My Characters
Many of these characters are characters from my actual book that is already on wattpad and has been out for over a year. You know what that means? Don't copy, aka steal any of these characters, their specific powers and weaknesses, their backstories or anything, ok? I don't think anybody would, but I'm putting this here just to be on the safe side.
I'll be adding characters as I go. I'm just putting a few out right now and will make the other forms when I have time.
I have characters from nearly every group to make it easier for everybody to find someone to rp with.
Government Characters
Character one:
Name: Dr Ashley Martin Phillips (Goes by Dr. Phillips)
Codename: Phoenix
Age: 1,983 (though he appears to be in his mid-twenties)
Affiliation: Government
Rank: Medical
Gender: Male
Personality: He has a very patient and fatherly personality...sometimes, though even he has his limits. Easily irritated. If treated with disrespect, he won't like that person. Holds grudges. A bit of a temper. Good with kids, but extremely dramatic people or people who won't listen annoy him. Acts much older than people assume he is most of the time, but he can be a bit mischievous at times. He loves music more than anything and can play almost any instrument, though only those who know him well know that.
Description: Dark reddish brown hair, average skin tone, average build, average height, amber brown eyes, a thin but long nose, clean shaven face, always neat and clean. He wears black slacks, black shoes, grey button-up shirts, and black lab coats most of the time.
Powers: Catching himself on fire and regenerating after death.
Weakness: Easily cold. Extremly weak and sickly after regeneration. Fire retardants, if ingested, cancel his powers and make him very sick. Fire extinguishers. If drowned, he won't come back unless his body is dried and burned. He won't regenerate unless his body is converted to ash and the ashes are disturbed. Things that feed fire (alcohol, gasoline, kerosene), if ingested in large amounts, make him burn uncontrollably. Pouring a fire feeder on him when he's already on fire makes him unable to put the fire out. Isn't very street smart and often gets himself into trouble. Allergic to coconut.
Fears: Drowning. Sword fish and sharks. Snow men. (They creep him out more than scare him though.) Humans.
Weapons: A Roman style sword, though he hides it under his mattress and never really uses it.
Pet: A python named Fredrick.
Backstory: He was born in Rome to a Roman woman who died during childbirth. Before she had him, she had married, though Dr Phillips was not the son of that man. She never told who his real father was, but that's definitely where he got the red hair and superpowers. He'd often wander and was considered good-for-nothing, so his adopted father made him enlist in the army. He lived a pretty good life. He had a good mind and was strong, so he moved up in rank to the centurian level. He was happily married, had a son of his own, and another child only a few weeks away. Then tragedy struck. He doesn't like to talk about what happened, and doesn't tell very much about the next couple centuries of his life. He moved to America for a new start, though being condemned and tried (aka executed) for 'witchcraft'. He banded together with several other supers in that time and helped form the government protection of supers. When codenames first started getting used, he was assigned the name of Phoenix. He couldn't handle the pressure of leading an organization so large, so he stepped down and took the job he'd had for hundreds of years--being a doctor.
Quote: I like to think of myself as a nice person...I'm just selective about who I'm nice to.
Other: Hates humans. He refuses to speak to normal human beings. His normal body temperature is 102.2ºF and his heart only has three chambers. Yes, his name is Ashley. When he picked that name it was still considered a guy's name.
Character Two
Name: Jordan Henry Ironwood
Nickname: Jordie
Codename: Nimbus
Age: 17
Schooling: Junior year in high school
Affiliation: Government
Rank: Officer
Gender: Male
Personality: Very rule abiding and obedient to authority, thoughtful but is sometimes still oblivious, cocky, always thinks he's right, patient, he's somewhat old for his age if that makes sense, mature, intelligent, good problem solver, mellow, always does what he can to get the job he's supposed to do done to the point of obsessing about it, can't lie to save his life, just generally a really nice guy. He also has about a billion cliche superhero characteristics...beware the puns!
Description: Brown skin (he's mixed ethnicity between white and African American), brown eyes, buzz-cut black hair, average height, looks like a bodybuilder, typically looks serious but tries to not look that way by smiling a lot. He tries to dress like normal people with blue jeans and tee-shirts and running shoes. When on a mission he wears a dark blue and black suit with a full face mask to protect his face from wind-burn and a cape that has electromagnets that can attach to the wrists and ankles of his costume to help him fly. The cape works like a sail when the electromagnets are on, but looks like a regular cape when they're not.
Powers: Weather and super strength
Weakness: His powers are not as strong as someone with only weather manipulation or only super strength would be. Once he starts something, whether it be a burst of wind or a mission, he can't stop. If he fails he will do whatever it takes to make it right and will obsess about it to the point of it being unhealthy. Dwells on his failures. Very heavy because of his extreme muscle mass from his super strength. He's so heavy that he sinks like a rock. If metal is touching his skin when he shoots lightning, he will be shocked. His lightning bolts from his hands aren't that strong and make him tired. He can't counteract natural weather. He can't make clouds without the right conditions. He can't do major types of weather (tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, ect).
Fears: A phobia of needles. Bees, wasps, and whatever else that flies and stings. The disapproval of his superiors and ultimately the disapproval of his parents.
Weapons: None
Backstory: He's the son of two highly respected officers. His mother controls weather and his father has super strength. Everything he's ever done is to impress his parents, though he never feels like he's good enough. He's constantly driving himself to do better to get their approval.
Other: Can't swim. Drives a yellow mustang, which he absolutely adores. If surprised or terrified or extremely angry he can accidentally short out machines. Is the worst liar ever, and if he has to keep a horrible secret he has a very guilty look on his face.
Character three
Name: Delano Reese
Nickname: Dell
Codename: Timeline
Age: 17
Schooling: Junior in high school
Affiliation: Government
Rank: Cover-up Department
Gender: Male
Personality: Shy, geeky, timid, nerdy, lover of cheesy jokes and books. It's kind of hard to get him to speak openly, but he's very sweet once he does open up. He's thoughtful, sometimes a little too much so. Easily stressed and worries too much for his own good. A good listener when he isn't too busy with something else. Zones out sometimes when he's super focused on something or stressed out. Overthinks everything. Wouldn't hurt a fly. Extremely intelligent, using his mind to get out of problems more than his powers and force. He can fix just about any machine if given enough time, so is often treated like tech support. Stays out of the spotlight as much as possible. Tries to stay as organized as possible.
