellence and never mediocrity. Honestly I never believed in that last Grimm-shit but really that's what everyone believes so why fight against am I right? So that's where everyone is right now....In all of the four nations, mostly anyone who's anyone shows up to the Festival as it only happens once every two years.
21: *smiles even more* Thanks massively mister! We'll be sure to save a seat at the tournament and watch the battles. *thinks* I'll be sure to give you a 60 second headstart when Lord Tundra inevitably takes over the entire planet.
Recoome: Recoome would love to join in this tournament! Recoome will show how powerful he is compared to all of those tiny ants! Recoome will crush their measly bones into mush!
Street Vendor: *chuckles* Sorry big guy, only those who are currently Hunters in their respective academies can fight in the tournament. Normal people like you three couldn't even compete in the tournament even if you three wanted to! The best you can do is just sit back and watch the fireworks as young adults try to tear one another apart! All for the sake of bragging rights! Truly a majestic sight indeed!
Cheelai: *mutters* How barbaric. Even if it is tradition.
21: Thank you sir! I believe we'll be going now. *she, Cheelai, and Recoome walk away from the vendor, who lets out a giant exhale of relief knowing neither him or his cart were destroyed by these freaks. Once they were far enough away they began talking about their plan again* Did you hear that? Everyone is going to be at this "Vytal Festival". That's the perfect opporunity to make ourselves known and to strike fear in the hearts of those citizens! Truly there's no better moment than that one to make our presence known and to prove our own superiority over everyone on this planet!
Recoome: Recoome agrees massively to this course of action! *spots a poster promoting the event and tears it off the wall, nearly tearing off the entire wall as well* Here, we can give it to Lord Tundra and the others so they know what we're talking about!
Cheelai: *smiles* Excellent idea once again! Wow for once you're not just a brickhouse, you actually got some intelligence in there! I'm impressed!
21: Now, now there's no time to be arguing or sassing one another! We must return to Lord Tundra and the others quickly! If we can inform them about this "Vytal Festival" and how many people are going to be there, we'll certainly be praised and not be atomized for our efforts! Truly Lord Tundra will be happy with our scouting mission and the look of pure happiness on his face once we arrive there and terrorize all of those citizens into fear-struck submission will be wonderful! Everything is coming together perfectly!
*The screen fades to black as 21, Cheelai, and Recoome run back to the ship to inform Lord Tundra and the others about this "Vytal Tournament" and what it means to these people. Little does any of Remnant know or even the dark Grimm queen herself know about this change in the balance, these pure wave of evil washing over them and consuming them all.....Truly this brand new and powerful evil makes Salem look like a kitten in comparison. What will happen once Lord Tundra and his crew interrupt the proceedings of the Vytal Festival and establish their rule? Will the population of Remnant try to fight back? Or is Lord Tundra right when pointing out resistance is utterly futile and those that try to fight back will be subjected to unending and unimaginable pain at the hands of the sadistic 21? How will Lord Tundra and his crew's mere presence impact the timeline of this Remnant and will certain events simply cease to exist due to their involvement? Find out all of this and more in the next chapter of Son of A Intergalactic Tyrant!*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this chapter and are massively hyped for the next one coming soon which is none other than Chapter 2: The Vytal Festival! Stay tuned and get prepared for when that chapter drops very soon as we're about to find out what'll happen differently in the timeline due to the massive impact of Lord Tundra and his crew's presence, we'll have to see how much this shifts the timeline and its events. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to 5K Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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