Description: Short, scrawny, green eyes, light blonde hair that he keeps combed carefully, pale skin. Wears hoodies, blue jeans, and t-shirts with stuff printed on them to keep people from calling him a total nerd. A gold chain around his neck with a crystal on it. The crystal is a hexagonal in shape with a point on the end and is about three inches long. The crystal is mostly clear, but has hazy green imperfections inside that look a little like veins. These 'veins' faintly glow and stop glowing in time with his heartbeat, but is so faint you have to stare at the crystal to see it. When using his powers his eyes glow white and he looks pretty creepy, the crystal glows brightly, going from brightly glowing to extremely brightly glowing in time with his heartbeat.
Powers: Time manipulation. More specifically, limited time manipulation. Can speed up or slow down either his timestream or that of someone or something else (though that is much more difficult) to make whatever it is go faster or slower than everything else while whoever is in the warped timestream is still perceiving everything like they are moving the same speed they normally would but everything else is going faster or slower. He can speed up or reverse time to a certain point to help people heal. He can't do it out of his own free will, but sometimes the crystal can randomly glitch and send him and whoever is within a certain distance of him to a different time.
Weakness: He's a pacifist, so not only can he not fight, he refuses to. Not strong, like, at all. Zones out sometimes. Reduced to a screaming mess when he sees a spider. Deathly allergic to peanuts. Can only 'heal' someone within two to three hours of someone receiving the injury and can't do anything about chronic diseases. After 'healing', he becomes so weak he can't walk or even stand on his own. Using the time crystal at all makes him tired, and it makes him almost unbearably cold while affecting time. A lot of his powers are not able to be controlled and randomly glitch. His powers will not work without his crystal.
Fears: Spiders, spiders, and spiders! Then add in about everything else you can be afraid of. XD
Weapons: His time crystal
Backstory: He lived with his father and never actually had a mother, since she'd died while Delano was still a baby, until his father remarried. His stepmother was anything but evil, and their family was happy. That is, until his stepmother was diagnosed with bone cancer. They lost everything, spending everything they had to pay for her treatment and trying to keep her as comfortable as possible. Dell's father couldn't cope and turned to alcohol, only making things worse in many ways. They were dirt poor, so when a strange will from a long lost family member of Dell's biological mother showed up, leaving an estate and a strange book, they gladly took it. Under the good as condemned building, Delano found a mysterious cave and was trapped inside. There he found the time crystal. When he got out, the house looked pristinly new and beautiful and he discovered that he had been missing for two years...
Other: A pacifist. Loves gardening and putting up Christmas lights.
Gang Characters
Character four
Name: Christopher Andrew Bhereman (goes by Andrew)
Codename: (For Quasar) Psycho. (For government) Brainwave.
Nicknames: He hates all nicknames, so any kind of nickname would tick him off. Some stupid people call him Chris or Andy, and those with a death wish combine the names and call him Candy.
Age: 17
Affiliation: Gang
Gang: Quasar
Rank: Infiltrator.
Group infiltrated: Government. (Secondary officer)
Gender: Male
Personality: Tough as nails. Not the warm, friendly type. Very rude, usually only saying insults out loud while keeping useful information to himself. A bit on the cranky side, and very anti-social. Aggressive and gets frustrated or angry quickly. Doesn't talk about himself or emotions, except for maybe hated, since he thinks it's odd to show any other emotion than hatred. Has a hard time explaining his own thoughts sometimes because he's so used to reading minds that sometimes he feels like others can too, meaning what he does say is often vague or just doesn't make any sense.So obsessed with being tough and strong that he never admits to any kind of pain or weakness and often pushes himself way too far. He's the type who would claim he was fine even if he was missing an arm. Pretends to be extremely judgemental to make people leave him alone, but that is something he can't really be, since he can't misunderstand people and knows what they know and feels what they feel. Because his emotions are messed with so much by his powers, he's a pretty moody person, though he tries his very best to hide it. Street smart, but clueless with books or anything outside of logic. Happiest by himself, and enjoys art, which he's very good at. Doesn't like reading minds, and often ignores what he hears and never brings it up unless necessary.
Description: Extremely tall (6'5"), muscular, messy black hair, tan skin, looks angry all the time even if he's happy (like, in the 'go away or I will strangle you with your own windpipe' kind of angry looking), grey eyes except for one spot on his left eye that is sapphire blue. He has zero fashion sense. His most common outfit is comprised of loose, dark colored t-shirts, loose jeans, brown worn out leather jacket, and worn brown steeltoe workboots.
Powers: (Strong) Mind reader, (average) telepath, and (weak) hypnotism. Subconsciously reads minds, hearing others' thoughts like we would hear conversations. He could focus in on one if he wanted to, like somebody eavesdropping on a particular conversation, but he typically won't unless it's something that interests him. He can send messages to other minds telepathically, whether it be one at a time or several. Images and emotions can also be conveyed, which is sometimes a curse, since he can sometimes convey his own thoughts or emotions to the nearest person by mistake (awkward!). His hypnotism/mind control is so weak that it's almost not there, but it allows him to make someone do something that he wants them to do, often without them even knowing he's doing it, convincing them to feel a certain way, or to forget something. (Though he can't touch long-term memory and can only wipe a memory within an hour or two of it being made. He also cannot make people fall in love or hate each other or have extreme emotion, he only affects emotions, not controls them, and can only do so for a short time. Like, if someone was extremely sad and crying, he'd use that power to try to make them happier [so they'll shut up, of course].) This is often done with subtle suggestions in the mind, but can be done suddenly. He can convince people to feel or not feel certain things, but he almost never does that because then he'll be forced to feel the same thing as them.
Weakness: Prone to migraines. Must rest a lot, due to the energy taken to keep his powers on all the time. Being in a large crowd of people can overwhelm him to the point of a panic attack or even fainting. Faints when extremely panicked. Weak cardiovascular system. Allergic to just about anything that affects the brain, such as most drugs (both illegal and pharmaceutical) and alcohol. Hypnotism can only make a person do something they've done, thought, ect before, cannot be something opposite a person's nature, and can not make someone kill themselves. Cannot lie telepathically. Sometimes telepathically sends his thoughts and emotions by mistake. Feels the same thing another person does if he listens in on their thoughts. Is almost completely illiterate. Can't count above fourteen without reading someone's mind. Can't mind control through cameras or phones or electronic means. Other telepaths and mental manipulators hurt him. His powers glitch if his head gets rubbed hard on the temples for at least five seconds. Allergic to caramel.
Fear: Large crowds, public speaking, his own blood, and trains. Refuses to cross, stand on, or even get near a train track.
Weapons: A pistol and throwing knives.
Backstory: He keeps most of his history to himself, but he was orphaned at a young age and left to fend for himself. He was believed to have a severe mental disorder because he always heard 'voices' in his head whenever he was near people. This was mind reading. Only when he joined Quasar did he find out what it truly was. He's recently lost his girlfriend in an accident, but stubbornly refuses to talk about it.
Quote: What were you doing? I think you were leaving. I think you had somebody better to bother.
Other: Almost completely illiterate. The easiest way to embarrass him is to force him to read something. He has a bad habit of biting his nails.
Character five
Name: Kathryn Michelle Williams
Nickname: Kat
Codename: Shift
Age: 17
Schooling: Junior year in high school
Affiliation: Gang--Liberators
Rank: Surveillance
Gender: Female
Personality: Giggly, bubbly, a bit naive, loves to talk, caring, happy-go-lucky, and an incurable optimist. She just loves everybody and is a little too innocent for her own good. When sad, she buries it deep deep down. Despite all that, she can be serious. Though often thought of as a flighty ditz, she has moments of genius. Nostalgic about her memories of the islands and intends to go back one day. Doesn't like silence. Any silence is an awkward silence, so she tries to fill it in. Can be very mischievous at times.
Description: Tall, athletic build, very long hair down past her rear end, hair has streaks of neon teal all through it, her eyes are normally hazel but glow a bright neon teal when she uses her powers, very tanned skin. She likes loose fitting, bright colored clothes. Almost always smiling.
Powers: Body composition shifter (can change what her body is made of. Eg: turning into jello, wood, or metal.)
Weakness: Gets what is called 'shifting sickness' if she uses her powers too much. Turning into certain things hurts. She will usually be slower with her powers. Is mute when shifted. A little too trusting sometimes. Her blood is toxic, which makes it hard for her to get medical treatment. Machines can blow up or malfunction near her when she gets too excited. She often breaks things without meaning to. Her powers are uncontrollable and glitch very often. She never knows what she'll turn into and can't use her powers at will. She sometimes gets stuck as whatever she's shifted into.
Fears: Being tied up, her family and friends getting hurt because of her, people with a Germanic accent.
Weapons: An extendable staff
Pet: A Pomeranian puppy named Angel
Backstory: Lived on a small island since her childhood. She always had issues with machines. The machines kind of uh...blew up when she came around. That was something she just lived with. A ship captured the other islanders and she, being the only one left, went to rescue them. A scary doctor rampaging and a lab accident later, she was given superpowers. She rescued the islanders, but has since been forced to move back to America.
Quote: I don't mind it if you're weird. I don't mind if you're ugly either...No! No! I'm not saying you're ugly!
Other: Has a strange accent and speaks a strange language from the islands where she lived. Her blood is blue and toxic.
Character six
Name: Kristi Wells
Nickname: Kris
Codename: Lovebird
Age: 17
Schooling: Junior in high school
Affiliation: Gang
Gang: Robin Hoods
Rank: Hacker
Gender: Female
Personality: Now, there is a horrible stereotype put on those who have the power to make people fall in love...That they are hopeless romantics, flirty, the kind of person your mom would cry about if you were, and generally a booger. However, such is not the case with Kristi. Despite her powers, she has the ironic hatred for romance of any kind. Goo-goo eyes? Eew! Romance novels and movies? Get a life! PDA? POLICE, HELP! MY EYEBALLS ARE MELTING! Seeing as she can stir up hatred as well, that brings up a whole new bunch of expected character traits. However, instead of being moody, aggressive, spiteful, vindictive, and hateful, she is actually somewhat kind and patient. When people hear her powers before they meet her, they are often shocked by how geeky and awkward she is. She's a natural clutz, though often tries to play it off somehow. Though awkward, she's somewhat confident, especially in her computer skills. Very intelligent, but not a good fighter. She's very friendly and easy-going most of the time, but will give her opinion if she has to. She's more standoffish, even though many falsely assume she loves hugs because of power stereotypes. Slightly sassy around people she knows better. If somebody annoys her enough or treats her badly, she will wait a little while before exacting revenge...Usually making the person have an awkward crush on an enemy or someone else...Or dipping their toothbrush in the toilet.
Description: Dark brown hair down past her shoulders that she normally has in big, loose curls. Dark blue eyes. More pale than average skin tone. Average height. Green glasses unless in costume. (Which she wears around the base sometimes and any robberies she has to go along with.) Though she'll get very mad or embarrassed if anybody mentions it, she is very beautiful. She usually wears pastel or neutral colored clothes that are flowy and modest. If at the base she always has her pet bird Cupid on her shoulder.
Powers: Emotional manipulation (of the emotions of love to hate and those between those two extremes). She can make people fall in love or hate. Can make people prefer different things, or be disgusted by others (like suddenly preferring broccoli dipped in peanut butter instead of popcorn. It's in a nonromantic way.) She can make people get along and be civil or mistrust and be appalled by the other (once again, in a non-romantic way.) Can make people have awkward crushes or a time of severe irritability where they get mad at one or more people. Can affect one's opinion on a person, either liking or disliking them (in a non-romantic way). Her powers are mostly used to help her get friends, because she makes herself seem like a likeable person (as a friend. No fuzzies).
Weakness: Hates her powers, which makes her almost never use them. Can't stand romance or blind hatred at all. Can't make people find 'true love'. Can't destroy 'true love' or complete hatred. Can sense love and hatred in others, and, since she despises both of them, often leaves. When making someone like someone else, she will end up liking either that person or the other person. If she makes someone hate another, she will hate either that person or the other person or both. After a while, using her powers can leave her in an empty, emotionless state if she uses her powers nonstop for a certain amount of time. The affects of her powers only work if she's within a couple hundred yards and within a two hour time period. The more times she uses her powers on someone the more power it will take to get the same effect (the person builds resistance to her powers; acclimation). Loves her pet bird more than anything.
Fears: Thunder, sudden loud noises or flashes of light, lighting, dark clouds, and heartbreak.
Weapons: Her powers mostly, but also has a can of extra strength pepper spray and a green pistol. When in costume she has a shield that looks like two wings folded over (think a bird when not flying) that she can strap to her back.
Pet: A peach faced lovebird (seagreen mutation) named Cupid
Backstory: She was once a normal human being, dating a normal human guy. The guy's mom was invalid and his father dead, so he had to be the bread winner for the family to pay for their expenses that couldn't be covered by the check given every month or so by his grandmother. It was romance novel worthy, their relationship, and, if written and put on wattpad, people would go on and on about how cute they were...Then they made one stupid decision that changed everything forever...They kissed in the rain--or, more specifically, a raging thunderstorm in a golf course. They say that kissing is electrifying, but that's probably not what 'they' meant. The two of them were struck by lightning. She woke up in the hospital, burned and sore but otherwise ok, but as for him...His family kept him on life support for as long as they could afford to and poured everything they had into trying to help him recover, but it never worked. He was taken off of life support and died shortly afterwards. Kristi was heartbroken and vowed she would never love another and that she would do her best to keep not only herself, but others from the same heartbreak...then fate dealt a cruel hand--her powers appeared. As for the boy's family, they lived in poverty, having spent themselves into a devastating amount of debt they could never possibly repay. She did everything she could, but it was just never enough...They couldn't have electricity, air conditioning, or much of anything else to try to pay their bills and not end up on the streets. That's when she found out about the Robin Hoods. She was so moved by their selfless generosity that she joined, not just to help her deceased boyfriend's family, but the others just like them get up on their feet again.
Quote: like who now? think he's cute? Oh my...This is bad, this is very very bad...You know what they say about the cute ones...Cuties have the most cooties! I suggest you flee for your life! It's not worth it! Run!
Other: Her pet lovebird Cupid was a gift from her boyfriend shortly before he died. She loves that bird more than anything, and even designed her costume after it. Hates chocolate. If you give her chocolate, she'll take it politely, but as soon as you leave she'll give it away or throw it in the trash.
Character seven
Name: Not able to be pronounced by humans, but goes by Luna Eclipse, Eclipse being the closest word to the pronunciation of the first part of her twelve syllable family name and Luna being more of a nickname she got and she eventually took as her actual name on earth.
Age: 103 earth years old (her species has a lifetime of about 300-350 years)
Schooling: Completed early and with honours from her planet
Affiliation: Gang
Gang: Miasma
Rank: Leader and strategic planner
Gender: Female
Personality: Cold, uncompassionate, hateful, extremely professional, snobby, aloof, if pushed too far will resort to violence though it will be done in a way that is unexpected and thought out, extremely intelligent, insensitive, curious, determined, vindictive. She does what's best for her no matter what.
Description: Over seven feet tall, almost catlike face, very high cheekbones, fangs, pure white skin with light grey to dark grey symmetrical patterns, large purpleish grey eyes with a vertical pupils, lanky, humanoid but more of a skinny looking creature, muscular for her species, black hair that shines green and purple, a longer than normal neck, purple blood (so she also has purple lips, tongue, blushes, ect), very large dark grey wings made of skin like a bat and brush against the floor when she walks. She is extremely fast and flexible, along with very stong (proportionally to her size. This is not a power and is not strong enough to be considered one.) She always wears black and dark purple royal robes indoors, and one really loose one that covers every inch of her when possibly being subjected to sunlight.
Powers: Flight, sonic screech (very high pitched blast of sound)
Weakness: Can be anywhere from severely burned to killed by sunlight. Can only come out at night and can't fly in the day to keep her wings from burning. Can't fit in with humans. Screech makes her unable to speak if she uses it too much.
Fears: Sunlight, cats, death, not being in charge.
Weapons: A special staff that can be electrified and has blades that can come out of the staff. The staff can also be divided in two and used separately. The blades can be taken off by Eclipse only and thrown.
Pet: A dog sized, dragonlike animal from her planet with four wings and six legs.
Backstory: Eclipse was from a planet very unlike our own. It, for one, has a dying star. To survive, they had to find ways to make heat and energy without it. There are three species. The first are the serving class, being humanoid creatures with more flat faces and shorter arms and patches of colors from brown, black, grey, to white and occasionally rusty orange. They have the approximate lifespan of a human. The second species are the scientific type, standing off and observing things rather than be involved. They average at six feet tall and have wings and are a dark red and orange in color, especially the fin that goes from their forehead all the way to the bottom of their shoulderblades. Their lifespan is unknown, since so few of them have ever died of old age--they are often hunted. Eclipse is of the ruling species, her being considered extremely beautiful for her kind. Her species are the rarest due to a nasty warlike habit they have against each other to get the throne. Eclipse was the second born to the king, the first born being her brother. Since her species had no family unit (the mother becomes so aggressively protective of her young that she will kill the father if he stays, and cannibalism isn't uncommon. The father will likely not even recognize his own children, since he only gets to see them maybe once or twice every couple of years.) she never had any attachment to her family. They were just obstacles in her way, keeping her from the throne. She always knew she was royalty, but being the second in line and a woman made it almost impossible for her to ever hope to be queen. Her mother wanted better for her daughter. The females of their species were larger than the males, so who was to say that they couldn't be better fighters? Eclipse was deadly intelligent, so who was to say she couldn't be the planet's first queen? The throne was something that had to be fought for, but Eclipse didn't care. She wanted more than what she had. She would be queen, even if she had to kill to whole planet to become it. She trained hard, but no one took her seriously. No female had ever ruled and one never would--at least, that's what they thought. She eventually had a son of her own and was fiercely protective of him...then there was an incident where two of her kind were fighting for rank, which often led to bloodshed of those who got between them. Her son was killed. She got revenge...Everyone there died and blood stained everything. It was a blind massacre of everyone in the area. Then people began to notice her potential as queen. This only made her work harder. She would be queen. She would be queen no matter what. No one was safe. In her plan of conquest, she killed her brother to secure the throne, and plans to kill her father as well when she returns to her homeworld, making her queen. To get the people to not rebel against her she requires incentive to keep them from rebelling--a weapon that terrifies them into obeying. Although she could've created a weapon on her homeworld, she found that things were much more terrifying if they were of alien origin. That's what made her come to earth. She is searching for weapons of mass destruction to take back home. To prevent future invasion of her own world by other alien species, she created the gang Miasma. Through Miasma she tries to find their weaknesses in case they ever tried to conquer her world, and uses their research to find her weapons faster.
Other: Her species inspired many legends, including goblins, vampires, harpies, griffins, and some dragons, along with many others when they came to earth in the past.
Character eight
Name: Bryson Ray
Nickname: Bryce (pronounced Brice)
Codename: Delta
Age: 17
Schooling: Senior in high school
Affiliation: Gang
Gang: MetaWorks Laboratories
Rank: Captures supers for the lab
Gender: Male
Personality: He acts nice enough and it's very difficult to tell he's not very nice unless you know where he works. He has a weird sense of humor that's a bit more morbid and dark but it creeps people out, so he hides it by saying stupid jokes and cheesey pickup lines. He's one of those people with the seemingly bottomless stomach, meaning he's hungry pretty much all the time and can eat a lot. He acts happy all the time despite deep down feeling extremely guilty for what he's doing. He hides his interests and likes and dislikes from people for fear they'd use it against him, so many see him as being basically just a shallow guy with no dreams or ambitions in life.
Description: Sandy blonde hair, olive green eyes, average skin tone, average height, he works out but doesn't have a ton of muscle, pretty attractive, bright white smile. His normal attire is button up shirts and skinny jeans, normally in different colors, and whatever shoes he feels like that day. On mission he wears contact lenses, but oftentimes he'll wear glasses when at the lab or out and about. He's very funny about his clothes looking good and matching despite the crazy colors he choses. On mission he wears contact lenses instead of glasses, puts on a very dark green suit with a silver diamond shape on his chest and a blue triangle (delta) in the center of the diamond shape. His sleeves have his rank, codename, and another triangle, and stuff embroidered in them in black thread along with a lab symbol. Has a black belt and black boots.
Powers: Can grow or shrink in size. Anything in contact with him (other than air molecules and the ground) when he grows or shrinks will grow or shrink with him.
Weakness: Doesn't want to actually capture people. He can be crushed or blown away when he shrinks. Is slightly slower when he's bigger, but is much stronger. (He runs faster obviously because he has a bigger stride. His reflexes are just slower.) Must be in motion while growing or shrinking. His bones, joins, and muscles often hurt. Growing and shrinking take time--he can't instantly change size. His metabolism is extremely fast, especially after shrinking then going back to normal. It isn't unusual for him to have hunger faints after waiting too long to eat. When he goes to his normal size he feels weak and shaky until he eats or drinks something because of his blood sugar. He tends to overreact to stuff. His embarrassment over his hobbies makes him tend to hide as a normal person despite having an outspoken personality.
Fears: Losing his family, people finding out too much, dying, and hummingbirds.
Weapons: A discus with sharpened edges. The edges aren't razor sharp and can't cut just by touching it, but once it's thrown it has enough force to cut. He also has a small club and a tranquilizer gun.
Backstory: After a blood test that indicated that he was at a high probability for developing powers when he was young and being tested for diabetes because of his blood sugar problems, the labs caught wind of it and had him captured and brought in. He wouldn't cooperate with the testing and they found out that not only did he was powerful abilities, but they were genetic--meaning his family could have the same. They couldn't figure out whether the powers were from his mother's or father's side, so they captured them all and his little sister too. Now he has to work for the labs.
Quote: "Pain is like snot. You suck it up and deal with it."
Other: *looks both ways* He secretly loves to dance and wants to be a professional dancer and choreographer when he gets older.
Character nine:
Name: Kalevi Kivi
Nickname: Kal or Kai
Codename: Kaiku
Age: 17
Schooling: Homeschooled (12th grade)
Affiliation: Gang
Gang: Ecocentric
Rank: Medic (trained in first aid and stuff, being the son of a doctor, but doesn't have extensive knowledge or a degree. He specializes in natural remedies.) and maintenance.
Gender: Male
Personality: Very calm, sometimes scarily calm. Can't show emotions very well. Has a hard time expressing himself. Loves animals. More of the sensitive type. Easy to win over but easy to offend. Often gets frustrated about being misunderstood--quite literally. He's the silent type...which really has to do with the fact that he's mute more than anything. People often avoid him or think he's weird because in a conversation he will look at their lips the entire time unless they're speaking sign language. He means nothing by that though, he's just reading their lips to understand what they're saying. Despite being calm and collected, he blushes very easily, partiality because of how sensitive he is (to the point of a flaw) and partially because of how pale he is. Has a way with animals. He's extremely concerned about the planet. Like, extremely concerned.
Description: Blue eyes and matching blue hair that sticks up everywhere on its own. Fair skin. Tall and a bit lanky. Sunburns easily but still goes out in the sun a lot, so his cheeks and nose are often a bit burnt. He uses sign language, charades, or writing to communicate.
Powers: Sound manipulation. He can change the frequency, direction, and intensity of sound. Senses sound despite not being able to physically hear it. Can memorize the wavelength and wave patterns of someone speaking, which makes him able to understand certain people. However, accents confuse him and if the pitch is different than he learned, he won't understand. Someone has to speak to him a lot for him to remember their voice, and he'll only remember their voice in the way they talked around him (like, if their voice is altered or they're panicked or screaming he won't understand if they had only talked to him normally before then.) If people's voices are similar he can try to understand what they're saying. Though it is very difficult, he can try to imitate words, but the sound is a strange pitch and is almost impossible to understand, so it's not really worth the extreme amount of tedious effort it takes to do it.
Weakness: He, by technicality, is deaf and mute. His powers destroyed his hearing and vocal cords. Powers can't work in a vacuum. Sound travels differently through different things. Won't be able to control his powers underwater. Has a very difficult time communicating for obvious reasons. His bones are brittle--probably because of all the loud sound he has to deal with. A little bit on the sickly side. He gets blinding headaches. Has a hard time sleeping because he is so aware of every sound around him, despite not being able to hear it with his ears. Not sleeping makes him weaker, more tired, and not as focused. Easily upset by sudden, loud noises that he wasn't expecting. After using a lot of power, he shivers uncontrollably, and if he keeps using his powers after that he will collapse and be unable to move and barely conscious. (For some reason, that last weakness can last a shorter time and be less painful if he is being steadily rocked back and forth. For this purpose he often stays at the base where he has a hammock, rocking chair, and porch swing to help him get over that weakness faster.) When he comes into a place there is often an eerie and unnatural silence. There must be an initial sound for him to use his powers--it can't be completely silent.
Fears: The dark, horses, humans destroying the world, hostile or hyperactive people (though that just makes him nervous until he knows they're not trying to hurt him).
Weapons: Sound and a whip.
Pet: Not a particular pet. He tends to drag a bunch of strays home all the time.
Backstory: He was in his house, bored out of his mind. He was a known telekinetic--it wasn't stong enough to do much, but it was there and he knew about it. He soon realized that he could stop or intensify sound and even redirect it. He lost his telekinesis--as he used it for sound so much, he lost the ability to affect anything else. Most people have a tragic backstory to explain why they are the way they are, but all he did was fall down the stairs, receiving a concussion. When he woke up he tried to speak and his powers went crazy, intensifying all the sounds around them at their sources so much that the building shook. The sources of the sounds were completely destroyed or the most damaged--a few birds, a radio, a clock, and his own vocal cords. He was found a little while later silently screaming in anguish, though lucky to be alive. From then on, he could never speak again and the blast of sound took his hearing from him forever. He was a telekinetic at first, but he warped his powers to something they were never meant to be and paid the price. After that he was picked on very badly by his peers, who didn't believe the excuse made to explain his sudden loss of hearing and his voice and thought he was faking. Though he couldn't hear them, it was obvious all the jokes they were making were about him. That's when he turned to nature. The animals and plants and rivers didn't care if he could hear or speak or not. They treated him as fairly as anyone else. Soon he studied into conservation, then became obsessed with it, then he tried to help it. One thing led to another, and now he is a member of Ecocentric. After some reading into family history, he found that he had an ancestor with the same powers who called himself Ääni (Finnish for sound). It seemed only fitting for him to take up the name of Kaiku (Finnish for echo).
Quote: (...I'd put one here, but I think he's ignoring me.)
Other: What he hates most about humans is the sound pollution. He was born in Finland but moved to America at such a young age he doesn't remember much about it. Is absolutely head over heels for Michie (One of BeastChan's characters.)
Character ten:
(Will finish when I have time. )
Name: Felicity Redd
Nickname: Fel
Codename: Plague
Age: 17
Schooling: Senior in high school
Affiliation: Gang
Gang: Arcadians
Rank: Head negotiator
Gender: Female
Personality: Calm and collected. Very compassionate. Very philosophical. An excellent mediator and is almost always neutral. She sees both sides, so is an excellent and fair judge between arguments. Could justify just about anything anybody does and make it believable. Very nosy, and because of it sometimes forgets simple manners. Kind of awkward, has no value for personal space, clingy, a bit annoying, often misses certain social cues. Could be a detective if she wanted to by how she picks up on clues and small details of how a person acts or what they say to unravel secrets. Very intelligent. Never ever resorts to blackmail, and rarely to violence. Always speaks in a gentle tone, even when yelling. Very passive and a pushover. She wants nothing more than to help others find happiness, even though she is unable to find it herself.
Description: Normally has brown hair up in a very messy bun. Has colored streaks in her hair that she changes every once in awhile. Blue eyes, average skin tone, average height, skinny to the point of scrawny. Brown glasses. Loose, flowing clothes in crazy patterns and colors. In costume she has a tight black hood over her hair, and a bigger hood over it. Her suit looks like a jacket over a ruffled shirt with a ripped looking skirt that's longer on one side than the other. Grey leggings and darker grey boots. Instead of a mask, she wears grey face makeup so she looks kind of dead and very creepy, purple contact lenses, purple lipstick, and dark eye makeup.
Powers: Healing and unhealing. Unhealing/reverse healing/anti healing is the reverse of healing. While healing makes wounds obviously heals them faster, unhealing takes a healed injury and makes it come back the same as when the injury happened. (That can be a nasty power when it comes to broken bones, cancer, and concussions.) She can scan for injuries, past or present but her eyes glow when she does it.
Weakness: Cannot heal people who genuinely do not want to be healed (if they want to be healed or are neutral about it she can), and if she tries it will only makes it worse. She naturally tends towards unhealing, so healing is much more difficult. Healing hurts like electricity running through her arms. Any nerve or brain damage is impossible to heal. Certain chronic conditions like cancer or phantom limb pain cannot be healed. She is left in excruciating pain and completely debilitated after healing someone. Cannot heal herself any faster than normal. When healing someone else, it is possible for her to unheal herself, such as healed cuts opening back up or bones rebreaking. Can be hurt or get sick easily. When unhealing someone she is likely to unheal herself. Unhealing is excruciatingly painful. Unhealing effects her emotions very badly.
Fears: Killing someone, her aunt, clowns, and death.
Weapons: A short knife, grappling hook, and smoke bombs.
Backstory: She lived a happy enough life. Sure, life has its ups and downs, but she's had a good life overall. She got her powers earlier on and practiced it on plants, trying to strengthen her healing abilities. However, she couldn't. Her dominant power was and always would be unhealing. One day, by chance she tried to heal a complete stranger. She wanted to help. Unfortunately, her powers had other plans, and the man dropped dead.
Other: Very artistic and is musically gifted.
Character eleven:
Name: Pixel
Nickname: Pix or Pixie
Age: ...that's a complicated question.
Schooling: Graduated
Affiliation: Gang
Gang: EPOS
Rank: Computer maintance, hacker, mission control. (Basically just the person with the computer and headset)
Gender: Female
Personality: Not very emotional. Many believe she has no feelings at all. She is, however, very opinionated. She will usually listen quietly before stating her opinion. Often misses social cues, making things awkward. She has no filter. Often talks like the narrator of a documentary. Talks to herself. Very organized to the point of being ridiculous. She's always thinking, though typically only shares relevant thoughts. Very curious.
Description: A pure white android that is of average shape and size of a human. The joints of the android glow blue, and blue glowing lines like veins are all over her body. Has two blue lenses for eyes. Her body is able to change colors so she can appear human--short black hair that can only be seen in the very front where is sticks out of the red bandana around her head, blue eyes, tan skin, pants and a form fitted shirt. (She can change the colors to appear that way, but not her shape itself, so she's basically exactly like she normally would be but looks human. Think of a painting. It looks like something else, but the shape of the canvas hasn't changed at all.) She has six fingers on each hand, including the two thumbs, one thumb on each side of her hand. Her arms can divide (kind of like General Grievous from Star Wars) in two, giving her four arms with hands that have two fingers and a thumb each, though the position of the fingers change so it looks kind of like a bird's foot, except the thumb isn't all the way at the back of her hand.
Powers: Technopathy
Weakness: When she controls a lot of machines, she cannot move since her body is a machine too. The more other machines or tech she uses the less she can move. When controlling machines she cannot see or hear anything around her. She zones out around too much complicated technology. She can give viruses to computers and such, but she will get sick herself. If her concentration is broken, the outcome of what she was doing can change because of a glitch. She has to be close to the machine. Can be affected by glitches and viruses.
Fears: Mice, scorpions, basically anything ankle level of smaller that moves, and people that are much larger than her.
Weapons: Blades on her forearms that can be folded to the side when not in use.
Backstory: She was a scientist back on her planet--she was the scientist species on the same planet Eclipse was from. She, like many others, had abilities caused by unique brain activity. She used this gift to make an android. She and the company she worked for tried to make this android as close to them in the way they thought as possible. Since she had the technopathy, she was the one to encode its 'mind' by letting it measure her thought pattern through a special adaptor. Something went wrong, though whether it was the machine malfunctioning or someone sabotaged it is unknown. She was critically injured to the point of death, when suddenly she blacked out. Pixel woke up, but instead of seeing from her own eyes, she saw from the screens of the android. After sitting up, she was horrified to see her own dead body next to her. Her consciousness, her memories, her mind, her powers--it had all been transferred to this android.
Quote: Have you tried logging out then logging back in? ...Yes it does compute! Just because I'm a robot doesn't mean I talk like one, so stop that!
Other: Sometimes talks like a stereotypical robot, but gets mad if anyone ever says she does.
Character Twelve:
Name: (Doesn't remember)
Nickname: Max
Codename: Chomper
Age: Approximately 15-17, though there isn't an exact known age.
Schooling: High school dropout
Affiliation: Gang
Rank: Long time member
Gender: Male
Personality: Verifiably insane, overly excited, hyperactive, can't ever hold still, always believes he's missing out on something, acts like he's eternally on a sugar high, forgetful, clumsy, if somebody messes with his friends he'll probably eat them (not his friends...hopefully. The mean people. ). Can't listen for the life of him.
Powers: Can bite through and eat almost anything. Able to eat much more than a normal human.
Weakness (at least three):
Fears (at least three):
Pet: A dead snail. (Don't tell him that though! He thinks it's just sleeping!)
Quote: "I'm loser. But I'm not a loser, you are! Ooh! Are you going to eat that shoe? I'll gladly take it off your hands...err...That hand on the end of your leg that you walk on."
Solo/Vigilante Characters
Character ...:
Name: Justin Marian
Age: 19
Schooling: College freshman (Majoring in architectural design and minoring in interior design.)
Affiliation: Solo
Motive: (This is where the 'I will not be all knowing' thing comes in. It's to protect the 'secretly evil' type like this. He is an excellent actor, so he will not act strange or creepy unless that's his cover. He will slip up, but automatically not trusting him or running away because they get a bad vibe or instantly suspect he's a spy is not an option. If someone talked to you in line at the coffee shop in real life would you automatically write them off as a spy? No. You wouldn't. Don't be all knowing. All characters with alterior motives other than how they act, not just this one, are protected on this roleplay. [Because they are so much fun if people just get off their Mary Sue high horse and go along with it every once in awhile! You should try it. Secretly evil characters are the best!] ) To find out information on other people and gangs and sell it to the highest bidder. Basically a PI, a gumshoe, a private eye, a spy for hire...You get the picture. He can keep secrets he uncovers if he is paid off or dead. The former is more effective, since he's almost impossible to kill.
Gender: Male
Personality: Many believe he is bipolar or has multiple personalities because of how easily he can change everything about himself. He never acts like his true self around people. A bit cynical and a little paranoid. Always so focused on his job he often misses things in normal life. He'll act however people would like him to act. By himself he's more studious and quiet. He'll often tell a joke without people realizing it's a joke because of how serious he sounds. Constantly self conscious and takes any kind of criticism or correction way too seriously. His heart can be won over (you know, in a friendship way) very easily if someone says or does something specific, which is a major flaw considering his job, and causes a lot of internal conflict when it comes to betraying them. Most of the time though he can justify what he does. More of the melancholy type.
Description: Very dark brown hair that looks black in most lighting. Hazel eyes that change with his mood--more blue when he's upset, more dark brown when he's mad, and more greenish if he's happy or content. (That actually happens. It's not just something I made up. My eyes actually do that.) Slightly shorter than average. A heavier build, but not because he's fat or muscular, it's just his bones and such. He doesn't have a specific way of dressing, just whatever he'd be expected to wear with a specific persona. He often changes his hair color and wears colored contacts to help blend in.
Powers: (Nobody other than him knows what his powers actually are. Some believe it is teleportation, others that it is time manipulation, others that it is invisibility, others that it is super speed...The list goes on.) Wormhole walking. He can create temporary wormholes (portals through time and space) or walk though existing wormholes. This power behaves a lot like teleportation. He has to walk what feels like a long way for a long time in a tunnel which seems to have blurred images of where he's passing through, but, depending on the wormhole, he appears on the other side with time being a few seconds before, after, or exactly when he went in thanks to the wormhole's passage through not only space but time. Though he could theoretically walk into other time periods, it is extremely dangerous to do so, since when he manipulates the time side of the wormhole, the space becomes more random, so he could end up anywhere (which isn't good, considering earth is a little speck in the universe). The same is with space. The more exact the place he goes, the more random the timing in which he'd get there.
Weakness: The more controlled the location of the end of the wormhole, the less time will be affected. The more time is changed by the wormhole, the less predictable the location will be. Already existing wormholes are more stable, but he doesn't know where--or when--he'll end up. He has to keep walking--if he stops the wormhole he is walking through will tear him apart and possibly collapse. He has a problem with his legs where they lock up so he can't walk or his walking is severely impaired sometimes. That happens at random and varies in length of time and severity depending on how much he'd exerted himself. He has a permanent limp. Asthmatic. Wormholes are long, so he will feel the effects of a long journey when he comes out, despite no one else realizing he's been gone. Anything dropped in a wormhole will be lost as soon as it hits the edge. If someone or something is touching him when he enters a wormhole, they'll go with him--but if they let go, they'll be destroyed. Wormholes are one way. He can't turn around in a wormhole. Time and space is like a plane to him--he stays in the same line as far as time, preferring to simply go through space. Wormholes are long distance, so he'd have to take a wormhole at least all the way around the planet to appear in the same spot. He won't kill. Has no martial arts training. Not walking for a long period of time makes him sick.
Fears: Losing a lot of money, starving, unexpected phone calls from banks or lenders, squirrels, squid, poisoning, debt.
Weapons: His mind and a bag full of tricks and gadgets. Wormholes (typically to throw weapons or cars or other inanimate objects in. When he lets them go they are destroyed...At least, he's pretty sure that's what happens. )
Pet: No real pets, but he has a few stuffed animals.
Backstory: Life was always tough. Money was tight and the bills were piling up when he was a kid. Going to bed hungry to scrounge up the extra money to pay rent wasn't uncommon. He swore that when he grew up, he'd never make the same mistakes his parents did. His parents, or, more specifically just his mother, tried her best, but just couldn't make ends meet no matter how hard she tried while his dad disappeared for months at a time 'looking for a job'. Justin started getting sick. He didn't know why, but he felt horrible all the time. The only thing that seemed to ease the pain of the sickness was walking. He walked around his room in a circuit almost constantly. In what he would describe as what felt like 'a psychotic hiccup bent on killing him', the world seemed to blur by. He kept walking that strange path, unable to turn back for what felt like an eternity. He kept walking until he appeared again...In a gas station near the border of the US and Canada. He was kept there until he recovered and was sent back home, though was labeled as a runaway. After he graduated he immediately moved out and started college...Only to get into the same mess he grew up with. However, by then he had a perfected skill that he could use in a...more lucrative occupation.
Quote: I never really intended to end up like this, but what can I say? An empty belly and stressed mind tend to be bad influences.
Other: Builds models of buildings out of toothpicks, paper, modeling clay, and popsicle sticks that are not only accurate, but actually up to building code.
Character ...:
Name: Giovanni Apopka
Nickname: Geo or Vaun or Vanni.
Codename: Paralax
Age: 27
Schooling: Graduated high school and college (cosmetology)
Affiliation: Vigilante
Motive: Make his neighborhood safer for his daughter and his business.
Gender: Male
Personality: Doesn't act his age. Very enthusiastic, a bit of a gossip, flirts or jokes with women though he really doesn't mean anything by it (unless they're his age. Then he might not be kidding as much.) He wants to make people feel good about themselves, which is why he may repeatedly tell a girl that she's beautiful even if he has no interest in her. Tries to make everybody happy, which doesn't often end well. Very outspoken and dramatic. A little bit control freakish, especially when it comes to something happening at his salon. A bit of a ditz, a clutz, and he is painfully easily distracted. If there's something wrong with somebody's hair or makeup, he will pull them aside and fix it instead of letting them look stupid. A bit arrogant and always believes he's right. If you talk bad about his salon, his daughter, or his hair, don't be surprised if he's suddenly much colder to you. He's generally just eccentric.
Description: Tall, average build, light brown eyes, hair and eyebrows that are always perfect even if the world is ending, a dazzling white smile. His hair is naturally a light blondish brown but it's almost never that color because of how often he dyes it, testing new colors of hair dye on himself before customers to see how the dye behaves. Slight stubble, though sometimes he just gets annoyed with it and shaves it off.
Powers: Light manipulation (photokinesis), color manipulation.
Weakness: The stronger the light, the stronger the laser can be; thus, the weaker the light the weaker the laser will be. Can be burned with his own lasers. Water, mirrors, crystal, ice, glass, and other light distorting things mess up the aim of his lasers. Refracted or reflected light will not be as strong as the original laserbeam. Not strong in hand-to-hand combat. Certain kinds of light are stronger than others. Hands cannot be touching when manipulating light. Lasers are hot, so he cannot stay behind a light shield forever. Can only make things turn colors he's seen before. When he changes something's color it's not permanent. If he's unconscious, out of range, or distracted the color can go back to normal. Can only change color, but not well enough to act as perfect camouflage.
Fears: Knives, messing up his hair and not realizing it until later when tons of people had seen it, losing his daughter, his ex-wife when she gets really mad, and centipedes. He can handle just about anything but those centipedes and pill bugs.
Weapons: Lasers? A curling iron? Hair scissors? He's not really good with any weapons, so he relies on his powers.
Pet: ....does a child count? Specifically a four year old who believes she's a princess?
Backstory: Geo had everything he could've ever wanted: a job as his own boss, a good homelife, and a beautiful girlfriend he'd been with for almost a year. Marriage was kind of something they talked about but never really was an extreme priority, since they both agreed they'd wait until they were ready to settle down. That all changed when they found out that she was pregnant. Both coming from families that would frown on the situation, they got married almost immediately afterwards to cover it up. As time went on there were issues with the marriage. There were arguments and finally the metaphorical camel's back was broken. She accused him of cheating on her and filed for divorce. After they broke up she was almost immediately married again, which, although suspicious, was never brought up by Geo. Now he only gets to see his daughter on certain days for certain times. Because she was married then, his ex-wife fought for full custody of her and Geo's daughter. All of this absolutely broke him apart emotionally speaking for a while. This was when the power of changing colors started turning into light manipulation. Eventually Geo convinced her to let them each have time with Lizzy. He intends to have full custody one day, but for now he just has to take it one day at a time and hope his ex doesn't want the same thing.
Quote: (Geo cannot be described in one quote, so here's a situation.)
Geo had his back turned when the door to the salon opened, making the bell on it ring. "Welcome to Apopka's Beauty Salon!" He said cheerfully.
"Daddy....daddy..." His four year old daughter whispered as she tugged the sleeve of his shirt to get his attention. "Daddy, look! It's a moolate!"
"A what?" He asked, glancing back at the newcomer. Geo's jaw dropped when he saw what Lizzy was talking about. "Oh my goodness, it's glorious..." he muttered under his breath.
"But, daddy, I thought you hated moolates..." she said.
"Oh, I do, Lizzy...I do..." he said quietly enough to not be heard by the man who had walked in. Geo reached in the pocket of his apron and put his fingers around the pair of hair cutting scissors, ready to make an end of the monstrosity...
One of the stylists already had the man in a chair, but Geo pulled her aside and told her to let him handle this.
This was personal.
He walked up to the man and greeted him as cheerfully as he could, though still had the scissors firmly in his grip.
All the formalities were out of the way finally...Good. He was going to enjoy this. It would feel so good to get this ugly thing off the streets... Geo raised his scissors to cut off the first piece of that horrible mullet. Just cut off the split ends? Ha! This hairdo was going to die and go to mullet Hades!
Other: Owns and operates Apopka Beauty Salon. Is a hair dye specialist. Has a daughter named Lizzy half of the time but sometimes she goes to her mother. In case you can't tell by the quote/situation, he hates mullets and considers them his personal enemy. Gets very upset when people stereotype him because of his job and eccentric personality. Instead of talking like a lot of people who stereotype him think he would (like a sassy lady or something), he has a naturally lower voice and speaks like he's from the ghetto (which may look the same as what would he expected when I'm typing it), though he uses weird metaphors or random words instead of cussing. Hates pop music but sometimes gets it stuck in his head anyway since it plays in the background of his salon. The salon was opened by his grandma, then passed down to his mother, and now passed down to Geo. Fully fluent in Vietnamese. Why? So he could hear what the manicurists are talking about.
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